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TDx_Draw_Library v2.00 Component Reference
[ TDx_Draw_Library::TDDGammaRamp ]
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class TDDGammaRamp : public TComponent
class PACKAGE TDDGammaRamp : public TComponent
class type : Wrapper
[ component ]
- Description
The TDDGammaRamp component wraps the DirectX DDGAMMARAMP structure, which is used to hold the gamma ramp settings for the red, green, and blue color components of a primary surface.
The color value for each color component of a pixel is used to index into the corresponding TDDGammaRamp::Red, TDDGammaRamp::Green and TDDGammaRamp::Blue arrays.
The value referenced within the array is used to replace the existing value for that color component.
For example, the whole primary surface could be made to appear bluer by increasing the values contained in TDDGammaRamp::Blue.
- Properties
- Methods
- Events
- SeeAlso
- Top
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