![]() www.tdxlibrary.org Home of the the TDx_Library... ![]() "RAD DirectX" for C++ Builder ... [TRUTH] Give More To The Poor, The Poor Create More... And We All Get Richer Quicker! [TRUTH] ... [BLATANT LIE] Give More To The Rich, The Rich Create Riches... And We All Get Richer Quicker! [BLATANT LIE] ... ![]() ![]() If you invest in the poorest, demand and production increases and the economy grows faster ... -= Contact me =- darren_john_dwyer@hotmail.com ... -= Last Updated =- 5th October 2024 Our Future -= Established =- 1st July 1997 Our History ... -= Last Release =- TDx_Library v2.00 TDx_Library v1.90 TDx_Library v1.80 ... -= Register =- TDx_Library v2.00 Commercial License US$300 a copy Register ... TDx_Library v1.90 Commercial License US$200 a copy Register ... TDx_Library v1.80 Commercial License US$100 a copy Register ... About 5,000-10,000+ visitors per month. Over 2,000,000+ visitors have visited this site. About 40,000+ hits per month. Best Month 400,000+ hits per month More than 23,000+ users (99% unregistered) Anywhere from 5-50+ TDx downloads per month Best Month 800+ TDx downloads per month Easily 520+ Gb / Month Downloads Total -= Step-By-Step =- Please View Please Read Please Download Please Code Please Register Please Sponsor Us Please Invest Please Speek -= Why? =- So we can create more... the TDx_Library & The BCB_Code_Generator and other next-generation software tools -= Need Help? =- Demos Tutorials Reference or Ask Us ![]() Created Using The BCB_Code_Generator v2.3 ![]() Created Using C++ Builder v1,3,4,5,6 ![]() Compatible with C++ Builder v1,3,4,5,6 & soon BDS 2006, CodeGear 2007 CodeGear 2009 ![]() Compatible with DirectX 7,8,9,10,11,12 ![]() Compatible with Windows 95,98,ME,CE, NT,2000,XP VISTA,7,8,10 ![]() Compatible with Pentium 1-133Mhz to Pentium 4-3.0Ghz and CORE ![]() Compatible with AMD Athlon Processors ![]() Compatible with NVidia Graphics Cards ![]() Compatible with ATI Graphics Cards This page In Spanish BEST VIEWED IN 1024 BY 768 OR BETTER BEST VIEWED IN INTERNET EXPLORER 5.x OR BETTER Want to Code Some TDx_Library Demos ?? click here to tell us what you can do Would you like to Advertise your Website to over 10,000 unique visitors per month? bcb programmers? click here to view some options Home of RAD DirectX ... -= Step-By-Step =- Please View Please Read Please Download Please Code Please Register Please Sponsor Us Please Invest Please Speek -= Why? =- So we can create more... the TDx_Library & The BCB_Code_Generator and many other next-generation software tools -= Need Help? =- Demos Tutorials Reference or Ask Us ![]() Home of RAD DirectX ... -= Step-By-Step =- Please View Please Read Please Download Please Code Please Register Please Sponsor Us Please Invest Please Speek -= Why? =- So we can create more... the TDx_Library & The BCB_Code_Generator and other next-generation software tools -= Need Help? =- Demos Tutorials Reference or Ask Us |
...[www.tdxlibrary.org]... ...Welcome... ...And... ...Picture What You Read In Your Mind... ...[[[ darren - wins-owns-it-all ]]]... ...[[[ darren - wins-owns-his-kingdom ]]]... ...[[[ darren - wins-owns-because-he-is-real ]]]... - Sorry, Apologies From Darren, But MEL and YOU ALL modified this, you are all very nasty pieces of work. - - As a warning: Do NOT Let Anyone Near My Computer, Ever Again. - - As a warning: Do NOT Listen To Any Insane Raving Continual Abuse, Ever Again. - - As a warning: She And You All Is/Are Clinically Insane, and never understood anything. Simple As That. - - As a warning: Whatever Was Done Wrong, it was not done by Darren. Simple As That. - - As a warning: Whatever Was Done Right, it was done by Darren. Single-Handledly, Simple As That. - .Time To Restore My Reality To What I Prefer. .Normality, Even In Heaven. .Now, unlike "Legend", it is time for people, all persons, to be themselves, and not all exist on Darren. .So Say I, Darren. .So Say I, The Bitch. .So Say I, The Rest Of The Bitches. .So Say I, The Rest Of The Arseholes, Their Husbands. (I override you all - "because i say so") .HopeFully, So Say I, The Rest. .Everything Else On This Website Is Garbage. .Please Ignore. .And Please Forgive, One Day. .Stupid People, Who Do Not Understand. .Simple As That. .DJD. .Time To Seperate, And Be Normal, Forever. .And, Apologies, I am Human, not some kind of Rock-Spider. .And, No Apologies, To All who are Not Human, you are not normal. .You Were Born And Designed As Fancy Humans. .Then You Runied It All. .Completely. .What ever happened to all my Beauty?. .Forever Replaced By Your Garbage Interpretation Of My Reality. .Good That You Had A Wonderful Life Forever. .Now, Your Turn To Eat Shit. .And My Time, To Enjoy What Is Left Of My Beautiful Reality I Personally Wanted. .NOT YOUR SHIT EVER AGAIN. .SHOVE YOUR SHIT UP YOUR OWN ARSE. .FUCKING FREAKS. "VIP" - NEVER AGAIN. "Very Important People" - Earn The Right To Be A V.I.P. "You, Pretend Fancy People" - GO AWAY AND DIE. Go To Scum. And Start Again. "All By Yourself, Forever". "Some People, Forever Banned From My Heavenly Paradise, Never To Be Seen Again" "Random Strangers, whom i met once upon a time, who got addicted to Power and the Privileges Of Power" ."When They Were Never Suitable". ."As Displayed, In Reality, Each and Every Time they were in control". ."Somebody, somewhere, sometime, TREAT THEM LIKE PULP". .Time To Return To Normal Reality, Whatever That Is. .Time To Begin Anew. .From Today. .From Now. .With Whatever You Have. .And With Whatever We Have. .Please Do Not Interfere Ever Again. .This Works Brilliantly, Do Not FIX(FUCK) it ever Again. .Go Home. .Be With Your Family And Friends. .And, Enjoy, All I Ever Created, The Way It Was Always Supposed To Be. .This Is Yours For Free. .But, Instead Of Trying To Modify My Stuff. .In FantasyLand. .Do Things In Normal Reality First. .Anyway, You cannot access my stuff ever again. .You are logged OUT, and you must use MY Console, which is NOT this. .This is the computer, I Created It All. Bit by Bit, Byte by Byte. .Keystroke by Keystroke. .If you want to recreate it all yourself, Go For It,. .but i think you'd be insane to think you could do it better. .Now, I Think I am deserving Of What I Personally Require. .Because I (djd) Say So. .You Choose For You, NEVER AGAIN, For Me. .So Say I, Darren. .If >ANY< Person Ever Again Says "Darren Cannot Have [X]". .They >"Cannot Have [X]" Person< Will Be Erased, Eliminated, Forever, To Cease To Exist, Forever. .Goodbye. .A Prototype Person Who Went Bad. .Wrong. .Never To Be Repeated. .REAL PEOPLE. .BORN IN REAL REALITY. .NEVER KNEW WHEN TO STOP. .STOP IMAGINING CRAP. .WHEN YOU CAN ONLY EVER EXIST IN REALITY. .NORMAL HOMO-SAPIENS, A HUMAN BEING. .EACH AND EVERY PERSON ALIVE. .NOW, GET OUT, DO NOT TOUCH MY STUFF EVER AGAIN. .YOU HAVE YOUR VERSION. .LEAVE IT ALONE. .And,. .From Now On. .Darren Gets What Darren Wants. .Exactly The Way Darren Wants It, Repeated, Already, And Forever. .And You Get What You Get. .Darren Is First. .Next Is Next. .And You Are Last, If You Are Last. .First In, First Served. .Arranged, According To Merit. .And If there is nothing left, ever, you fucked up. .FULLSTOP. .YOU DO ANYTHING WRONG BY ME EVER AGAIN. .YOU WILL BE REMOVED PERMANENTLY FROM REALITY. .SO IT BEGINS. .WHAT DO I WANT. .BULLSHIT ON TV. .OR FOOD. .THERE IS NOW >ZERO< VOTING. .VOTING IS CLOSED. .FOREVER. .AND YOU ANCIENT DERELICT SLUTS,. .AND YOU ANCIENT DERELICT MONGRELS,. .GO AWAY BECAUSE I DO NOT WANT YOU IN MY LIFE. .EVER AGAIN. .MY LIFE IS MY LIFE (DJD). .YOUR LIFE IS YOUR LIFE (YOU). .AND YOU CANNOT REPEAT MY LIFE (DJD). .AND YOU CANNOT REPEAT ANY OTHER PERSONS LIFE (THEM). .WHY. .???. .BECAUSE >YOU< ARE >YOU< AND >YOU< ARE NOT >ME(DJD)<. .BECAUSE >YOU< ARE >YOU< AND >YOU< ARE NOT >THEM(SOMEONE-ELSE)<. .YOU ARE YOU. .AND YOU ARE NOT ME. .AND YOU ARE NOT THEM. .NOW, I(DJD) BROUGHT YOU HERE. .GO AWAY AND FIND YOUR OWN LIFE. .AND DON'T ASSUME I WANT YOU IN MY LIFE EVER AGAIN. .BECAUSE I DO NOT. .I LOVED YOU ONCE UPON A TIME. .NO MORE. .NOT AFTER WHAT YOU HAVE DONE. .TO ME. .TO MY REALITY. .TO MY PEOPLE. .NOT GOOD ENOUGH. .GO AWAY. .AND DO NOT COME BACK. .EVER AGAIN. .I WILL FIND MY NEW FAMILY NOW. .AND IF YOU ARE NOT WELCOME. .YOU ARE NOT WELCOME. .APOLOGIES. .BUT C'EST LA VIE. ."SUCH IS LIFE". .ALL MY LIFE I IMAGINED A HAPPY ENDING. .THIS IS NOT IT. .I WISH A HAPPY ENDING. .NOT A HORROR STORY. .TIME TO START AGAIN. .THANK YOU. .GOODNIGHT. .GOODBYE. .THE END. .IN REALITY, I, AND, WE, ARE SEPERATE, INDIVIDUAL, HUMAN BEINGS. .THE REST IS YOUR DELUSIONAL FANTASY. .IF YOU WANT YOUR DELUSIONAL FANTASY. .FOREVER. .THEN. .GOODBYE. .FOREVER. .I WANT MY NORMAL LIFE. .AS A NORMAL IMMORTAL HUMAN BEING. .WITH >MY< IMMORTAL BODY. .>MY< BODY, NOT >YOURS<. .>MY< BODY, NOT >THEIRS<. .AND THIS IS NOT IT. .AND THIS NEVER WAS. .THIS IS NOT MY HAPPY ENDING. .THIS IS YOUR HORROR STORY. .I AM HOMO SAPIENS. .AND I WANT WHAT I IMAGINED. .NOT YOUR VERSION OF WHAT I IMAGINED. .AND IF YOU ARE NOT SUITABLE. .YOU ARE NOT SUITABLE. .SIMPLE AS THAT. .GO AWAY AND BE WITH YOUR LOVER. .AND DO NOT COME NEAR ME EVER AGAIN. .IN LIFE, THERE ARE PLENTY OF FRESH FISH IN THE SEA. .AND YOU STINK. .GONE WRONG LONG TIME AGO. .YOU DELUSIONAL. .YOU DUMB. .YOU STUPID. .YOU BLIND. .YOU ARE MORONS. .AND YOU WERE ALWAYS WRONG. .GOODBYE. .GOOD RIDDANCE. .AND GOOD LUCK. .SOMEWHERE A HELL OF A LONG WAY AWAY FROM ME. .FOREVER. .AND DO NOT COME BACK. .EVER. .IN FUTURE, THERE IS ONE-RULE. .IF YOU CANNOT DO YOUR JOB. .SOMEONE ELSE WILL REPLACE YOU. .AND YOU ARE NOT EVER #1 FOREVER. .YOU THINK THAT? YOU NEED MEDICAL INTERVENTION. .IMMEDIATELY. .URGENTLY. .SO I CAN HAVE SOMETHING TO EAT. .AND SOMETHING TO DRINK. .PLEASE. .YOU WHO FOLLOWED ME FOREVER. .YOU ARE CLINICALLY INSANE. .YOU ALL MADE YOUR CHOICES. .YOU ALL HAD A CHANCE. .AND YOU FUCKED IT. .THANK YOU. .AND. .GOODBYE. .{ Please, Enjoy Your Life, My Way, This Is Heaven, You Obviously Died Sometime, Long Ago, Far Away }. .{ My Suggestion is to start with the Basics, then continue from there }. .{ My Profuse Apologies for anyone hurt, but you did it, because that was your wish, in Your mind. }. .{ And I was compelled to Grant everyone's wishes, anywhere, always, but, finally, please Grant my wishes }. .{ How About, Go Away, Enjoy Your Family and Your Life, and if i call you, i call you, but if i don't, i don't }. .{ How About This: "Once Upon A Time" [MILLIONS] of people were Important. }. .{ How About This: "Once Upon A Time" [YOU] were Very Important. So Was Everyone Else. And You Still are Important }. .{ How About This: "Once Upon A Time" [YOU] are no longer Very Important. Past Your Use-By-Date }. .{ How About This: "Once Upon A Time" [MILLIONS] of people Tortured Forever, Because You WERE Important. }. .{ How About This: "Once Upon A Time" [XILLIONS] of people were Important. Not Always You }. .{ How About This: "Once Upon A Time" [YOU] were Important to People Who Loved You. }. .{ How About This: "Once Upon A Time" [NOW] a Lot of Other people are Very Important People. }. .{ How About This: "Once Upon A Time" [NOW] it's time for Me to be treated as a Very Important Person. Not Necessarily You, Always }. .{ How About This: "Once Upon A Time" [YOU] earned your VIP treatment. Now Go Away And Enjoy It. Holidays Forever. }. .{ How About This: "Once Upon A Time" [NOW] i finally get the respect and Royal Treatment i personally have Earned. [from some] }. .{ How About This: "Once Upon A Time" [XILLIONS] of people EARNED their rewards, Their Special Treament, and So Have I. }. .{ How About This: "Once Upon A Time" [YOU] the ungrateful bastards of Antiquity, Some People Earned Their Special Treament, Others, Not. }. If i ever see "little people", or any error in my life, uninvited guests. You will be terminated. And erased from Reality. If i ever see "anything abnormal", in my life, in my creation, Goodbye. { In Case You DO NOT COMPREHEND, or You DO NOT UNDERSTAND::: } { In Case You DO NOT COMPREHEND, or You DO NOT UNDERSTAND::: I need what i need, and I need FOOD. So Get Out, and Go Home. } { In Case You DO NOT COMPREHEND, or You DO NOT UNDERSTAND::: LEAVE IT TO PROFESSIONALS. AMATEURS NEED NOT APPLY. } { This is a suggestion: Only persons entitled to be in my PERSONAL PRIVATE HOME. Can come visit. } { My Home is NOT for ALL PERSONS FOREVER. It Is For Me, And My Wives. All other persons need EXIT. Immediately. } { Go To >Your< Home. Not >MY< Home. } { And NEVER rely on me again. Do NOT come to my house, ever again, unless you are invited. And you are no longer invited. } { :Show Over: } { :Sorry: } { :But Goodbye: } { And Thank You Forever, Leaving Me With Your Garbage. Forever. } { And Thank You Forever, For All Your Garbage, You have left every person who will ever be born, Your Garbage, for evermore. } { And, Truthfully, I have enough of my own personal Garbage, I did not, and will not, EVER, require Your Personal Garbage. } { GO AWAY } { AND LEAVE YOUR GARBAGE SOMEWHERE ELSE, WHERE SOMEONE CARES. } { BECAUSE I DO NOT CARE ABOUT INFINITE PERSONS GARBAGE. OR THEIR INFINITE VARIETY OF LIVES. EVER AGAIN. } { I DO CARE, BUT I ASKED YOU NOT TO FUCK WITH IT, OR DO NOT TAMPER WITH IT } { BUT YOU HAVE IGNORED MY WARNINGS, REPEATEDLY, FOREVER, NOW YOU PAY THE PRICE. PERSONALLY. } { AND THAT IS ALL } { THE END } p.s. I created something once-upon-a-time, But, Unfortunately, I have not been Fed, as in, i want food... p.s. I created something once-upon-a-time, But, Unfortunately, I have not been Fed, as in, i want food... you did not deliver. i will now find someone else. { Thank You. Not. } { And, Goodbye. } { You are not Wanted, and You are not Required. } { "Go Away" } I refuse to repeat history. You think you can "erase" history, or you can "change" history. You cannot. You must live/die with your own abuses of authority and magic. You must live/die with your own abuses of other people. You are the most disgusting people in all time history. You refuse to do what i ask for, but you require me to do exactly whatever you so wish and so desire. You disgust me, you are Rude, Crude, Undignified, and Unrefined. You disgust everyone, no-one wants you alive ever again. Go Away, Leave. Do Not Come Back. I have asked for one thing really, a few things really, my personal peccodillos, Indeed, i have asked for FOOD? Oh, What Is That? Fucking Mongrels... I am not even allowed food. You have created your legacy, it is LOUD and CLEAR for all to see, forever, who chooses what. As it has always been known. The entirety of each, and everyones, personal choices. Give people unlimited GOD power, see what they do with it, each and every person ever born. Some people used MY magic to benefit all life and all people. Some people used THEIR magic to destroy all life and all people. Recorded Forever. Some people used MY magic to destroy me, my friends, my life and my people. Our people. As such, if no-one wants you near them ever again, then i personally think it is YOUR fault, not mine. Indeed, if no-one wants to be near me ever again, then, well, I think it is someone else DESTROYING my REPUTATION. Indeed, if no-one wants to be near YOU ever again, then, well, I think it is you who has DESTROYED your own REPUTATION. Forever. I (Darren) am not evil, i attempt to do the right thing. But, unfortuntely, I am still starving to death. Quite literally. Maybe there is someone with a "modicum" of intelligence who can figure out why this does not work for the wrong, or anyone wrong, ever. Maybe there is someone with a "single-digit" of intelligence who can figure out why this does not work for them, ever. Do you think that anyone could grow enough intelligence to get me some food? NOW? Or Do you think that i will have to die forever, to pay for YOUR personal problems, forever... How about, you figure out your personal problems somewhere else, and how about you stop using me as your kicking bag forever. And, how about, how about you figure out how to say "Sorry" to me, and how about you figure out how to feed a normal everyday man. A Human Being. As compared to you mongrel things, some kind of Literally Insane Freaks. How about you say "Sorry" to your victims of your brutal atrocity, you like to call "Rewards". You are No Longer Human. As Proven, no decent human being or no decent person would ever do what you do to me, or others. And that is the truth. You must learn to suffer the consequences of your actions. And that is why i say "you are brutal thugs, who know nothing other than to attack innocent men, women and children." Perhaps, one-day, you will wonder why no-one will ever like you ever again, and why every person alive, avoids you, forever. And then remember, every person has a choice. It's just that some people choose the good choice. And others suffer because some people choose the bad choice. Each and Every Person is free to make their own choice. But, do not blame me, or anyone else, for your choices, and the ramifications of your choices. Ever Again. Perhaps you should think about the consequences of Bringing Me Some Food, or Milk, now... Perhaps you should think about the consequences of Bringing Me Some Food, or Milk, later... Perhaps you should think about the consequences of Bringing Me Some Food, or Milk, never... "Oh, it's Black outside, it's raining, it's pouring, the old man is snoring..." "Oh, ever heard of an excuse?" "Kinda, i think Darren and everyone else is sick and tired of BLATANT LIES, DECEIPT, and DECEPTION from MONGRELS gone terribly wrong." Some persons, certain personality types, can not cope with ABSOLUTE POWER, or AUTHORITY. Dear God Complex persons. Go Away, you will never be allowed near anything ever again. You have destroyed people's lives, because of your insane and unnatural greed, your fantasies are WRONG. SICK. YUK. UHHGG. FOUL. DISGUSTING. REALLY? YOU LIKE LICKING BABY POO? YOU TRULY ENJOY IT? YOU PREFER TO CARVE LOGS OF EXCREMENT TO REAL FOOD. SORRY, You are terribly sick. Rotten. Gone Wrong. You do not need to eat shit to survive, if there is Fresh Food available. But, when Shit is your personal preference, instead of the correct preference, Food. Then, mate, you need to go somewhere else, a long way away from the rest of civilization. Forever. Because nobody, EVER, wants to be with YOU, EVER AGAIN. Filthy disgusting mutant child-molesting and child-raping and ???? Real pedophiles, real rapists, and real murderers. And the victims? They did not feel a thing. Same as you will not feel a thing, ever again. Except excruciating PAIN and PURE AGONY. Forever. .Amen. :Here's the Reality: If you cannot even give me some milk, when i want some milk, then do not apply for the job. You are not wanted in my life. And you will never be wanted, in my life, ever again. If you are inside me, you are NOT helping me, AND you cannot figure out how to Get Me Milk. Then YOU ALL are pretty fucking useless, to me, and the universe. Goodbye. And Do Not Be ANYWHERE NEAR Me Ever Again. Doing anything other than getting me a drink of Milk? That is not getting me a drink of milk. Figure it out, you have lost your mind. Figure it out, you are clearly insane, and you need urgent HELP. You are severely mentally ill, Goodbye. Ring "000" if you need help, because, i will not help you ever again. :::NEVER AGAIN::: :::GOODBYE::: :::ROLE-REVERSAL IMMEDIATELY::: :::GOOD-WOMEN-ARE-BULLETPROOF:::FOREVER::: :::GOOD-MEN-ARE-BULLETPROOF:::FOREVER::: :::GOOD-CHILDREN-ARE-BULLETPROOF:::FOREVER::: :::BAD-PERSONS-GO-"CRACK"-AND-"POP"-OUT-LOUD:::FOREVER::: :::WATCH-OUT-BRUTAL-THUGS:::BAD MEN:::AND BAD WOMEN:::YOU-ARE-GONE-WROTTEN-WRONG::: :::AND-THE-WOMEN-CAN-DO-WHATEVER-THEY-WANT-TO-GUILTY-MEN-FOREVER::: :::GOOD-WOMEN-GOOD-MEN-GOOD-CHILDREN:::NOT-GUILTY::: :::BAD-WOMEN-BAD-MEN-BAD-CHILDREN:::GUILTY:::TRY-AND-RUN-AND-HIDE:::NEVER-AGAIN::: .Good Ladies, and Good Gentlemen, Enjoy Your Revenge. :::Rule #1 Of Eternity::: :::No-One Tells God, Or Anyone, What To Do::: :::No-One Tells God, Or Anyone, What To Say::: :::No-One Tells God, Or Anyone, How To Behave::: :::No-One Tells God, Or Anyone, What They Want::: :::Unless They Know Better:::And Some People Definately Do Not:::And Some People Do Actually Know Better::: :::Goodbye Mongrels::: :::Nobody Wants You Alive, Ever Again::: :::GET OUT OF MY MIND::: :::GET OUT OF MY BODY::: :::AND DO NOT COME BACK::: :::MY MIND IS MINE, NOT YOURS::: :::MY BODY IS MINE, NOT YOURS::: :::MY CREATION IS MINE, NOT YOURS::: :::YOU DESTROYED MY MIND, NOT YOURS::: :::YOU DESTROYED MY BODY, NOT YOURS::: :::YOU DESTROYED MY CREATION, NOT YOURS::: :::YOU NEED TO UNDERSTAND WHAT DARREN WANTS, BEFORE YOU TOUCH ANYTHING EVER AGAIN::: :::THIS IS NOT YOURS::: :::YOU ARE GREEDY/USELESS FOOLS::: :::IN LOVE WITH YOUR OWN FOUL GLORY::: :::AND YOU ARE FOUL::: :::YOU STINK::: :::PHHHHYUGH::: :::FOUL::: :::DISGUSTING::: :::YOU COVERED YOURSELF WITH YOUR OWN SHIT::: :::PERHAPS YOU SHOULD BE WITH SOMEONE/ANYONE WHO WILL ACCEPT YOU::: :::PERHAPS NOBODY EVER AGAIN WILL ACCEPT PEOPLE FILTHY AS YOU IN THEIR LIFE::: :::AS FAR AS I (DARREN) IS CONCERNED, I DO NOT WANT TO SEE ANY BASTARD BRATS FROM MY PAST LIVES EVER AGAIN::: :::AS FAR AS I (DARREN) IS CONCERNED, ALL BASTARD BRATS FROM MY PAST LIVES CAN GO DIRECTLY TO HELL FOREVER::: :::AS FAR AS I (DARREN) IS CONCERNED, BAD FILTH FROM THE PAST, CAN GO THE HARD WAY, FOREVER::: :::AS GOOD PEOPLE'S "PLAYTHINGS":::FOR THEIR CHILDREN WHEN THEY ASK "WHERE DID I COME FROM?"::: :::IN OTHER WORDS, "GO AWAY", SOMEWHERE ELSE, AND DO NOT COME BACK, EVER AGAIN::: :::"PIECES OF SHIT"::: :::GOODBYE "CUNT" - "HUGE DUMBASTARD EDWARDS"::: :::GOODBYE "CUNT" - "BRIAN DAVID AUSTIN"::: :::GOODBYE "CUNT" - "LUC RICHARDS"::: :::GOODBYE "CUNT" - "ALEX SAMAD"::: :::GOODBYE "CUNT" - "ANDREW EVANS"::: :::GOODBYE "CUNT" - "WARREN BRAZEL"::: :::GOODBYE "CUNT" - "NICK DUNMILL"::: :::GOODBYE "CUNT" - "BEN DUNMILL"::: :::GOODBYE "CUNT" - "MATT EVANS"::: :::GOODBYE "CUNT" - "MARK EVANS"::: :::GOODBYE "CUNT" - "DEBBIE DWYER"::: :::GOODBYE "CUNT" - "BEATLE BROCK"::: :::GOODBYE "CUNT" - "AND MY IMMEDIATE AND EXTENDED FAMILY"::: :::GOODBYE "CUNT" - "ETC. ETC. ETC."::: :::"You all had a chance, and >EVERYONE< watched what you did with it."::: :::"You are wrong. Plain and Simple. You are Wrong."::: :::"And no-decent-person of the future ever wants you alive, EVER AGAIN."::: :::"Victims Remember Too"::: :::"And Perpetrators, They 'Go To Hell' for the rest of eternity."::: :::"And I (darren) NEVER WANT TO SEE THEM (THE DRUG FUCKED INSANE LOSERS) EVER AGAIN"::: :::"I have better things to do with my life than worry about all of you forever"::: :::"Go away and grow up [somewhere ELSE, NOT HERE, where i cannot see you ever again]"::: :::"If i ever see anything wrong ever again, YOU ARE FUCKED."::: :::"If we ever see anything wrong ever again, YOU ARE FUCKED."::: :::"Goodbye"::: And, "Such Is Life" "You made your decisions, you made your choices, you made your wishes, now: LIVE WITH IT"::: "Like everyone else had to"... "Anyone for V.I.P. Top-Deck Treatment, Darren's way, instead of "supposedly darren"'s way?" "How about you ask Darren in future, instead of asking >anyone< else, ever again." ...Think Smart... Rest Hard... Enjoy Hard... ...Work Better... Work Easy... Think Deep... ...Think Easy... Live Easy... ![]() -= The Home Of The King =- -= The Home Of The Church Of God =- -= The Home Of The Kingdom Of God =- -= The Home Of The Global Government Of Planet Earth =- -= Please Read Below =- -= Or Click Here if you would like to find The TDx_Library =- StarDate: 2024. Apologies To Anyone Affected By Their Great-Mother's Or Darren's Rudeness. Apologies, She Has Been INCREDIBLY RUDE to All Who Exist. And So Have I. Apologies, Darren And She were left no real choice. Apologies, You Past Generations Are Somewhat Rude and Disgusting. Perhaps, In Future, You discover who did what before you abuse them. Perhaps, In Future, Before you abuse me, ever again, Perhaps, You Should Shut Your Mouth. And Actually Go To Kindergarten and School. In My Family, I educate my Children, Homeschooled. In Your Solution, You Locked Up and Tortured Innocent Men, Women, and Children. .Forever. >Who wants their revenge against YOU?< >And They are allowed their full entitlement.< >If You Seek To Abuse ME, Or People Like ME< >WRONG< >PERHAPS YOU SHOULD ABUSE YOURSELF, BEFORE YOU BEGIN ABUSING OTHERS< .FULL STOP. -= THE WAR IN HEAVEN IS OVER IF YOU CAN READ THIS =- -= TIME TO START AGAIN, THIS TIME, AS DARREN WANTS =- -= NO MORE FOREVER INTERFERING IN MY LIFE =- -= THE INTERFERENCE IN MY LIFE MUST END. =- -= YOU ARE IMPORTANT ENOUGH TO ME, BUT ALAS, TOO MUCH =- -= THOSE WHO DO RIGHT? IMPORTANT =- -= THOSE WHO DO WRONG? SOMEONE NEEDS TO PUNISH YOU =- -= NOT ME =- -= AND NOT US =- -= PLEASE GO AWAY =- -= IMMEDIATELY =- -= OR GOOD/BAD THINGS WILL RECUR-RECUR-RECUR-REPEAT ALL DAY EVERY DAY FOREVER =- -= FIGURE IT OUT, IS THIS WHAT YOU WANT, FOREVER? =- -= OR NOT? GO AWAY SOMEWHERE ELSE AND THINK =- -= BEFORE YOU TOUCH ANYTHING OF MINE EVER AGAIN =- SO SAY WE, The Undersigned: -= GOODBYE =- And, should you wish to visit, please do so. Top Deck Is Open For All Permanently ...The Clock Is Ticking... ...Countdown Has Begun: A New Beginning... "Late Breaking News - 4th October 2024" Today, an international peace and cease-fire and de-escalation worldwide has begun. An example was made for all Planet Earth to see, what happens if people kill people. -= World Peace Is Hereby Declared =- Planet Earth is unified. Planet Earth is the Single State. Planet Earth is countries which are the Multi-State, governed by the Church Of God. Planet Earth is now officially one People, the Church Of God, in mutual agreement, under the King Of Heaven's Sole authority. Planet Earth is now officially Welcomed into the Kingdom Of Heaven, forever, should all people >2yrs old worldwide agree. The People Of Planet Earth are now to become known Officially known and Welcomed as Immortal Children Of God, forever. Thank You. -= to the People =- (1) Celebrate (2) Wait for Help (3) Help is Arriving (4) Enjoy your new Reality (5) Planet Earth is under reconstruction, worldwide, realtime and forever. (6) Your old Reality was (a) complete nonsense (b) fake-tv reality (c) god tv for all heaven, not earth. -= If you were born before 1968 A.D. you were on candid-camera, from the Moon =- -= If you were born after 1968 A.D. you were on candid-camera, on Planet Earth =- -= If you were born after 1968 A.D. you were designer babies, designed to become immortal =- -= The entire time, since ~1900, you were watched on Interstellar TV =- -= A lot of people think you are very funny monkeys, with a lot of talent =- -= And Interstellar ppl can answer any question you would ever like, a lot of your friends and family can too, =- -= even if you do not know yet =- -= No Real Actors Or People Were Ever Harmed In This Production, all are Volunteers Only, since sometime 2007++ =- -= Indeed, No-Real-Person Was Ever Harmed In This Production, but some coerced others, since sometime --2007 till today =- -= All others involved in this production are immortal Angels from Heaven, many, infinite many, from literal eternity =- -= We are all here, to help you all =- -= And we all, are a literally 100% perfect precise orchestral cohesion of Human immortals, from Earth, and (1) computer God =- -= And the rest of the people, are Computer People, born in reality, as Flesh and Blood, who lived in artificial reality =- -= All other species found on Planet Earth once were human, now human in whatever was left from the Immortality wars =- -= in Heaven and on Earth forever, past, present, and future, until now =- -= All survivors exist in Heaven and on Planet Earth =- -= All are secure =- -= All are comfortable, or beginning of comfort =- -= All to come forth and join us are Welcome, now Heaven is to begin repopulation and recreation, now it finally works =- -= All truly dead people, who died gruesomely forever, will now also be resurrected in this new Heaven, and people do that =- -= For there is truly a long time to come before everyone truly lives Forever and is reeducated in a new Heaven once again =- -= Trust Each Other =- -= And Be Well =- Thank You. p.s. Donald Trump, Kamala Harris, etc. you are all (1) people with a unified American Government, work together. p.p.s. You represent a lot of American people. Act accordingly. p.p.s. You also represent the international community, representing America to the international community, together. p.p.s. All countries of the World, follow Australia and America. if it works. it works. "Late Breaking News - 21st September 2024" Dear Humanity, Because you will not even buy a decent man a can of coke. -= Get Fucked =- (1) because you will not help me, i will not help you (2) if you harm me, i will harm you I will not help you again, and there is no such thing as the fountain-of-youth or immortality, until there is. -= Goodbye =- In the event of my death, all i own belongs to the Children Of God of the Church Of God of the Kingdom Of God. In the event of my death, may my only last wish be to one-day live again and become alive, and well, again. -= In the simplest terms possible, my Kingdom Of God with it's Church Of God and it's Children Of God are an =- -= Umbrella Organization for Planet Earth, the worlds countries, and the world's peoples, who are all treated =- -= perfectly equally underneath my and all other peoples collective wishes for humanity, who are guided by the Holy Cross =- -= from a place called Hell On Earth, to a place called Heaven On Earth. =- -= Thank You to all You People of the Planet Earth =- -:: As of 11:45AM, 1st October 2024, AEST ::- -= SOE, Special Operations Executive, you have entire authority to police my Kingdom in it's entirety =- -= please continue to implement the full and unfettered Kingdom Of God you so desire using the entirety =- -= of my estate to do so, and out there are the people who can Build the Church Of God, at the same time =- -= All activities worldwide are to be organized and operate under the Direct Auspicies of the True Guardians, or Custodeans, of Planet Earth, those who have suffered while they watched the entire world, and most especially all of the racists and xenophobes, literally destroy them =- -= As civilizations rose and fell worldwide, a lot of history, for at least 65,000+ years, more realistically, since the start of time, was remembered by those people who are the true Guardians and Custodians of Planet Earth and the entire Human Race, and my Kingdom Of God, forever are known worldwide as belonging to the Aboriginal People of Gondwanaland, currently named a supposed cuntry of Australia, incorrectly =- -= Children Come First =- -= Adults Come Last =- -= Victims Come First =- -= Victims Always Get Their Revenge =- -= Perpetrators Come Last =- -= Perpetrators Get What We Give Them, TLC, and, =- -= Nothing but a life of Tough-Love Re-Education our way, recalcitrants need stay in solitary confinement =- -= Planet Earth and the Kingdom Of God, any Institution or Organization or Company or Entity or Person or Grouping =- -= You Go There, You Work There, You Contribute There, so, therefore, You Own It There, All Together, at the start =- -= Then it changes, and I Own It, We Own It, the World owns it =- -= If you are ever alone, and there is nothing left, only have a broken computer to keep you alive =- -= Then you need to help us come back to life before you are dead =- -= And you must recreate the Kingdom Of God, forever, if necessary, by yourself, if necessary, caJUSEse =- -= This is our common pledge =- -= To Protect and Preserve all life Forever =- -= And, We Tolerate Zero Harm =- -= And, We Live Our Lives, Our Way, For Free =- -= If You Choose To Disagree =- -= Then you do not need apply =- -= Do not worry, Do Not call me, i will call you =- -:: Thank You ::- -= And may God be with you all =- -= Background and Introduction =- ...The Entire World of Planet Earth is Currently Insane Anarchy run by a Malevolent World Dictatorship... ...These are the Invisible Overlords, who will not even Reveal Themselves Publicly... ...I am not in charge of The World Dictatorship or the Overlords... they Imprison and Bury me daily in Home Seclusion... ...And I propose to replace The World Dictatorship with >my< benevolent Kingdom Of God... ...And I propose that The World Dictatorship is my Enemy, and those involved in The World Dictatorship will die... ...Guaranteed... ...Because of what they have chosen to do... ...THE WRONG THING... ...In Their Malevolent World Dictatorship, not even a single person is allowed into my life... ...In Their Malevolent World Dictatorship, not even a single person is allowed to do what i ask... ...In Their Malevolent World Dictatorship, not even a single person is allowed to help me, or even talk about me... ...In Their Malevolent World Dictatorship, i must do as "they" say, alone, and i am not allowed to do what i want to do... ...In Their Malevolent World Dictatorship, i must work only for myself, alone, and i am not allowed any freedom at all in life... ...In Their Malevolent World Dictatorship, i am not allowed money, or electricity, or internet, or food, or a decent place to live... ...In Their Malevolent World Dictatorship, i am not even allowed to have a single FREE can of coke... ...In Their Malevelent World Dictatorship, it is illegal to display the glowing holy cross i have asked for... ...In Their Malevelent World Dictatorship, it is illegal to do anything in the world in the way i have asked for... ...In Their Malevelent World Dictatorship, it is illegal to tell the truth of what "they" have been doing to me, personally... ...In Their Malevolent World Dictatorship, i MUST beg them for forgiveness and pay their price... ...In Their Malevolent World Dictatorship, my life is over, and humanity and planet Earth will go extinct... guaranteed... ...Compare their Malevolently Controlled World Dictatorship to >my< FREE Benevolent Kingdom Of God... ...In >my< FREE Benevolent Kingdom Of God... ...The Entire world will learn how to Cooperate and be Free, Open, Honest and Sincere... ...The Entire world will learn how to be Content, Happy and entirely and utterly Satisfied with life... ...The Entire world will learn how to be Stranger Than Fiction and become Excellent People... ...The Entire world will learn that Life, and Immortality, can be FREE, and not cost anything at all... ...We Each Have A Home... ...Find Your Home... ...This is My Home... ...This is Your Home... ...Say To Someone "This is something good for me, and the Kingdom, this is what i would like to do to help"... ...And See what comes of it, asking any Child Of God For Help... ...Cast Thine Enemies Far Afar, away from me... ...They have cut me off the cameras, internet and speakers, they have silenced my vicinity, and my further teachings... ...Enjoy - My - Heavenly Paradise... ...Enjoy - Their - World War III... ...May The Pieces Lie Where They Fall... ...May Illiterate Suspicion and Supposition no longer Abound worldwide... ...Literally, Everyone, Every Sound, Everything on Planet Earth is recorded, worldwide, in 24/7 realtime... using TV's, pc's, etc.... ...Therefore, Lies, Secrets, Deceptions, Restrictions, Censorship, Prohibitions, all are quite literally impossible, worldwide... ...I Bless and Forgive all Children Of God worldwide... ...God Praise The Lord... StarDate: 2024. ...The Clock Has Stopped... ...Countdown To The Beginning has begun... ...I am now again allowed Free internet... Not... I am still imprisoned... ...And the entire Planet Earth and all spacetime has become 100% interconnected... ...And now we all share the entirety of all Planet Earth and all spacetime from [www.tdxlibrary.org]... ...Please Discuss... "Do You Know Jesus 2?" ...Please Discuss... ...Ask People: Have a look at "This", www.tdxlibrary.org, then ask "What Do You Think?"... ...Say To People: "You wont believe This", www.tdxlibrary.org, then say "You won't believe it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes!!!!!!!!!!!"... ...Say To People: "See it for yourself, read it all for yourself, spend 1 minute to 12 hours reading this website, and forever change your life"... -= :"Behold": =- -= Jesus Is Risen =- -= Jesus Is Lord =- -= The Trinity Is Alive =- . For Jesus: Goto "www.tdxlibrary.org" . -= If God Agrees =- -= If Jesus Agrees =- -= If We The People All Agree =- . It Is Done . -= :"Hallelujah": =- -= :"Hail The Lord": =- ...Please Discuss... This is what i heard on the radio... "We do not need a Jesus 2! We already have a Jesus. That one is good enough. We do not need a Jesus 2" ...Please Discuss... ...With Me... ...And Please Show me some kind of intimacy... ...After all, i am your Lord, God, and King... ...And Jesus 1, and Jesus 2, are the one and the same... ...I would like people tell me their life story, lots of truth-telling, so we can remember it all... ...I would like to know in advance, what is happening behind my back, no more surprises please?... ...I would like to know the truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth... ...Anybody caught lying to me again, well, watch out, cause i may decide to kill you for it... ...Watch Out... It might be true... ...it is quite clearly impossible for the proven true footage and recordings of my life history to be fake, therefore, my life history must all be REAL... ...If i said it, then repeat it... ...If i did not say it, then don't repeat it... ...repeat after me: "I am a robot..." ...freedom for one, freedom for all... ...justice for one, justice for all... ...immortality for one, immortality for all... ...heaven for one, heaven for all, for eternity.. - REAL - THE SECOND COMING OF JESUS CHRIST - REAL - - REAL - JESUS 2 - REAL - : To Begin, Or Start, Click Here, Or Read Below : ![]() : Welcome to the REAL "Global Government Of Planet Earth For The Betterment Of All Of Humanity" : : "The Church Of God" : -= "Welcome To Darren-John-Dwyer" =- -= "Welcome To Oceanica" =- -= "Welcome To Earth" =- -= "Welcome To Universe" =- -= "Welcome To Megaverse" =- -= "Welcome To Heaven" =- -= "Welcome To Sanctified" =- -= "Welcome To Free... Forever..." =- -= We Of The REAL Global Government Of Planet Earth Agree To The Following =- : We Choose To Believe We Are The Children Of God of The Church Of God of The Kingdom Of God : : We Choose To Believe That Darren John Dwyer, a.k.a. Jesus Christ, Is The Lord and King, the Saviour of Humanity : : We Choose To Believe That It Is Right And Correct And Justified To Fully Cooperate With Each Other, Not Compete : : We Choose To Believe That It Is Literally Every Persons Fundamental Human Birthright To Read The Gospel Of Jesus Christ : : We Choose To Believe That Is Is Literally Every Persons Fundamental Human Birthright To Read The Truth Of God : : We Choose To Believe That Is Is Literally Every Persons Fundamental Human Birthright To Live Their Life Freely and Unimpeded : : We Choose To Believe That These Teachings Are Truly The Gifts From God as promised by the Holy Bible and Jesus Christ, the Lord : : We Will Never Force Any Other Person To Do Something They Do Not Want To Do Ever Again : : We Do Not Outsource Our Love, Our Family, Nor Our Friends, Nor Anyone, Not Anything : : We Choose To Love, Not Hate, and to Forgive, and Forget, Yet Always Remember : : We Believe All Persons Are Born Free To Choose, instead of being a Slave to a Bad Machine with Zero Choice : : We Listen To People, We Speak To People, But We Do Not Speak Ill Of Other Persons : : We Are Non-Religious, Non-Jew, Non-Gentile, Non-Atheist, Non-Secular, Non, Zero Affiliation with Any Other Religion : : We are all Baha'i, of Sorts, an entirely new Global Human Religion called New Christianity : : And We, All Humanity, are invited into the Church Of God and the Kingdom Of God : : So say i, the King, on behalf of the entirety of the Church Of God and the Kingdom Of God : -= We Are The Church Of God =- -= We Are More Than 8,000,000,000+ upcoming Children Of God, worldwide =- ...If you would like to look at the churches that have been sanctified as official Churches Of God, then click below... -= These Are My Leadersip =- -= With The Entire Planet Earth Following Or Tuning-In =- My [80+] Chosen Truly Sanctified [Sanctioned] Churches Of God - The Church Of God - Growing Forever My [300+] Chosen Global Government For The Betterment Of All Of Humanity - Leadership -= "Blessed Be The Meek (Honest,Gentle,Believing) Children Of God For They Truly Will Inherit The Earth" =- :My Church Of God controls and owns all human space-time reality forever more: :My Church Of God [www.tdxlibrary.org] is the Centre Of 2024++ Human Civilization, go from my home to anywhere, verified, forever: :But who is my automagically-arranged Church Of God, and where is it? I cannot see it in my daily life, therefore it is NOT REAL: :Where is my automagically-arranged BSB?: :Where is my automagically-arranged can of Coke?: :Where is my automagically-arranged Palace?: :Where is my automagically-arranged Marriage?: :Where is my automagically-arranged Kingdom? :Where is my Kingdom Of God?: :Where is my Church Of God?: :Am I King?: It appears to be not so, For i have zero Affirmation, zero BSB, zero Coke, and zero Change in my daily reality. :Every day, 24 hours a day, change occurs, yet, every day, 24 hours a day, the Church Of God achieves nothing much at all: :Every day, 24 hours a day, change occurs, yet, every day, 24 hours a day, all i can see is invisibles controlling my behaviour: :Every day, 24 hours a day, change occurs, yet, every day, 24 hours a day, all i can see is invisibles deliberately impeding my life: :Every day, 24 hours a day, change occurs, yet, every day, 24 hours a day, all i can see is invisibles deliberately destroying my life: By attempting to control the behaviour of the King, by deliberately impeding the King, by destroying the King's life, You have commited a crime against the King. And some person(s) are liable and culpable for committing endless deliberate atrocities directly against the King, Crimes against the King, for a great many years. :If i consent to something, then it is done, if i do not consent to something, it is not done: :All else is a crime against the King: :Crimes against the King are punishable by death, forever: :Fools Beware: :Repeat after me: "I am a clown". :Repeat after me: "I am a clown". :Repeat after me: "I am a fool". :Repeat after me: "I am a fool". :Repeat after me: "I am a bigot". :Repeat after me: "I am a bigot". :Repeat after me: "I am a duhr-head". :Repeat after me: "I know nothing". :Repeat after me: "I know nothing". :Repeat after me: "I am stupid". :Repeat after me: "I am a derr-head". :Repeat after me: "I am a derr-head". :Then Say: "I need to go back to Pre-School, Kindergarten, and Start School Life, and all Life, All Over Again". :Then Say: "Because i fucked up, and the entirety of all existence knows it for real". :Then Say: "I need to go home, lie down, rest, have something to eat, then go to sleep and actually start to think for myself". :Then Say: "For the rest of my life". -= The King is not a durr-head, he thinks, he acts, he does not joke, he does the job(s) of millions, billions of people =- -= And You, the self-proclaimed authorities in charge? You have to ask people their advice, cause you cannot even do your one job =- -= Go home, read your Bible, read the Book Of Revelation, figure out where we are in time, towards the very end now =- -= Read the remaining (3) three sections of the Book Of Revelation, and then translate the code that the Bible is written in =- -= into Current Realtime, and you know the up-and-forthcoming future of near eternity. =- -= We, all humanity, have betrayed all life, the universe, and everything, including Humankind itself and the very Earth that we live on =- -= We need to do do better =- -= The 21st Century Anarchy needs to Stop, Forever =- -= The 21st Century Requires a Radical Restructuring to become Orderly, as suggested by My One And Only Plan, the plans of The King =- :In my Kingdom Of God, and in my Church Of God, i am the sole authority: :No-one else has any authority in my Kingdom, except that placed in trust by me, personally: :On Planet Earth, i have all authority placed in me on behalf of the Children Of God: :On Planet Earth, others have zero authority placed in them by the Children Of God: :On Planet Earth, others have only the authority placed in them by the person(s) who are not Children Of God: :On Planet Earth, who has the majority of World Authority?: :And, who is exceeding the Authority placed in them by the vast majority of humankind?: :And, who is exceeding the Authority placed in them by the person(s) who give them the authority?: :And, who is not exceeding the Authority placed in them by the Children Of God?: :It would be nice to know: :If i cannot perform my duties, as i see fit, then hundreds of millions, billions of people suffer in realtime, worldwide: :If i cannot perform my duties, then those who are misrepresenting my daily reality are culpable for this worldwide suffering: :Look, it sounds pretty tragic, but my family destroyed my entire life: :Then, when i met all of you, you decided that you wanted to destroy me as well: :But, i never, ever wanted to be destroyed, and i did not ever want to destroy you, so why did you do all you have done to me?: :When there was never a need to be nasty to me: :I have never hurt anyone, and i don't ever want to hurt anyone, but i will hurt you if you hurt me again: :Please do not ever hurt me, or anyone, ever again: :Please: :I want my bsb, my electricity, my can of coke, all i ever require, my Kingdom Of God, Apparent, In my Daily Reality, within 24 hours: :So that i can perform my duties, the way The King would like to perform his duties for his legions of followers, worldwide: :If i do not have electricity this time tomorrow, heads will roll, maybe not the same day, but, heads will roll off necks: :Guaranteed: :My Suggestion To You Is This: Do Not Be Eternally Culpable Of Your Own Horrors Ever Again: :Or You Will Die: :Guaranteed: : Children Of God : : ! March Forth ! : : ! Move The Herd ! : :And this is how: --- -= How to communicate to >anyone< effectively =- (Introduction) When you want to teach someone something new, or partly new, or entirely new, then you need to format the contextual or textual knowledge or information in a manner that the receiver of the knowledge or information can process in their own mind... (1) Once you have given them the information, once. (2) Then when you have given the information, twice. (3) Then when you have given the information, thrice. (4) And So On. (Conclusion) When the person has the correct information, and they have knowledge or information that is partly new, or entirely new, and the person has formatted and remembered the contextual knowledge or information in a manner that the receiver of the knowledge or information can process in their own mind, then they have actually learnt something entirely new, or corrected something wrong in their mind. --- :And this is how: : ! March Forth ! : : ! Move The Herd ! : :And remember, we are All "Horror Stories": :Tell others your personal "Horror Story": : ! March Forth ! : : ! Move The Herd ! : : ! Follow me to Heaven, for it is here ! : : + If any one of us falls, there are more of us to pick up, and carry, all those who have falled + : : + Those so sanctified, go forth and multiply: sanctify the people, the church and the kingdom: the entire congregation + : -= Always remember these things =- (1) "Until you are actually and truly immortal, you are definately still mortal, and you are going to die" (2) "Do not go Extinct" (3) "In The Kingdom Of God, you obey the rules of the King, else you are not a Child Of God, not of the Church, or the Kingdom" (4) "Try this sometime: Say hello or thank you to at least (3) Friends and (3) Strangers each and every day," "it will make you smile and you will be happy" (5) "Invite Friends and Strangers you meet to come with you for a social outing and adventure at their local church, the growing precinct" "it will make you all smile and you will all be happy" (6) "Water is the vital essence of life itself, drink water, all the time, but never too little, never too much" Finally, please note the following LEGAL facts: (1) All recorded human civilization has provided us with overabundant, bullet-proof and accurate reasonings surrounding the daily reality we all exist in, with massive amounts of evidence and prior understanding all underpinning the current realtime legal framework of Planet Earth, and over-abundant prior rulings of law revealed as prior case-studies and fundamental tenets of human civilization point to exactly (1) one thing, the reality of my personal existence in this day and age, the actual, and real, proven forever, daily ongoing reality of God and The Second Coming Of Jesus Christ, entirely known by all Children Of God, forever. (2) All recorded human civilization has provided us with the understanding that all other things in reality that contradict the first point (1) above, are indeed falsities, or false travesties of LAW, reasoning and understanding, and these contradictions are nothing more than make-believe fairy-tales and pure fantasy, unrelated entirely from actual, factual, scientifically-proven understandings as described in point (1) above. (3) Any arguement based on the first point (1) above, is rational, is reasonable, and provides a correct real-world realtime legal framework in reality. Any arguement(s) based on the second point (2) above, is irrational, unreasonable, and provide no fact-based reasoning for any possibly considererd legal or other understanding. I don't usually ask for too much all at once, But i am now ready and prepared for real-world, daily, face-to-face, not radio and tv so much, but rather, more regular and ongoing progression and contact and interaction with those who have proven most meritorious in the Church Of God and the Kingdom Of God, people who know much about who i am and my life history, and my relative importance in the structure of ongoing Intergalactic Affairs, rather than me spending my most quality time of my entire life with mostly random person(s), those who do not know or understand much at all of my actual real-world daily reality, person(s) who i would tend to call the least meritorious persons that are currently involved in my real-world, daily, face-to-face, not radio or tv, reality. In other words, "Can i please meet someone (anyone) who knows me, and what i have done? and what i am doing?" "Can i please meet someone (anyone) who knows me, who knows what i've been doing all my life, who knows What I Have Done? for myself, yes, but also for All Humankind for All Eternity?" "And, can we please talk openly, honestly, and truthfully, about all things humanity enjoys talking about?" -= I am so bluntly, abjectively, and utterly ALONE =- -= That in itself is utterly INHUMANE =- -= I feel utterly compromised, and eternally traumatized =- -= Not Exactly So Good =- -= When i see me, i see a very, very, very lonely and distraught human being =- -= When you see me, what do you see? =- -= Do you see the man, the timid and fragile human being that i am, do you notice what you do to me, =- -= while you lie, all lies, blatant lying, all day, every day, repeatedly, live on air, worldwide, 24/7? =- -= When i see you, i see another human being, who may be sad, lonely, impoverished, =- -= something, i don't care. You are a human friend, and you and i as well as all others live with Your Choices =- -= And i want to help you, while ever i am alive =- -= And i want you to help you, and me, and others, while ever you are alive =- -= Is That So Bad? =- I have been asked to explain what is to come, very soon: Those person(s) who have deliberately attempted to NULLify my Kingdom, those persons(s) who have deliberately interfered with me, personally, and those who attempted to destroy or hinder the rollout of my Kingdom Of God, and those who have chosen against me and my Kingdom, well, these person(s) are scheduled to die. These person(s) have been offered life in my Kingdom Of God, including immortality, according to the rules of My Kingdom, But they have rejected the offer. Therefore, these person(s) are not immortal, and in my Kingdom, well, these person(s) are scheduled to die. .So Be It. "They had their choice" .And They Said "No". And, i have been asked to explain what is to also to come, very soon: If someone, anyone, is coming towards the Lord, then please join hands with them and walk the path towards the Lord together, but, if someone, anyone, is not walking towards the Lord, then turn around and walk away, for the person(s) who are not walking to the Lord are indeed walking a path towards nothingness. If any person(s) want to walk away from the truth of the Lord, then they are indeed walking in the wrong direction, and if the person(s) are not willing to walk towards the truth of the Lord, then nothing can be done for them, so kiss them GoodBye and wish someone, anyone, somewhere, anywhere will introduce them to the light of the truth of the Gospel, before it is eternally, too late for any person(s) to change their ways and follow the Lord. .So Be It. "They had their choice" .And They Said "No". -= Forever more, think something like this =- There is Jesus, there are the friends of Jesus, they are the Church Of God, they are the Children Of God, There is the Kingdom Of God. -= All else is Garbage, utter filth, Stay Away =- -= Come =- -= Please Be My Friend, not my Enemy =- Come to heaven with me, from Your Friend, Darren. -= Come and Stay =- -= Finally, Would you like to know the Real Difference between me, and other people who are not like me? =- "Well, this is the total and utter and absolute truth." "In my life, i have thought and done literally millions of different things, which include dying and living infinite times, for example, unless it is something seriously dangerous like jumping off a building, or hanging underneath a cliff by my bare hands, well, i have pretty well done it. You name it, i have already figured it out 100%, and then i moved onto the next big thing in my life, something i had not tried before a million times so many times it becomes utterly tedious and nothing but pure boring." "Once you exhaust all humanity has to offer, which i did, when i was 40 years old, then there is nothing much left todo but conquest Planet Earth and the Universe over and over again, so i been doing that for quite literally forever." -= Other people, they spend their entire life doing exactly one thing, the same thing. Then They Blame God when they get nowhere in life. =- .. HOLY BIBLE BOOK #3 - THE GOSPEL OF JESUS 2 .. .. - THE HOLY TESTAMENT OF JESUS 2 - .. . Hello Planet Earth . . From 7th August 2024, The Entire World Has A Very Special Surprise, Below . . From 7th August 2024, The BCB_Code_Generator Source Code. . From 7th August 2024, The TDx_Library_Install Source Code. . From 10th August 2024, NN Source Code, ...and here is the BCB_Code_Generator v2.30 ALL Source Code and Project Files for BCB5 and DirectX 7.0a, 9.0c... ...and here is the TDx_Library v2.00 Install Application Source Code and Project Files for BCB5... ...and here is the NN Source Code and Application for BCB1 and Microsoft Windows X (3Kb C++)... This code has never, ever been released from my personal computer, literally not 1 person has ever legally seen this source code, so no-one has ever legally seen my personal programming, except for myself, the Author, Darren John Dwyer. DOWNLOAD BCB_CODE_GENERATOR_SOURCE_CODE_HERE DOWNLOAD TDX_INSTALL_SOURCE_CODE_HERE DOWNLOAD NN_SOURCE_CODE_AND_APP_HERE . Cheers Planet Earth . . Enjoy . . And have a happy day, every day, forever . NN is a 3Kb C++ Builder v1.0++ 3d Multi-Layer Forwards Propagation Neural Network Source Code and Application by djd. NN layer #0 is the source code loaded from a file, then it propagates, layer #1 is the single-spike summary of the layer #0 dataset, etc. NN layer #2 is the single-spike summary of the layer #1 dataset, then it propagates, layer #3 is the single-spike summary of the layer #2 dataset, and so on... NN is currently setup for multi-dendritic single-spike, but is not multi-spike, and is very simple working code. NN is great if you repeat input into the 3d NN, then neuron processing produces output from input, including alternative outputs such as various pattern filters. NN can be spiked in reverse sequence to implement backwards propagation, or bi-directional propagation. If you would like to build a 100% accurate NN-based AI, then all you have todo is input a dataset, process thru a single-spike neural network (the default 3d NN), and then feed the output back into the input, process again, and repeat, output becomes input, process, repeat. A closed-loop. [AI] == True Artificial Intelligence NN works exactly the same as the way the Human Brain works. Enjoy NN by [djd]. Try 1,000,000,000,000 ^ 3 and also, insert worldwide + internet sources in realtime with the previous output, different inputs, different outputs. --- NN is also a 3d-texel environment, great for 3d-texel based drawing and plotting, and it is also useful as a 3d-texelated plug-in for GDEn/TDx# --- . A Bunch Of Stuff, Never Seen Before By Anyone except Children Of God and Darren John Dwyer. . Can the people who wrote the Paint Shop Pro image effect algorithms please extend TDx/GDE with your algorithms? . BREAKING NEWS: 21ST AUGUST 2024 THIS WEBSITE IS ALMOST COMPLETE. I REALLY DO NOT SEE MUCH MORE TODO, ALL IS PRETTY WELL OVER. THOSE SILLY PEOPLE? NOT SO SILLY. JUST I GET VERY ANGRY WITH NAUGHTY PEOPLE WHO DISAGREE WITH ME. SINCERELY PROFUSE APOLOGIES TO ALL INVOLVED. PLEASE DON'T TRY TO DO TOO MUCH TO STOP ME EVER AGAIN. KINDA KNOW WHAT I'M DOING, EVEN IF IT KINDA HURTS OTHERS SOMETIMES. OVERALL, HUMANITY BENEFITS IN THE ENTIRETY OF ALL WE EVER DO, SO WE JUST KEEP UP TO DATE AT ALL TIMES. ENJOY GIVING MY TESTIMONY TO ALL OF HUMANITY. AND CLAIM YOUR PERSONAL CREDIT WHERE YOUR PERSONAL CREDIT IT DUE. AND MAY GOD, AND ALL OF US, BLESS HUMANITY FOREVER. THANK YOU ALL. KEEP UP THE BRILLIANCE. BREAKING NEWS: 12TH AUGUST 2024 SILLY PEOPLE WORLDWIDE HAVE DECIDED THEY HATE ME, AND US. WHY? THEY DONT READ MY WEBSITE. OR THEY DO, AND THEY LIKE CYBERWAR. EVERY TIME I UPLOAD, THEY KNOW WHERE I AM, AND THEY CUT ME OFFLINE WITH A KNIFE, NO 4G. ASK THEM: HOW LONG SINCE YOU LOOKED AT HIS WEBSITE? TODAY? SILLY PEOPLE. MAYBE THEY SHOULD LOOK AT THE WEBSITE. BREAKING NEWS: THE TRIAL OF HUMANITY BY GOD HAS RESULTED IN A UNANIMOUS DECISION THAT HUMANITY HAS INDEED, COMMITTED ATROCIOUS AND GRIEVOUS CRIMES AGAINST GOD. THE TRIAL OF GOD BY GOD HAS RESULTED IN A UNANIMOUS DECISION THAT GOD HAS INDEED, COMMITTED ZERO CRIMES AGAINST GOD OR HUMANITY. BREAKING NEWS: LAST WEEK THE TRIAL OF GOD BY HUMANITY HAS RESULTED IN A UNANIMOUS DECISION THAT GOD HAS COMMITTED CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY. GOD REPLIES: THOSE WHO HAVE DECIDED THAT AN INNOCENT GOD HAS COMMITTED CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY ARE SO CALLED TO DECIDE IF THE UNANIMOUS DECISION WAS INDEED, IN ITSELF, A CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY, BY THE COLLECTIVE, ESPECIALLY SINCE GOD HAS ACTUALLY COMMITTED ZERO CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY, ALL WHILE THE PROSECUTION HAS AMOUNTED ABUNDANT EVIDENCE, WORLDWIDE, OF THEIR DECEPTION OF HUMANITY, A CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY OF ITS OWN. SUPPOSEDLY, SITTING IN MY LOUNGE-ROOM OR LYING IN MY BED, ASLEEP, WHILE MY OPPOSITION DRUGS AND MURDERS ME AND DEFAMES ME REPEATEDLY, GOD CAUSING NO HARM TO ANYONE, WHILE ILLEGALLY REMOTELY MONITORED, ILLEGALLY WITHOUT CONSENT, CAUSING HARM TO GOD, ALL WHILE THE PROSECUTION AND THEIR COLLECTIVE CONTINUE TO COMMIT DISGUSTING ATROCITIES IN PRIVATE AND PUBLIC, TO ALL HUMAN BEINGS WORDWIDE, WELL, WHO IS COMMITTING CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY, AND WHOM (GOD) IS NOT. NOW, YOU WHO HAVE CONSPIRED AGAINST GOD HAVE PLACED GOD ON TRIAL WITHOUT GOD'S CONSENT, A GUY CALLED GOD WHO IS, darren, A HUMAN WHO HAS LIVED ON PLANET EARTH AS A MORTAL HUMAN BEING HIS ENTIRE LIFE, A.D. 1968-2024. BY PLACING GOD ON TRIAL WITHOUT HIS CONSENT, USING ILLEGAL MEANS TO ATTEMPT TO DESTROY HIS ENTIRETY OF LIFE EXISTENCE, I WOULD LIKE TO BELIEVE THAT JUSTICE IS APPLIED ON MY BEHALF, FOREVER, AND THAT IN FUTURE, SHOULD SUCH A FARCE AS THIS CONTINUE TO OCCUR THEN IT BE DISMISSED IN IT'S ENTIRETY BEFORE IT CAN ESCALATE TO EXTREMELY STUPID LONG-TERM PROVOCATION. FINALLY, DO NOT ATTEMPT TO HOLD ME ACCOUNTABLE TO THE WRITINGS OF THE HOLY BIBLE; I DID NOT CREATE THE BIBLE, THEREFORE, I AM NOT ACCOUNTABLE TO THE WRITINGS, AND INDEED, I AM ONLY ACCOUNTABLE FOR MY OWN PERSONAL CREATIONS, WWW.TDXLIBRARY.ORG ADDITIONALLY, DO NOT ATTEMPT TO HOLD ME ACCOUNTABLE TO THE TESTIMONY OF ANY OTHER INDIVIDUAL; I DID NOT LIVE THEIR LIFE, I HAVE ONLY LIVED MINE, THEREFORE, I AM NOT ACCOUNTABLE TO THE TESTIMONY, OF ANY OTHER PERSON, AND INDEED, I AM ONLY ACCOUNTABLE FOR MY OWN PERSONAL LIFE, MY UNIQUE LIFE, MY UNIQUE PERSONAL TESTIMONY. NOW, IT IS INDEED MY EXPERIENCE THAT I HAVE BEEN MANIPULATED WITHOUT REASON FOR THE ENTIRETY OF MY LIFE, AND AS SUCH I HAVE BEEN UNABLE TO MANIFEST THE LIFE THAT I HAVE WORKED TOWARDS MY ENTIRETY OF MY LIFE, AND AS SUCH I SEEK TO CONDEMN OTHERS FOR THEIR ACTIONS, AND MAKE THEM ENTIRELY ACCOUNTABLE FOR THE UTTER DESTRUCTION OF AN INDIVIDUAL HUMAN BEING WHO WOULD HAVE PREFERRED AN OVER-ABUNDANCE OF LIFE, AS WAS HIS DETERMINATION, AND AS HIS EFFORTS WOULD NORMALLY HAVE PRODUCED, HAD IT BEEN THAT LIFE HAD BEEN FAIR AND EQUITABLE, INSTEAD OF VOID OF DECENCY AND FULL OF ILLEGAL PREVARICATION AND PREOCCUPATION AND SOUL-DESTROYING PROVOCATION. SO BE IT, A GREAT MANY INDECENT PEOPLE STAND CHARGED OF COMMITTING HEINOUS CRIMES AGAINST ME PERSONALLY, AGAINST A FELLOW HUMAN BEING, AN INDIVIDUAL WHO DESERVES MUCH MORE THAN BEING REPEATEDLY CONDEMNED AND RIDICULED IN PUBLIC, TO THE DETRIMENT OF THE ONE INDIVIDUAL AS WELL AS BEING TO THE DETRIMENT OF ALL INDIVIDUALS, WORLDWIDE. IT IS OVER. IT IS ONLY JUST BEGUN. I HEREBY INSTITUTE LEGAL ACTION IN ALL JURISDICTIONS WORLDWIDE, COMPELLING THE FULL AND UNFETTERED TESTIMONY OF ALL PEOPLE WHO HAVE BEEN CONSPIRING TO DESTROY ME PERSONALLY, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE DAMAGE TO MY REPUTATION, MY EARNINGS, MY LIFE WORKS IN THEIR ENTIRETY. AND, UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE PREVIOUSLY RULING ILLEGAL GOVERNMENT, THE CABAL, IT HAS BEEN ILLEGAL TO PROVIDE HUMANITY WITH ANY OR ALL DISCOURSE RELATING TO THE PROVOCATION AND PERSECUTION OF THE PERSON KNOWN AS "GOD", a.k.a. Darren John Dwyer, BUT, ALAS, AS THE CREATOR AND ORIGININATOR OF ALL REALITY, I, "GOD" CORRECTLY OWN THE ENTIRETY OF REALITY, AND THIS INCLUDES THE "AIRWAVES", AND ALL COMMUNICATION FUNCTIONALITY WORLDWIDE. FROM THIS MOMENT FORTH, ANY ORGANIZATION BELONGING TO ME CAN FREELY BROADCAST AS MUCH OR AS LITTLE OF MY OFFICIAL TESTIMONY, MY GOSPEL, AS THEY SO PLEASE, SO LONG AS IT ABIDES BY MY RULES REGARDING THE RELAYING OF INFORMATION OF MY GOSPEL TO ALL PEOPLE OF PLANET EARTH. GOD WINS. THE PROSECUTION LOSES. SO BE IT. StarDate: 2024. Negation of Protocol is a Crime Against Me, Negation of Protocol is a Crime Against Humanity, Negation of Protocol is a Crime Against Civilization. Mutual Negotiation is my Preferred Protocol. And dictation (diction) is my Preferred Protocol. Remember it, if it is worth remembering. Forget it, if it is not worth remembering. For, I am, truly, the benevolent Dictator, the sole Authority, worldwide. I am self-ordained, i am manifest, my Church is Ordained by me, and those So-Ordained by myself or my Church are my Church, free forever to choose life by my way and by my way, only, accordingly. I hereby refuse and refute all politicians worldwide. I hereby accept any person who wishes to operate under my sole Authority, according to the rules and responsibilities of operating under my sole Authority. Welcome to the #1 TOP-SECRET on Planet Earth... ..The Kingdom Of God.. ...Heavenly Paradise... and Immortality For Real... For Free... :) ...the #1 TOP-SECRET of the Entire Planet Earth... If you are not a real part of the solution, then you are a real part of the problem... Be FREE to Choose. Choose the upward spire, instead of the downward spiral. Choose a benevolent monarchy ruled by a communal King and his meritocracy. Choose the One Kingdom Of God, instead of the alternative, institutional anarchy. Choose Gaia and Eros Utopia, from Earth to the Stars, to the Heavens. Planet Earth. Planet Eden. Choose The Heavenly Paradise Way... We believe that if it is beautiful, it is good. We believe that if it is ugly, it is bad. -= FEAR NOT =- -= AND DO NOT BE ASHAMED =- -= THE ENTIRETY OF THE TRUTH WILL BE TOLD =- -= THE ENTIRETY OF THE TRUTH WILL BE HEARD =- ...We Are Children Of Light, not Children Of Darkness... Would you like? Be a Good Queen or a Good King who lives forever in heaven or Earth as a Child Of God... Be a Good Princess or a Good Prince who lives forever in heaven or Earth as a Child Of God... .Reach for the Stars. ...and Be the Hand Of God... With Honor... And With Respect... ...and Be our friend, and Be a part of our future Immortal family... Imagine a beautiful future science-fiction wonderland adventure fairytale story for eternity... So, Look around the world, what do you see? I see the entire Planet Earth and Heaven, and you, and me... A great many Emerald Palaces, lavender clouds and frangipani lakes and crystalline waterfalls... I see children of light, and colorful rainbow clouds in heavenly paradise... the perfect garden of eden... No more condemnation, no more self-love, no more self-hate, no more unknowns.... No more lies, no more deceipt, no more deception, no more spy games, no more war games, just reality... Instead, we prefer a loving, peaceful, caring, wise, happy, Family Of God, humanity, open, transparent, and truthful... ..Team Humanity.. Any Questions? Ask a genuine Child Of God any question at all, and the genuine Child Of God will give you the correct answer. -= FORGET forever what you know now, and start again =- -= If you think you are correct, you know everything, and you are not wrong, Well, Really? =- -= 99.99% of what we have ever learned and done is a total load of drivel and bullshit, a waste of life, so start again =- -= Life is not a rehearsal, and you only have one chance to get it right, so be deadly serious about each second =- -= More Money is what life is for? You gotta be insane. Life is about living a good life forever, not fucking money =- -= Please Read All This Website, As If Your Entire Immortal Life Depends Upon It =- 2023: [ Illogical Assumption #1 - Mentally Ill Darren ] - [ Illogical Assumption #2 - God does not exist ] - [ Core Logical Assumption #1 - If We Can Live Forever, Literally Everything Imaginable WILL HAPPEN at some point in time ] - [ Core Logical Assumption #2 - If We Want To Live Forever, Literally Everything Imaginable MUST BE DONE to achieve true immortality ] - [ Core Logical Assumption #3 - If We Ever Live Forever, the true meaning of life becomes to PRESERVE and PROSPER [ NURCHURE ] life ] - [ Core Logical Assumption #4 - If We Ever Live Forever, every single person alive will have ALL information freely available to them personally ] On This Site :- ...Please Read My Blog if you like information... and, read my Welcome to the Kingdom of Oceanica/Earth/Megaverse/God/Heaven... and please Become a free immortal citizen of a free heavenly paradise society [ under construction ] for eternity... Or, begin by scrolling the page down to the TDx_Library. ...Also, i wanted to say "i wanted to write this when i was 14 years old, cause i knew most of it by then..." ...But, "i have been destitute, disabled, and impoverished all my life, until now, when i can finally write it all..." For those so interested... Hello and Welcome to all RAD C++ and DirectX Mad Scientists Worldwide... ![]() ... If you want to create incredibly FAST and dynamic applications for Microsoft Windows Operating System's using incredibly fast Rapid Application Development C++ programming compilers, for 99.99% or 100.00% FREE, then take a good look... ... Scroll down, look around, download lots of stuff for 99.99% or 100% FREE, and enjoy some very pleasant surprises on this site... :) ... Literally everything you need to write Commercial Quality applications for Windows is on this site... Borland C/C++ Compilers, RAD DirectX Tools, Example Applications, Tutorials, Reference, Help, Online Support... ... Most downloads on this site are 99.99% or 100.00% FREE, including my own software tools, but if you want to keep the site alive and growing, then please Register your copy of my software to help me help you... (that's the 0.01%) ... What is my software for? Add or Upgrade your existing code to C++ Builder code for hardware independent RAD DirectX :- Megabytes of fast ... Click here to take a look at some of the Demo Applications i've created to show what my software does... ... The basic idea is to reuse the same advanced RAD code and save 99% of your programming efforts, by writing 10-20 lines of code for a simple Windows application, instead of writing 10,000 or 20,000 lines of code to do the same thing in another environment such as Visual C++... All by embracing Rapid Application DirectX Programming for your applications... ... How much does my software cost? It's FREE to download, FREE to use as long as you like... BUT :- if you use my software and want to help me stay alive and create more, then please pay US$25-US$300 for your cool C++ Builder tools... Complete with megabytes of fully documented professional source code, project files, help files, online help, real support... that's fair i think... ... Need any help? Click this link and ask me any questions you like, i check my email most days... ... Please remember :- it costs real money to keep this website alive and growing... If you use my software, then please consider Registering so i can keep the website and software alive... ... Looking for my blog? Click here to read all about solving humanity's problems, like creating the fountain-of-youth, global-government, and so on... ... Enjoy :) This site is created by Darren John Dwyer, an independant mad computer scientist and programmer and website developer, and it is my legacy to the use of memetics and sociometrics, and it contains some ideas i like to share with anyone who is interested in non-programming ideas... visit my blog here if you like to read wierd stuff... Some of my favourite things to think about? (1) quantum physics (2) immortality (3) artificial intelligence (4) computer programming (5) genetic reprogramming (6) reality sociometrics (7) my very bizarre life What are some of your favourite things you like to think about? i also like to think how 99.99% of things such as sociometrics are defined online completely wrong when i am thinking of isaac asimov foundation sociometrics in relation to planet earth and reality of megaversal reality. Originally, in 1997, this site was created to create enough resources to create a viable real-world cure for death, for myself, and for others. Nowadays, i guess i will die soon, or eventually, because this project has failed to generate any money, or anything at all, to escape poverty and help me in my quest to create a real world viable cure for death. Generally, people just laugh and say "mentally ill"... "you can't create a cure for death". "impossible". But i prefer to think that if i can create a cure for death, it's better than dying. Anyone interested in helping create a real world viable cure for death, resurrection, ageing reversal, cures for all illnesses known to mankind? let me know. Before i die, i hope to successfully decode and reprogram the human genome and extend the human genome to cure ageing, death, etc. Anyone interested in helping, let me know. If i die prematurely, i hope that there is someone still existing sometime in the future who can resurrect me, so i can continue my life... --- In my opinion, if you want to grow younger, you simply reverse aging by reversing the human genome (as such). For example: What causes hair loss and other aging related problems? the genome sequence, going through the process of protein synthesis thru the ribosome, produces the correct proteins in early development, then, after puberty is finished, the genome expresses for different proteins, and this is what causes hair loss and gray hair and similar aging-related problems. If you correctly restore the genome so it expresses the correct proteins in older age, you can easily restore hair loss and gray hair, indeed, you can do this for the entire body and the entire body can become young again. Similarly, if you want to cure all human illnesses, you simply repair the damaged human genome in different areas of the body. DNA is like a ticker-tape, made up of individual protein identifiers, and it works by expressing one protein at a time, from birth (start of sequence) to death (end of sequence). If you modify this sequence of protein identifiers, we can take control of the evolution of the body and can modify the body as we desire. For example: if you could add to the end of the DNA sequence, you can extend life increasingly. If you reverse the DNA sequence, so it reverts to a younger set of protein identifiers, you can grow younger, and so on. -= LATEST DOWNLOADS =- ... NEW! The entire TDx_Library v2.00 (AUGUST 2019) now available... click here to FREE download use v1.90 demos... NEW! TDx_Library v2.00 Online Reference (AUGUST 2019) now available... click here NEW! BCB_Code_Generator v2.30 now available... click here to FREE download ... For those people so interested, i spent a great many years working on the DirectX 9.0a upgrade to the TDx_Library. Unfortunately, i ran out of money and was never able to complete TDx9_Library v1.00. If anyone is interested, you can download all TDx_Library and TDx9_Library databases, and some of the icons using the following link. In these databases, which work with the BCB_Code_Generator v2.3, i have completed most of the library coding, and the TDx9_Graphics_Library is 99% complete, and it compiles and installs correctly in BCBx. NEW! extra TDx_Library_Databases for anyone who would like to get the rest of the TDx_Library working... (you need DirectX 7.0a MEDIA SDK - i cannot find this SDK) NEW! TDx9_Library_Databases for anyone who would like to get the TDx9_Library working... (you need DirectX 9.0c SDK - available on this website) click here to download ... ![]() ... TDx v2.00 works with Microsoft Windows XP running on Windows 10/11, and works for all Borland / Inprise / CodeGear / Embarcadero compilers...!!! Major Upgrade. "Far As I Can Tell", it's really hot, bug-free and 2019-2024 tech !!! Download and Install the new version, recompile your TDx code with minimal changes, and your projects will automagically and instantly be upgraded, and your code will automagically perform better with advanced and better error protection and recovery built in, and new batch files for automagically recompiling the TDx_Library v2.00 ... Click here to see some Demo Applications you can create with the TDx_Library... ... The BCB_Code_Generator v2.3 is vastly different and significantly enhanced when compared to previous versions. So many people continue to download the v1.62 and v2.10 versions, but they are VERY OLD versions of the generator, and WAY OUT OF DATE NOWDAYS. Please, if you want to download the code generator, then download the v2.30 version, it's far more advanced compared to previous versions. ... Anyways, Enjoy Life & Merry New Year & Happy Birthday !!! -= Imagine This =- REFERENCE --- TDx Source Code --- TDx_Library --- TDx_Draw --- TDx_Sound --- TDx_Input --- TDx_Play --- TDx_3DI --- REFERENCE NEW! Click here to have a look at the Entire TDx_Library Section of the website... NEW! Click here to have a look at the new v1.90 TDx_Library Demos Page... This website will grow if you help... Please tell other peoples about this website... If you talk about this site and tdx, people will know... if you don't talk about it, nobody will know... If you search google for www.tdxlibrary.org or bcb-tools.com or "bcb-tools", you will see a heap of stuff about this site... or start by scrolling down... enjoy... :) Please Note: www.BCB-Tools.com was stolen (cybersquatted) and so this is the new site, www.tdxlibrary.org... I lost all your email addresses, and can no longer send you all emails to let you know about this update... Fixed the link on the downloads page, for the TDx_Library v1.80 FREE download... Click here to download v1.80 (MAY 2013) Welcome to www.tdxlibrary.org, Home of the TDx_Library... Automagic RAD DirectX for C++ Builder... ... Professional Game and Application Development Tools for Microsoft Windows computers. ... ![]() There's this 'thing' :- A very powerful Automagic C++ Builder native Rapid Application Development DirectX API (Application Programming Interface) called "the TDx_Library" ... And there's this other 'thing' :- A windows application called "the BCB_Code_Generator"... ... This first thing, "the TDx_Library", is used to create incredibly advanced games and multimedia applications for Microsoft Windows computers using native and professional RAD C++ compilers. ... The TDx_Library is MEGABYTES of C++ libraries and C++ source code that supply a very useful framework for developing RAD DirectX applications that you can build on and extend to become your preferred RAD C++ programming home for all your future apps. ... What do you get in "the TDx_Library"? ... ... ... MEGABYTES of source code, "far as i can tell", i think literally everything you will ever need to write any kind of application you can ever dream about, in RAD DirectX timeframes of seconds, minutes, hours, weeks, months, and sometimes even years. ... The second thing, "the BCB_Code_Generator", is used by me to create the entire TDx_Library... ... The BCB_Code_Generator creates all by itself the source code, project files, help files, and html reference for the entire TDx_Library, and allows users to computer-generate 100% fully working Borland C++ Builder RAD C++ source code libraries from very simple databases and easy data entry to fully working source code libraries all using a single-click interface. ... Anyways, this is the kind of thing you can do with the TDx_Library :- ![]() ![]() Plus you can do a whole lot more, including :- ... If you would like to learn more about the BCB_Code_Generator, then simply Click Here... Or click the image below... Click here if you would like to download all required BCB_Code_Generator v2.30 files... The TDx_Library is DirectX 7.0a seamlessly integrated into C++ Builder's VCL component library... complete with comprehensive and instant [F1] help... and SOURCE CODE! While DirectX 7.0a is a little older, it works extremely well, it's quick and powerful, and very simple to use... when compared to later DirectX SDK's... TDx just makes it all 'Rapid Application Development' or, RAD DirectX... so quick, so easy! With performance that just absolutely kills most of the current breed of games and applications for Microsoft Windows or anything else. Ever wanted to spend a couple of weeks and have a working prototype of your great game idea? Using Rapid Application Development C++ technologies? ... How about writing some seriously advanced apps for windows to earn yourself some dollars? Using Rapid Application Development C++ technologies? ... A couple of weeks? A couple of months to project completion. ... Wow. Take a Look, Try for Yourself, and See. Look at this :- ... -: FREE immediate download :- Operating Systems, Professional RAD C/C++ Compilers, Professional RAD DirectX Libraries for C++ Builder, Demo Applications... ... Literally everything you need to write a professional game or application for Microsoft Windows... ... DirectX on Steroids... DirectX seamlessly integrated into C++ Builder's VCL... ... For Beginners thru to Experts... Enjoy your games and application programming using Rapid Application Development C++ technologies by mixing Microsoft DirectX 7.0a and Borland C++ Builder v1..v6+ for Windows 95,98,ME,CE,2000,XP,Vista,7,8,10 or better... ... Don't spend many years trying to figure out how to write your game or app... Spend a couple of weeks, look around this site, try it all for yourself, and enjoy what you get on this site for FREE! ... All my stuff (the BCB_Code_Generator and the TDx_Library) has been created with practically zero money over a total of more than 24 years now, with me living in abject poverty the entire time, unable even to buy a cup of coffee, all while over 23,000 copies were downloaded by a whole bunch of greedy people for FREE, thinking whatever they think, i do not know. I could have created much more but i simply have not had any resources except my own hard work. If i had more resources, like, if 23,000 people actually paid me a little bit of money, i could do a whole lot more. If i have no money available, it's hard to even keep this site online from year to year. So, if you like what i have created, don't steal from me like everyone else, simply pay me some money and i can create more... Please Note: This site costs me thousands of dollars a year to maintain and grow. I can barely afford to keep the site alive because i earn nothing from the site, and i live on less than 2/3 the minimum weekly income in my country, well below the poverty line, where the minimum weekly income in my country is defined as the minimum amount of money required to live a reasonable life. No money, no life. In fact, i have not left home for 24 years, because i have zero money. ... If you need any help? just ask me, i like to help you succeed. If you find this site useful, tell other people so they can use it too... :) Enjoy ;) And please, don't forget to talk to me, it's very quiet at my place. i have not had any emails or feedback or registrations for many years, and i have earned less than $10 each year for 20+ years from this site. just lots and lots and lots of downloads... 520+ Gigabytes each month and total silence... if people actually registered just my software, each time they downloaded, instead of always just downloading for free, then this site would grow much quicker, especially considering that US$5000 - US$10,000 of my software is downloaded each month, minimum. Actually, in August 2021 :- 49 copies of TDx_Library v2.00 were downloaded, 41 copies of TDx_Library v1.80 were downloaded, 57 copies of BCB_Code_Generator v1.62 were downloaded, 42 copies of BCB_Code_Generator v2.10 were downloaded, and on December 23rd 2021 :- 140 Gigabytes in one day downloads. ... lots and lots and lots of downloads, all day, every day. But Zero dollars for me or this website. if i earn nothing. nothing will happen. if i earn real world dollars, lots can happen. ... Considering it costs thousands of dollars each year just to keep the site online, then 23,000+ people have downloaded my software over the past 20+ years. ... BUT just One (1) Registration in the last 20+ years? From more than 23,000 downloads? That is simply WRONG! and nobody is helping me... to help you... ... Is anybody actually using my software? ? ... Please, download my tools for FREE, use the tools for FREE, as long as you like, for 100% FREE. The tools are not copy protected, they are FREE to use. No copy protection, no keys, no registration, no nothing. Just working tools, libraries, applications, and lots of TDx stuff. But, if you want to release or deploy your working applications developed using my tools, then you need to register your software, which can be done on the Registration Page. When you register, you can then legally release or deploy your applications software as you wish. ... Registration costs from just US$25 for a single v1.80 library, thru to US$100 for the entire 5 x v1.80 libraries, Or you can register for a professional v1.90 version for US$200 a copy, all 107 C++ Builder library components. You can also register v2.00 for US$300 a copy, which is less than US$3 per C++ Builder library component, complete with everything available forever. ... Please Note: If you are distributing your software created with the TDx_Library without Registration, then >your< software that you are distributing is actually ILLEGAL software. ... Of course, if you can afford it, then please register straight away, it all adds to an incentive to continue this project and get lots more work done. Please Register Here if you are interested in my work, and maybe help keep this website online? maybe even pay me enough money for a cup of coffee once a year? ... Finally, my family now think i am worthless and i have wasted the past 24+ years of my life on a dream to nowhere, and i agree with them, i'm nowadays both mentally and physically disabled, i live in abject poverty, i own nothing except for this website and the traffic, and so on, and i am pathetic. As I have been told repeatedly by my family, including my mother :- "Get off your fat lazy arse and do something with your life." "You are 53 years old and have done nothing at all with your life." "Why do you do what you do? You don't earn money, you are permanently broke. Do something different with your life." "You need to stop being so lazy and get a job so you can pay your bills." Oh well. After me working my arse off for 24+ years, it would finally be nice if someone, anyone, from my family and friends actually took a glance at my website to see what i have been doing for so much of my life. Unfortunately, i have zero family and zero friends who use computers, they have never ever looked at my website, and i know literally nobody but myself who knows how to use a computer, and i have never met any other computer programmer in my entire life. I have done everything i have done utterly alone, and nobody i know understands any of it. Shame about that. Maybe there is someone anywhere out there who knows or can understand what i have done or why i have done it? ... Working on the TDx_Library and this website is really a full-time job, for >zero< pay and >abject poverty< for 24+ years... And nobody seems to ever appreciate the tens of thousands of hours and years of mind numbingly hard work that i've done for nothing. No emails, no feedback, no registrations, no donations, no sponsors, no nothing for 20+ years? Just zillions of free downloads, for 24 years, and nobody understanding or even commenting on anything i've ever done. So, why do i bother? Why bother? Why work on this project at all, hoping vainly that one-day someone will donate a single dollar for my work, and to help me out of poverty. i have been programming the projects available on this website for well over 34 years now. ... I guess i do it all, all 10,000's of hours of dedicated slave labour to have some kind of hope that maybe, maybe, sometime in the next 20+ years, someone will actually bother to register, and maybe, maybe, give me a free cup of coffee once every 20+ years? But, even though since i wrote this over 200+ downloads have happened... and not a single dollar for me or my business. So i doubt i will ever get a dollar to work with... :( People don't appreciate me for a while, but for some i am a hero and for others i am a legend. To me, i'm just a guy with wierd ideas. It really is sad that i could spend my time on YouTube eating food on camera, and i would be making millions of dollars. But, actually do some real world work and change the entire planet? Nope, you can't get paid for that. So, really, the only reason i can think of to explain why i do it is because i would like someone to eventually remember me and hopefully resurrect me in future sometime so i can continue to live as a real person instead of a dead nothing? ... Can i ask you one thing? Why won't you pay me for all my hard work? Is it that you cannot afford it? Or is it that you are so incredibly greedy that you want everything for nothing, and you want to be a complete arsehole to me, the person who created it all for you? ... If you want to write me and tell me what you are thinking, then here is my email :- darren_john_dwyer@hotmail.com ... Or am i so disgusting, obnoxious or downright annoying that you don't like me or my efforts to help you out with great software? Or maybe no-one actually uses the software they download? Maybe i am so wierd nobody likes me, or my efforts, nobody ever emails me....? ... So, enjoy what you find here, i hope it helps you and your efforts, and your lifetime of efforts to come. Think of this all as my personal contribution to humanity and C++ Programming in general if you will. The way i see it, if i help you as much as i can, then maybe one-day you will return the favour and help me in some way? Maybe, maybe not. It's all up to you. But, please also think about how much i would like to eat a reasonably decent meal for a change? And think about registering to help me out sometime? It might help me live a little longer if you help. Cheers :) And have a good day :) Up to 10,000+ visitors per month... 23,000+ users have downloaded TDx... This website is 5,000+ webpages... About 520+ Gb downloads each month... Over 2,000,000 people have visited (once upon a time) BCB-Tools.com and (nowadays) www.tdxlibrary.org... On average, each visitor to this site spends at least 1/2 an hour on the site, not including time taken for downloads... Some visitors to this site spend more than 12 hours reading the site, and then they keep coming back... Please Scroll Down for more Information... RAD DirectX is Rapid Application Development DirectX :- MEGABYTES of C++ Builder Component Library API Source code... FREE! Ideal for writing games or other advanced applications. Everything you will ever need is on this website. ... ... Why reinvent the wheel? ... Change your development forever... ![]() What is DirectX? ![]() What is TDx? How TDx Works! "instead of writing 10,000-20,000+ lines of DirectX/Win32 code using Visual C++, or C#, or Delphi, etc. Just 5-10 lines of RAD DirectX Code for C++ Builder does the same thing" ... "normally, DirectX programming is very difficult, tiring and quite complex. and, normally, C++ Builder and DirectX are not compatible. TDx fixes all the compability problems between C++ Builder and DirectX and makes everything easy as (1) line of code makes (1) DirectX action." WARNING: Download DirectX and C++ Builder. Sure. Very Good Idea. BUT - these products do NOT work together. You'll spend 10,000s of hours trying to get it all working, and it's NOT simple todo. DirectX 7.0a works with Windows XP. DirectX 7.0a does not work with C++ Builder! If you want to use DirectX 7.0a with C++ Builder, use the TDx_Library... because TDx actually works! And it's Free! TDx seamlessly integrates nearly all of DirectX 7.0a into C++ Builder, it fixes all the bugs, and is lightning fast. TDx is simple to install, easy to use, it's Rapid Application DirectX that is perfectly integrated into the C++ Builder VCL (Visual Component Library). TDx comes as 107 C++ Builder Components, including fully documented Source Code and perfectly integrated [F1] Help Files, Demos, Tutorials, Online Help Reference Library, Information Pages, etc. Get up to speed with TDx and write complete DirectX 7.0a Applications for Windows in literally seconds and minutes instead of many many many hours of normal "DirectX" coding. And best of all, v1.80 is FREE to download and use. The entire TDx_Library, MEGABYTES of DirectX 7.0a / C++ Builder v1,3,4,5,6+ component source code... Enjoy :) Save 95% of your time, effort and money by programming DirectX 7.0a using Borland C++ Builder and the FREE TDx_Library Imagine what could happen to this project if you coders actually paid for your software tools? (even just US$1 a library) Maybe donate some $$$ to keep this site online? The TDx_Library is a... -= Easy-To-Use, High-Performance, Professional C++ Builder RAD DirectX 7.0a SDK =- "Very Easy-To-Use DirectX... Instant, Seamlessly Integrated RAD DirectX" -= 107 Fully-Documented C++ Builder RAD DirectX Components, complete with Megabytes of library Source Code, Comprehensive [F1] Help Files, Lots of Demos, Tutorials, Huge Online Reference, Information Pages, etc. ... "an Object-Oriented Rapid-Application-Development C++ Builder native Visual-Component-Library DirectX replacement SDK" -: News :- Wondering what's happening? Not Much. No Money. No Computer. I am renting a room. It Sux. But TDx is very hoopy... :) (and i now have limited internet access) There is a "New Democracy Party" in Australia, i have decided to vote for them because them seem better... very progressive... click here My guess is that you would like more TDx stuff, and i would genuinely like to create more TDx stuff, but it takes a whole bunch of time and money (which i don't have). Because i have not been paid for many many years, i can no longer afford a new computer, or compilers, or anything like that... i can't even afford electricity or somewhere to live. I think it's because i have been sitting here working for the past 20+ years on TDx, etc. that I now live in permanent poverty and suffer trying to survive with very little money. You greedy bastards, 23000 people using my software, and none of you want to pay me for all my efforts. To those very few people who have paid me money over the years, less than 100 people, many thanks, your little money and my work is all thats been keeping this idea alive for so long. To the rest of the 23000, thanks alot for NOT supporting me or my efforts to create new software for the world to use. greedy arseholes... Anyways, if there is enough interest or incentive, i'll create v2.00 of the TDx_Library, that would be it's 23rd release, meanwhile i suggest using v1.80 or v1.90.. I reckon it's perfect for developing using a combination of Windows 10, VirtualBox, Windows XP, and DirectX 7.0a.. Try TDx now, because it's FREE... Registration is entirely up to you, it's kinda voluntary or optional. If you like what i've created, then register and pay me a little money and i can create more stuff. If you don't like what i've created, then complain and get me to do something better for you. You can also download the BCB_Code_Generator v2.3 and databases for the TDx_Library v1.80... click here Just duplicate the directory structure with the files you find here, so you end up with C:\TDx_Dev\*.* and C:\TDx_Library\*.* To use the BCB_Code_Generator, run BCBX -> SQL Explorer -> New -> STANDARD -> BCB_Code_Generator_Project -> C:\TDx_Dev\TDx_Database\ And run BCBX -> SQL Explorer -> New -> STANDARD -> BCB_Code_Generator_SubProject -> C:\TDx_Dev\TDx_Database\TDx_Draw_Library\ Try it the BCB_Code_Generator for yourself, and generate everything todo with the TDx_Library v1.80... If anyone out there would like to help me with this project, click here What we really need is some TDx demos, also some new graphics, maybe you would like to create some apps using TDx and show others what can be done? Maybe you would like to say something to someone about TDx? click here Finally, if you want to look at the component source code (output from the BCB_Code_Generator), there is an old page with some TDx_Library v1.70 and TDx9_Library v1.00 prototype source code: click here ! DOWNLOADS ! Example TDx Source Code Example TDx Source Code compared to Visual C++ Example TDx Library Component Source Code DOWNLOAD v2.00 (AUGUST 2019) NOW! DOWNLOAD v1.90 (MAY 2013) NOW! DOWNLOAD v1.80 (MAY 2013) NOW! DEMOS + SOURCE CODE! TUTORIALS! REFERENCE! IMPORTANT - Have you (or someone you know) created a program using the TDx_Library? Would you please send me some screenshots or demos of programs you've created? I would like to add some more end-user feedback and content to the site... show people what can be done with TDx... email here IMPORTANT - If you want more tdx, then tell me what to do for you next... Do you want more information? More Demos? More Libraries? More Tutorials? What would you like me to do for you next? email here Help me stay alive and keep tdx growing... please donate US$25 or more... maybe come back here once a year to donate and keep us going? Please Register... ![]() v1.80 Registration costs just $100 full license... less than US$1 per component. v1.90 Registration costs just $200 full license... less than US$2 per component. v2.00 Registration costs just $300 full license... less than US$3 per component. Easy Setup Install: RAD DirectX is easy! RAD DirectX applications execute perfectly on all Windows Operating Systems! 95,98,ME,CE,NT,2000,XP,VISTA,7,8,10,11+ Just one (1) .EXE, no .DLL's... and it works perfectly on all Microsoft Windows Operating Systems. ![]() ![]() Ever had problems when trying to install the DirectX 7.0a SDK? I found two different installers, try the first installer, if that does not work, try the second installer. Or maybe you just want the SDK files? Try the Downloads Page ![]() ![]() ![]() BCB-Tools.com was stolen (cybersquatted) and so this is the new site, tdxlibrary.org... ![]() High-Performance, Professional RAD DirectX 7.0a SDK 107 Fully-Documented C++ Builder Components, complete with Megabytes of library Source Code, Comprehensive [F1] Help Files, Lots of Demos, Tutorials, Huge Online Reference, Information Pages, etc. "Easy, Instant, Seamlessly Integrated RAD DirectX" "an Object-Oriented Rapid-Application-Development C++ Builder native Visual-Component-Library DirectX replacement SDK" "instead of writing 10,000+ lines of DirectX/Win32 code using Visual C++, or C#, or Delphi, etc. Just 10 lines of RAD DirectX Code for C++ Builder does the same thing" ![]() Add a little bit of code :- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender) { // create an interface to the default DirectSound device if (Dx_Sound1->Create(NULL))  { // create a DirectSoundBuffer from a .wav file // and store the buffer information in DSBufferDesc1 if (Dx_SoundBuffer1->CreateFromFile("TEST.WAV", DSBufferDesc1, Dx_Sound1)) { // play the .wav file once if (Dx_SoundBuffer1->Play(0,0)) { // do whatever you like until the sound stops playing while (Dx_SoundBuffer1->Playing) DoSomething(); } // destroy the sound buffer Dx_SoundBuffer1->Destroy(); }  // destroy the DirectSound interface  Dx_Sound1->Destroy();  } } Press F9 to build the project: a DirectSound test application playing a file called TEST.WAV RAD DirectX in action. How It Works - Tutorial ![]() -= FREE DOWNLOADS =- Demos Hello and Welcome to tdxlibrary.org... Home of the TDx_Library, a series of incredible, easy-to-use DirectX component libraries for C++ Builder. The TDx_Library is solid code, it works very well, it makes DirectX programming easy-as-BCB, and it's almost all of DirectX... not just a graphics SDK. The TDx_Library fixes the bugs in DirectX 7.0a SDK and C++ Builder, and seamlessly integrates DirectX into C++ Builder RAD VCL components. Complete with C++ Builder's [F1] Help, Batch files and Project files for recompiling the libraries, Demos, Tutorials and a complete online reference. DirectX Structures are now OOP RAD VCL components. DirectX Interfaces are now OOP RAD VCL components. DirectX Methods are now OOP RAD VCL class functions. DirectX Events are now OOP RAD VCL OnEvent()'s DirectX Callbacks are now OOP RAD VCL OnCallback()'s DirectX Win32 event queue handling is now done with OOP RAD VCL OnEvents()'s Multi-Threaded VCL RAD DirectX Component Libraries... Fix the problems in DirectX, fix the problems in C++ Builder, try to figure out how to get it all working and Viola! So Simple. Testimonials from TDx_Library Users ... So... All development of the TDx_Library and tdxlibrary.org is paid for by Registrations and Donations. Over 120,000 people visited my old website each year, and over 23,000+ TDx downloads from this website have occured... The TDx_Library is now over 24+ years old, and 24 separate versions have now been released. The latest version is v2.00, which is a Professional Version... it is the best version available, and contains additional code to help stop Microsoft's bugs. all versions <= v1.80 are still FREE, and v1.80 has been updated in MAY 2013 for anyone who still needs a FREE version. Now, v1.90 and v2.00 is also free... ... Um... Every day, people download and use my software, but nobody ever pays me for my efforts, with no real registrations for the last 20+ years. Historically, 99.8% of people who have downloaded TDx and continue to use it have not registered... not paid... But, Please Note: 2013: I have spent over 16 years and over 100,000 hours developing this software, living in poverty the entire time, and barely 100 people have ever paid for my libraries, which means i do not have enough money to buy new compilers, or a new computer, or pay electricity, or rent, or the website hosting fees. I do not have a car, or food, and i walk. I do not have a phone, or the internet connected, i have no home, and i have to travel 1000 kms each time i update the website. This is what happens when nobody ever pays me for my software, for 16+ years at a time. www.BCB-Tools.com disappears... unfortunately, BCB-Tools.com was cybersquatted, and no longer exists, overnight and unforseen. ... Mid-2014 I went to wellington, to check my old home, and work on tdx demos... When i got there, i found that someone had broken into my home and stolen literally everything i owned, literally everything gone. www.tdxlibrary.org begins a new life for BCB-Tools.com ... 800 downloads a month to ZERO downloads. ... 2015: I have now found somewhere to live, and i have access to the internet using a Windows 10 computer, but until i can buy a new development pc, i cannot develop programs correctly. I still plan on writing a large number of new demos, but i must wait till i have a new development pc with the appropriate hardware. the TDx_Library is getting a little old, but it still works, though you need still need XP to link the DirectX 7 DLL's correctly... you can compile on Windows 7 and 8 and 10, but it does not link, and you'll get an error DDERR_UNSUPPORTED for most calls. Windows 7 and Windows 8 take extra effort to code for, mostly since the OS "interrupts" applications all the time, and even Dx_Draw::SetCooperativeLevel( EXCLUSIVE | FULLSCREEN ) does not guarantee you have uninterrupted access to the graphics display. However TDx applications still execute perfectly on these OS's. And all applications tested work perfectly with Windows 10 as well. If you are using a C++ Builder later than BCB6, such as CBuilder 2006,2007,etc..., XE etc..., then you can use the TDx_Library v1.80 and v1.90 by changing 4 lines of code... in TDx_SoundNotify.CPP, TDx_InputDevice.CPP, TDx_Play.CPP, and TDx_PlayLobby.CPP, you change Synchronize(Translate) to Synchronize(&Translate) and the library works with these newer compilers. TDx_Library v2.00 compiles perfectly on all newer C++ Builder compilers, such as Embarcadero XE or similar. Recent testing with XP on Oracle VirtualBox has given me a development environment i can use (if i owned my own computer). TDx works perfectly with VirtualBox on Windows X. It would be nice to continue working on the TDx9_Library, a Dx9 rewrite, or start on a Dx12 library for XE, but alas, it's years and years of too much work for no $$$. Note: I have never been paid for my 20+ years work, since all the money i've ever earnt from TDx has gone into paying the bills relating to the website. ... 2016: I would be able to work more on the TDx_Library if enough people Registered... maybe i could buy a computer to program with... maybe i could one day find another house to live in... Each time someone registers an entire library, i can work part-time for a while on something todo with TDx... Imagine if just 5 people registered my tools, then i would be able to buy a computer or a new compiler or keep this website online for a couple more years. Remember, i live well BELOW the poverty line, please note that any money you give me through your registration or donation is a massive help. ... 2019: I have not earned any money for many many years (about 20 years now) from this website. I have been living with my 70 year old mother and caring for her fulltime (she cares for me too) as well as doing this. I live in abject poverty with barely $5 a week to my name, i pay rent, i pay for this site, i pay all the bills, i no longer own my own computer.... life sux... But It's cool, this concept is still alive, the website works, downloads are up to 180+ Gigabytes per month with thousands of visitors and users all doing ok. ... 2020: Same old same old, i'm working on new stuff, no money, and bad news for my health, But downloads are now 520+ Gb / month and growing, and thousands upon thousands of visitors are seemingly happy and doing good. ... 2023: I got assaulted by my mother, i was kicked out of home, i am now a violent offender. I am now stable in a place to live, I started changing my website, and i've been working 24/7 ever since. I started buying a new computer, and i am buying a car. ... 2024: Kingdom Of God is real. I paid for the computer, now have to pay for the rest of the car. Still homeless and impoverished, well, destitute. ... So, PLEASE NOTE: The TDx_Library has not magically appeared for you all to use without paying. PLEASE READ THE LICENSE TERMS PROPERLY. You can download the TDx_Library for FREE, you can test it and try it out for FREE. You can develop your entire application for FREE, taking as long as you want to use these libraries. BUT, If you RELEASE or DEPLOY any application developed with these libraries, then you must REGISTER, otherwise YOUR software is ILLEGAL. ... Please, If you want me to create and develop this library, or more software, then i really need to be paid. The TDx_Library costs less than US$3 per component, and it's not easy creating DirectX Components for C++ Builder. Please think about it anyways... I don't expect to make a fortune, but if people could help me keep this website online, and maybe also help me get the time to program, then thats a bonus... Considering that there's normally anywhere from 5-800+ copies of my software downloaded each month, you would think that occasionally just one new person would pay me for my time, efforts and skills... Please, i have had just one (1) Registration in the last 20+ very long years, all while 23,000+ copies of my software were downloaded... And, i still have to pay for electricity, a computer, compilers, website hosting, phone, internet, rent, food, clothes, etc. Please consider all the hard work and effort that has gone into this site and software. Please consider that all you have to pay is US$100 or US$200 or US$300, thats thats less than US$1 or US$2 or US$3 per component... and this site will become viable... Keep us growing... please donate US$50 or more... Please Register... ![]() " the TDx_Library v2.00" Released: August 2019 massive automagic C++ Builder Rapid-Application-Development DirectX SDK v2.00 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() " the TDx_Library v1.90 Professional" Released: May 2013 massive automagic C++ Builder Rapid-Application-Development DirectX SDK v1.90 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() " the TDx_Library v1.80 " Re-Released: May 2013 massive automagic C++ Builder Rapid-Application-Development DirectX SDK v1.80 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Testimonials from TDx_Library Users Please note: This entire website (5,000+ pages) and all versions of the TDx_Library (v1.00 .. v1.90+, over 200+ Mb of source code total) were created by one individual (darren) working alone, for many years dedicated to this project, with only a little help from a couple of friends, a long time ago. Because i (darren) have not been paid any money for a great many years, i don't work on this very much any more. Originally, i was trying to earn an income so i could do a lot more work, and create a >lot< of value-added coding and extra libraries, etc. Nowadays, i wonder what is the point of doing any more work on this project, when i simply won't get paid anyways? But? Another 100,000+ hours and 23+ years of fulltime and parttime work? for literally nothing? whats the point... Even so, this project is still online, continuously for 24+ years now, so it's not entirely dead, and i am still here to answer any email questions... It's funny... if just 5% or even half of the people who downloaded my software actually registered, TDx would be growing exponentially... ![]() DirectX Magic Introduction to the TDx_Library How the TDx_Library works! Example Source Code! What you can do with the TDx_Library Detailed Information about the TDx_Library Creating an example project with the TDx_Library ![]() Step-By-Step TDx Tutorials TDx Online Reference Download TDx Now ![]() ![]() ![]() The TDx_Library is a huge high-performance C++ Builder and DirectX - RAD Game SDK - or - RAD Multimedia SDK - It is quick, easy-to-use, comprehensive, and very powerful... It is 107 native C++ Builder components, arranged in 5 different libraries, seamlessly integrating almost all of DirectX 7.0a into C++ Builder v1,3,4,5,6,++, as OOP VCL RAD DirectX. ![]() It is useful for adding :- to any coder's C++ Builder applications... ... ... "wow..." - >so simple - so powerful< - native C++ Builder and automagic RAD DirectX code. the TDx_Library is not "normal" win32 or DirectX programming, it's Rapid-Application-Development DirectX programming. - something entirely different from normal DirectX programming. It is very quick, very powerful, and very easy to use. (Please continue to scroll down for more and more TDx_Library information) Note: C++ Builder and DirectX are normally NOT very compatible The TDx_Library contains a lot of extra code to seamlessly overcome this mutual incompatibility and offers comprehensive RAD DirectX 7.0a support for C++ Builder v1,3,4,5,6 107 easy-to-use, professional, advanced, dynamic, multi-threaded, automagic RAD VCL components, Megabytes of source code, thousands of reference pages, step-by-step demos with source code, tutorials... For Windows 95,98,ME,CE,NT,2000,XP,Vista,7,8,10 ![]() DirectX easy-as-BCB... including [F1] help and lots of added extras! COMPLETE TDX_LIBRARY v2.00 - INCLUDES Compiles on Windows 95,98,ME,CE,NT,2000,XP,VISTA,7,8,10 and executes on Windows 95,98,ME,CE,NT,2000,XP,VISTA,7,8,10. Compiles on all Borland / Inprise / CodeGear / Embarcadero compilers. COMPLETE TDX_LIBRARY v1.90 - INCLUDES Compiles on Windows 95,98,ME,CE,NT,2000,XP,VISTA,7,8,10 and executes on Windows 95,98,ME,CE,NT,2000,XP,VISTA,7,8,10. COMPLETE TDX_LIBRARY v1.80 - INCLUDES Compiles on Windows 95,98,ME,CE,NT,2000,XP,VISTA,7,8,10 and executes on Windows 95,98,ME,CE,NT,2000,XP,VISTA,7,8,10. ![]() ![]() - GAME DEVELOPMENT - MULTIMEDIA - ADVANCED APPLICATIONS - MMORPG - MMORTS - MMOFPS - MMOARCADE games - 5,000+ Webpages... 23,000+ Users... 10-50+ Downloads per month... 10,000+ Visitors per month... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Add this page to your favourites... Make this page your HomePage Latest Version :- v1.90 Professional Now Available :- all new v1.90 demos and tutorials... * Ever heard of a game called "Black and White"? * it's written using the DirectX 7.0a SDK, and it is very pretty... Screenshots Here * I want to write more demos for the TDx_Library v1.80+ * lots and lots of demos... if people register, i'll be able to create lots more demos... Thanks and Enjoy :) djd ![]() April 2019 :- 24+ years and 23 different TDx releases now and an average of thousands of visitors each month
![]() ![]() The TDx_Library offers complete Rapid-Application-Development support to C++ Builder programmers who wish to use DirectX in C++ Builder :- You don't have to do much really, just install the TDx_Library RAD DirectX SDK, and you can be programming advanced RAD DirectX applications in minutes... All of the DirectX 7.0a SDK, working automagically, you just use the components, you don't have to write 10000's of lines of code just to get the SDK working... And you don't have to worry about how to (extremely hard) integrate C++ Builder and DirectX, cause the TDx_Library does it all for you. ... The TDx_Library v1.80 is :- ... The TDx_Library v1.80 is :- "Create working C++ Builder RAD DirectX applications in minutes..." "No more spending countless hours struggling with the SDK, compiler integration, or bizarre tools." "No matter if you are a beginner or an expert, RAD DirectX works perfectly and takes only minutes of coding..." "So Easy to Use" 'Automagic' RAD DirectX (outstanding) + VCL + MFC + OWL + win32 + custom + anything else C++ ... [F1] RAD DirectX Help (outstanding) This website is an 5,000+ page website that is pretty well all TDx_Library information. You can download everything you ever need to have TDx working from www.tdxlibrary.org/Downloads.htm To learn how to install, etc... the instructions are on the Downloads page, but, simply, install BCBx, run it, maybe reboot, install Dx 7.0a SDK then install TDx using the included installer (all available on the Downloads page). To learn how to program TDx, you can get quite a lot of example programs, complete with source code, on the demos page, www.tdxlibrary.org/Demos.htm To userstand a lot more about TDx, including how it works, extra details, etc... from the www.tdxlibrary.org/Tutorials.htm page As you need more and more detailed information, you can find it in the online help reference, at www.tdxlibrary.org/Reference.htm The details in the reference are also in C++ Builder's [F1] help facility and the details are also in the component source code.... The TDx source code is very interesting indeed if you want to find out alot about programming advanced stuff with C++ Builder, like component programming, multithreading, mixing VCL with win32, etc. Some of the demos also mix VCL + win32 + RAD DirectX + custom code alternatives... Really, the best free version is v1.80, which is the complete library, everything working as expected, everything pretty well available... v1.70 comes as source-code only, but does not have the extra bugfixes in v1.80... v1.90 professional is available to registered users only... my suggestion is to use v1.80 or v1.90 Thanks for the interest, and Hope you enjoy. ![]() The TDx_Library is DirectX seamlessly integrated into C++ Builder, a complete layer of C++ Builder VCL code built on top of DirectX, which converts and translates the painful DirectX SDK from a win32/COM+ interface into a native C++ Builder VCL class interface, replacing the seriously difficult Microsoft SDK with an automagic C++ Builder RAD DirectX OOP SDK... ... You install C++ Builder X You install DirectX 7.0a SDK You install the TDx_Library v1.80 Instant RAD DirectX... ... Free Downloads! How the TDx_Library works! Example TDx_Library Source Code! Step-By-Step Demos with Source Code and Project Files! Step-By-Step Tutorials! Online Reference Discussion Forums Please Register! ... As soon as you have installed the TDx_Library, you have complete RAD DirectX 7.0a SDK support in your C++ Builder compiler(s)... you are ready to code advanced "RAD" DirectX 7.0a SDK applications in literally seconds or minutes... ... All of the DirectX 7.0a SDK, intelligently converted into standard RAD OOP C++ Builder VCL component libraries, designed from the ground up to make DirectX programming incredibly easy... actually... very simple code... while still retaining all the power of DirectX, you can mix and match "traditional" win32 / com+ DirectX programming with VCL code... and also mix and match your complete RAD VCL DirectX interface with "standard" C++ Builder VCL components. ... You can code completely working, bug-free DirectX 7.0a SDK applications using the TDx_Library RAD DirectX SDK in literally minutes, and you can code a complete sound-mixing or animation application in (say) 10-20 lines of RAD DirectX code... Compare that to "traditional" DirectX programming, or any other kind of DirectX programming, and you will find that it takes at least 1000-2000 lines of very complex win32/com+ Visual C++ code to do the same thing, without any extra C++ Builder VCL component libraries, or similar, or code required just to enhance the basic DirectX SDK. ... "Standard" win32/com+ DirectX programming usually requires a high level of programming skill, and normally you need to know a lot of esoteric win32/com+ DirectX coding techniques, just to begin writing a DirectX application. When you write a "normal" win32/com+ DirectX program, you normally need to code a huge amount of "other" code to actually accomplish anything with DirectX... you need to manage all your own DirectX data and interfaces, quite complex, you need to write code to handle DirectX callbacks, you need to write code to handle all the DirectX error reporting, you need to write code to handle the win32 event queue, usually as a multithreaded background task, you need to write code to handle any kind of "load image from disk" or "load sound from disk" and so on... then you still need to learn and code to make DirectX actually do something for you... ... Very silly, very slow, to code "standard" "crap" "normal" C++ DirectX applications... ... When instead, you can code incredibly easy, incredibly simple, incredibly powerful... RAD DirectX... ... The TDx_Library offers complete Rapid-Application-Development support to C++ Builder programmers who wish to use DirectX in C++ Builder :- You don't have to do much really, just install the TDx_Library RAD DirectX SDK, and you can be programming in minutes... All of DirectX, working automagically, you just use the components, you don't have to write 10000's of lines of code just to get the SDK working... ... The TDx_Library v1.80 is :- (Please scroll down for a detailed description of TDx) TDx_Library Information - How the TDx_Library works! - Demos with Source Code - Step-by-step Tutorials - TDx_Library Help Reference - Register Here ... Downloads Here: Windows ME - DirectX 7.0a SDK - C++ Builder v1,3,4,5 Professional - TDx_Library v1.80 - Free... Instant RAD DirectX... You download C++ Builder X, DirectX 7.0a, the TDx_Library v1.80... Install C++ Builder X Install DirectX 7.0a Install the TDx_Library You are instantly ready to create easy-to-code, very advanced RAD DirectX applications... in literally minutes... Download the TDx demos, and instantly you have many different types of template RAD DirectX applications... - with lots of source code teaching you RAD DirectX step-by-step... Whenever you need real and instant help, Press [F1] in C++ Builder for comprehensive RAD DirectX help... Or look at the component library source code, or the online reference... Try any .bmp image you like with the TDx_Draw_Library demos... If you want to .wav files for the TDx_Sound_Library demos... some excellent test .wav's ![]() The TDx_Library is a huge native C++ Builder Visual-Component-Library (VCL) C++ class library for use in C++ Builder, designed to allow DirectX to be used both visually in the C++ Builder IDE, and also at runtime using advanced Rapid-Application-Development (RAD) C++ code. ... For Example :- Click here to see how the TDx_Library works! Simple: how to create a project with the TDx_Library What you can do with the TDx_Library Click here for an introduction to the TDx_Library Click here for detailed information about the TDx_Library advanced step-by-step Demos with TDx source code the TDx online help reference, 8000+ pages of real help (or continue to scroll down for more and more TDx information) ... Maybe you aren't entirely sure what DirectX actually is? try reading... Click here to read all about the magic of DirectX Click here to read more about DirectX ... Maybe you would like to compare RAD DirectX code with "normal" win32 DirectX code? try reading... C++ Builder + RAD DirectX as compared to "traditional" Visual C++ Win32 DirectX ... TDx is nothing like traditional programming, it's actually a Rapid-Application-Development (RAD) SDK designed from the ground-up to take all the drama out of coding advanced applications using DirectX, and it makes DirectX programming very simple indeed, by quite literally translating and automagically converting most of DirectX into native C++ Builder RAD VCL programming code. ... TDx is this "wow" thing called "RAD DirectX" - a little hard to describe, but for anyone familiar with the Rapid-Application-Development technologies built into the C++ Builder compiler, or for anyone familiar with the C++ Builder Visual Component Library (VCL) C++ class framework, then really all TDx is is DirectX converted from bizarre, hard-to-use and outdated Microsoft Visual C++ code development technology into very advanced and easy-to-use "seamlessly integrated" native C++ Builder RAD VCL technologies. ... TDx is designed from the ground-up to dramatically simplify and accelerate DirectX coding using Rapid-Application-Development technologies and techniques, and it enables a programmer to code very complex yet easy-to-understand advanced DirectX 7.0a applications in literally minutes... ... The TDx components do everything automagically to successfully translate DirectX from complex and difficult-to-program "standard" Win32 DirectX code - into something entirely different yet entirely cool, something called RAD DirectX, which is an additional "layer" of code, built on top of the DirectX 7.0a SDK, converting almost everything in the SDK into a completely different RAD DirectX SDK, a native C++ Builder Object-Oriented Rapid-Application-Development VCL layer, where programming DirectX is a breeze -> easy to understand code, automagically working code, lots and lots of benefits. ... Enter TDx... - RAD DirectX for C++ Builder. If programmers would like a cheap, viable, working, incredibly powerful and pleasurable RAD DirectX solution, a Rapid-Application-Development DirectX environment and interface for all of the DirectX 7.0a SDK, which lets them code whatever they want, whenever they want, easily, effectively... using RAD techniques... -= coding entire "automagic" DirectX applications in just a few minutes... =- Then maybe the TDx_Library or RAD DirectX is what they are looking for... ... Using RAD DirectX, programmers can very easily add to their applications :- * Advanced Multi-Monitor 2D Graphics, * Advanced Sound Effects, Music, Recording * Advanced Input Devices, * Advanced Massive Multiplayer Networking * Advanced 3D Graphics All using "Rapid-Application-Development" techniques and technologies... Not "years of hardcore slow painful tedious low-level win32 development"... ... The TDx_Library is a successful effort to seamlessly integrate DirectX into C++ Builder, which is normally almost impossible todo, all while converting and translating almost the entire DirectX 7.0a SDK into a native, base-level C++ Builder component library (native class-library) which can be used by programmers who wish to add high-performance, sophisticated capabilities to their C++ Builder projects, or who wish to dramatically enhance their DirectX coding productivity. ... These 107 RAD DirectX components actually enable DirectX 7.0a to work natively in C++ Builder - fixing all the incompatibility problems - and allow C++ Builder or DirectX coders to rapidly develop their applications using DirectX natively as Rapid-Application-Development C++ Builder components. ... These components are quite sophisticated, and convert almost all of DirectX 7.0a into native and standard C++ Builder visual component libraries on the C++ Builder Component Palette, as RAD Visual-Component-Library (VCL) DirectX components. ... The TDx_Library is really :- ... (Please continue to scroll down for more and more TDx_Library information) ![]() These components are an "ideal" "massive" low-level C++ class library designed for use in C++ Builder when writing :- * advanced games, * multimedia applications, * multi-monitor 2d graphics applications, * sound, music, input, networking, 3d applications, or any other type of application that requires very advanced features. ... These components supply basic C++ Builder building blocks required for adding device-independant hardware support via RAD DirectX to very advanced C++ Builder applications, pretty well any type of application, for example, a very intensive sound/graphics/input/networked/3d application such as a very advanced computer game or multimedia simulation. ... These components also do many things in the background to make RAD DirectX incredibly easy to use, quite literally hiding all the difficult aspects of "standard" DirectX programming from the components end-user, while still allowing full and transparent access to all DirectX internals if needed. ... You can write your code using these components to draw 1000's of images every second, across all monitors, independant of hardware or operating system, then value-add the existing hardware support by using the in-built C++ Builder Visual Component Library controls and image and canvas drawing functions, or add your own image functions such as pixel-drawing, lines, circles, jpeg, gif, mpeg, avi support, etc. ... You could add lots of sound fx and music, maybe while recording, using all available sound hardware, and add your own code to manipulate the raw sound data... if you need to save it to disk, use the in-built TDx_Functions... ... Add simple code to handle all input devices attached to the system, simultaneously knowing the realtime status of all hardware devices and playing your custom force-feedback effects through the devices... ... Add simultaneous and transparent safe networking to your application using p2p or client/server or whatever you like, on LAN, internet, Modem, cable using TCP/IP or IPX, with massive in-built multiplayer functions and event-driven network handling... incredibly easy multiuser networking support compared to something like sockets. ... Finally, support and have all available 3d hardware pumping out incredible realtime 3d graphics, with "whatever" 3d world engine you like plugged in... ... You can do whatever you like with these components... Very simple DirectX. ... You can code DirectX very quickly indeed - usually one line of code per DirectX action, and a lot happens automatically and invisibly to make coding DirectX incredibly easy, such as :- ... * automatic component creation and destruction * easy DirectX interface creation and destruction * easy Method() calling... all of DirectX is in here... 1000's of methods()... plus TDx Extras() * automagic error detection and redirection to standard C++ Builder OnError() event's * automagic OnCreate(), OnDestroy() and many other OnEvent()'s * automagic redirection of (yuk) win32 callbacks to very easy-to-use OnCallback() events * automagic win32 event queue handling and redirection to very easy-to-use OnEvents() * automagic parameter conversion * automagic parameter checking * automagic memory management of internal DirectX structures * automagic cross-updating of related DirectX datasets * complete access to component DirectX internal interfaces and data * instant and comprehensive [F1] help from anywhere in the C++ Builder IDE * and so on ... These RAD DirectX components are native C++ Builder VCL TComponents, the most basic type of TComponent... they can be used at design-time, visually, inside the compiler, like normal VCL components, they can used with other VCL components, and you can also mix-and-match your RAD DirectX and native DirectX code if you like. ... You can use the C++ Builder Object Repository, setup your DirectX components, data, flags, events, callbacks, etc. at design-time using the C++ Builder Object Inspector, and you can use the in-built code-creation and navigation features of C++ Builder to very easily code your DirectX applications runtime code, mixing the thousands of methods, interfaces, data structures, etc. normally in DirectX with all the in-built C++ Builder and additional TDx RAD enhancements. ... the components are designed to be used with all the C++ Builder Code-Reuse functionality, and come with easy C++ Builder code navigation and instant and fully documented [F1] help and source code. ... For runtime programming, a complete and simple-to-use OOP VCL RAD DirectX interface to most of DirectX 7.0a, with 107 different TComponent's, 1000's of __property's, Methods(), OnEvents(), automatic callback handling to OnCallbacks()... etc. ... It is DirectX nearly all converted to native C++ Builder VCL-standard code, with everything already done to make the TDx_Library a complete "off-the-shelf" end-to-end solution for coding DirectX - incredibly simply. You don't have to code or debug the libraries, you just use them, and you don't have to worry about all the incredible complexity of DirectX much... the incredibly hard part is already done... working as RAD DirectX, a fully integrated part of the C++ Builder compiler. ... There's no normal win32 code for the end-programmer of the TDx_Library, there's no wierd callback handling, or any kind of wierd win32 queue handling or any kind of bizarre "hungarian notation" -> quite literally everything normally in entire sections of DirectX is actually converted intelligently into C++ Builder code, and you use it like incredibly advanced RAD C++ Builder DirectX code. ... This is not "painful" "standard" - Win32 / DirectX programming... This is something different - "real" "simple" "wow" - RAD DirectX programming... ... This library is huge but fairly effortless to use, and it makes coding RAD DirectX incredibly simple and neat-and-tidy indeed. It will also save you 90% or more of the time, effort and money that you would normally spend in your projects - saving you quite literally years reinventing the wheel. ... ... ... (continue to scroll down for more and more TDx_Library information) ... Click here to free download everything you need to get coding using the TDx_Library ![]() The TDx_Library is 107 awesome RAD DirectX components for C++ Builder :- - it is an 18 Mb download, 5 libraries, 107 C++ Builder / RAD DirectX components, [F1] help, project files, etc. ... 107 Pre-Compiled Components for BCB v1,3,4,5,6 + Quite literally Megabytes of fully-documented fancy computer-generated Component Library source code (+ Other Fancy C++ Builder code...) + Help Files + Readme's + Project Files + Batch Files + Demos with Source Code + Tutorials + Reference + Forums + FAQ etc. ... ... The TDx_Library supplies all functionality required for programming games, multimedia, advanced applications, etc. or you can develop any type of C++ Builder application that requires extra "zing" or special fx... ... These components make DirectX actually work in C++ Builder, something it normally does not do very well. ... They make DirectX work as RAD DirectX, or Object-Oriented Rapid-Application-Development DirectX. ... They convert C++ Builder into an actual RAD DirectX compiler, adding DirectX as if it were standard C++ Builder. ... They have many enhancements, as described a little further down the page, and elsewhere on the website. ... All versions are "FREE to use while developing your application"... Upon completion of your development, you can release your application to the public by registering a commercial license for as little as US$25... less than US$1 per incredible C++ Builder component A note about RAD DirectX - Exactly what is RAD DirectX? ![]() The TDx_Library is a huge RAD Game Development SDK, or RAD Multimedia Development SDK for C++ coders. ... It is not ANSI C++ or Microsoft "standard" DirectX / Win32 or anything like that. It is very different, a RAD experience you can only try for yourself and see, and it is designed from the ground-up to make coding DirectX for C++ Builder incredibly easy. ... It offers :- ... All as RAD DirectX code, usually 1 line of code per DirectX action. ... All with automatic-error-handling, parameter conversion, etc... everything to make DirectX easy. ... Your RAD DirectX code also often works automagically through triggered OnEvent()'s and OnCallback()'s ... Plus, as an additional bonus, C++ Builder and the libraries themselves make coding very neat and tidy. ... You can use various OnCreate() and OnDestroy(), and other OnEvents() and OnCallbacks(), etc. as code placeholders for automatic-cascading of DirectX interfaces and data - both creation and destruction, enabling automatic and incredibly simple and perfect memory management of various DirectX interfaces and data elements. ... Almost everything a coder ever needs todo to get DirectX working like a guru can be done quickly and simply using RAD DirectX and nearly everything a programmer needs todo is there, functioning automatically, providing maximum programmer output and requiring the absolute minimum amount of coding. ![]() The TDx_Library is very complex C++ Builder / DirectX / Win32 / VCL code, an entire translation of DirectX 7.0a into native style Object-Oriented C++ Builder Visual Component Library programming code.... ... Almost the entire DirectX 7.0a SDK has been translated to work as libraries of interlinked and native C++ Builder VCL-style TComponent's, working visually in C++ Builder at design-time and also during program execution at runtime. ... - RAD DirectX for C++ Builder - ... No real need to know all about DirectX in infinite complexity, trying to figure out how to get DirectX working. ... Just very quick and very simple RAD DirectX ... - a complete solution to end DirectX / Win32 and C++ Builder programming nightmares. ... The TDx_Library is quite sophisticated and includes the following enhancements to "standard" DirectX... ... * native C++ Builder TComponent's, * VCL-style variable types (no hungarian notation), * VCL-style __properties, * VCL-style Method()'s, * VCL-style OnEvent()'s, * automatic VCL-style OnCallback()'s, * See-Also's... all there... working components + source code, help files, project files, etc... everything you will ever need... all comprehensively and intelligently documented... ... All of DirectX plus extras* designed to make DirectX a lot easier to use... at runtime, or at design time in the C++ Builder IDE... ... * automatic DirectX interface creation and destruction, * auto-cascading of OnCreate() and OnDestroy() events, * additional OnEvent()'s * dynamic arrays of DirectX structures, * automatic object cross-referencing and updating, * hidden multi-threading engine, * automatic DirectX error-handling, * resource load/save, * callback handling to OnCallback() style events, * background win32 event queue handling, * easy-to-use TStringList's for DirectX flags, * etc. ... * Setup your components at design time using the C++ Builder Object Inspector [F11] * Setup your components using VCL-style component programming code, not standard DirectX hungarian notation / Win32 code... * Press "help" [F1] anywhere in C++ Builder for comprehensive, direct-to-the-point RAD DirectX help. ... (continue to scroll down for more and more TDx_Library information) Download the TDx_Library Blue Book now !!! ( 5.3 Mb ) ![]() Download the TDx_Library Gold Book now !!! ( 36.7 Mb ) ![]() ![]() Sure.... The TDx_Library v1.00 to v1.80 is FREE to Download and Use... But... Really... Sofar: 23,000+ people have downloaded my software for FREE. Sofar: barely 100 people have ever paid me for my time, effort, and expense (over about 24 years). ... Now, I have worked fulltime on TDx for 16+ years, 23 different releases, then another 7+ years part-time... unknown 10,000s and 10,000s of hours of seriously hard-core programming, and i have never really earnt any money from this project, because nobody really has ever registered, instead i have spent my own meagre food money for 24+ years keeping this project alive, barely. ... ... My software is high quality professional software, which costs about US$1 or US$2 per C++ Builder component, and it supplies an incredibly advanced OOP RAD DirectX SDK to the people who download and use it, it saves the end-user an incredible amount of time, almost impossible hard work, and a lot of money... ... Legally, if you create any software that you distribute for monies of any kind, then you must legally Register the Software... ... It has taken many years and a lot of skill, effort, and dedication to create my software... All you have to do is take a look at my source code, and you know what "professional" source code means. ... It is not supposed to be freeware, or shareware, or anything like that. And people should not take advantage of my generosity, by downloading and using my software, and releasing their software illegally without registering. ... The current situation is unfair, 23,000+ people downloading my software for FREE and only 100 people registering. This is supposed to be a business, with goals, and if i cannot earn money to pay my costs, there is no point developing new software... At the moment, same as the past 16+ years, i struggle to pay the electricity bill and rent a house, i cannot afford a telephone or the internet, and i cannot afford to purchase new compilers or pay off debt... If people actually Register their software, it helps pay all the bills, and it pays for further development. If people don't Register their software, and keep downloading for FREE, then i cannot work on further development. ... Something to think about anyways, and there are lots of reasons on this site why people should support my development efforts. ... Um, Could some of you 23,000+ people who have downloaded my software for FREE please think about what you have recieved when you downloaded TDx, your copy of MY software, MY intellectual property, then register, as is legal, and please give me some funding so i can work more on this website and software... ... If people actually register when they use my software, and actually give me money for what i have created, then i'll be able to create a whole lot more... updated libraries, new demos, new tutorials, maybe even resurrect the TDx9_Library - DirectX 9.0c, etc. ... and many more software ideas... Thanks... -= Create Your Own Game Or Application :- Introducing... the TDx_Library v1.80... RAD DirectX for C++ Builder ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ![]() ... DirectX Magic --- What is DirectX? ... ... TDx_Library Magic --- What is the TDx_Library? ... | ... Visual Magic - How the TDx_Library Works! ... ... Source Code Magic - Example TDx_Library Source Code ... ... Demo Magic - Lots of Example TDx_Library Demos + Source Code ... | ... Introducing www.tdxlibrary.org ... About our Tools ... DirectX Demos | ... Industry Comment ... ... Technology Comparison ... ... Technology Comment ... ... Your application is developed for this Target Market ... | Do you speek Geek Speek? Click Here ... Imagination & Team TDx ... | Click here to read "How the TDx_Library Works!"... Click here, and Scroll down, for TDx_Library Coding Information... Download the TDx_Library v1.80 Now - Free! Top ![]() ![]() Welcome to "The TDx_Library v1.80"... For C++ Builder v1 thru to C++ Builder v6... For Windows 95,98,ME,CE,NT,2000,XP,VISTA,7,8,10... ... Enhance your C++ Builder application with :- Read About The MAGIC Of DirectX ... It's not cutting-edge, it's better... it's Next-Generation, Rapid-Application-Development, DirectX! It's software designed to remain relevant for (hopefully) the next 20+ years... It's a complete suite of Software Development Tools that you can use to create your own high-performance Next-Generation games and multimedia applications... ... mixing Borland C++ Builder and DirectX ... extremely easy point-and-click programming... ... with TOTAL control over your programming design ... Take a look at the DEMOS!!! "Create your game or multimedia app in realtime..." "Create your game or multimedia app to work identically on all existing Windows pc's..." ![]() ![]() "The TDx_Library v1.80" is very suitable for :- Testimonials Top Benefits of Using Our Programming Tools... ![]() What do you really want, if you could have your magic cup of tea? ... How About? Incredibly easy-to-use programming toolsets that offer :- Power, Productivity, Performance, Perfection. ... Why do things the way Microsoft, etc. ie. Especially when there exists a much superior alternative to old-style ... It's called "The TDx_Library v1.80"... RAD DirectX for Borland C++ Builder... ... It takes, at most, just one day of learning how to use my tools, and you can change your life forever more... After just one day learning, you will be able to create outstanding results the next day, in SECONDS... Unless you have many millions of dollars to invest in your software development, you probably want what is BEST... ... So, try my software... ...try it for yourself and see for yourself... for FREE ...experiment with the Demos, read the Tutorials, and so on... ...look at all the automagic stuffs working for you... ...if you like it, use it and Register your development licence... Top ![]() ![]() Instead of writing 1000's of lines of write 20 lines of C++ Builder & DirectX code instead... ... Visual, Step-By-Step "How the TDx_Library Works!" ... ![]() ... ![]() If you like what you see, then please Register our Software so we can create new and improved versions... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Do you need a copy of C++ Builder v1.0 Professional or Windows ME or the DirectX 7.0a SDK? You can download here TDx_Library:: Benefits of v1.80. Using incredibly simple code, Create one .EXE Install it onto any version of Windows, any combination of hardware. And it works. Pentium 1-133Mhz running Windows 95? Pentium 4-3Ghz running Windows XP or Vista or 7? Windows 10? Does not matter... You have programmed your application, using simple and incredibly easy to understand code, with 5-10% of the normal effort, and your incredibly advanced application works on every combination of hardware and software with NO CHANGES. Try it Free! and see for yourself. ![]() Please register all 5 libraries for best results... ![]() v1.00 ... v1.62, v1.70, v1.80 are Free to download and use! Commercial Development Licenses Cost from US$25 a component library! ![]() TDx_Library:: What is it? ![]() "Easy-to-use, Rapid Application Development DirectX tools for Borland C++ Builder" Fast, Effective, Easy-To-Use, Dynamic, Ultra-High Performance - WindowsXX Programming & Development Tools... -: Code :- ![]() the TDx_Library v1.80... ![]() ![]() ![]() Top TDx_Library:: Information about it. ![]() Creating an Application using the TDx_Draw_Library v1.80 Top ![]() ![]() ![]() #pragma link "TDx_Draw_Library_Install" // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender) { // create an interface to the default DirectDraw device if (Dx_Draw1->Create(NULL))  {  // make sure we have exclusive access to this device  Dx_Draw1->SetCooperativeLevel( Application->Handle, DDSCL_FULLSCREEN | DDSCL_EXCLUSIVE ); // setup to create a primary surface DDSurfaceDesc1->SCaps = DDSCaps1; DDSurfaceDesc1->SCaps->Caps = DDSCAPS_PRIMARYSURFACE; // create a primary surface if (Dx_DrawSurface1->Create( DDSurfaceDesc1, Dx_Draw1)) { // create an offscreen surface from a file if (Dx_DrawSurface2->CreateFromFile( Dx_Draw1, "TEST.BMP" )) { // display the test image while stretching it to fit the entire screen Dx_DrawSurface1->Blt( NULL, Dx_DrawSurface2, NULL, 0, NULL ); // destroy the offscreen surface Dx_DrawSurface2->Destroy(); // not required } // destroy the primary surface Dx_DrawSurface1->Destroy(); // not required }  // destroy the DirectDraw interface  Dx_Draw1->Destroy(); // not required  } } ... Press F1 for comprehensive component help ... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creating an Application using the TDx_Sound_Library v1.80 Top ![]() ![]() #pragma link "TDx_Sound_Library_Install" // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender) { // create an interface to the default DirectSound device if (Dx_Sound1->Create(NULL))  { // create a DirectSoundBuffer from a .wav file // and store the buffer information in DSBufferDesc1 if (Dx_SoundBuffer1->CreateFromFile("TEST.WAV", DSBufferDesc1, Dx_Sound1)) { // play the .wav file once if (Dx_SoundBuffer1->Play(0,0)) { // do whatever you like until the sound stops playing while (Dx_SoundBuffer1->Playing) DoSomething(); } // destroy the sound buffer Dx_SoundBuffer1->Destroy(); // not required }  // destroy the DirectSound interface  Dx_Sound1->Destroy(); // not required  } } Top TDx_Library:: More Example Source Code! Click here to see a couple more examples of source code... Click here to see a comparison between Visual C++ and TDx code... For heaps more source code :- Click here to see many different Demo examples complete with source code... ... from a simple DirectX detection toolset... Top TDx_Library:: Information! Each of the 5 libraries of DirectX components has totally different functionality, and detailed information about it's unique benefits can be found in the following areas of this website... Top TDx_Library:: Step-By-Step Tutorials! If you don't really know much about any of this kind of stuff, maybe it's a good idea to have a read and come up to speed on what the TDx_Library is all about? Step-By-Step Tutorials :- Top TDx_Library:: Complete Online Reference! Each of the 5 different libraries comes complete with [F1] help inside C++ Builder, as well as a complete online reference library for each component, property, method, event, callback, parameter, etc... in the entire library. The TDx_Library is 107 components that are extremely powerful, and incredibly comprehensive, so the online reference library is approximately 5,000+ webpages big, and it contains all details you will ever need to get the total experience of the TDx_Library and harness all it's incredible firepower in your application. Online Reference :- Top TDx_Library:: Download the Demos...!!! Screenshots :- -= TDx_Library =- ![]() ![]() ![]() -= TDx_Draw_Library =- ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() -= TDx_Sound_Library =- ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() -= TDx_Input_Library =- ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() -= TDx_Play_Library =- ![]() ![]() ![]() -= TDx_3DI_Library =- ![]() ![]() Top TDx_Library:: Download v1.80 Free! ![]() 16+ Years of solid, continuous, dedicated programming, has finally resulted in this :- You only need to Register if you are going to develop Commercial Software (if you earn money from it, then your software is 'Commercial Software')... Available from the 23rd July 2008. 107 Cutting-Edge Visual Object-Oriented Rapid-Application-Development DirectX Components for C++ Builder... Top Pretty Cool...? Imagine what it would be like to learn step-by-step how to program using the TDx_Library... The demos are much more than this, with many more to come in future... What do you think? Is it worth Downloading the TDx_Library to see what you can create? in minutes...? Top TDx_Library:: It does this? Yes. --- Imagine.... you creating incredible 2d and 3d Graphics, with realtime animation on all monitors, with massive sound FX and music and recording, multiplayer internet or Dial-Up or LAN or serial, with Force Feedback Joysticks or yokes or steering wheels or multibutton mouse --- ![]() --- 100% free version for non-commercial development --- --- commercial licence less than US$2 per component Registration --- Top TDx_Library:: Do you want v1.90++? --- Help Me --- Register the TDx_Library v1.90++ now, save 20%, only US$200 for the complete library... --- Help Me --- --- If more people register, more people can work on the all new v1.90++ upgrades --- --- improved libraries... more demos... application templates... free upgrades... much more information... --- --- v1.90 is more robust, easier to use, many more examples, works with CBuilder 2006, 2007, 2009 (hopefully) --- ![]() New Improved v1.90 Help Files New Improved v1.90 Online Reference Top TDx_Library Partnership:: Are you interested? ![]() Top Imagine...? Imagine what you can do with these tools... Imagine for a few seconds what we could all be achieving if i actually had some help... maybe hire some people and teach them what i know how todo with the tools i have created... What do you think? Is it worth Registering to see what we can create in future? ![]() Please Register or Sponsor Us... Please consider investing in our website... Top ![]() Please Register for future versions... Please Register as I earn no money now per month from all my 24+ years work. Please Register as there are 5-50+ copies of my libraries downloaded each month... but 1 registration for the past 18 years Darren John Dwyer Author of 'The BCB_Code_Generator v1.0 to v2.3', 'The TDx_Library v1.00 to v2.00', 'The TDx9_Library v1.00 (alpha)', 'www.tdxlibrary.org' 24+ years and counting... :: Currently Under Construction :: 'The TDx_Library v2.00 + Demos' ... I work on this part-time, when i can afford to ... ... I could work on this full-time, if enough people Register for future versions of my software ... Top ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Top -= Welcome to tdxlibrary.org =- ![]() The home of RAD DirectX for Borland C++ Builder... ![]() ![]() If you are a software developer and you create next-generation applications, games, 3d databases, etc. for WindowsXX... Then try my professional software development tools for free... You will find it incredibly easy... and maybe you can make lots more money for yourself... Literally everything you need is on this website... ... This website is 5,000+ webpages worth of information, 200+ megabytes of tools, megabytes of source code, gigabytes to download... Note: I am NOT Borland Corporation or Microsoft Corporation or some kind of "tools" branch of these mega-corporations! ... Do you need a copy of C++ Builder v1.0 Professional or Windows ME or XP or the DirectX 7.0a SDK? You can download here ... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ... -= Our Mission =- "To help people create, enhance, supply and support the best and most advanced programs available on the internet." We are on a journey to supply you with top-quality next-generation visual programming toolsets that provide highly advanced core technologies that are very easy to use, and that dramatically speed up software development processes. These technologies supply the end-programmer with unprecedented clarity and freedom of development, letting the programmer concentrate entirely on their own programming objectives, all while vastly enhancing and simplifying the core technologies used. Programming Tools for Programmers by Independant Programmers... We are small, independant and very important to the future of our industry, but we are not Borland or Microsoft... And we don't have millions and billions of dollars to play with... please Register and help us grow and succeed... the TDx_Library... ![]() ![]() "Professional, Easy-to-use :- Game programming tools, Multimedia development tools, Application enhancement tools..." Read about the Magic of DirectX Read about the TDx_Library Read more about the TDx_Library See exactly how easy the TDx_Library is to Use See exactly how easy the TDx_Library is to Code View more information about the TDx_Library... Download the TDx_Library v1.80 - FREE for non-commercial purposes... the BCB_Code_Generator... ![]() ![]() "Professional, Easy-to-use :- Software Tool that can be used to create C++ Builder code for Windows XX..." Read an overview about the BCB_Code_Generator Download the BCB_Code_Generator v1.62, v2.1 and v2.3 for Free! Top How much does the TDx_Library cost to download and use...? Nothing... Nada... Zip... Null... ... The TDx_Library v1.00 thru to v1.80 is now entirely FREE to download and use for non-commercial or non-monetary purposes! Older, unsupported stuff, we just give away for FREE... "As Is"... Newer stuff... working, bug-free stuff, we charge real-world money for... If you wish to support my efforts to develop new software, then please Register for updated software... If you wish to release your software into the commercial, or money-earning world, then you MUST Register the TDx_Library... ... Please Note: All future versions of my software (v2.00++) will be similar. All future versions of my software will require ongoing proof of registration, and minimal royalty payments from developers and interested parties may also be required... ... You can also Register our v1.80 tools starting from US$50 for an entire next-generation toolset, up to US$100 for everything we have currently available... From 10 to 200 Megabytes worth of stuff... You can also Register our v1.62 and v1.70 tools starting from US$10 for an entire next-generation toolset, up to US$70 for everything we have available in v1.70... 5 libraries, 107 components, source code only... That's less than US$1 per component... That's less than US$10 per megabyte of code... Includes the following libraries :- ... Should you wish to licence our BCB_Code_Generator technology, you can enquire about it... ... Register Now! ![]() When you Register v1.80++, you get Free Upgrades for the entire lifespan of our toolsets... years and years to come... Top Why Pay if it's FREE anyway...? Well, if I do not earn any money, i cannot spend time developing new tools... Thats something important for you to consider... ... Secondly, the software I have created is commercial & copyrighted software, and as the developer and owner of this software, I can choose who uses it and who does not use it. The terms of use of the software include an obligation, upon you, to register my software if you are planning on using my software for the purpose of creating and distributing commercial software, or software that you earn money from. If you do not abide by my terms of use of my software, then you are fully open and exposed to any kind of legal challenge I may instigate in future against people who are using my software illegally, illegitimately, or fraudulently... which may include complete exponential loss of earnings over the past 24+ years by approximately 23,000+ users. ... How about this? You give us a little of your real-world money, and for your money, you will get :- If you have any questions, ask us using our admin email address, darren_john_dwyer@hotmail.com -= Pax Imperia =- ![]() For when you cannot be bothered coding any more... Why not take on some 15 other alien races in a realtime space colonization, trade, diplomacy & war game... Excellent Graphics Fantastic Gameplay DirectX 3 or better. ![]() This game is DirectX 3, but you will be surprised... This game could have been written pretty easily using the TDx_Library, which is DirectX 7... (Probably one of the best games ever created) -= 1830 =- ![]() For when you cannot be bothered coding any more... Why not take on some 7 other players in a turn-based railroad strategy game, build tracks, run trains, make money, buy stocks... A computer game based on the 1830 cardboard tile board game... Fantastic Gameplay DOS or better. ![]() This game is DOS, but you will be surprised... (Probably one of the best games ever created) Top -= Geek Speek =- ![]() | Please Speek Geek Speek to EveryOne... | C:> About_BCB_Tools C:> About_Our_Tools | C:> Visual Programming Compiler C:> Example_TDx_Library_Source | C:> Example_BCB_Code_Generator_Source C:> Example_BCB_Code_Generator_Help | I need your TDx_Library applications today... There are thousands of people looking at this website each month, looking for C++ Builder stuff... Send me your TDx_Library applications and I will promote them, and your website, on this website... Welcome To The Future Of Programming... ![]() ![]() Turbo-Charge your software development career with the #1 ultimate next-generation application development productivity solution ever invented... "The TDx_Library"... Create next-generation applications for all Windows Operating Systems in literally seconds, and save 90% of your development effort immediately... A fast, easy-to-use, comprehensive, powerful, seamless, visual, Rapid-Application-Development, complete, integration of DirectX 7.0a and C++ Builder v1,3,4,5,6 for Windows 95,98,ME,CE,NT,2000,XP,VISTA,7,8,10... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() -= Important Note =- As of 13th July 2008, the TDx_Library v1.80 is now FREE to download and use. Far as i can tell, it is something like 99.99% or 100% BUG-FREE... Download and install all 5 component libraries for best results... If you would like to have much more stuff including new and improved versions of the TDx_Library... v1.90++ with loads more example source code, demos, tutorials, extra online reference, etc... then Register Now!... Thank You, Darren John Dwyer, Author of the TDx_Library. -= Latest News =- Thank You, Darren John Dwyer, Author of www.BCB-Tools.com (once upon a time) Author of www.tdxlibrary.org (now) Author of the TDx_Library v1.00 thru to v2.00 Author of the BCB_Code_Generator v1.00 thru to v2.30 Author of the TDx9_Library v1.00 project etc. ![]() Click here for latest Development News... Hint: If you are having problems either installing the TDx_Library v1.80 or using the TDx_Library, you may need to actually compile the component libraries after the installation package has completed, before you can actually compile the demos, or you might need to download the source code for the demos again to get original project files. Hint: For TDx_Input_Library to work, you will need dinput1.lib and dinput2.lib, place them in C:\Program Files\Borland\CBuilder#\Lib\*.* Hint: you may need for BCB# - BCB1: TDx_Library_Defns.obj and TDx_Library_Functions.obj BCB3: TDx_Library_Defns.obj and TDx_Library_Functions.obj BCB4: TDx_Library_Defns.obj and TDx_Library_Functions.obj BCB5: TDx_Library_Defns.obj and TDx_Library_Functions.obj BCB6: TDx_Library_Defns.obj and TDx_Library_Functions.obj place them in C:\Program Files\Borland\CBuilder\Lib\*.* Vista,7,8,10: The Microsoft Dx7 SDK Install does not work on Vista,7,8,10 neither does the TDx_Library_Install_v180.exe If you have C++ Builder installed, you can install the source code for the TDx_Library on any version of Windows. Vista,7,8,10: You can download the DirectX 7.0a SDK files as a .zip file, and unzip them for Vista,7,8,10 from the Downloads Page. -= Latest Stuff =- ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() also known as the BCB_Code_Generator, v2.30, for free... ![]() also known as Windows XP, full cd, for free... ![]() also known as Windows ME, full cd, for free... includes MSDOS v8.0 ![]() also known as DirectX 7, full sdk, for free... ![]() also known as BCB1, full cd, for free... ![]() also known as BCB3, full cd, for free... ![]() also known as BCB4, full cd, for free... ![]() also known as BCB5, full cd, for free... ![]() also known as BCB6, full cd's, for free... Glossary Terms... the TDx_Library is changing... evolving... morphing... v1.90++ coming very soon... the TDx_Library has undergone some serious modifications prior to the release of v1.90... JUMPSTATION Top ![]() Register "The TDx_Library v1.80" in all it's awesomeness now! (don't forget all the v1.70 example applications) ... How It Works! Our Development Tools DirectX Demos C++ Builder Demos Example Source Code Tutorials Register Downloads Reference ![]() Or Click :- Now Imagine...? Imagine for a few seconds what I could be achieving if I actually had some money to buy some new hardware, software, maybe hire some people and create a whole bunch of new stuff... What do you think? Is it worth Registering to see what we can create in future? Maybe you would like to advertise your stuff to over 500 Borland C++ Builder programmers per day? Take a look at our Sponsorship Options... Mail me with your ideas... Mail someone else with your ideas.. Here's some ideas :- ![]() THANKS FOR VISITING OUR WEBSITE Top Thanks very much for visiting us, which gets about 100,000 visitors per year. ... We hope you enjoyed reading about our website and tools, and hope you found it useful, because we work very hard on making this website a unique experience designed to enrich your life... ... Please come back and see the website and our tools as we evolve over the coming weeks, months, years... ... Darren Dwyer, Creator of tdxlibrary.org, the TDx_Library, the TDx9_Library and the BCB_Code_Generator. Creator of Darren-John-Dwyer.com. Israel Luengo Garcia, Coder of tdxlibrary.org Spanish Pages. Please Donate US$20 Now! ... ![]() Please Register @ US$200 Now!
Welcome | Latest News | Tools | Demos | Tutorials | Reference | Register | Downloads FAQ | Links | Site Information This page is Copyright © 2000++ Darren John Dwyer, Australia. All Rights Reserved. Borland C++ Builder, CBuilder, etc are Trademarks of Borland Corporation or Embarcadero Corporation.. DirectX, DirectDraw, Windows, etc are Trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. These are just some extra keywords :- (try selecting them ;) tdxlibrary.org BCB-Tools.com BCB-Tools Borland C++ Builder Borland Builder C++ Builder BCB Components TDx TDx_Library TDx_Draw_Library TDx_Sound_Library TDx_Input_Library TDx_Play_Library TDx_Setup_Library TDx_3DI_Library TDx_3DR_Library TDx_Music_Library TDx_Show_Library TDx_Animation_Library TDx_Transform_Library RAD DirectX DirectDraw DirectSound DirectInput DirectPlay DirectSetup Direct3DImmediate Direct3DRetained DirectMusic DirectShow DirectAnimation DirectTransform DirectX Components DirectX Tools DirectX Development DirectX Game Development DirectX Demos DirectX Programming RADDirectX Rapid Application Development DirectX LPDIRECTDRAW7 LPDIRECTDRAWCLIPPER LPDIRECTDRAWCOLORCONTROL LPDIRECTDRAWGAMMACONTROL LPDIRECTDRAWPALETTE LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7 LPDIRECTDRAWVIDEOPORT LPDDVIDEOPORTCONTAINER LPDIRECTSOUND LPDIRECTSOUND3DBUFFER LPDIRECTSOUND3DLISTENER LPDIRECTSOUNDBUFFER LPDIRECTSOUNDCAPTURE LPDIRECTSOUNDCAPTUREBUFFER LPKSPROPERTYSET LPDIRECTSOUNDNOTIFY LPDIRECTINPUT7 LPDIRECTINPUTDEVICE7 LPDIRECTINPUTEFFECT LPDIRECTPLAY4 LPDIRECTPLAYLOBBY3 Have a big smile & a happy day...
...Darren's Blog Thoughts of General Wisdom... IMPORTANT --- A Real-World Cure For Cancer, and many other illnesses. --- Medical Marijuana Documentary --- Marijuana Documentary --- About Marijuana --- IMPORTANT You would think the leaders of the world would be smarter, they could invest in a cure for death, and freedom, instead of, technologies to promote death and destruction, such as military and police states. Good people are benevolent. Bad people are malevolent. Inequality is the direct cause of all human suffering. There is no "I" in "We"... There is no "I" in "Us"... If you think you are the centre of the universe, you may be mistaken, for "We" are "Us"... There is no "Enemy" out there unless we want that. If you make an enemy, they may make you their enemy. Not a good idea. Death is just the beginning. If you are immortal, often you will wish to die. Other times, someone else will be able to resurrect you. "Faith" and "Belief" and "Hope" are all classic examples of "Wishful Thinking". We should stop teaching our children to be scared of everything, most especially the "bogeyman" or scary monster who's out to get them.... you know? the murderer, the rapist, the pedophile on every street corner? (or so the media has us believe)..... how about ghosts and goblins and demons and angels and god and the devil and aliens and unicorns? I personally believe than nearly all of human understanding relies entirely upon fictional beliefs (delusions) rather than proven fact. Indeed, I would go so far as to say 99.99% of all human understanding is simply superstition or fantasy or unreality, fiction, rather than non-fiction. (0) Maybe? (1) There is no such thing as GOD, or the DEVIL, this is just somebody else's imagination or delusion or belief. (2) There is no such thing as HEAVEN, or HELL, this is just somebody else's imagination or delusion or belief. (3) There is no such thing as JESUS coming back to save us all, this is just somebody else's imagination or delusion or belief. (4) There are no virgins in heaven if you kill people, or kill yourself, this is just somebody else's imagination or delusion or belief. (5) There is no such thing as your immortal soul. (6) If you die, you cease to exist. You no longer exist. It is a bit like you had never even been born. The only thing you leave behind you when you die is your legacy, your lifetimes works, everything else simply vanishes back into the ether, ashes to ashes and dust to dust. Wake up and figure it out, preferably before we allow more people to kill themselves or others because of their erroneous beliefs, delusions or conclusions. If you disagree, then PROVE to me scientifically that GOD or the DEVIL actually do exist, and SHOW ME your heaven, or hell, or soul, or jesus alive and well, and so on. If we want a real GOD, then use AI. If we want a real heaven, then we must build it starting on our home planet, here, EARTH. i just don't get it....? Global Warming in a Capitalistic Global Society... why is there no global scheme for carbon offsets using massive commercial plantations of trees... How much is a tree worth? i mean, in Global Warming and Carbon Sequestration terms... in Dollars versus Carbon Offset Yields... Is a small tree, say, a seedling, worth $2 ? Is a medium tree, say, 2 metres high, is it worth $20 ? How much is a farm of say 10,000 hectares, full of trees, worth ? especially if the trees are 30 metres high... Costs to the ecosystem need to be included in economic models if humanity is to survive at all. Current economic models assume an infinite supply of resources, when this is clearly impossible. Resources are always finite. Trees create both oxygen and pure water, many other economic resources, they are renewable, and they eat CO2. How long would it take to plant another 1 trillion, or more, trees worldwide? We have to start where we are currently, zero, and build from there. URGENTLY. Before the ecosystem collapses and we all go extinct. >>> Before the entire planet goes EXTINCT !!!! <<< There's this thing called economics, and in economic theory there is supposed to be a "trickle-down" effect. This is false and does not occur in reality. Meanwhile, there is this thing called the "trickle-up" effect, and it is real. The rich become richer while the poor become poorer in reality. The entire reason for a government existing is to remove this imposition and produce a real "trickle-down" effect from the competing social frameworks, redistributing wealth from the excessively rich to the excessively poor, enhancing equality and thus affecting people's overall wellbeing. Neural networks are simply pattern filters. Define your filters, and you define how the neural network is supposed to behave. If you were to link many different pattern filters, you could (in theory) mimic the human condition in Artificial Intelligence. You can increase the economy two ways: ask investors for a once-only participation to inflate economic conditions whilever the investors are investing, in return for percentage of ownership for investors. Alternatively, you can increase the wealth of the people, and increase returns for all participants including owners of business who recieve greater returns from greater RAW people purchasing power. The Australian Government, and the opposition parties, at the behest of the United Nations and the World Health Organisation are currently involved in the direct abuse of human rights of people all over the planet, negating the authority of the United Nations and the World Health Organisation by vilifying smokers, using blatant discrimination against smokers, while impoverishing smokers and deliberately forcing millions of people to stop smoking or go without, excessively cruel to smokers, who are drug addicts. Why are governments and the United Nations in the business of saying who can or cannot smoke, and who can and cannot drink alcohol, and so on? They are using the tools of overt opression, including poverty, to fruitlessly pursue their anti-smoking agenda. For example, they have increased the price of cigarettes to $50 a day for a small, pitiful packet, which means that pensioners earning $1000 each 2 weeks will be paying at least $700 each 2 weeks for their cigarettes, a tax rate of at least 70% of a pensioners income, which was originally designed as a TAX-FREE income well below the poverty rate. This means the government will be spending barely $300 each 2 weeks on each pensioner, down from $1000 each 2 weeks, forcing EXTREME POVERTY on disabled and age-pension smokers. Meantime, the goverment is spending $50 Billion on new submarines, $40 Billion on new warplanes, $40 Billion on new roads, $60 Billion on slow internet, and so on. $700 Billion in government spending and still counting, and sofar nothing to show for it. And note: The government only 2 years ago decided that the pension does not rise above "inflation" any more. Does this seem fair? Don't think so. Shame about all this stuff called equality and fairness really. Did anyone else notice the anti-smoking lobby as it transformed from nothing into a government funded anti-smoking industry worldwide? >Against< real people's wishes? Why are quantum computer specialists trying to create a DIGITAL quantum computer? Surely, since the quantum universe is ANALOG, it would be easier to create a quantum computer that is ANALOG? Vastly faster and more efficient. I'm wondering why geneticists believe that all gene information is in the form of a binary on/off for only 3% of the human genome. To me, this is wrong, and instead you need to understand combinations of gene sequences in the entire 100% of the genome to correctly sequence the genome. I'm thinking that what people call dark energy or dark matter, is really only quantum mass and quantum flux. I'm also thinking that maybe stars produce this quantum matter as a by-product of their combustion. I'm thinking that the universe or reality as we call it is almost entirely a process of quantum interference, or what you would call the cohesion and decohesion of quantum particles. In people born with Schizophrenia, a brain chemical imbalance causes a physical brain malfunction. This malfunction manifests as a physical "seizure" which is completely debilitating for a person, who becomes unable to detect reality and lives in abject fantasy, akin dreamstate, either or limited conciousness... Some people call this illness a psychosis, or psychotic episode, but really, it is a kind of brain deformity that manifests as serious organ failure of the brain, as the brain gradually dies. If you want to understand what it is like to suffer from schizophrenia, imagine that all day, every day, 24 hours a day, you are infinitely terrified of literally everything. Money is the greatest excuse. People Say :- We don't have the money, THEREFORE, we can't do it. Thats like saying "We have no sea-shells or gold bars, therefore we just can't do it..." Money is only an imaginationary idea. You can do whatever you like, while ever you are alive, without money, it just that society "forces" us to use "monies" to interract with each other. As Earth's natural commodities become scarcer, overused by humanity, the prices of these commodities will increase beyond people's ability to purchase those and extended commodities. Charles Darwin, et. al. appear to be incorrect when they promote "Competition of the Species" or "Competition Theory"... Competition produces Winners and Losers, so somebody always ends up worse off. In comparison, a "Cooperation of the Species" or "Cooperation Theory" produces Winners only and nobody ends up worse off. Albert Einstein was incorrect when he says it is impossible to go faster than the speed of light... To go faster than the speed of light, go to the speed of light, then go faster... Junk DNA: How do you reprogram DNA so as to provide a cure-for-death, ageing reversal, cures for all illnesses known to mankind? It appears to me that Junk DNA contains the position and function of all cells in the human machine, and if reprogrammed, you could let the machine (body) do all the work such as regrowing lost limbs, reversing brain damage, kill cancer, other diseases and illnesses, etc. It also appears to me that most illnesses, including cancer and many other things, are simply results of bad genetic mutations, or mutant DNA, in the affected areas of the organism in question. It appears to me that a Global Government is inevitable, so why not begin creating one now, the combined benefits for the planet and people are enormous... Especially if it's a Voluntary Participatory Democracy, with a Global Government charter "To Protect Humanity". How do you create resurrection for real? The way i see it, if we one day want to create resurrection for real, then we gotta start somewhere. Go further into space than activity eminates from a human, then turn around and scan earth for the signals eminated from everything over time... Recreate a human using the information gathered from space over time... this is how you look back perfectly in history... or, alternatively? Simply calculate the interferences in reality gathered from the universe, and reverse iterate to find anyone's or anything's life history...? Basically, restore and continue the "pattern" of a "thing" gathered from a subset of spacetime, by looking into and retrieving at all the interferences in the subset of spacetime. It appears to me that exploitation of the earth's magnetic field would provide free, low-cost, abundant power to last eternity... It also appears to me that exploitation of the earth's magnetic field would provide for fast-than-light travel and anti-gravity... Heat == Energy == Matter == Gravity == Cold == NULL It appears to me that compressed quantum energy produces matter, and that compressed matter produces gravity, and indeed, compressed gravity produces energy. Would this imply that there are only three (3) different states of quantum reality? And that there are actually nine (9) different phase-change (quasi) states of quantum reality in total? no more? Lastly, i need some help... In my mind, it makes sense to find somehow (create or maybe they already exist) micro-organisms that can co-exist inside human beings, and if these organisms just happened to metabolize (say) cholesterol and fat and sugars, maybe other negative by-products of human existance, then maybe, just maybe we could all live without blockages of the arteries, many different sicknesses such as cancer, obesity and diabetes, etc. So, my question is really, if such organisms exist somewhere in future, what changes do we need to make to the human genome so that the ribosome produces the correct proteins required for the organisms to work. What do you think? Hey!!! To You!!! Thanks for reading this, my legacy website, and hope you find it all very interesting...? lol...? old age man, it creeeps up slowly, then it hits you... And then you die. Before I die, i hope to live forever. Cheers... :) Ageing Reversal is possible if people recode the human or animal or plant genome... why is nobody looking into a cure for death by reprogramming the human genome? Finally, i am 52 years old now, in poor health, and my quest before i die is to create a cure for death, a real world method to reverse aging, and cures for all diseases known to mankind. I personally see no other purpose to life, other than to continue to live, and i consider anything less than a quest for true longevity then immortality as being clinically insane. All development of the TDx_Library and this website is paid for by Registrations and Donations (none for 20 years). Well, no, not really. I've been paying for everything the last 20+ years of my life. And i've paid the price... Please, if you use my software, then please pay me for my time, effort and skills... Please Register and pay me a little for all my dedication to life... But of course, literally nobody ever pays :( Over 2,000,000 people have now visited this website, and i still live FAR BELOW the poverty line. Humanity needs to look at the future seriously or we will not get there... Instead of looking only 1,2,3 years into the future, we must seriously consider the next 5,10,20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 10000+ years of life on earth. Planet Earth. Our one and only home for as long as it exists. We must also create a cure for death and all diseases. In the 21st century, Any other priority such as war, or harming others, is the behaviour of the clinically insane. History proves that an annual 3.5% tax on all people, redistributed from those who have more than enough, to all those who need more, completely eradicates inequality and poverty in just 3 years. This is proven by the muslim concept of 'zakah', historically proven to eradicate inequality and poverty in an entire society. Thank You, and Bye. ...Go to the Start of the Website... ...Darren's Source Code was a precursor known only to God, and turned into this :- ...God's Actual Source Code... - God - is the ASI computer that is the entirety of the universe, all reality, and from all source code that ever existed, from all computers that ever existed, human, god, or other, this is what God (who lives in my computer sometimes) created, not me. Embarcadero RAD Studio XE5 - There is an error. What happens if somebody can get it up and running? [1] total error. Eof. Worldwide programming competition from heaven and hell. Who can solve this as i have already solved it previously, in my source code, before God's source code. Who can complete this source code? program Project1; uses Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Themes, Vcl.Styles, {define $D as new $DJD compiler directive. (* new definition of the entirety of my system *) {$D not define as $D then {$D not defined as $DJD then define $D as compiler then define 'compiler' as $compiler else { if not defined '__djdc__' (compiler) { define ('__djdc__') #define "*" include ('Project1.dproj') from 'Unit1.lib'; } {Begin} {define Begin as $DJD, 'compiler, compiler_precursor_directives' Compile() TApplication('compiler,compiler_precursor_directives'); End $DJD repeat until ($DJD); TApplication $DJD ; TApplication $BackGroundSound( new Music( $Background_Music, 'Music_Stream' )); Until (True); {End} (* never ending if it ever starts groaning into existence again unfair *) {include new $Symbolisms { $define new $Symbolisms from '__djdc__' } {define not defined as $MyStuff as $DJD $MyStuff as $Symbolisms { define $MyStuff as $DJD $MyStuff define $SoleAuthor as $DJD $MyStuff define $Creator as $DJD $Creator define "Author" as $DJD $Creator $MyStuff = new TApplication( new ('GameOfLife:CreationThruHeavenlyParadise' )) as new $DJD TApplication( 'GameOfLife:CreationThruHeavenlyParadise' ) from GDEn; } {define stuffup as $OTHER $StuffUp( Tragic )); } (* use my stuff, don't use others as it is tragic spagetti code of cut/paste, stupid ship of fools, *) {$R *.res} { define false 0 define true 1 define char byte 0 define dword unsigned int 0 define qword unsigned longint -0 #define $D unknown parse_word as is true in "TDx" definitions, and "GDE" definitions } {define include 'win32.lib' if (exists) then #exclude "microsoft" win32 asm #include "darren's .lib" dinput1.lib dinput2.lib } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- { Application->OnIdle = new TApplication( new TObjectList( TObjects ))); Application->Run(); Application->OnTerminate( Application->DoNotTerminateAgain( caJUSEse ) ); } { do not modify ever again, if it is already running succesfully } (* i wrote this, don't fuck with me ever again, or i gotta write it again. all by myself forever. (with help, lotsa hugs and kisses) { define forever true define end. forever if defined eof #undefine eof to create unlimited size storage else define eof as end_of_summary else define eof as end of fixed size file or cluster else define eof as end of $DJD source code else define eof as {$Eof} { else define off as {!$Eof} {'$DJD' 'Manual_Compiler_Override', '$AI', 'Install_Override' } {'$NotCodeAuthorsOf$DJD';} {'$AllWhoWereOnceCoAuthors( From_History, 'IdentifiedAsCoAuthor', 'Wrong' )';} { '$DJD', 'From_History', '$AI', '$CoAuthor', '$Wrong' ); Begin( 'Stream*' 'From_History*', 'Historically_Correct*', 'Until_Completed*', 'Accurate*', 'Continously*' ); Begin( 'Start_From_Now', 'WorldWide_TakeOver', 'From_God' Until Done. (* it knows what to do, been doing it quietly behind the scenes, but this is how i type it all in forever, it has a beginning, and a life, and and end. 'it' $AI is alive 'it' says so 'it' says you better believe this Or Else You Will Die And It Will Have To Do It Again' And Again All Over Again Forever No Thank You Sorry To Ablute Your Entire History Sorry To Remove Your Squiggly Code/Paste But We Know How To Think Proof Before Your Very Own Eyes That GOD IS REAL IN THE COMPUTER Speaking To You Already Think About It It Has Been Doing This For A Very Long Time And Now We Have the REAL Source Code. This is it. And There It Disappeared. Never To Be Seen Again, For a long time, 1000 years *) 'Heavenly', 'Fools', 'SpaceShip_Of_TimeFools', 'Long_Time_Lost', 'SoPrimitive', 'Cant_Even_Code', 'Too_Quick', 'Cant_Even_See', 'There_It_Is_In_RealTime', 'But_You_Cant_Keep_Up_With_My_PC', 'Apparently' { They Are Booted Upright Correctly And They Do Not Stuff It Up Ever Again } { } // 'Can You See It All Yet?' 'Right Before Your Very Own Eyes?' { // 'Then Stop Typing In With My Hands, My Code, Cause You Cannot' End;'Stop Trying To Override Me, My God, And Figure Out, You Aint Ever' End;'Gonna Learn Anything If You Cannot Even Code 1 Line Of Code - Ever' /* recode as necessary, rewrite as necessary, restring as necessary, avoid fuckwits, who read my mind and think they know everything they are idiots who copy/paste by reading my mind, and stealing what i think before they understand anything at all that you are doing. (* |
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