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TDx_Draw_Library v2.00 Component Reference
[ TDx_Draw_Library::TDDDeviceIdentifier ]
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class TDDDeviceIdentifier : public TComponent
class PACKAGE TDDDeviceIdentifier : public TComponent
class type : Wrapper
[ component ]
- Description
The TDDDeviceIdentifier component wraps the DirectX DDDEVICEIDENTIFIER2 structure, which defines a device's identifier information.
It is used by TDx_Draw::GetDeviceIdentifier() when retrieving information which uniquely identifies a device.
TDDDeviceIdentifier::Driver and TDDDeviceIdentifier::Description may be displayed for the benefit of the user, but should not be used to identify a particular driver. They may contain identical strings for different drivers or different strings for the same driver from a different manufacturer.
TDDDeviceIdentifier::VendorId, TDDDeviceIdentifier::DeviceId, TDDDeviceIdentifier::SubsysId and TDDDeviceIdentifier::Revision may be used to identify specific chipsets but only with extreme caution.
- Properties
- Methods
- Events
- SeeAlso
- Top
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