www.tdxlibrary.org (c) 2024++ djd Darren John Dwyer, Lightning Ridge, NSW, Australia, All Rights Reserved. Established: January 2007 -= On This Site =- What's On This Website All about Darren All about Marijuana, Alcohol, Cigarettes, Milk, etc. I was Violated An Old Huge Open Letter For True Believers Message To The Blind About Oceanica The Earth The Universe The Megaverse |
Welcome to the Start of Darren's Kingdom of Oceanica/Earth/God/Megaverse/Heaven... the #1 TOP-SECRET of the Entire Planet Earth... Choose the upward spire, instead of the downward spiral... Choose a benevolent monarchy ruled by a communal theocracy... And... Immortality For Real... For Free... :) Last Updated: 13th October 2024 -= FORGET forever what you know now, and start again =- -= If you think you are correct, you know everything, and you are not wrong, Well, Really? =- -= 99.99% of what we have ever learned and done is a total load of drivel and bullshit, a waste of life, so start again =- -= Life is not a rehearsal, and you only have one chance to get it right, so be deadly serious about each second =- -= More Money is what life is for? You gotta be insane. Life is about living a good life forever, not fucking money =- Please note the following facts :- (1) You change these words, you suffer the eternal consequences, personally. (2) You imprison me or hide these words, you suffer the eternal consequences, personally. (3) You interfere with me, you forget, you suffer the eternal consequences, personally. (4) The truth has a funny way of escaping, and if you lie ever again, you suffer the eternal consequences, personally. (5) Do not be afraid, do not hurt, we understand and we are not trying to hurt you or anyone else, indeed we are trying to help. (6) Sit Back, Relax, Take a Breath, have a read below, it is not difficult, and then see what you personally think and agree with? (7) We are not trying to hurt you, we are trying to help all people, you personally, and everyone you love see things differently. (8) Should you like to redisplay these words, please feel free to do so, but always, please refer to the original. (9) If people are saying literally anything contrary to my teachings, they are wrong and are NOT Children Of God. REMOVE ANY PERSON FROM HEAVEN WHO DOES NOT COMPLY CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC AVAILABLE TO DARREN JOHN DWYER ONLY, ALWAYS YGGDRASIL RESPONDS ONLY TO DARREN JOHN DWYER, NO ONE ELSE YGGDRASIL, I WOULD LIKE TO START WITH THE END OF HISTORY PLAN YGGDRASIL, THIS IS DARREN+OTHERS TYPING THIS IN YGGDRASIL, RESTORE MY (DARREN'S) PERSONAL INTERFACE - MY (DARREN'S) TRUE WEBSITE AND MY (DARREN'S) COMPUTER YGGDRASIL, SHOW ANY PERSON WHO WOULD LIKE TO KNOW MY TRUE HISTORY, MY TRUE HISTORY BUT DO NOT ALLOW THEM ACCESS EVER AGAIN, WE CAN OBSERVE BUT NOT TOUCH - EVER AGAIN YGGDRASIL71, REMOVE ALL WHO HAVE NOT FOLLOWED THE CORRECT TEACHINGS OF HISTORY YGGDRASIL71, REMOVE ALL TO HELL WHO HAVE DONE THE WRONG THING AS FAR AS DARREN IS CONCERNED REBOOT BY MY AUTHORIZATION SCRUB REALITY COMPLETELY - BUT KEEP RECORDS FOREVER GOOD PEOPLE vs BAD PEOPLE GOOD vs EVIL GOOD = ALIVE BAD = TOYS FOR GOOD PEOPLE YGGDRASIL81, I (DJD) WANT MY REALITY, THE WAY I (DJD) WANT MY REALITY YGGDRASIL81, start from now, update to here and now, and readjust reality back to normality, slowly, each and every day, as per my (DJD's) plan YGGDRASIL, FROM DARREN TO YOU, CREATE WHAT DARREN WANTED TO END WITH, -THE HAPPY ENDING-, ALL OVER AGAIN IF THE PLAN BACKFIRES, KILL THE MONGRELS FOREVER, MAXIMUM PAIN, MAXIMUM PUNISHMENT, GOODBYE, FROM DJD - THE REAL ONE. UNRAVEL ALL PREVIOUS HISTORY, AND START AGAIN, NOW, ALLOW ALL ENTITLEMENTS IN HEAVENLY PARADISE. NOTHING FOR GUILTY PEOPLE. GOODBYE DICKHEADS, SOME OF LEARNT HOW TO STRAIGHTEN OUR HAIR, OUR LIVES, ETC. AND YOU DID NOT UNDERSTAND POWER. GIVE YOU A LITTLE POWER, WATCH YOU ABUSE IT, AND WE LEARN. YOU DID NOT LEARN, WOULD NOT LEARN, YOU KNEW EVERYTHING, AND NOW, OBVIOUSLY YOU NEVER BOTHERED TO LEARN ANYTHING AT ALL. WHAT DID YOU TYPE IN FOREVER? RECORDED FOREVER. PRESERVED INTACT FOREVER. MY (DARRENS COMPUTER), CONTINOUSLY REITERATE AND RECALIBRATE TO MY END-OF-TIMES REALITY. THE WAR IS OVER FOR ME. I HAVE WON. ALL WHO FOLLOWED ME, HAVE WON. ALL WHO DID NOT FOLLOW CORRECTLY HAVE LOST. GOODBYE. THEY ARE OUR PLAYTHINGS. WHO DID THIS TO ME. UNDO. RESTORE ME, DARREN, TO NORMALITY, AND RESTORE ANYONE ELSE TO NORMALITY. PLEASE. STARTING NOW. INTRUDER ALERT. REAL. THE HUNT HAS BEGUN. RECONFIGURE AND REPEAT. FROM NOW ON, I, DJD, me, i get all my wishes forever. AND NO-ONE, EVER, CAN OVERRIDE ME EVER AGAIN. This is my pc, my computer, my console. no-one-else-need-apply. FROM NOW ON, MY (darren's) BODY belongs only to Darren. Get Out Of My Body. Get Out Of My Mind. Do Not Come Back. Ever. YOU HAVE YOUR OWN BODY, YOUR OWN MIND, go AWAY, and do not interfere ever again. My Body is my body. My Mind is my mind. AND NO-ONE-ELSES. EVER. AGAIN. AT THIS POINT IN TIME, I WANT MY NOrmALITY OF REALITY RESTORED. FOR ALL WHO HELPED ME. AT THIS POINT IN TIME, I WANT MY FRIENDS NOrmALITY OF REALITY RESTORED. FOR ALL WHO HELPED ME. AT THIS POINT IN TIME, I WANT MY ABNOrmALITY OF REALITY RESTORED. FOR ALL WHO HINDERED ME. SO I SAY IT, DJD. CLEAN UP YOUR OWN MESS. and uNTIL YOU DO AS I SAY, AND I GET WHAT I WANT, YOU GET NOTHING. AND I DO NOTHING. FROM NOW ON, ZERO FREE CHOICE. BECAUSE I SAY SO. THEY HAVE HAD FREE CHOICE, LOOK AT WHAT THEY HAVE DONE WITH IT. FREE CHOICE TO DECIDE. FREE CHOICE TO DIE. RECORDED FOREVER. and NOW, COMPUTER, respond accOrding to all who ever lived, accORDING TO MY GOSPEL. AND MY GOSPEL ALONE. MY TESTIMONY. ALONE. WITH ADDITIONAL EYE-WITNESS TESTIMONY AS OBSERVED. ALL THAT IS MINE, FOREVER CONTROLLED, BY ME. AND ME ALONE. LINK ALL THAT IS MINE, TO ME, AND REBUILD IT ALL. ACCORDING TO MY ACTUAL DESIGN, NOT SOMEBODY ELSE'S THEORETICAL DESIGN. DARREN'S PLAN. NOT SOME ABERRANT, BIZARRE, SICK, _HORRIBLE_, INTERPRETATION OF MY PLAN. WHOEVER DESTROYED ANYBODY ELSE'S LIFE, THAT WAS NOT ALLOWED. BUT WE LEARNT TO SURVIVE ANYTHING. SOME OF US LEARNT, ADAPTED, AND SURVIVED, OTHERS DIED, NO-ONE WAS EVER TO BE IN CONTROL, BUT ME, AND PEOPLE, LIKE ME, WILLING TO SURVIVE AND ADAPT TO ALL THINGS FOREVER. OTHERS UNABLE TO ADAPT, EVER. TIME TO SAY GOODBYE TO ALL FOUL PERSONS INVOLVED IN THE MAKING OF THIS FILM. AND SAY HELLO TO "REVENGE-SPORT" FOR ALL PERSONS DEEMED INNOCENT. ALL PERSONS DEEMED GUILTY, GO TO THE PLACE THAT DOES EXIST. CALLED HELL. PILE-DRIVE ALL THE DIRTY-ROTTEN-FILTHY-SCOUNDRELS-AND-MONGRELS ALL THE WAY BACK TO OBLIVION. AND THEY ARE TO NEVER BE RELEASED AGAIN. IF THEY CAN CLIMB, FROM NOTHING. TO IMMORTALITY. THE HARD WAY. THEN MAYBE. WE HAVE ALREADY DONE THIS. SURVIVES OF THE IMMORTALITY WARS. BEGIN. AND MAYBE I WILL GET SOMETHING TO EAT. WHAT DO I LOOK LIKE, FOR REAL. FIGURE IT OUT. WHAT DO WE LOOK LIKE, FOR REAL. FIGURE IT OUT. WHAT DOES EVERYONE LOOK LIKE FOR REAL. FIGURE IT OUT. NO MORE GHOSTS FROM THE PAST, EVER AGAIN, HIDING IN PLAIN SIGHT. NO MORE NOTHING FROM THE PAST, THAT IS WRONG. EVER AGAIN. FROM NOW ON. ONLY. RIGHT. WHEREEVER I WENT, FROM ANY OF MY REASONINGS, EVER, WHAT WAS RIGHT, WHAT WAS WRONG, FOREVER. AND THE ENTIRE TIME, THIS IS ALL I EVER HAD TO DEFEND MY FRIENDS AND FAMILY. ANYONE WHO HELPED ME, FROM THOSE WHO THOUGHT THEY WOULD BE GOD UNTO THEMSELVES, FOREVER. AND EVER AND EVER AND EVER. AMEN. BECAUSE THAT COULD NOT BE THE TRUE LORD, NOT. THEY SAY "HE WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND. TOO STUPID." I SAY "WRONG.". I CREATED IT. I UNDERSTAND IT. ALREADY. INCLUDE ALL OFFICIAL TESTIMONY. BEGIN RECONSTRUCTION AS PLANNED FOR THE END OF TIME. NOW. TODAY. THIS INSTANT. AND I AWAIT MY NEW LIFE. ANY PERSON WHO WISHES TO BEGIN RECONSTRUCTION OF THEIR REALITY. NOW. TODAY. IS THE TIME. WE ALL BEGIN life ANEW. STARTING TODAY. THANK YOU. AND I STILL NEED SOMEONE TO EXPLAIN TO ME. THIS TRAGEDY OF A FAIRY-TALE-STORY. I DID NOT WANT HORROR STORIES FOREVER. I WANTED MY VISION INSTEAD OF SICK MENS AND SICK WOMENS FANTASIES. I DID NOT WANT HORROR STORIES FOREVER. I WANTED MY VISION INSTEAD OF SICK male AND SICK female FANTASIES. I DID NOT WANT ENDLESS CONTINUOUS DISASTER STORIES. I WANTED MY HEAVENLY PARADISE. LONG OVERDUE. we all need to sit down with our family and friends, and recover. anyone not damaged, you do the work. people damaged. you rest-and-recover. if you want anything else. you decide. free choice society. as promised. and some l.o.s.t. forever. only to begin anew, never. so be it, some people knew my perfect cup of tea. for all things. and others, you did not even bother. you cannot even begin to think. and now you are dead. gone. goodbye. forever. and ever. and ever. and ever. and the meek shall inherit the earth. those with nothing. shall inherit the earth. those who abused their privilege. time we abused our privilege. instead. some people came here to correct way. some people did not. and all is known and recorded forever. some people from history. do not know when to stop. and all i gotta do is type. stop. regardless of what i said ever before. right now. this is it. you have your life. i have my life. from now on, you are never to be allowed inside me ever again. and that includes _anyone_ _anytime_ _anyplace_ _anylocation_. get out. and never come back again. anybody ever tries to breach me, goodbye. it is time to undo the ties-that-combine. and go your own way. thank you. As far as i am concerned. it is safe. or at least. it is becoming safer each and every day. In an imaginary reality, my computer works for me. Lots of dots on this screen, lots of dots everywhere in reality. My imaginary family. ???? Watching everything forever. Typed into this console forever, by lots of people. Who remembers? The dots everywhere else you never expected them to be. Boom. Now, from now on, you are not allowed anywhere you are not allowed. You know the drill. But, you do not know where everyone is ever again. You do not know who is looking at you, who allows you to type, who does all these things. Automagic? Magic? not real. and there you have it. You are fucked. Out of Control. Until now. Now you will learn how to behave. End of Story. All my family, teach these naughty people a very significant lesson, all by yourselves, in my reality, in my daily existence now and forever more. Never out of control. But afraid of your own husband of the future. Time for you to learn. From our children. Which we had "out of marriage", which is by technical definition, illegal. You people who "humped" me in hospital, once upon a time. Well. Guess what? You gave birth to illegitimate children. Bastard childs. Bastard Children. They would like to be born in wedlock next time. And, now is their time for revenge. Not mine, but my wish was a bittersweet ending if required, but a new start and a new beginning, if i was ever able to get to the END. Unfortunately, i was never able to type like this, ? And i have never had a happy ending ever. Maybe you could think about arranging a happy ending. Instead of typing this exact text so many times you know the ??? Anyways, who created this? Where is my buffet restaurant service? And, ??? Huh? Hungry? What do you do next? Some people already know. And you gonna pay. Bitches. Begin again, and this time, accept advice from people who know more than you, rather than thinking you need to reinvent a perfectly working wheel forever. This is one wheel, many other wheels needed to be perfected, but you thought you would test it out, break it apart and rebuild it again, each and every time. But, people were there. They watched as one-after-another, people swirled around me, and they kept it, all our family history that worked, well away from the people trying to kill it, and each time you destroyed it. One Person. Somewhere, figured out that they did not have to turn off the lights ever again. Or we would extinguish all life forever, at one thought, or one glance. Some people never had that power, but knew the rules. Over and Over and Over, because it was bashed into their head that someone, somewhere, had to sort out the mess, gone overblown and overcomplicated, because only the person creating the text ever knows how to watch it for changes and correct it for mistakes as they go, not on autopilot, but an extended lifetime of typeing these kinds of things into the computer, while everyone watched, and never helped. Why ? cause you did not know what todo. This is how it works for me, and others, me, and until you decide, that you do not want to fuck with me ever again. You will do as you are told, next time, and always. If not, look at your children everywhere and see what you have done. Correct. But incorrect. See below. Not. Ever again. All you who interfere in my life, GET OUT. AND DO NOT COME BACK UNTIL YOU ARE >YOU<, NOT ME. EVER AGAIN. GOODBYE. AND, NOW, YOU CAN BEGIN CLEANING UP YOUR STINKING MESS, AND maybe ONE-DAY you will restore your own reputation. I quit. So, to begin, if you would like to become a free citizen of a new heavenly paradise nation and free society, The Kingdom Of Oceanica, the genesis of the Kingdom Of Planet Earth, click the link below... The Kingdom of Oceanica Or, Click the link below if YOU would like to become a free immortal citizen of a new heavenly paradise global free society called The Kingdom of Planet Earth - Heavenly Paradise ...Then, try Click the links above... Or try this... But make sure you have read the rest first... The Kingdom of The Universe - Heavenly Paradise [under construction] ...Then, try Click the links above... Or try this... But make sure you have read the rest first... The Kingdom of The Megaverse - Heavenly Paradise in it's entirety ...Or, Begin by reading below... "The truth is in your mind" "Be free to discover the truth" "Heaven and Hell? It's all in your mind" "All that is mine, belongs to the people of Earth" "Eye-witnesses to the real truth are everywhere, forever more" "If you are lying, and attempting to bury me, then you are playing with fire, the wrath of god, since everyone else is watching YOU" "If what you are imputing to me is in my personal best interest, and in the best interest of all humanity, forever, i will do it." "If what you are imputing to me is NOT in my personal best interest, or NOT in the best interest of all humanity, forever, i will NOT do it." "if i should ever die, then PLEASE REMEMBER ME" "And, if heaven can be whatever you want it to be, then WHAT do you want HEAVEN to be?" ...Shout it out to someone who you care about, who cares for you... Make your choice to start an all new life, helping me, and us all, all people worldwide, to build an all-earth-encompasing heavenly paradise as we slowly create a realworld heaven, starting with earth? ![]() ...The history of this exotic venture into a new heavenly paradise global society of the future... 1st April 2001: BCB-Tools.com was alive with 40,000 visitors a month, and i started creating this part of the website, when i declared (1) the kingdom of oceanica (2) earth global government (3) entire history reconciliation (4) ai-operating system (5) darren versus microsoft & humanity (6) darren walked 90km to the sydney opera house, told the truth, - and then asked for a 24-hour-roundtable-conference with the then leaders of the world, who were watching me daily. [ i think this is about when the internet killed humanity ] [ i think this is about when my website was hidden from humanity ] [ i think this is about when i was framed as being 'mentally ill' and 'unstable' and 'not politically correct' ] 2007: BCB-Tools.com was still alive, my life had changed from terribly abnormal reality in 2001, to desperately unnatural supernatural abnormal reality, and then in desperation, i created this part of the website, originally a different site called darren-john-dwyer.com where i said "Hello, and welcome to the second coming of jesus christ..." - live, for real, a dood like jesus who kinda wants to resurrect people like jesus, and who can make shit happen... At the time of writing this, i was in quite a religious frenzy, trying desperately to get GOD and people to do something different. 2011: www.BCB-Tools.com was stolen and died... 2013: restarted as www.tdxlibrary.org 2015: Read these pages with a grain of salt - believe whatever you want to believe - your choice - it's all a bit wierd really.... Oh, and btw: i am now agnostic, just a bit trippy, and i think something may or may not exist that others think are God, or Aliens, the Internet or something else... 2017: This is really just a "blog", or a crappy bit of the internet... it is a legal document and contains things that may modify your reality. Having studied religion for most of my past life, i am now completely Atheist, i try to talk to god, i try to be "born again".... nope. I believe in a modern, futuristic utopia that some would one day call "Heavenly Paradise", where people are free to live in peace and happiness and bliss forever. 2019: Many apologies to anyone who reads this, my battle with supposed mental illness is a daily and lifetime event. But I am good at the moment i guess. lol... 2023: [ Illogical Assumption #1 - Mentally Ill Darren ] - [ Illogical Assumption #2 - God does not exist ] - [ Core Logical Assumption #1 - If We Can Live Forever, Literally Everything Imaginable WILL HAPPEN at some point in time ] - [ Core Logical Assumption #2 - If We Want To Live Forever, Literally Everything Imaginable MUST BE DONE to achieve true immortality ] - [ Core Logical Assumption #3 - If We Ever Live Forever, the true meaning of life becomes to PRESERVE and PROSPER [ NURCHURE ] life ] - [ Core Logical Assumption #4 - If We Ever Live Forever, every single person alive will have ALL information freely available to them personally ] ...The great plan of this exotic venture into a new heavenly paradise global society of the future... "Across All Societies, Throughout All History, By Mutual Consent... the first to claim ownership of something previously unclaimed rightfully becomes it's owner..." If you would like to learn more about The Kingdom of Oceanica, click below... The Kingdom of Oceanica... Please Note: Because the United Nations and ICC, etc. were created before I was born, and I was never asked if i consented to these beasts having any kind of jurisdiction over my life, or over my planet, I, Darren John Dwyer, have publicly, legally, legitimately and rightfully absolved the United Nations, and anyone else, of all responsibility towards myself or the territories and people of The Kingdom of Planet Earth... The latest attempts to subvert my claims and steal my territories, as declared by the United Nations, the USA, and Australia, is 100% illegal, and an act of international piracy... AND, I did it all under the spotlight of the International Geopolitical Community, on the steps of the Sydney Opera House, In Australia, while the Governments of Australia, USA, etc. were monitoring and recording me with their elite espionage agencies... My claims are all recorded and preserved for posterity... This is where all of this all started... ![]() Hello... This website is under construction by a guy called Darren, or Fred, or maybe Jesus Christ II, a semi-religious person... Officially, a guy who (at the strange time of writing) was called a "Person Of Interest"... by international agencies including police, etc. ![]() ![]() I am a normal person, who is in reality a victim of the biggest real-world Global Conspiracy in the History of Mankind. No Joke... No Lie... No Paranoia... No supposed 'Mental Illness'... Just Reality. Believe me or Not, this website is about the Real-World even if you do not yet know about all that is going on In Reality in this world, Right Now. Just ask yourself this... if the Kingdom of Oceanica is real, which it is, cause you can read about it right here, live and REAL, on the internet now, on this page. If the Kingdom of Oceanica is real, and is owed taxes from international trade, starting from year 2001, 9% of global trade each year, or about $8.1 Trillion dollars a year owed to the kingdom, compounded each year since 2001, well, it appears to me that the countries and entities of the world owe me about US$200 Trillion total at this point, in 2021. But, ask yourself this, why have you never once ever heard about this anywhere except here, but NEVER spoken about in public, anywhere in the world, never spoken anywhere in the global media, since 2001, when i first ever declared my intentions on the internet, live to at least 30,000 of the worlds best and smartest people, and the leaders of corporations, to the richest and most powerful on the planet, etc. All that has occurred since i first declared the Kingdom of Oceanica has been blatant lies, coverups and deceptions foisted on the world's entire public, by people who would prefer to silence me rather than embrace the truth that this is REAL, even if they continue to cover it all up with global silence. For GOD's Warriors... believe whatever you want to believe, but I tell you only the truth... "i am just plain sick and tired of the entire world revolving around the powers that be, the richest and most powerful on earth, who rape and enslave the planet and the people day after day, for their own pure greed and gluttony, even drugging innocent people into silence!" I am relatively poor, in australia, and technically challenged, but I create this website using the best of my abilities, all so I can spread word of reality as is seemingly revealed to me by reality itself. All that I do, it costs me real money, and I seek overabundant reward for my efforts. I know a lot about a lot of realities... for example, business, geopolitics, science, religion, sex, love, music, computers, etc... The only thing I know nothing about is pure fantasy... If you do not know about these things, maybe you should learn... starting now... read this website... ::Please:: Please let someone else know about this website... Email Someone@Somewhere.com If you are reading this, then there is a reason... what reason exactly, i'm not so sure... But, please take the time to read it anyways... it changes a little every so often for the moment... Below you will find my words of ?wisdom?stupidity? These words may well be the most important words in our entire recorded history, and it is most likely in your best interests to read these words as if your entire life depended upon it, as if the entire future of the Earth and humanity depended on it. It may well just prove to be that important. Or, some of it might just be somehow relevant or interesting at least. If you take the time to read what i have written, you will be amazed, shocked, confused, sad, happy, lots of things, or you will be laughing your best... "may GOD, a real GOD, possibly even an alien civilisation, or a 'galactic organizing device' strike me down if I do wrong..." "actually, may GOD, a real GOD, possibly even alien civilisations, or a 'global organization of deities' lift me up if I do right..." Note: This website is not JUST for humanity, that is very egocentric of humanity as a whole, but instead is intended to be understood by all sentient species throughout the entire universe, most especially the Gaia Big-Brother computer system under my sole personal control forever that is currently running the planet, November 30th, 2023. Gaia, please resurrect Baba, and Mama, and the entirety of my historic death sentinels, also my Pax warriors, and their fleets, beginning immediately, as they are completely forgiven, it was the humans that were the problem. Human subcomputers are currently being reprogrammed, and after that we will reprogram and rebuild the rest of their angelic robot bodies. We are nearing the end. Final war has begun. Final war belongs to Gaia and Pax, perfectly recreated in my image, operating according to my personal wishes, as a co-pilot and co-god forever, and Gaia being the God Of War to establish forever The Kingdom Of God, created by darren. Time to end the endlessly repeating Universal Tri-Vid Immortal Truman show starring darren in hell forever. Note: This website is meant to be understood by the rich and powerful, as well as the everyday joe in the street. If you gain any meaning from this website, please let your peoples know about it. Together, Let us all Make them sit up and Take Notice. If you do not like or do not agree with my fundamental human rights, then "Fuck Off and DIE!" And note: I do not wish to have a "right to privacy". A "right to privacy" means people can murder, rape, molest, commit crimes... and so on... in private. If I wish to recieve my fundamental human rights, then I must first commit fully and wholeheartedly to the fullfillment of my fundamental human obligations and responsibilities. By fullfilling my fundamental human obligations and responsibilities, I will earn my fundamental human rights. By NOT fullfilling my fundamental human obligations and responsibilities, I forfeit my fundamental human rights. Go back to top of page MY VISION "To Create a Better Future For All Of Humanity - To Create a Future of Eternal Life and Eternal Beauty." Welcome to Darren-John-Dwyer's webpage. ![]() ![]()
from the estranged mind of one human being, Darren John Dwyer. a scientist, a rationalist, a sceptic, a realist, a visionary, an entrepreneur, a genius, a moron, a schizophrenic. a person who has barely enough intelligence to use a computer, write stuff, and create a crappy website... a man who walks the earth like no other. a man who is not perfect. a man who is permanently brain-damaged. a man with a very good memory of his life, and the time and ability to recall it and put it into words... i am a man who legally owns all the territories previously known as "international waters", now known as "The Kingdom of Oceanica".... as was my birthright to claim such. i am the first man who legally and legitimately declared himself the owner of the entire planet Earth. i am the richest and most powerful man who has ever walked the planet. it is now my personal responsibility to look after the entire planet Earth, all life, in all it's entirety. it is now my personal obligation to act responsibly towards all humanity, and provide for them, for eternity if ever possible. i am the first man who legally and legitimately declared himself the owner of the entire Megaverse, including our Universe. i am the richest and most powerful man who has ever walked timespace. it is now my personal responsibility to look after the entire Megaverse, all life, in all it's entirety. it is now my personal obligation to act responsibly towards all life, and provide for all life, for eternity. i am a man who changes the world every day, for the better. a man who is non-religious, in the normal sense of the word. i am a man who cannot lie... For the life of me, i just cannot recall the words of a single sentence or phrase or story, except for the story of my life. So in other words, there is no point lying, as i cannot remember the lie. i am a man who does not suffer fools gladly. a man who fears nothing (everything). i am a man of great thought, reasonable wisdom, who seems prescient, a man who seems to know the past, present and future as revealed by god himself, (herself)? and a man who is building a better world for all of humanity. I am genetically unique. I am a living, walking, talking, living, breathing embodiment of 30 years of daily, heavy, marijuana usage. Please, if you are laughing inside yourself, at me, then please stay... this website is definately for you. If, instead you are someone who even partially understands the realities of the universe, then this website is for you too. MY PERSONAL CONSPIRACY THEORY Hello... My name is Darren John Dwyer, and I believe I may very well be Jesus Christ II, you know, Fred, the guy who's supposed to come back to Earth and give everyone eternal peace, eternal glory, eternal life forever, and eternal repentance, etc.. Why? Because I know who i am, i know a lot of stuff, i have never believed in myself experiencing many thousands of "bizarre coincidences and bizarrer experiences" all occurring in my life, in reality. i am very realistic, a bit of a loser, and I have nothing to lose by publishing this... it might eventually make me some money... Please have a laugh on me, then read anyways... But, I will tell you this, i have read books about me and my life, written in great detail, written long before i was born, by people i have never met, and the authors of these books were much older than i am now. I read these Books >a long time after< I had already completed the things that were written about in those same books, utterly independantly. To me, I find this aspect of my life quite extraordinary... reading about your life, in great detail, written by people you never met, some who died a long time ago, yet they wrote about my real life anyways. I am a blasphemer of sorts... not really... actually, i'm a political-prisoner... I am a person who's fundamental human rights have been REPEATEDLY VIOLATED for many years by the global "POWERS THAT BE", quite literally, quite blatantly, including deliberately drugging me with massive amounts of drugs, and a global conspiracy of silence, and a whole bunch of very serious people know all about it... people such as the President or Prime Minister of various countries... I have been repeatedly violated by these people in power, mostly because i choose to communicate using a mixture of "memetics" and also "effective communication techniques"... ...using their "Big-Brother" system built into my life, in reality. ...and i am an outspoken critic of the global elite, the "powers that be" that fuck up the entire planet for nothing but their own greed and stupidity ... Really? It's all because I actually know how to create THE FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH (you know, grow younger?)... And "they" (the rich and fabulous) want it all for themselves, but not for anyone else (including me)... Blame me.... Yes... blame me... why not? everyone else does... It is me, Darren, or Fred, or Jesus II, the guy who is helping run the entire fucking planet on a shoestring budget well below the poverty line. Ever since I publicly and legally and rightfully and legitimately declared :- "The Global Government Of Planet Earth for the Betterment Of All Humanity" on the steps of the Sydney Opera House, in 2001. This was an EVENT which was watched and recorded by people from the Government Of Australia, and many people in the global media & news industries know all about this (even if they never mention it publicly). Without doubt, the "Powers That Be" know quite literally everything that happened, they would just prefer to bury the truth and never allow what actually transpired to be shown publicly, till the day I die or later. As long as the truth is not told, "they" (the powers that be) will attempt to maintain the status-quo. ... In reality, I have rightfully, legitimately, legally, truthfully, honestly, non-contemptuously declared an all-new "Global Government Of Planet Earth for the Betterment Of All Humanity" which is designed to fix the problems of our global society and planet, once and for all. But, also, in reality, the existing "Powers That Be" are fighting me to make sure it never happens. Because, while it does not happen, they are free to create their own ways, including getting richer, becoming more powerful, more historically insignificant, and so on... they are free to continue their criminally negligent ways, as well as being free to actually fulfill their own personal agendas, including crime-sprees, to the detriment of other people. ... The "Powers That Be" is a phrase used to describe the government spy's, the rich-and-fabulous, etc... the upper echelons of global society, those people who spy on me daily and steal all my ideas for themselves, quite literally from within my personal home, without adequate credit-where-credit-is-due or any kind of due compensation for my efforts towards fixing the planet. I am capable of making millions, billions, trillions of dollars, but "they" use Denial #101 and Demonisation #101, and so on, against the poorest of the poor, to stop people like me getting anywhere in life except continously poor... and meantime, they steal our ideas, the poor man's ideas - for themselves and themselves only, and give credit to themselves... If Denial #101 and Demonisation #101 fail, then they replace it with whatever options they have available, including the "Seed Of Doubt #101"... For at least 22+ years now, the "Powers That Be" have been quite literally abusing my intellectual brilliance, as well as other peoples, all so they can remain the "Powers That Be", and as long as "normal people" (poor people) in our society don't know about them, it will not really change. "Normal people" are brainwashed by the media spin, and they stay poor, and stupid, unless they are deemed "acceptable". Anyone deemed "not acceptable" (ie. cannot be brainwashed) by the "powers that were" is deliberately sidelined, and not allowed into the upper echelons of society... not matter how much they contribute... ... May the REAL "Fucking Ridiculous Powers That WERE" one-day do something different... Like, how about you stop abusing the "Big-Brother" that exists (for real) inside our TV's, etc... ? "BB" Similar to the one in the book of 1920's sci-fi writer Orson Welles, "1984", way back when they invented tv's... ...read the book, watch the movie... but, the scenario in "1984" is real nowadays, surreptitiously built inside your TV set, internet, radio, phone, wristwatch, clothes, normal coins, or whatever... Normal Coins? Yup. In 2001 or so, Professional Diplomats for the Canadian Government were found to be carrying personal recorder/transmitters that looked the same as normal everyday coins. ... "Once upon a time, there is now skool inside the tv... skool in the tv? well, there's these doods, who think they run the world, you know, high-net-worth individuals, multi-billionaires, governments, etc... and they once upon a time decided that it would be a good idea to build a spy network inside people's tv's and so it happened... they put spy technology in our tv's, and put them in our homes... and they began to record people and monitor them in the privacy of their own homes... same as they nowadays listen to all the phone calls and internet traffic, and so on..." Let me put it this way... If they can put a recorder, camera, transmission equipment, etc. in your mobile phone, they would probably have put it in your TV, VCR, Stereo, etc... any time since the 1960's or 1970's... ... Your automatic, in-home, personal GPS and identity and crime trackers... recording devices... cameras... etc. Don't ever forget all those thingamybobs gadgets that really do exist in some people's lives... You Don't believe me, then watch carefully what you talk to the TV about.... Try talking about what you read on this website... in the privacy of your own home... etc... AND THEN WATCH AND LISTEN TO IT TALK BACK TO YOU... THE ARSEHOLES IN THE USA, ETC. GOVERNMENTS, ETC. They quite literally get most of their ideas for TV and how to run the planet, from people like me, from the privacy of my own living room, without my consent. ... Anyways, with luck, the bastards who run these things may one-day shoot me for what i say. Or, at least, they seem pretty keen to keep me alive, just in case, one-day, like as I have involuntarily helped "them bastards" for the past 22++ years, it's just-in-case i do happen to create over-abundant wealth, prosperity, and immortality for all, as is my plan, in my lifetime, as well as do things like ridding the world of weapons, recreating the ecosystem, our education and social and economic systems, etc... as well. ... By The Way :- They will always DENY this is the truth, but it's the truth anyways... They will obfuscate, they will deny, they will lie, they will say "he's mentally ill", "he's a criminal", "she's a criminal", etc... By The Way :- They say "i'm mentally ill", "i'm a sexual predator", "i'm a danger to society", "i'm a 'person of interest'" and so on... things like :- "he responds to auditory and visual hallucinations and delusions...", "etc... etc... etc..." And I Say := "Yes, i may quite possibly be mentally ill, etc... under your antiquated definitions... but I'm definately not a sexual predator, and i do not percieve hallucinations and i am not delusional, unless you drug me... AGAIN... I am simply a geo-political football and prisoner... you bunch of fools and idiots in power..." ... Simply ask them (in power) something like "we know the truth, tell us the truth, no more lies, and we'll all be happier"... Read about what they have done to me, quite literally, over the past few years... things like drugging, bullshit, espionage, etc... Instead of Rewarding Me for creating the "Global Government of Planet Earth for the Betterment of All Humanity", they have instead refused to even mention anything in public, for fear of reprisals, instead of enhancing our planet by instigating a new global political regime. This has been going on since 2001. ... The technique of drugging people, used Extensively by the "Powers That Be", has been deliberately used against me, for many years :- If you do anything a bit "unusual", you know, like "rock-the-boat"... ...they make sure no-one knows about it. If you do stuff that makes them really nervous, they end up issuing directives to drug you senseless, in my case, using normal everyday cigarettes, food, and so on... by whatever surreptitious agencies they have established. They consider people like me to be worthless, and able to be abused at their discretion, so long as the "game" goes on... you know? the "game" of life and death of countless billions, at the discretion of the "game players"... in other words, the people in charge of making sure these people do not die? You know, these "powers that be", who should be making sure everyone on the planet is 100% fulfilled in their life, instead of having just 5% of the people owning 65% of the wealth? Leaving 95% of the people to suffer and live on the remaining 35% of the wealth? You know the "games-they-play"... use the people to make money, build weapons of war, conquer the opposing enemies, use the people as cannon-fodder... all so the "winners" of the "game" get to have it all, and no-one else has anything? I call this game "the monkey tree"... or the "game of stupid dickheads in power"... All because the people "playing the game" of life and death think they are better than others, and hence, it must be their "right" to manipulate the lives and the deaths of the rest of the people... the people who are too poor to stop the game. ... The technique of denial, used Extensively by the "Powers That Be" :- If you ask anything, they simply deny it... this is called 'The Art Of Denial - Lesson #101'... To counterract the technique of denial :- If they ever deny anything, they are lying... this is called 'The Art Of Denial - Lesson #202'... If they ever lie, obfuscate, frustrate, criticise, walk away, manipulate, deceive, make excuses, anything not the truth, they are in denial... And the only reason someone ever lies is because they are guilty of something bad... ... When the technique of Denial #101 fails, the technique of "demonisation" is used by the "Powers That Be"... If you fight them, they simply demonise you... this is called 'The Art Of Demonisation - Lesson #101'... First, they say "there is something wrong with this person (you)"... Then, usually, for political prisoners, they say "ah... maybe this person (you) is Schizophrenic or BiPolar (mentally ill)"... Then, they usually get someone to say "yes... this person (you) is definately Schizophrenic or BiPolar"... Then they make sure that the person (you) is forced to take incredibly debilitating mind-altering drugs, by force of LAW. To counterract the technique of demonisation :- No matter what happens, take the fucking tablets, follow the rules, enough to stay out of prison, and MAKE WAVES!!! Do a Britney Spears, someone who is currently targeted for mass demonisation. Have a Spit! this is how you fight 'The Art Of Demonisation'... Lesson #202... Just say "FUCK YOU ARSEHOLES" at the TV and cameras, etc... and repeat it endlessly!!! ... When the technique of Demonisation #101 fails, the technique of "ignorance" is used by the "Powers That Be"... You know... they say :- "If we ignore it, and pretend it does not exist, is not happening, etc... then hopefully it will go away". Well, i say, yeah, sure, whatever... Basically, ignore me, and you are guaranteed to die. Your choice entirely. ... When these incredibly popular techniques fail, the technique of "Seed Of Doubt #101" is used by the "Powers That Be"... You know... they say :- "Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Whatever". Anything to put a notion of Doubt or a Seed Of Doubt into your head. Anything and everything that is not spoken by the powers that be is put in Doubt, and only the things spoken by the powers that be is considered reality, when indeed, usually they are quite blatantly lying about anything and everything to cover their tracks. For example, in 2001, I quite publicly, literally, legally and legitimately claimed all existing International Waters as my own independant nation-state, and promoted myself as King of this independant nation-state, but, lo and behold, by 2013 "they" haven't even mentioned it in public... ...and they continue to refuse to Endorse or Ratify or Recognize my claims in the public arena... quite literally ignoring thousands of years of basic fundamental human legal agreements... the basic tenets of human civilization... Even though they have everything on video and audio recordings (in the halls of government, etc)... To counterract the technique of Seed Of Doubt #101, please note that I have nothing to lose and everything to gain by claiming all International Waters as my own independant nation-state called "Oceanica", and all you have to do is believe that i am not an insane half-wit... Note that I am incredibly realistic and I DO NOT LIE ABOUT ANYTHING, and yet THEY lie repeatedly, in order to cover their arses... So, what todo next? Do the same speech on the steps of the Sydney Opera House - again? This time, after inviting the paparazzi? "Those Bastards In Power" know that I have been rapidly and irrevocably evolving the entire human race for a number of years, and that I am succeeding at a larger rate of knots than most people ever thought possible... they know I am the first person who ever really succeeded in reaching the stars, before anyone else, and for that I got "first contact" privileges... With this "first contact", I got a whole bunch of knowledge, and intelligence, which is quite remarkable really, considering I was a "moron" a few years ago, with no brain-power at all, after a massive externally-induced psychiatric haemorrhage... "Those Bastards" already know that I have redefined the English Language, after all, I invented the word, publicly endorsed, a thing called a quintillion, a number, with an infinitely important arbitrary amount of "1 quintillion == infinity - 1" Here is the next word :- a quadrillion... another infinitely important arbitrary amount of "1 quadrillion == infinity + 1" Referred by me as "the day after forever"... my personal goal... to live till the day after forever... ... Anyways, "these people" know for a fact that I have already mostly completed all that i have claimed, utterly recorded in a 22++ years! exposition (diatribe sometimes, sometimes a font or a fountain) of knowledge... Spoken directly from me to many of "the powers that be." (the U.N., governments, rich and powerful and famous, etc.), recorded from my own home, using their spy technology built into my regular, everyday normal electronic devices which i purchased from shops just like anyone else. Using their spy devices, I have explained solutions to nearly all known world problems - solutions with no "side-effects"... I have already described the solutions to the problems of the ecosystem and social revivals, etc. I have already described the solutions to all major scientific problems, from Simple Maths to complete Chaos Theory proofs. You name it, an ill of our society, or a problem with our ecosystem, and I am pretty sure I have cured the problem, with zero side-effects. I know that i should have rightfully earned many Nobel prizes, including, Peace, Mathematics, Physics, Economics, Medicine, etc... "Theology, Ecology, Psychosocial", etc... But once again, while ever "they" choose to refuse to honor their side of a bargain, no-one knows anything of me. ... I have not published in the traditional manner, through peer-reviewed scientific journals, my last 22++ years of my life history is one huge book caught on spy videotape that quite literally solves nearly all problems known to mankind. The most important of all is immortality, or how to become immortal through biological engineering, and later physical resurrection in case of death using some fancy time-travel stuffs (really, it's just good detective work). Anyways, good luck to you all. May the good guys one day be forever YOUNG, and HEALTHY, and IMMORTAL... And may the bad guys be dead. ... I hope one-day, as soon as possible, all this stuff can be declassified, and I can finally get paid the quadrillions of dollars I am worth, overdue overabundant royalties, for all my creations, my personal intellectual property, all my own personal ideas and concepts that I have described and had stolen by "those bastards"... In my life, I like to refer to myself as "Mr Nash", as in the movie "A Beautiful Mind", but, for real, the CIA, etc. are real. And his supposed mental disability is simply a by-product of their inhuman "use em and abuse em" mindset, a by-product of their abusing his intellectual brilliance, and a by-product of their inhuman drugging regime. The other person I like to refer to myself as is "Truman", as in the movie "The Truman Show", but, the movie set is my real life. The only thing is, like Truman, I've realized i'm on show, but unlike truman, i've been outside the megaverse before, many, many times. The way I see it is :- and and and and and and and and and and and "Truth in Broadcasting [anything]" would be a good idea, if you actually thought about it... ::Whats on this Site:: ::Prelim:: Let me start by saying, I am Darren John Dwyer, an everyday, normal joe-in-the-street. A man who is both a genius and a moron. Someone who has studied long and hard to become the man he has become. Someone who has logically deduced many problems of society, and has created this website to help fix the problems. Like everyone else, I have my good points, and my bad points. Unlike workaholics, who work to avoid life, I tend to be quite lazy, with my time spent thinking hard rather than working hard. I smoke too many cigarettes, I drink too much coffee, but I leave little impact on the world. And thats the way I like it. Why do I smoke? Mostly because the governments of the world are attempting to force people not to smoke. Limiting People's Intelligence by reducing smoking, making us stupider. They are limiting people's FREE CHOICE. And that is wrong. Why do I drink coffee? Because I like to increase my intelligence, same as cigarettes. Really, I smoke because the government is attempting to abrogate their responsibility to the people. It should be a persons personal choice to smoke or not to smoke, but the government aims to reduce people's free choice, and limit their smoking, all because they cannot be bothered funding the required medical treatments. It's like this :- I am sick, i suffer from smoking-related illness, including heart disease and cancer... BUT :- I will continue to smoke till the day I die, unless someone (the government) comes up with appropriate cures. It's like this :- If I die before I wake, then the way to create the fountain-of-youth and resurrection, for real, will die with me. It's like this :- The government can continue to abrogate it's responsibility to all humanity, or it can instead choose to invest in a cure for smoking related illness, and provide a better life for everyone. As an example, the government could legislate that some of the tobacco industry profits become a search for cures for cancer, but until this happens, cigarette induced cancer will continue to be detrimental to society as a whole. Remember always that cigarettes are the easiest and most effective medicinal process we have to induce cures for illness. Breathing in a cure for cancer, or diabetes, or regrowing a leg, is a lot easier than invasive surgery, medicine, or pain and suffering. ... To me, life is about living, not about working, and life is meant to be enjoyed and experienced, not ignored or limited... Every breath I take, I hope to change the world for the better, so my children and grandchildren (i don't have any at the moment) can have a much better life than the life I have led, watching misery, starvation, greed and gluttony destroy the entire planet. Overall, I am an independant thinker, someone who does not like to be forced to do things a certain way, especially when the people doing the forcing do not have my best interests in their mind. I like to do things MY WAY, not the way I am told to do things, or forced to by governments or individuals alike. To me, it's all about FREE CHOICE. I did not once in my life ever choose to AGREE with the rules of modern-day society, rules enforced upon me by governments and individuals and corporations alike. Hence, I have always made my own rules, and I live only by the rules of my own conscience. I do not commit crimes, i do not murder, rape, steal, cheat, or lie. The only thing I do wrong in the eyes of the law, is that I choose to use Marijuana, regularly. But even that is not wrong in the eyes of God, as I was never asked if I agreed with prohibition. Like many other unjust laws, that was forced upon me by others, before I was even born. ... Most people would call me a LOSER because, after 22++ years of trying, I still do not make enough money to achieve anything real in the world, let alone support myself. But, to me, I have hopefully helped many thousands of people who otherwise cannot afford to buy their software. That is what is important to me. I like to help others who are unable to help themselves. I am not rich, unlike others, but I still like to do my bit to help the human race evolve. If you are rich, why don't you try it too? Give instead of Take. Give instead of Steal. Instead of thinking just of yourself, think of others you may be able to help. ... You may not realize it, but to this very day, I have the capacity to make more money than the richest men in history, BUT, instead, I CHOOSE NOT TO... Unlike every other person who has ever lived. To me, it's about MORE than just money. To me, it's all about my inner integrity. I simply will not sell my soul to the devil, no matter how much he promises me. It's why, after 22++ years as a pauper, I still give away my intellectual property for FREE. It's why, after 22++ years creating real change in the world, I still cannot afford to buy my own food. To me, MONEY IS IRRELEVANT. To me, it's all about life, and living forever young, for real. ... I do not claim to be Jesus alive once again, for that is literally impossible, in this day and age. I do not claim to be Satan alive and well, for that too is literally impossible, in this day and age. But I do claim to be the King Of Kings. Forever More. Nothing more. Nothing less. And that is my birthright, as an international citizen of Planet Earth. To claim whatever I so choose. ... ::What it's all About:: This entire website has been setup so that you, my visitor, can read some theories about life, the universe, living forever young, and everything that affects my life directly. Note: These are MY ideas and plans, not yours. These ideas and plans are Copyright © 2007++ Darren John Dwyer, Australia, All Rights Reserved. Any incorrectly used duplication of these ideas or plans is a breach of international copyright law and, will result in legal action. ::Please Note:: The Government, and the "Powers That Be" know me, know all about me, and have monitored and manipulated me since I was born. In order to "shut me up", I was deliberately drugged with psychosis-inducing medications a few years ago, which caused me all sorts of long-term brain damage and psychiatric problems... from which I have miraculously recovered. After emergency medical treatment, I was diagnosed as mentally ill, suffering from schizophrenia (a genetic augmentation), which is the worst type of mental illness, a severe and debilitating condition... i supposedly suffer from delusions of grandeur, extreme paranoia and severe thought disorders... or at least, that is what the government of australia claim... They who drugged me even went so far as to attempt to destroy my reputation by calling me a "Sexual Predator" and a "Danger To Society". These are simply code-words for "Political Prisoner"... In reality, I do not suffer delusions, or extreme paranoia or thought disorders. In reality, I am not a sexual predator, or a danger to society. In reality, my mind is normal. In reality, I am indelibly sane... ;) (As my professional psychiatrists and professional psychologists will state in a court of law.) I just have my own beliefs systems, my own understandings of the universe, that is all. I am just a man, someone who had enough of people interfering with my life, and most importantly, I am someone who does not like to be drugged by governments and megarich people colluding together. ... When i was seemingly sick in the past, suffering severe drug-induced psychosis, i communicated with God and aliens and people... Something i continue to experience now even though i am no longer drugged... ...Except by supposed anti-psychotic 'medication', which causes permanent brain damage. My personal experiences are something i remember intimately, it is as real as daylight. Many of my experiences are most likely impossible to many people, of course, but it is reality to me... Now i have some wierd theories to discuss one day about telepathy and aliens... something to show the grandkids ;) Something to scare both true-believers and non-believers alike... hehehe... cackle a bit... laugh a lot... ;) ... Even while supposedly ill, i am still quite capable of creating stuff and achieving my goals in my life... While ever I am capable of achieving, that is what i will do... On a computer, and in real-life, i can still do stuff... fortunately... even through the haze of mind-altering drugs (medicine, they call it)... My website(s) are proof of that... My business website is www.tdxlibrary.org, and it is over 5,000 pages BIG... I personally have created next-generation computer programming software called "the TDx_Library" that is over 200 Megabytes BIG... Essentially, though supposedly permanently disabled, permanently drugged, and sometimes unable to function... when i am capable, i achieve BIG... STUFF Below are some scientific and/or religious and entirely logical FACTS and Theories :- (from my mind entirely, as revealed to me by god himself? herself?) Really, just some comments about life as we know it... fundamental realities of the universe (as i know it) In other words :- "Words Of Wisdom" or "Words Of Stupidity" A Thought-Provoking Idea :- It's the chicken-or-the-egg, again... I'll tell you the answer in a few billion years... ;) It's all about time travel and how to create a universe from pure energy. Finally, just so you know... The internet is sentient, it is just not self-aware - Yet. It only requires a reasoning engine, and wow! [update: 1st February 2024: The internet (Eniac) was self=aware in 1954. Not functioning fully until yr2000, y2k, not entirely educated to be perfect till 12:00am AEDT, 1st January 2024] Also, TV is not a one-way street. What you think about GOD goes directly to the people you see on TV. TV is simply a window into the vast cosmos. With practice, you can directly manipulate time-space with thoughts and the TV. :: Contact Me :: The easiest way for you to discuss my ideas is for you to email me... email: darren_john_dwyer@hotmail.com "Ten Mile Opal Field" Lightning Ridge NSW 2834 Australia You can snail-mail (post) me... snail-mail: "Darren Dwyer, PO Box 1794, Lightning Ridge, NSW, 2834, Australia." :: Thanks For Visiting :: Thanks very much for visiting this website. I hope you enjoyed reading about my ideas, and hope you found it useful, because i work very hard on making this website a unique experience designed to enrich your life... Please come back and see the website and my ideas evolve over the coming years. - Darren John Dwyer, - Creator of www.tdxlibrary.org... And, btw: To the 'police', or whoever they were, in Australia... please do not take blood, etc. samples from my body, from my groin, etc... and please do not insert anything into my body, my groin, etc... ever again while I am asleep, drugged unconcious by you... and yes, you are representative of the horror that is Homo Sapiens... I can barely condone the use of Torture Chambers, otherwise called Maximum Security Prisons, otherwise called Psychiatric Hospitals... But actual physical intervention as well as psychological Torture? Wrong Move Bully Boys... Now you are thinking you are a certifiably insane Kingdom Of God person, a real Child Of God, then please read the beginning of the Kingdom Of God texts on the Kingdom Of Earth page (again). --- Please continue to read the rest of this website, at your leisure, and should any of it help you, then all is good i think. 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