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TDx_Input_Library v2.00 Component Reference
[ TDx_Input_Library::TDIPeriodic ]
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class TDIPeriodic : public TComponent
class PACKAGE TDIPeriodic : public TComponent
class type : Wrapper
[ component ]
- Description
The TDIPeriodic component wraps the DirectX DIPERIODIC structure which contains type specific information for force feedback effects that have the DIEFT_PERIODIC option set.
This component is referenced by TDIEffect::TypeSpecificParams when it is being used to define a periodic effect.
Periodic effects are waveforms that are usually used to achieve a shaking in the control device. You can apply an envelope to a periodic effect.
To create a standard periodic effect pass one of the GUIDs below in the TDx_InputDevice::CreateEffect() Guid parameter.
The standard waveform GUIDs are:
GUID_Square - Feedback oscillates directly from maximum negative to maximum positive force.
GUID_Sine - Feedback oscillates using a sine waveform pattern of smooth curves.
GUID_Triangle - Feedback oscillates from positive to negative at a constant rate of force change.
GUID_SawtoothUp - Feedback increases at a fixed rate then drops directly to the maximum negative magnitude and begins increasing again.
GUID_SawtoothDown - Feedback decreases at a fixed rate then rises directly to the maximum positive magnitude and begins decreasing again.
Magnitude is defined here, while the duration is defined by TDIEffect::Duration.
A periodic force using an envelope will start its cycle at the attack level, relative to its phase, spend a specified duration moving towards the sustain level, stay at the sustain level for a specified period, then spend another period of time moving towards the fade level.
- Properties
- Methods
- Events
- SeeAlso
- Top
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