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TDx_3DI_Library v2.00 Component Reference
[ TDx_3DI_Library::TDx_3DDevice ]
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class TDx_3DDevice : public TComponent
class PACKAGE TDx_3DDevice : public TComponent
class type : Interface
[ component ]
- Description
The TDx_3DDevice component wraps the DirectX IDirect3DDevice7 interface which is used to perform the majority of 3D DrawPrimitive rendering tasks.
It can be used to:
Retrieve device capabilities and information as well as the parent TDx_3D component.
Render with primitives, strided primitives or vertex buffers and also with indexed versions of the each type.
Manipulate lighting and materials by retrieving and defining lights and materials, as well as enabling and disabling lights and checking their current status.
Handle textures, including format enumeration, device validation, loading or pre-loading textures, retrieving and defining the texture and the texture stage state.
Process device states, including creation, application, capture, beginning, ending and deletion of state blocks, retrieval and definition of clip, rendering, rendering target, data and transform status.
Define and retrieve custom clip planes, clear, define and retrieve viewports, begin and end scenes, compute viewport sphere visibility and multiply transform matrices.
- Properties
- Methods
- Events
- Callbacks
- SeeAlso
- Top
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