Copyright and Trademarks used within this site
The entire tdxlibrary.org web site and any software originating from the tdxlibrary.org web site are protected
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The reproduction of any material from this site for the purpose of redistribution is expressly prohibited,
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All software originating from tdxlibrary.org is supplied "as is" and is governed by the terms of the
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Any actions not in accordance with the above terms and conditions is a violation of copyright law.
Borland, Borland C++ Builder, CBuilder, etc. are either trademarks or registered trademarks of
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DirectX, DirectDraw, DirectSound, DirectInput, DirectPlay, DirectSetup, Direct3D, DirectShow,
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tdxlibrary.org (BCB-Tools.com) is in no way related to Borland International Corporation (Borland),
but consists of independant programmers and interested parties who have spent time
developing excellent products that supply much value-added functionality to Borland's
"Borland C++ Builder(tm)" rapid application development programming environment.
tdxlibrary.org has always attempted to abide by best practice when approaching things such
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Please note that long before we began this venture, we inquired and our development plans
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