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TDx_Play_Library v2.00 Component Reference
[ TDx_Play_Library::TDx_Play ]
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class TDx_Play : public TComponent
class PACKAGE TDx_Play : public TComponent
class type : Interface
[ component ]
- Description
The TDx_Play component wraps the DirectX IDirectPlay4 and IDirectPlay4A interfaces, which are used in the creation of TDx_Play objects and for working with sessions, groups and players.
You may utilize Unicode or ANSI strings when using TDx_Play, but the use of both by the same application should be avoided.
To create an IDirectPlay4 or IDirectPlay4A interface, use the TDx_Play::Create() method and to destroy the interface, use the TDx_Play::Destroy() method.
Use the TDx_Play::OnCreate() and TDx_Play::OnDestroy() events to simplify the creation and destruction of dependent objects.
For example, in the TDx_Play::OnCreate() event, you could retrieve the interface's capabilities, create a dependant TDx_PlayLobby, and so on. Then in the TDx_Play::OnDestroy() event, place code to destroy the same TDx_PlayLobby and deallocate memory used to hold the capabilities (if required).
Once created, call any of the TDx_Play methods and handle any error results using the TDx_Play::OnError() event and the TDx_Play::ErrorValue property.
- Properties
- Methods
- Events
- Callbacks
- SeeAlso
- Top
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