(c) 2008 djd Darren John Dwyer, Wellington, Australia, All Rights Reserved. -= On This Site =- ![]() What's On This Website All about Darren All about Marijuana, Alcohol, Cigarettes, Milk, etc. I was Violated An Old Huge Open Letter For True Believers Message To The Blind About Oceanica The Earth The Universe The Megaverse Heaven Sanctified Churches |
I WAS VIOLATED First Written: 12th May 2007 Last Updated: December 2023 :: On This Page :: Or simply scroll down to read all the details... THE PRELIMINARY STUFF This is my story. This is not fantasy. This is my personal reality. A little delusional, quite possibly, but my personal reality, nonetheless. ... It is the story of a guy, who wanted to buy (purchase) Microsoft Corporation... And become the richest man in history, and change the world like never before seen... It was the story of curing death, once and for all... literal immortality... and then giving it away for free... in 2001... 2020: It is the story of a guy, who, in 2005, had almost 100% of the technology required to become the leading software tools company for the entire XBox software industry... created all by himself... In 2001, This one guy was stomped into the ground as soon as he mentioned it (very) publicly... Quite literally and quite realistically getting the shit kicked out of him, even though he was miserably poor... Getting stomped on by the richest and most powerful people in the world, colluding together... Governments and Big Business, the Rich and Fabulous, etc. Using the vast wealth that could be generated from a new-style Microsoft Corporation and another 1000 other major multinational corporations, merged together, as a global conglomerate beyond scope... They created a sick man from a healthy man... and kept a man from fulfilling his dream... 2020: Drugged into near oblivion by the "Powers that Be"... in 2001 It is a story about a hell of a lot of drips in society. Experts :- Pffft.... An ex is a has-been, and a spurt is a drip under pressure... :) ... It is the culmination of 52+ years of learning about and experiencing life, the universe and everything. Please read. ... You may find it complicated, boring or not entirely of your liking. But please give me the benefit of your doubt, and read it in it's entirety, as if your life depended on it. Indeed, your life depends on it, the entire planet depends on it, the entire future of humanity depends on it. ... This story describes a serious real-world experience, the experience of my life, a real-world "conspiracy theory" of big-business, extraordinary espionage, government interference, mind-altering drugs, psychological torture, and so on. ... I have no reason to lie, and i choose to not lie, just to tell the truth as i have seen it in real-life. To lie would make me appear truly insane and make me a laughing stock in the eyes of the world. I seek only to tell the truth of my reality. Nothing More. Nothing Less. ... This document is based entirely on a lifetime of real-life experiences described as best as I can after a long 5 years of totally and utterly debilitating life experiences at the hands of a very wrong and unjust western society psychiatric profession, who both misdiagnosed me as suffering from schizophrenia and who forced long-term brain damage upon me, against my better judgement, and against my will. I currently struggle through a haze of mind-altering, thoroughly addictive and debilitating 'medicine' (which the 'professional' psychiatric community will quite happily state "we don't know what it does"), and in between sleeping for up to 18 hours each day, almost comatose due to the medication, I try my absolute best to focus my thoughts, and think clearly and precisely to recall everything that has truly happened in my life, in reality. As I write this I am in quite a lot of pain, my back is killing me, due to muscle spams that are a clinically proven side-effect of the medication that I am forced to endure by law. Of necessity, due to it's ability to help alleviate physical pain, I have been inbibing marijuana as I write this. ... The current reality of my life is the complete opposite to what i used to be like before i was forceably 'medicated' by the psychiatric profession. Before I was 'medicated', I used to be able to work around-the-clock on my dreams and goals, most days sleeping a good 8 hours each night, but very frequently, continuously for years at a time, sleeping just 3 good hours each night. ... Before I continue, I would like to state that I am quite poor, I use marijuana regularly, I have used very few other illicit drugs in my lifetime, I do not use alcohol, and I have been (in my mind, wrongly) diagnosed as a "schizophrenic", supposedly suffering from "delusions of grandeur", "paranoia", and general "thought disorder". I have also been officially classified as a "sexual predator" and a "danger to society". I have been noticed in official police records as a "person of interest" and a "missing person". [now, in 2023, i have been classified as a "violent offender", blatantly incorrect] Please note: I have never thought that there was something indelibly "wrong" with me sofar that I needed medical treatment or 'medication', in fact, I have always been relatively healthy, rarely sick, and only occasional headaches and back-pain to hinder my life. I have never suffered from "delusions of grandeur", I just have learned knowledge, learned abilities and skills necessarily different to most other people. I have never suffered from "paranoia", I have just experienced some very bizarre things in my life that made me become a little worried, and incredibly frustrated. I have never suffered from "thought disorder" as such, at least, not until I was forced to take mind-altering medicine against my will and better judgement. I have never stalked or fantasized about molesting an innocent child for the purpose of sexual gratification, in fact, until I asked somebody what a "sexual predator" was, I didn't even know the meaning of the term. I did not used to be a "danger to society". Maybe I have become one now, by refusing to bow to external pressures, and by choosing to publish this website. ... I have now reached the conclusion that due to the 'medicine' that I have been forced to ingest during the past 5 years, I am now permanently brain-damaged, severely debilitated, and completely restricted in my lifes ambitions. I know within myself that I will never again be fully functional, that I can barely stay awake long enough to achieve anything much with my life, and that for the rest of my life I will most likely be totally dependant on the most addictive and most mind-altering drug I have ever ingested. ... This page is intended to be read by any independant person or nation-state who disagrees with the "ways of the western world", most importantly, the ways that western psychiatric institutions and governments and the richest and most powerful people in the world who choose to denigrate others and force them into a life of poverty, servitude and suffering, instead of accepting the rights of people, and instead of accepting reality as reality is. Most seriously, this document is intended to be read by any person in any position of authority around the globe, all independant "non-western" nation-states, including China and Russia, Iran, Israel, and any other person who wants to know my reality. ... This page is about the core incident in my life, when my fundamental human rights were completely violated by vastly unknown third-parties, most likely the United States Government, the CIA, the Australian Government, the Australian Security Intelligence Organization, other's countries "secretive" operatives, or someone with a lot of money, who has an involvement with Microsoft Corporation... My first guess is that it was the United States Government who violated my rights, or the Australian Federal Government, under the watchful deliberations of Mr John Howard, and it has been the Australian Federal Government who attempted the help me, with hindsight, to 'cover their asses'. My true guess is that Bill Gates, of Microsoft Fame, and The United States Government, and Mr John Howard, of the Australian Federal Government, are deliberately responsible for what happened to me, colluding to destroy my life before I achieve a critical mass of personal wealth and influence, just like they have done to so many others. ... I believe one reason I was violated was because I am not "polically correct" because I have chosen to disagree with the ways of the western world, and I have chosen to use Marijuana and other illicit substances during my life - highly embrarassing to the authorities of the western nations, and also to the richest and most powerful people in the entire world, those who control the entire planet, also known as the "powers that be". Imagine for a few seconds what would happen to our society, dominated by a very few, if someone who had actively used Marijuana, LSD, Esctasy and Speed (and unsure: heroin) could become incredibly rich and powerful, and could prove beyond any shadow of a doubt their own sanity, and could testify in an open court that their illegal experiences had not proved detrimental to themselves or society as a whole. Imagine the ramifications of a known (criminal?) drug user becoming the richest man in history... :) ... I do not like alcohol, which is the only freely available legal mind-altering drug. But I do like to use marijuana, which is illegal in the eyes of the law of Australia, the United States, and many other western countries. I know fully well that my personal choices in life are not within the bounds of common law, but I also know fully well that Marijuana has been actively cultivated and used by humanity for many, many thousands of years, until the 1930's, when commercial interests and a very small minority of people in positions of supreme authority colluded to restrict personal freedoms, and I also know that marijuana has many very significant medicinal benefits and very few detrimental effects, as described elsewhere on this website. It is my personal belief that since I was never in my life asked if I agreed with prohibition of marijuana, I am not in fact breaking any laws that I personally agree with. Instead, I believe that I should be freely able to experiment with any and all natural substances available to humanity, and during my one and only life, I should be free to utilize any substance available to humanity that results in feelings of increased pleasure, enjoyment and improved wellbeing. I feel that while I may be breaking the law, it is an unjust law, and that I am doing nothing that many many hundreds of millions of other people do every single day, all over the planet, and something that countless people have done throughout history. I also fully comprehend the fact that in some parts of the world, in more progressive societies, marijuana usage is not illegal, it is readily available, and it has been proven to have zero adverse affects, and many benefical effects. ... The other primary reason I was violated is because I am intelligent enough, learned enough and skilled enough to become far, far richer than Mr. Bill Gates, the richest man on the planet, has ever dreamed. The Government of Australia knows this, and the Government of the United States knows this, and Bill Gates himself knows this, because they have monitored my daily progress for many years. Given time, these people know that I may well become the richest man in history, and they want to stop this, to any extent, by using any means necessary to achieve their own personal goals of personal power over the poor and innocent, including myself. ... Note: My Residential Address is freely and openly published publicly on this website. Ask yourself := Why have the Australian Federal Police done nothing to stop me from using Marijuana? I am a common criminal, in the eyes of the law, guilty, and I am liable for immediate imprisonment... Answer: Because they know that should they choose to do anything at all to me, then I will choose to fight for my fundamental human rights, my rights against prohibition of marijuana, an illegal and artificial device used by governments in collusion with the "powers that be" worldwide to subvert the masses... They know beyond any shadow of a doubt that if needed, I will fight for my personal rights, with all my skills, abilities and my innate intelligence, in the highest courts in the world, and that I will resoundingly win my case. ... Anyways, this document has been created so you can read about what truly happened to me, in real-life, and hopefully it will help to make 100% sure that what happened to me never happens to any other person. THE BACKGROUND For most of my life, I have been harmlessly intelligent, full of ambition and progressive in my thoughts. For most of my early years of my life, I chose to spend my time playing computer games, mostly complicated economic simulations, and I also taught myself how to program computers to a very reasonable proficiency, I have devoted most of my life learning all about business, geopolitics, science, personal wealth creation, and personal self-development. ... In 1997, during the dotcom boom, when people were making billions of dollars out of nothing, with a friend, i chose to start a company to write a computer game, an historic and highly accurate economic simulation of the 1800's wild-west era of massive railroad expansion in the United States and other countries, one of the most important and interesting and fundamental periods of nation-building in the history of humanity, something we thought would appeal to people, and something we thought would enable us to escape poverty and give us enough money to live good and productive lives... Other people were making millions and billions of dollars out of programming computer games, and we thought that if we could create a good enough computer game, then we would be able to earn millions of dollars too. I thought it was possible to achieve this goal of writing a computer game by using a product called "Borland C++ Builder", and another thing called "DirectX" by Microsoft Corporation, but I ultimately discovered that they did not work together at all. I knew with no shadow of a doubt that if only I could utilize DirectX with C++ Builder, I knew I could complete the dream of creating our game in a reasonable and realistic real-world timeframe, a few years at most. ... The primary technology used for writing games was DirectX, which had been developed by Microsoft Corporation, and which underpinned all Windows 95 and better computers... it was the fundamental incredibly advanced core technology powering all Windows computer operating systems, kind of like the engine of windows, or the gearbox, or all the flashy bits that people all over the world used to write their most advanced computer games... The second technology was C++ Builder, which had been developed by Borland Corporation, at the time a very successful and industry-leading computer programming compiler company listed worth US$600 million, listed on the American NASDAQ stock exchanges, with over 90% global share of the C++ programming language marketplace. This C++ Builder technology was technically brilliant, cutting-edge, the best programming tools on the market at the time, and by far the best C++ programming language technology ever invented, much much superior to anything Microsoft had ever developed. It was the seemingly the best available "Rapid Application Development" computer compiler in the world. ... We had started our company with all the money we could muster, just AUS$5,000, a very small sum, and as we worked on our goals we ultimately discovered that our goal of developing a computer game was proving far too difficult for our meagre resources, taking much much longer than the 1 year we had ever planned for or anticipated, and we were rapidly were running out of money to continue. Faced with the prospect of never completing our goal, due to lack of money, I chose to give up on developing the game, and instead I chose to try to develop software which would allow me to use DirectX with C++ Builder, something I thought might produce enough money to continue our plan of developing our game, while at the same time solving the only serious roadblock to our developing our computer game, the lack of integration between C++ Builder and DirectX. After many months of highly complex development, I had finally invented something that mostly worked, and i created our first ever website, and we tried to sell the invention that I had created, a thing offering totally integrated, transparent, and simple use of a small part of DirectX within C++ Builder. Of course, our website was barely even noticed, the product did not sell, it was seemingly years ahead of it's time, there was absolutely minimal demand for the product, and we quickly ran out of money. During this time, I had thought of a better solution, a solution whereby I could completely and fully integrate all of DirectX into C++ Builder, a better invention, a better solution, a better product, years ahead of it's time. This product was designed to integrate fully the two world-leading technogies, DirectX and C++ Builder, which I dreamed would ultimately make us many millions of dollars in the years to come. I designed a prototype website, approached a good friend who i had most recently worked with, who was doing reasonably well financially, showed him the idea, and asked him to join the business in exchange for investment capital, and he agreed to finance us and work on the products, thinking he would 'get rich quick'. ... We started work, purely out of gut-instinct of eventual success. We could see that the idea was fairly good, but we completely underestimated the difficulty. ... We worked fairly consistently, me mostly full time, my partners part-time. We registered a company, we had a good well respected company accountant, we had enough money, barely, but things were looking pretty good. We approached Microsoft Corporation about our plans, were seemingly ignored, and simply told to not call our product by it's first name, as it may infringe copyright. We approached Borland Corporation about our plans, and were told that if we could develop our products, they would help us by promoting our tools, giving lectures at their seminars, writing books, and multimedia presentations, etc. We attended a computer seminar held by Borland Corporation, found out that there were approximately 350,000 users of Borland C++ Builder in the marketplace, and incidentally found out that over 1,000,000 copies of DirectX were in use. For the first time in our business life, we had actual real-world numbers (data) we could work with. With little further doubt, we crunched the numbers, and we knew we were going to become multi-millionaires or billionaires if we could just continue long enough with our business plan. Indeed, the plan of making lots and lots of money, millions or billions of dollars, and one-day launching our own next-generation "computer operating system" to rival Microsoft Windows, making more money than Microsoft Corporation could ever dream of, changing the destiny of the entire computer industry, and ultimately purchasing Microsoft Corporation seemed to be 100% reality. ... It was 1997. We had the plan, we had enough money, we had the skills, we had the raw numbers (data), we had all the opportunity in the world, we were seemingly focused on the big-time, and we started work. After just a couple of years of serious hard work, we had created and launched our first products into the marketplace, we had created a simple website, but we were not even vaguely noticed, nobody seemed to need our products, and we were seemingly no closer to my goal of developing real-world products, our funds were practically exhausted, my business partners (friends) had become completely and totally disillusioned with our real-world lack of money and progress, and they quit working on the business. So I continued on alone. By 2000, I had real-world products, a real-world website with 100,000 visitors per year, a very few real-world customers, and things were going well, things were booming (as such), and I was planning on becoming a multi-millionaire in just a few more years... By 2001, things had turned for the worse. By 2007, things have begun to get better. WHAT HAPPENED TO ME It all started when i was near the end of my schooling. Up to that point, I was never a brilliant student, I was not interested in the teachings of society, I could not remember things very well, and I was absorbed in my own innocent little life, learning about everything I could that interested me, most noticably computer programming and computer games, business, stockmarkets, bondmarkets, history, and of course, my own mind and body. Then one day, I was asked by my mother to sit for what I thought was a general intelligence test, an I.Q. test. It turned out that it was actually a "computer aptitude test" sponsored by the Australian Government of the day. Lo and behold, I had never ever seen anything like this test, it was mostly unfathomable, and I struggled to complete it, but I sat it out, doing my best, and lo and behold, again, I gained a ranking of 4th out of 5000 people. This was pretty good, i obviously had good aptitude for computers, as I had personally experienced for a number of years, and I thought to myself that "I was pretty good with computers", but i thought it did not mean much overall. With hindsight, this was probably the very first time in my life I had ever been even remotely interesting to the people in power, but with hindsight, it was probably the time of my life that I was first brought to the attention of these "powers that be", who are perennially searching for the best and brightest. Nothing much happened, I was asked if I wanted to travel to Sydney, where various companies were offerering me job opportunites I could not fully comprehend, with (truly) very good wages of $40,000 a year, and a fair proportion (10%) ownership of the company. But, I thought I knew alot more than that, and that I would be worth more money than what was offered, i thought to myself "if only I could complete university, I could earn $100,000 a year..." How stupid. I should have taken the job. ... I sat for my end-of-school exams, barely passing, barely making the grade for acceptance into university, but surely enough, I had the bare minimum requirements for entry into university to study for a degree in Computer Science. ... I went to university, only to find that I already seemed to know inherently what was being taught about computers, computer programming seemed incredibly simple to me, but for the life of me, I could not comprehend other subjects. I struggled with university life, I gained high distinctions in the computer related subjects, but other subjects such as physics and mathematics and electrical engineering, I either failed completely, or gained only terminating passes, barely adequate to pass my courses. I used the student computer facilities exhaustively, teaching myself about the most advanced aspects of programming mainframe computers. ... It was 1987, the time of a massive stockmarket boom in Australia, and I was a first-year university student. I spent much of my time reading the papers, in particular the Sydney Morning Herald and The Australian business sections, and the Australian Financial Review, watching intensely as the big corporate players played the stockmarket, and launched takeovers, and so on. I learnt that one man, Mr Robert Holmes A Court, was earning about $3000 per minute, and I thought to myself "one day, I will become a businessman and I will earn $3000 a minute too"... I thought "If he can do it, then so can I" And ever since, I have tried to create a successful business. ... One day, I was working on learning something new about the VAX mainframes, and I stumbled across something very interesting... If you created a new file, and did not clear it's contents specifically, it contained random data. It just so happened that I looked at the data, and noticed that while it contained mostly random gibberish, it also seemed to contain usernames and passwords of computer accounts used by the university. So I wrote a simple computer program to create a new file, scan the data automatically, and find what i thought were usernames and passwords, and format them ready for printing onto paper. I ran the program, and was shocked to find that I had indeed found more usernames and passwords of what seemed to be unique computer accounts for the VAX mainframe. I jumped with shock, I knew that the usernames and passwords to computer accounts were incredibly valuable to all students, who were limited by the computer availability to only using the computer for 20 hours each week, barely enough time for study and to complete assignments. ... So, being shocked at the simplicity of what I was doing, I decided to create a file as big as the entire computer tape drive, and scan the entire memory for usernames and passwords. I did this one night when nobody else was using the computer, so that I could make the most out of the available time and resources. When I came back the next day, I had a file containing at least 6,000 usernames and passwords, covering seemingly, nearly all accounts at the university, dating from the early 1960's onwards. ... In shock, barely containing my glea at my discovery, I started printing them all out, overnight again, and I came back to the printer the next day and realized that the printer had run out of paper during the night, that the print job was simply that extensive, and that the computer operators of the university had obligingly refilled the computer printer with paper, they must not have noticed or may have ignored or miscontrued the content of my print job, and my print job was still running. I waited for the print job to finish, apprehensive that I would be discovered doing what I knew was wrong, but nothing happened, nobody came to punish me for what I had been doing - which was totally and utterly illegal at that time - hacking a secure computer system, nothing like it. Over the coming weeks, I started to hand out various random pages of my exploits to various students in my course, never realizing what i had started. Initially, my friends knew about the usernames and passwords, but as time progressed more and more total strangers were coming up to me to request printed sheets of usernames and passwords, and of course I was willing to hand over the details to anyone who needed them, for free. We found that some of the accounts were in use by their genuine users, but other accounts were not being used by their rightful owners, so we began using them, for our own pure enjoyment. Over the following months, many people began using many different accounts, doing all sorts of wierd and wonderful things with their endless computing time, but the university seemed none the wiser. ... Eventually, I decided to email from one computer account of mine to another computer account of mine the contents of my vast username and password file. It didn't work, the email was simply too big, at 600 Megabytes, and the computer systems of the day simply tagged my email as being invalid. One of my friends of the day was the computer system operator of the computer I had emailed the file to. He saw the huge, bounced email, he attached a sly side note to the file, to tell me that I shouldn't be doing what I was doing, and he sent it back. About this time, the university VAX computer operators finally noticed that something funny was going on, they became suspicious of the huge email, and checked what i was doing. Sure enough, they found the bounced email, they found the attached sly message, they saw the usernames and passwords, and they politely requested that i come into the office to explain how i had done what I had done - i had hacked one of the most secure computer mainframe systems on the planet. I explained myself, I explained the incredibly simple way I had done it all, and my official computer accounts were terminated, and I could no longer complete my university assignments, legally. ... Of course, at this stage, I still had "other" illegal computer access, and I had become friends with a member of the engineering department, who gave me access to another smaller VAX computer. So I tried to continue university, as best I could, but one day, desperate to hand in an assignment, i rushed and due to performing a simple instruction called "purge", I accidently deleted my assignment half an hour before it was due. A 'purge' was a simple command that deleted all versions of a file up to the most recent version, but unknowingly, I had just saved my assignment, I had gone over the limits of my limited 'disk quota', and the most recent file had been saved totally empty - 0 bytes in size. After I issued the purge command, there was nothing left of my many weeks of work, except an empty file. ... Since my assignment was worth 45% of my total subject assessment, and since I could no longer hand in my work, I failed my subject, hence I failed my course, hence I failed university (as such) and was forced into choosing to repeat my subjects, or failing university totally. I appealed to the lecturers to understand that I had completed the assignment, in full, and that I was subject to a silly little glitch in the computer system, and I tried to get back my assignment from the computer backups, but I was not able to retrieve it because of the policies of the university, and my lecturers did not seem to care, and they failed me. ... I tried to go back to university the next year, but instead of studying or attending university, I chose to struggle with no food and no money for 3 months (living off literally $13 a week) while I bought my first ever computer, cheap, off my friend, the computer which i later sold for a (relatively) large sum of money. I became even more disillusioned with university, I moved house, I purchased a new computer, I tried to continue at university, but I had exhausted my "free years" on the governments pathetic student grants, and I was forced to get a full-time job and i tried to also continue university full-time. For my job, I spent 6 months updating a seriously complex "Coal Preparation Plant Simulator", adding water to the coal simulation, in a programming language i had never used before called Fortran, but I was not allowed by the client to either document the application, or claim any credit for it's creation, but I persisted and finished the project, and this program ultimately ended up costing about $100,000 to develop, and saved the Newcastle-Wallsend Coal Company about $50 million in it's first year of operation, because now, instead of having to build a real-world preliminary coal plant, they could instead just run as many complex simulations they desired. After 6-12 months of total stress, around-the-clock work, i quit my job, lying that I had found a better job, because I really wanted to finish university. ... By this stage I had failed my courses again, mostly because I had been so busy working for money, and I pretty well dropped out of university overnight, and I never really went back. I got a pathetic job as a cleaner, I started smoking cigarettes, and later marijuana, and life went on. I quit my job, moved house, started drinking copious amounts of alcohol, and looked for jobs occasionally. For 8 long years, I did almost nothing. I lived on the dole, I applied for jobs, I got into the drug scene, I smoked marijuana all day every day, I drank alot of alcohol, I experimented occasionally with other drugs, I played lots of computer games, I continued to learn how to program computers, trying desperately to write a computer game, and I hid myself from society mostly... I tried to start unsuccessful business after unsuccessful business, starting with my own software businesses, then moving to direct-selling of physical products with a company called Amway, spending all my available money on their expensive products and motivational learning materials, learning an awful lot about marketing, and later I tried to sell computers and software directly through my own similar direct-marketing business. With hindsight, it is very hard to start a business with absolutely zero money. ... Eventually I quit trying to start businesses, i spent my time trying to write a computer game, i successfully created a complete DOS-based graphical user interface far far superior to Microsoft Windows, which had not even been launched onto the market at that time, and i saved some money and travelled to Thailand, India and Nepal, at the behest of my best friend, and I learnt much more about life, very quickly. I had never realized just how good I had had it living in Australia, even on the dole, until I saw dead people in the street, and thousands upon thousands upon thousands of people living in massively overcrowded conditions, abject poverty and complete filthiness, struggling to survive from day to day. At this stage, I made a personal pledge... I decided that one-day, I would help all these people escape poverty. ... I came back from India, I had trinkets I could sell at the local markets, I started my first ever successful cashflow-positive small business selling the things I had imported from India, I continued to write my graphical user interface in my spare time, something i needed to write my game, got my graphical user interface almost completed, to the stage where it was able to perform full-screen animation at about 100 frames per second (on a slow '486-33 Mhz computer) and then Microsoft Corporation launched Windows 3.1 for DOS, the first-ever real commercial graphical user interface, running at about 5-10 frames per second, without animation. At this stage, my most computer-literate friend convinced me that I was seemingly wasting my time writing a DOS-based game, and that I would be better off using Windows 3.1 to write my game, as it was seemingly to become the future of computing. So, knowing the entire time that my own graphical user interface was phenomenally more powerful than Windows, but exhausted, out of money, and completely frustrated by my lack of progress on my game, and seeing that it would take many many more years of effort to actually complete my game, which may become outdated by the time it was completed, I stopped writing my DOS-based graphical user interface, and instead i spent my time trying to learn how to program my game using Windows 3.1. With hindsight, this was the worst decision of my life at the time. With hindsight, I should have completed my graphical user interface, which was phenomenally fast and incredibly powerful, compared with Windows, and I should have given up the idea of writing a game, and I should have chosen to directly compete with Microsoft Corporation in the worldwide computer marketplace. But I was young, stupid, and I let myself be convinced that I truly needed to rely on Microsoft to achieve my goals. ... For the next 3-4 years, I did nothing much successfully, I tried to learn how to write programs using Microsoft Windows, I found out it was horrendously complex compared to using my own graphical user interface technologies, I tried to write my game using Microsoft Windows technology, only to find it was practically impossible without a lot of money to spend on Microsoft's crappy and primitive and incredibly expensive custom development tools. I had continued my small markets business, I had moved to Sydney, one of the worlds leading cities, I borrowed $5000 off my parents, and I attempted to setup a new markets business selling Posters, Cards and Bookmarks, lugging large amounts of goods and display equipment around various Sydney markets. Unfortunately, even though I worked alot, and tried my utmost to make real-world cashflow, I could not sell enough product to pay all the regular life expenses, let alone replace my stock, and I slowly but surely ran down my stock and cash reserves to the point that I was unable to continue in business. I could no longer afford to live on the unemployment benefit, not in Sydney, a seriously expensive place to live, so I had to get a job. ... I got a job, it paid minimally, I spent 60-80 hours a week at work, for $15 per hour. I spent all my work money on food, rent, bills, fancy work-related clothes, reading material for the daily 2-hour commute to work on the train, a few drugs, and I never got anywhere financially. I was just living from day-to-day, working to pay the bills, paying the bills so I could work, what most people do, very slowly getting richer, and not enjoying life at all. I did not enjoy the daily 2+ hour commute to work, I did not enjoy working, I almost fell asleep at work every day around 3:30 pm, I was totally out of my depth in the workforce, I was unprofessional and unproductive to an extent, I was spending my time trying my best to help create a seriously heavy duty Group Life and Salary Continuance insurance system which ran Citicorp Australia's Group Life and Salary Continuance insurance group, which submitted it's billions of dollars in results each month to the Governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia, and all these billions of dollars had to all be accurate to the last cent. Over time, I found that I really did not enjoy programming "boring" insurance systems. Nothing much seemed of interest of of much importance to me. My life had finally become very dull and uninteresting and of little consequence. I read alot, I continued to learn all about programming games, and business, and science, as much as I could. I watched person after person after person making more money that I could ever imagine out of creating their own computer games. I constantly dreamed about starting my own business and writing my own computer game. I dreamed about making the $3000 a minute that I had seen others do, instead of my pathetic $15 per hour I was worth. I spent about 80 hours a week commuting to work, and working. I spent my nights on my computer, playing games, programming, and I lived life ok, I ate well, and I was always tired. I smoked copious amounts of marijuana each night, enough that I would fall asleep on the train on the way to work, and struggling to cope each morning with a serious "hangover" from the night before. ... I lasted about a year working for someone else, totally unhappy, totally discontented, totally frustrated with life. I seemed to be suffering from failing health - my heart and lungs were starting to hurt constantly after 10+ years of smoking lots of cigarettes, and my back always hurt because of my experiences in my markets business. During this year of working for a quite "mean" and "nasty" boss who charged me out at $140 per hour while paying me just $15 per hour for my time, I had approached a friend who had been unemployed for 10 years about maybe spending his time, and investing all of his 10 years of savings into a business venture with me, to write a computer game, he agreed, he could not program computers, he moved closer, he lent me his entire $5,000 lifetime savings, i quit my job knowing full-well that I would be creating almost our entire technical effort, and we started working together, developing our game, with a plan to live for an entire year on the money, surely enough time to convert my previous years of development work into a real-world game. ... From here on, some things would be already familiar to you, as I have already described it at the top of this page. But i'll describe it again, in brief, with added details, to refresh your memory and give you more information. ... I started writing the game, figured out I could not achieve the goal in the required timeframe, changed my programming direction entirely, I tried to create a smaller, commercial product to integrate DirectX and Borland C++ Builder, i created our first ever website, we advertised and promoted our product, but it didn't sell. I created a new idea, a website of tools for creating computer games, which integrated DirectX and Borland C++ Builder entirely, I approached another friend, I showed him the idea, he agreed to join and fund our business, and we started work. We were charging US$200 per copy for non-existant product, just selling our plans for future products and asking people to "pre-register" for our products. But, we knew there were hundreds of thousands, millions, of potential clients using DirectX and Borland C++ Builder. We made a little money, it was the dotcom boom, and all these people were making lots and lots of money out of almost nothing, with no real products, when we indeed had real-world products. We approached various people seeking venture capital, were told by a technical expert that our plans were worth an investment of $10 million for 30% of the company, but we were flatly rejected by all we discussed our plans with - in Australia, they just did not seem to have a clue about global I.T. ventures and big-business. ... Dozens of companies like Google were raising copious amounts of money in seemingly no time, hundreds of millions of dollars, with no real prospects of ever producing real-world products and cashflow. One company even went so far as to publicly list on the stockmarkets, declaring "we have no products, we have no plans, but we need lots of money so we can buy other dotcom companies". Very soon after this announcement, real-world investors started asking questions, no longer brainwashed by a decade of corporate spin, and they finally evaluated the costs versus the benefits, and the dotcom boom ultimately and very quickly went bust. I made the decision to ignore the entire concept of raising venture capital, we were simply not making enough cashflow to repay a $10 million investment in the timeframes the venture capital companies envisaged, when people would no longer invest in "possibilities" and "eventual success", and I decided we could continue on our own, developing our own software as we had been doing for 2 years. We watched as dotcom company after dotcom company after dotcom company went bankrupt, and we came to learn that there was now very little money available in the world of Information Technology. ... After a very long 2 years of making no money, very difficult technical development, and seemingly little progress, both my business partners pulled out, dissatisfied with our progress and completely disillusioned about the prospects of our business. No matter what i said to them, they were simply uninterested in pursuing further business with me. My business partner who had been keeping me alive on a subsistance income pulled out, and he decided to no longer fund our business. My business partner who had initially invested his entire life savings of $5,000 to get us started writing our game was once again unemployed and unemployable. I became unemployed, and mostly unemployable, and I started looking for another job. My business partner who was now unemployed and unemployable borrowed $5,000 off one of his family members, enough to keep us alive for a year, incredibly poor but able to continue working our business, barely. We had finally reached the stage where we were making a little cashflow, our website was slowly becoming more successful, due to the fact that we had one existing product line, a highly advanced professional 2-dimensional graphics development toolset, and we were promising our visitors to our website that we would be able to develop more products if they supported us financially, with 'registrations' of our existing single product, and 'pre-registrations' of future products that we had been working on for 2+ years. We continued development, it became incredibly difficult and incredibly complex, and we progressed little for our entire year. Our initial vision, a computer program that we could use to create our products, was proving a brilliant innovation, and we were slowly progressing on our future products. ... After about a year, total, after many thousands of computer reboots, and much pain and struggling to overcome serious technical hurdles, we finally had another product to sell, a professional-quality sound effects and music and sound recording tool. We launched it, and found very little demand, or so it seemed at the time. We didn't make any more money, in fact, our income was slowing more and more as time progressed. We approached another friend about an investment, he agreed to invest another $5,000 for 5% of the company, and we were in a position to continue for another year, with me earning a meagre $100 a week from the investment money, and about another $100 a week from sales and pre-sales of product. At this stage, the unemployment benefit at this time was worth about $240 a week, so I was living well below the poverty line, barely able to pay rent and bills and afford food, let alone buy cigarettes. But, I was growing my own marijuana, so that was free - a good bonus, as I had a regular supply of my drug-of-choice. The entire time, my business partner was able to live fairly modestly on the unemployment benefit, wasting his time doing very little to help me continue on with the business. Sure, he checked emails every day, and handled all that, and he was able to keep me focused mostly on developing all our software, but he did little else, he spent the vast majority of his time pursuing his life of constant partying, doing nothing much to help me with our business. ... We continued our work. Our entire fundraising efforts had lasted approximately 4 years at this stage, and the business that we had started in 1997 had grown relatively successful, at least, if you could count the number of people interested in our products as success. In reality, we were making barely $2,000 - $3,000 a year in total sales of our products, not even enough to live on in abject poverty. It was by now 2001, Microsoft Corporation had spent 100's of millions of dollars on developing DirectX and DirectX had evolved from v3.1 thru v5.1, thru v6.1, to version 7.0. Borland Corporation had spent many many millions of dollars developing Borland C++ Builder, and Borland C++ Builder had evolved from Borland C++ Builder v1.0, thru v3.0, thru v4.0 to version 5.0. And we had finally "caught up" to them both, in raw technology terms, to the stage whereby we were finally shipping 3 separate professional product lines, development toolsets which fully integrated DirectX's advanced 2d graphics, advanced sound effects, music and recording, advanced force-feedback joysticks, steering wheels, yokes, mouse handling, and keyboard handling device control, and so on, into Borland C++ Builder. It was all compatible with DirectX 7.0, and compatible with all previous versions of Borland C++ Builder. It was cutting-edge, 100% modern, and relevant to the entire computer games development industry. It was industry-leading technology. It was worth many, many millions or billions of dollars. ... And then the shit hit the fan, and my 4 years of big-business was seemingly (at the time) literally destroyed by Microsoft Corporation overnight, by means of "thoroughly nasty real-world tactics". ... I had just spent at least 15 years playing computer games, mostly business simulations, programming computers, and smoking copious amounts of marijuana and cigarettes, all day every day... I had just spent about 20 years thinking about my own future, how one day I was going to die, and how I didn't really want that to happen... instead, I knew deep-down in my mind that I wanted to live forever, for real, if even remotely possible. I remember one day I woke up after years of thinking, with the theory that I might live to be 120 if i was lucky. I had been reading a lot about a lot of things for years, mostly science fiction, and real-world science... The idea was simple... at the rate of acceleration of medical science, and if i retained reasonable health, I should be able to gain 10 years or so out of every 20 years of life I have left in me... That was pretty good. I thought about it more, and I eventually "flipped out"... I thought to myself... "If I live to 80, that's another 43 years, and medical science should have invented a cure for most illnesses by then... i might live to be 100..." The thought progressed... I thought to myself... "If I live to 100, medical science should have invented a cure for most illnesses by then... maybe I will live to be 120..." The thought progressed... I thought to myself... "If I live to 120, medical science should have invented a cure for ageing by then... so i might live to 150"... The thought progressed... I thought to myself... "If I live to 150, medical science should have invented a cure for death by then..." So, "In theory", I should live forever... except death by accident... ... Overall, a pretty big call for someone who has dreamed about this exact thing all his life... So, getting over-excited I decided to publish my thoughts on the internet... ... And thats when it all started going crazy... literally... ... Imagine this scenario... It was 1997. Borland Corporation, a computer software company, was the worldwide market leader in the C++ Compiler computer programming marketplace, with approximately 90% of the global marketplace, a market worth US$300-600 million per year (at the time), and Borland had created the best programming environment for Windows computers ever developed. It was the time of the DotCom Boom, when billions and billions of dollars were just starting to flow into Information Technology startup companies... I came up with an Idea worth Multi-Millions or Billions of dollars to me, personally. I decided to 'borrow' or use Microsoft's core Windows technologies, something called DirectX 3, which was the key to writing computer games for Windows and also (eventually) the XBox, and I decided to enhance it beyond belief, and integrate DirectX into Borland Corporations C++ Builder development platform, something that was cutting-edge at the time, or next-generation to be sure. I emailed Borland Corporation, a guy called Charlie Calvert in particular, and told them about my plans, and he thought 'wow. what an idea. sure: do it, and then we'll seriously promote it and market it for you'. It was cutting-edge at the time, so I thought they had responded correctly. Remember always that the computer games industry is now bigger than Hollywood. I emailed Microsoft Corporation, a guy called Bill Gates in particular, and he literally ignored me, or so it seemed. So I started work anyway. If you would like to read about my work history, in detail, then visit My Computer Development History... ... I worked around the clock for the next 4-5 years, working day-in, day-out, 120 hours a week, to develop cutting-edge software... with a business growing as planned, everything working well... and after 4-5 years of playing catch-up with Microsoft, I finally got a DirectX 7 version of my product on the market the same time as DirectX 7 was all the rage... All the time I was running around telling anyone and everyone that i had a business idea that would one day have revenues measured in trillions of dollars, a company that would leave Microsoft, etc. for dead. I knew beyond any shadow of a doubt that our technology was years ahead of Microsoft, and that if I ever had the cashflow to sustain and grow our business, I would ultimately create hundreds or thousands of new products. I had also published on my website for many months that one of my plans was to create an incredibly advanced next-generation "computer operating system" designed to replace Microsoft Windows as the dominant computer operating system for all computers, worldwide. ... After about 4 years, I even approached our very highly-successful company accountant with a real-world plan to grow the business to the point whereby we could one day purchase Microsoft Corporation, just to be sure. I occasionally approached Borland Corporation and Microsoft Corporation, and Bill Gates himself, directly, with the aim of striking a joint marketing deal, or a manufacturing and licencing deal, only to be rebuffed for no apparent reason each time. Sure, my technology was better than anything Microsoft or Borland had ever invented, but they just were not interested in utilizing my cutting-edge (next-generation) software products and development processes. When I contacted Borland and Microsoft, all the major players in the industry seemed to have become interested in visiting my website (the historical website logs prove who my visitors were), and my visitor list was a "who's who" of the I.T. industry... Borland, Microsoft, IBM, SUN, etc. were using their primary computer servers, those used by the most important people in their companies, to visit my website. I knew that I had been making a reasonably large splash in the industry, with 100,000+ visitors per year to my website, and it showed, because all these companies were looking at my website, and evaluating my technology, which was 10-20 years ahead of their core technologies. I thought I was in the process of making billions, just like so many other DotCom wannabe's. ... Lo and Behold... A couple of months after contacting Bill Gates again, Microsoft Corporation had dramatically changed tactics, had revamped their development schedule entirely, and Microsoft released their new software (a very buggy DirectX 8.1) well ahead of their own best estimates of their development schedule, instantly making my software old and out-dated, and forcing me into more years of development, playing catch-up once again. I did not realize at the time, and only found out recently, but Borland Corporation had also begun to develop a product in direct competition to my idea about this time - my guess is that they had seriously begun to realize the potential of the DirectX and C++ Builder integration idea about this time. This all occurred about the time 20% of Borland Corporation was purchased by Microsoft, in order to prepare Microsoft's argument against anti-competitive conduct in the I.T. industry. ... As part of my ideas, I approached the head of the Australian Venture Capital Association, who guided me to Technology Venture Partners, an Australian I.T. startup specialist, who were offering $10M for 30% of the company... Since our business was strategically shakey, we decided to not pursue that course of action, something that proved to be invaluable in the future after the DotCom boom went bust... I also emailed the former Prime Minister of Australia, Paul Keating, about his investing in my company, similar to the way he had invested in another small company, "Lake Technologies" which had made him millions, only to be ignored... We learned that without an agreement with Borland or Microsoft, we were on shaky ground, but that if we could get any kind of deal happening with these companies, then we were setup for a life as multi-millionaires. Imagine trying to repay $10M in the pathetic cashflow available after the DotCom boom went bust... Impossible. Thats why so many companies went bankrupt. Instead we survived and prospered. A last note about the DotCom boom... it felt like all the computer nerds were having a great time playing a massive global computer game, and it felt like we were all playing a high-tech game of chess. Time for another game? ... Anyway, back to the story. About April 2001, when Microsoft pursued anti-competitive conduct against us, I got very pissed off and started ranting and raving all across my website about Microsoft Corporation and their decidedly unethical business practices, and decided then to get so pissed off that I took on the USA and Australian governments as well, abusing them for their lack of action, etc. Maybe this was a bit crazy, but I didn't really think so. For those who visited my website at the time, they might remember that I publicly declared a war on Microsoft, "Darren v's Microsoft"... This was just about the time when Microsoft were being scrutinized by the United States Government for alleged anti-competitive practices. I published on my website an entire expose about how Microsoft was deliberately utilizing anti-competitive practices to destroy my small, independant startup company, and Borland Corporation as well, targeted directly at the United States Government inquiry. Remember - at this stage, my website had over 100,000 visitors per year - a small industry phenomenon. I called on the United States Department Of Justice to call me as an expert witness, to give expert testimony, but they did not bother... they instead continued their flawed investigation and instead tended to listen to the testimony of only 1 major player - the man under consideration for his crimes against humanity - Bill Gates. It was my opinion at the time that I had the real-world knowledge and real-world data to prove beyond any doubt that Microsoft had indeed been acting with anti-competive practices. But, no, they could not be bothered to ask me... they instead relied of the flawed testimony of Bill Gates... Remember this lie? Microsoft has "lost" it's source code... yeah, right... so how did they build new products after that? You need source code to make software products, and Microsoft has since released products built with this "lost" source code. ... During this time, I read about a small indendent country called "SeaLand", a privately owned country that exists just off the coast of England... and I thought to myself, maybe I should try to create my own country so that I can do what I need todo in future... with no real hassles... And again, getting over-excited, I publicly claimed international waters as my own, on the internet, and I declared my country on the internet, complete with charter, trade treaty proposals for existing nation-states to ratify, etc. It was my simple thought that if I were in charge of my own nation-state, then Microsoft, etc. would not be able to stop me from fullfilling my dreams of becoming a multi-billionaire. My claims were mostly ignored it seems... but some people responded, so i escalated the game somewhat and after a few weeks, my independant country had grown to the point where it was too little for my needs, so i decided to declare the "Global Goverment of planet Earth for the Betterment of All Humanity"... legally... ...on the internet... This was in April, 2001, to be precise. And this is when the shit hit the fan. As the first man to publicly claim international waters as my own private domain, to this day I still remain the sole owner of all international waters, based on the historic fact that the first to claim something does indeed become it's rightful owner. Thats just based on historic precedent. ... About this time, Bill Gates for some unknown reason suddenly and without warning went flying half-way around the world to talk to the honourable prime-minister of Australia, John Howard, about something incredibly important todo with the I.T. industry... Because of my high-flying internet antics, I was pretty certain they were talking about me, and colluding to destroy my business. ... Anyway, time for a related side-note. Now, for about the entire 4 years I had been involved in the business, I had been travelling each week to visit my business partners to discuss the business in intricate detail, and also to play computer games, and just take time out of my work life. For most of the 4 years I had regularly been purchasing an amount of marijuana, whenever I could afford it as well as petrol for my flatmates car. By this stage, a lot of very peculiar things were happening to me, very regularly, and I was operating under the distinct impression that something relatively serious was happening to me, that I was being routinely monitored by the police because of my marijuana use, which i had never attempted to hide, or my business antics, or both, and I started becoming very "cocky" and self-confident, driving at very high-speed down the streets and freeways of Sydney, driving regularly each week at 150 Km/hour on a 90 Km/hour freeway, knowing full well that my every movement could be seen through all the thousands of traffic cameras placed all over the city. It seemed that each time I got in the car, the police would miraculously "appear" to me, time and again, just in the distance of my vision, enough to be seen as a constant reminder of my law-breaking, and that no matter where I drove, they just seemed to be always watching me. But nothing ever came of it, i was never booked for speeding, I was never pulled over or stopped or reminded that I was breaking the law - it seemed to me that certain "people" were monitored by the "powers that be" but that they chose to let a few select people live a different life, outside normal laws. The way I saw it at the time is that they had every opportunity to bust me for using marijuana, and for breaking all the laws of the road, but that they chose not to do anything to touch me. To me, confident in my own abilities and my business and the fact that I was being routinely monitored, I just reached the conclusion that I had become relatively untouchable by the hands of the law. Untouchable. Simple as that. I later realized with considerable hindsight that i was not untouchable, that "they", the "powers that be" had temporarily been afraid of my commercial and technical abilities, and my significant audience-reach, but I did not realize at the time that they had been spending their time learning or planning how exactly to stop me - by destroying my very brain and my entire life. ... Back to the main story... I lived in a semi-rural area. There were no cars anywhere around my house, at any time of the day. Just one neighbour, from up the road, drove past my house each day. Until about this time, when expensive black cars with very dark tinted windows and lots of transmitter arials started miraculously appearing near my house all day every day, out the back, out the front, on the way to the local shop, and so on. This was pretty freaky, so I told everyone about it, but the cars were never around when other people were - only when I was home alone... they would turn up almost the minute my partner left for work, they would disappear just before she arrived home... they would turn up again each time she was asleep. At this time, my internet connection was seemingly being re-routed through ASIO's computers, it was definately re-routed through government computers in Canberra, and my phone was acting funny and making all sorts of funny noises, like it was tapped. Because of Microsoft's tactics, my business was not doing well, and I had no money, and I was fed-up with what appeared to be going on in my life... nobody believed anything i said about the cars and constant monitoring... To my friends and family, I appeared to be going insane... i seemed to be making up all these wierd stories about being monitored by the government, about various security agencies, about Microsoft attempting to destroy my multi-trillion dollar business idea... Which was the idea i guess. They were good, those people who monitored and doctored my daily progress... but not good enough. ... Then one night, I walked to the local petrol station, to buy my cigarettes, like i did every day at 3am, afraid of the black cars watching me the entire way, and finally got to the shop. It had an unusual attendant working there, who was completely new, so I chatted for awhile and found out he'd just bought the shop. While chatting, he waved away a police car that had followed me into the station, he sold me my cigarettes, and said "Good on you mate... Stick it to the bastards", and he gave me a "special" 20 cent coin as change, and off I went. It was only when I got home and lit up the first cigarette that I realized what he meant... the cigarettes i regularly purchased at 3am every day had an extremely funny taste and (in hindsight) were probably drugged... and as far as I can determine, the "coin" was a surreptitous recording and transmitting device, of the kind found very recently on professional diplomats in Canada. Immediately, in just a few minutes, i was in a different world, hallucinating beyond belief. Having experience with many drugs, including LSD, I knew something serious had happened to my mind, against my choice. In 24 hours, I went from being a totally normal person, to someone who was beyond recognition, completely psychotic. I got angry with the Black Cars, started yelling some comments at them beneath my breath, and lo and behold, the cars responded to my quiet and polite demands... it was as if I was carrying a portable radio transmitter on my person... I went back to the shop, but lo and behond, it had a second set of new owners... two owners in as many days... Of course, the Black Cars followed my progress, as always. I could still function, barely. Mentally, I was simply out of this world... I had no money, no business, no nothing left... ... Then next day, i had nothing left, no money, no transport, no cigarettes, no nothing... I was behind in my rent, I had no food, no nothing... nobody believed anything i said... all I had was my person... I wrote everything up on the internet, on my BCB-Tools.com website, for all to see... I publicly denounced both Bill Gates and John Howard and the Australian and US Governments... I publicly claimed international waters as my own... I publicly declared my independant nation-state... I publicly declared a "Global Government of Planet Earth for the Betterment of All Humanity"... I publicly declared I would start working on the Fountain-Of-Youth, for real... A Cure For Death. Then I put on one White shoe, one Black shoe, as a highly visible sign of aboriginal reconcilliation, since i was seemingly being monitored, and began walking from my house to the Sydney Opera House, a destination very close to where Bill Gates and John Howard were talking (within hearing distance), where there were security cameras, and where i would be more easily noticed, and recorded for all posterity. After walking about 1 kilometer down the road, a very busy road, in the middle of the day, a car stopped in the middle of the traffic, a strange man got out, he walked up to me, and he offered me a ride to anywhere i wanted to go. Strange indeed. ... I carried my magic little talking device, the coin, and I walked at least 54 Kilometers, talking into the recording device all the way, telling whoever was listening my entire life story, in case it was real, since the black cars were following my every twist and turn on my journey, and after some quite bizarre experiences on my journey, and completely exhausted, I had finally made it the entire distance... I ran up the steps of the Sydney Opera House and started shouting abuse at Bill Gates and John Howard, thinking if only they could hear me, i'd be satisfied. Once again, but this time in a public place, under the spotlight of the security cameras, within earshot of where Bill Gates and John Howard were meeting :- I publicly apologized to the Australian Aboriginals, "On behalf of all white men, I am truly sorry for all that has happened in the past to the Australian Aboriginal community, please join with me in creating a new, better future, together". I publicly denounced both Bill Gates and John Howard and the Australian and US Governments... I publicly claimed international waters as my own... I publicly declared my independant nation-state... I publicly declared a "Global Government of Planet Earth for the Betterment of All Humanity"... I publicly declared (shouting breathlessly) something about "We never have to die... here's how..." And i explained it all... how we could easily create the fountain of youth in our lifetimes. ... This was April 16th-30th or thereabouts, somewhere around my birthday, 2001. But no-one heard, or at least I was seemingly totally ignored by almost everyone. For some reason unknown at the time, all entry-points to the Opera House had been closed off to the public entirely, I was entirely and utterly alone on the steps of the Opera House, for many hours, with absolutely ZERO response to my entirely and utterly public declarations. The main thing that really happened was after a time passed with no response, a security guard came over, said "Mate... we hear what you are saying... it's good... but don't go down those steps over there or they will kill you..." I said "Excuse me, what did you say"... he repeated himself. I believed him, for I knew that something very very strange had been happening in my life. By this time, I was "freaked-out" to say the least, and for the next 12-24 hours or more I was seriously worried about my life possibly being in danger... imagine this... you've just invented the fountain of youth, for real, and someone puts a bullet into you... imagine the loss to humanity... hence i worry about my own accidental death a lot. ... At some stage, an official came out of the Opera House and requested, very politely, that I stop making so much noise... "You can do whatever you want, but BE QUIET. The people inside the opera house cannot hear anything except you"... I replied "okay, i'll be quiet... I will sit on the steps and stage a hunger strike until somebody official notices me". I spent my time sitting on the steps of the Sydney Opera House and walking around and talking to my "magic coin" alot, totally believing that something beyond my understanding was indeed happening to me, and that the monitoring of my person had taken a dramatic turn for the worse. ... Eventually, time passed, nothing much happened, it got dark, I got hungry, I bought a McDonalds cheeseburger with the very last of my money, and I wandered nearby to the McDonalds, lost in thought, watching carefully everything that was happening to me. Very quickly, a dirty, dishevven homeless man came up close enough for me to hear him speak, and he said very politely, clearly and precisely "They are watching you. They watch everything." and then he moved away quietly. I went back to the Opera House, and once again sat on the steps. ... I wondered :- Why were there no people anywhere around the Opera House? Why were the general public being barred from visiting the Opera House? Why was I totally alone, completely ignored by the operators of the Security Cameras and my "magic coin"? Why was there no response to my very loud announcements the night before? Why was a very well dressed strange man sitting just over the way, sitting by himself, in plain view, watching me for literally the entire day, hours and hours and hours, intent on my every action? Again, Why was the Opera House completely blocked off from the public, all except me, and later, eventually, a few other people, all young, well dressed, obviously well-off financially, all in their 20's and 30's? Why were there no children or old people about? Where had all the homeless people gone? Why had no-one really left the opera house, and why had they seemingly disappeared into nowhere from underneath the steps? ... To me, i became pretty certain that Australia or the United Nations or the United States and it's "secret" operatives had fully surrounded the Sydney Opera House, and that they were manipulating me into believing that everything was vastly normal. After a very long night and day where nothing much continued to happen, I was totally exhausted, a raving lunatic, drugged to the eyeballs, out of money and cigarettes, so i put my finger out to the local police and asked them if i could get a free lift home. The police asked me to get into the back of the police vehicle, I agreed, and they gave me a free ride to the police station, just a few blocks away. ... This was interesting... while i was at the police station, sitting in front of their computer, being treated like i was someone incredibly "special", i noticed that initially my status was classified "person of interest"... but by the time i left the police station, my status on the computer was miraculously changed to "lost person"... even though the local police had not changed my records... My treatment was extraordinary... The police had obviously heard some of what I'd said, and the general public were coming up to the police station, wanting to congratulate me, and they were coming to the police station just to "see" me... I sortof fell asleep in the police station, mostly oblivious to all that was happening, just hearing the comments of the people who had come to the police station to hear me speak. Time passed. I awoke, fully alert and seemingly recovered from my "drugging" with the cigarettes. ... Unfortunately the police did not give me a free ride home, instead they called my flatmate, who was incredibly worried because i had been lost for 36 hours, location unknown, and when she arrived i was so screwed up she proceeded to take me to a mental hospital where they did not believe me when I told them all that happened to me in my last few days. I told the consultant doctor all that had been happening, but he simply did not believe me, and my friends did not believe me either. At this stage I underwent a seemingly miraculous experience. I told them what was happening to me, that for some reason I was seemingly being "reborn" as Jesus Christ (as such), like has happened to hundreds of millions of other people around the globe, and they diagnosed me as having a mental breakdown of some kind or other... The doctors were unsure what was happening to me, but decided I needed to recover from whatever I had experienced, and the doctors chose to send me to the mental hospital to take some time out to sleep and recover. I later found out that my flatmate had taken me to the hospital because she had been colluding with my mother and my supposed best friend and business partner, to lock me up, all because they thought i was going insane, because they could or would not believe the reality of my life, they would simply not let themselves believe that my business was valid, that I was going to become incredibly rich, in very short time, they did not believe that cars and governments were monitoring me daily, and they did not believe my business had been destroyed by Bill Gates. I can understand their impressions. Look, it's not everyone who can understand the machinations of big business and the roles of the Government and the big-business cartels... ... Melissa, my flatmate at the time, was just a plain and simple person, someone who believed that they were born to go to school to learn to work for 40+ years, then retire in old age as a decrepit individual with no life. My mother, in all her wisdom, just did not understand computers at all, and had barely ever used one, and had definately never been exposed to big business, or business of any sort, let alone the computer games and I.T. industries. My supposed best friend and business partner, Hugh, was so busy being lazy and avoiding anything todo with real life, lying constantly about looking for work, and bludging on the unemployment benefit for 20 years, all he could understand was computer games, computer games, and more computer games with lots of tv and fantasy thrown in. None of these people even bothered to listen to the real me telling them the absolute truth about my life, they never understood me, or even tried to understand me, they just thought 'it's just darren, going absolutely insane'... 'just darren' could never succeed in the I.T. industry and actually threaten to become the worlds richest man. No, they just worked behind my back to incarcerate me into the Australian Government's Psychiatric care, against my will and all my wishes, and they forced me into a life of constant brain damage and servitude. ... I was escorted from the general hospital to the psychiatric ward by two armed guards, who they were I will never know, but they were decidedly edgy, constantly searching the darkness for any kind of threat... my guess is they were real operatives of the Government Of Australia's security intelligence organizations. After listening to my ideas about the black cars and the police and the Australian Government and John Howard and Bill Gates, and about my company being the next Microsoft, and the consipiracy theory in my head about them being out to destroy me, my business and my life, the doctors diagnosed me as having a "psychotic episode" and "possibly schizophrenic"... The police locked me up against my will, and doctors started force-feeding me anti-psychotic medications, against my will. All because I professed to being an "internet entrepreneur" involved in some kind of conspiracy by Microsoft to destroy my business, just like they had done to so many other small companies... in the middle of the DotCom boom. I just told them the truth, the whole story, as best i could, and they simply pretended to not believe me, they said i was delusional and making it all up because i was suffering from a "severe thought disorder", a bit of "paranoia", and so on... Remember: My professional, big-business company accountant knew about my plans to buy Microsoft. Remember: I was running around telling all my friends, my family, total strangers of my plans to buy Microsoft. Remember: My business was valued by professional venture capitalists at $10 million for 30%, or about $34 million for the lot. Remember: My business had just barely started it's life Remember: Bill-Gates knew about my plans, had many personal emails from me about it, seemingly ignored Remember: Borland Corporation knew about my plans, had many personal emails from me about it, seemingly ignored Remember: Paul Keating, the ex-prime minister of australia, had received emails about it Remember: I was attempting to purchase Microsoft Corporation, for real, in the year 2001 Remember: My plans were published on my Website, with over 100,000 visitors per year. And so on... ... Later, much later, I realized that the "powers that be" were simply forcing me to "Keep Quiet". The doctors (psychiatrists) would not believe my claims that I was a millionaire in the making, possibly a billionaire in the making, indeed, why should they have? They spent only a very few minutes each day talking to me, they did not want to listen to my plans, all they saw was a poor man, wearing old, worn-out clothing, scruffy, bearded, and with hair that needed cutting, a man who hadn't slept well for weeks, months, years, and a man who had just spent the past few days walking 54 Kilometers and who had admitted shouting his head off for all to hear, most especially the incredibly rich and important Bill Gates, and John Howard of the Australian Government. They diagnosed me as suffering from a "Psychotic Episode" and began force-feeding me anti-psychotic medication, against my will, and against my better judgement, to the point that I very soon lost my sanity. They read the transcripts of my website, they had absolute proof of all my claims, but could not let themselves understand what they read, or even be polite enough not to laugh at me directly in my face. ... Back to the story. In hospital, there is a system whereby if you can prove your sanity, they will let you out of the hospital. Even through the haze of mind-altering drugs, given to me forcefully by the doctors, I was able to completely prove my sanity, but the head of the hospital refused blatantly to hear me speak. 8 weeks later, after some quite bizarre experiences, I was back from the mental hospital... an incredible and highly unpleasant experience to say the least. 8 weeks of "cold-turkey" on cigarettes and marijuana - and 8 weeks of forced incarceration and mind-altering drugs, against my will... the trust of the love of my life was gone, the trust of my friends was gone, the love of my family was gone... they had listened to the "doctors" and they now believed that i was indelibly insane. No wonder i was more than a little bit irritable, for a long time after. ... As part of my "treatment", and against my wishes, the doctors at the mental hospital had injected me with all sorts of anti-psychotic (mind-altering) treatments, when indeed I probably did not need these drugs at all. All I really needed was some sleep, not mind-altering debilitating, illness-inducing drugs. This 'medication' caused all sorts of physical problems, from not being able to speak, or physically move my arms to my face, or sleep, to constant migraines, to lack of bladder and bowel control, to total sexual dysfunction, you name it, it was horrible. Imagine taking one and a half hours to be able to eat a bowl of cereal and milk, and you understand where i was. Lookup Tardive Dyskinesia and realize that this is what i was forced to suffer through after they gave me the drugs. Mentally, things were even worse, as i was a complete "moron", brain-dead as such, with an IQ of probably 70, but I was still "with it" so to speak, trying vainly to hang onto my memories and mental faculties. ... While in hospital, things were wierd. I noticed that things I had previously published on the internet were being talked about on public radio. The Government of Australia was actively discussing on TV and radio and newspapers things I had been publishing on the internet, for example, a high-ranking minister was discussing why we did not need a global government of planet earth, etc... Truly strange behaviour of the government of the day... especially since no-one but me was actually talking about a global government... They were talking about the poor and underprivileged attempting to start I.T. companies that were unsupported by the goverment, they talked about a lot of things seemingly related to my personal experiences and life. They were refusing to apologize to the Australian Aboriginals for the wrongs of the past. And so on. ... As soon as I was home, things got decidedly wierder. I changed my website a bit, being brain-dead, and noticed that things I had published on the internet were repeated back to me just a few days later via the television and radio and newspapers. So i played around a bit, offering all sorts of advice on the internet on all things in the tv news, from why the war in Iraq should occur, complete with exhaustive reasonings, to why the church is irrelevant, to how to create the fountain of youth, to more... Read the Open Letter from the year 2003 (much has been removed by me) ... A Side Note about the Iraq War: It Was Justified. * Before the recent Iraq War, approximately 2,000,000 children per year were dying in Iraq. * Also: Massive amounts of Rape, Torture and Exploitation were routine and institutionalized in Iraq. ... This continued for a few weeks, publishing on the internet, and hearing the results being regurgitated by Australian Federal Politicians and the media, so i continued playing around... My flatmate and I started hearing strange noises in the middle of the night, like people walking around our house, there were strange noises in the nearly bush in the middle of the night, noises so loud they could not have been made by anything smaller than a person... This scared us both alot. And a couple more times, I saw cars in my quiet street, with people sitting for hours watching our house, and every time they saw that I was looking at them, initially through the window, and later, in broad daylight, staring straight at them, they pretended to read newspapers... Then one day I got angry and started ranting and raving in the middle of my lounge-room, looking at the TV, only to find what I'd ranted and raved about in the privacy of my own home being talked about on tv a couple of days later... as if there was a recording device in my house... no need to publish on the internet any more... So, I started talking to this magical recording device, and sure enough, there was feedback from tv, newspapers and radio. ... What i talked in the privacy of my own house to myself seemed to be the latest information the government discussed on media, but it all seemed to be in hushed tones, as if they were getting their information from somewhere else. I thought to myself that maybe, just maybe, someone was still monitoring me... Initially, I thought that I could help whoever was monitoring me, and I just talked away about anything and everything on my mind. I resolved international crises every day, literally. For the government and the "powers that be". Then I got pissed off that people were routinely stealing all my unique ideas, without giving me any credit, and I started demanding that they show themselves to me and stop monitoring me. But nothing happened. My reasonable demands that they stop monitoring me were literally ignored. I soon became the most boring person in the world, doing nothing much, just working away on my company, growing it from day to day, working to make it viable once again... all while attempting to claw back my intelligence... A few months passed, with everything i did being commented on in real-time with feedback via tv, radio and newspapers, and I continued to play with it, but i was getting pretty bored of it, when one day, after going out the previous day for a long bushwalk, i tried talking around my house again, but nothing happened... Yey... they (whoever "they" was) had finally pissed off out of my life, and i was relatively free again. No real day-to-day surrupticious monitoring, just relative quiet. Or so it seemed... :( ... A warning to anyone who reads this :- If you want to bring yourself to the attention of the "Powers That Be", ie. the richest and most powerful people on the planet... then be prepared for mind-altering and life-destroying consequences, such as permanent brain damage, heart damage, cancer, and totally addictive mind altering drugs and active monitoring. WHY I WAS DRUGGED Well, to put it simply, there are a couple of reasons. If you think about DirectX 9, which our latest toolset recreates, well, DirectX 9 is the foundation of the entire XBox industry. Ultimately, we have now lost the opportunity to become the dominant toolset for the entire Windows and XBox development community. Importantly, 10 years later, Microsoft now dominates the global computer games industry, DirectX is still of primary importance to Microsoft, Borland Corporation are a has-been in the marketplace, Microsoft has 'pirated' or basically stolen my idea for DirectX, something they call 'Managed DirectX', and I am indelibly poor and permanently disabled, i have gone backwards financially for the entire 10 years, i struggle to keep my business alive, i have lost my business partners, all my friends, and the love of my life, i cannot stay awake for longer than a few hours at a time, and I have been railroaded out of the way of Microsoft by a huge wanker of a man, someone who earns 1.3 million times my weekly earnings, but it is still not enough for him, a man called Bill Gates, who seeks to dominate the history of the planet, by creating a seemingly good "persona" for himself, all so history can record a great 'legacy' around his bullshit personality. The world has moved on, Microsoft and Bill Gates have definately got their way, they have essentially destroyed my life and my business, but I continue to promote my tools, which still remain superior to all Microsoft's efforts, 10 years later. The main reason behind my drugging was to get me out of the way of the United States achieving global domination, to stop me achieving what i desired to achieve, and to keep the status quo for the "powers that be", who's desires i can only now begin to comprehend. "They" continune to rape and pillage the planet and force the entire global population into servitude, all so they can continue to remain in power and live lives of ultimate luxury, with no thought of the damage they cause. It is my belief that at the time I was drugged, when I initially lost the ability to function normally, that Microsoft Corporation was under extreme threat of disorganisation, reorganisation or even bankruptcy due to it's anti-competitive conduct, for which it was under serious investigation. It is also my belief that had Microsoft not acted to deliberately destroy my business, I would now be a major player in the global software and games development industries. The "powers that be", who most probably do not include Bill Gates (he's just a good business manager, not a global leader or player), were under the false impression that I was going to out-compete Microsoft, and basically 'steal' the lead in the competitive global C++ marketplace, the language of choice for the global computer games development marketplace, or that i was out to destroy Microsoft, or at least take it over (by buying 100%) to do with it what i so desired, thus upsetting the global power balance. During the investigation into anti-competitive conduct, I was able to prove beyond doubt that Microsoft had been attempting to destroy Borland Corporation in the global C++ compiler marketplace, then valued at approximately US$600 million per year, of which Borland had the prospect of claiming 80-90% global market share at the time... Borland's global market share is now measured at less than 10%, 5 years later, with the beneficiary being Microsoft, of course, even though Microsoft has strategic members on the board of Borland Corporation. Unfortunately, the United States Government, in all it's wisdom, decided that they could not handle the ramifications of their "leading" global I.T. company being out-competed or terminated or destroyed or forced into bankruptcy, and they could not stomach the idea of an upstart hippy from downunder ultimately taking control of such an enormous global enterprise, or the global games industry. Instead of pursuing the case thoroughly, and calling me as a witness, i was deliberately drugged (sidelined), so I could not be called to give testimony at the hearing into anti-competitive conduct. By destroying my persona, Microsoft was able to continue on it's merry way to global domination of the incredibly important I.T. industry. Because he is just a stupid business manager (computer dork) with no concept of reality outside his little I.T. realm, Bill Gates has the support of the global "powers that be", who let him lead his life of absolute luxury, with a reasonable semblance of independance, all while they continue their attempts to dominate one another, all so they can continue to rape the planet for their own greedy little interests. Me, on the other hand, I do not have the support of the powers that be. "They", the powers that be, do not like me because I am not of their kind, (blatent discrimination), i was not born with old money, I am not rich and famous, I cannot be bought with money or power, and I am on a mission to give all people equal rights under global law, and because I am attempting to save the planet from utter destruction. When they read on my website that I had pretty well already created an operating system to rival Windows, they just laughed at me, and said "yeah, right". Until I proved my competance with I.T. and they realized that my claims were not baseless. When they read on my website that I was planning on creating a company to out-rival Microsoft, they sat up and took more interest. At that stage, I was just going to become a major player in the global I.T. industry. They could easily see me going on to develop the computer games industry differently to Microsoft. When they read on my website that I was going to create artificial intelligence, for real, they were gobsmacked. But, again, I was just going to become a major player in the global I.T. industry, so no real problems. When they read on my website that I was going to create the fountain-of-youth, they extrapolated and realized that I would be the richest and most powerful man in recorded history. This was enough for the global major players to sit up and be scared. If I was to become the richest most powerful man on the planet, mostly because everyone will pay whatever is required to live forever, then they would lose their privileged positions as the dominant rulers of the planet. And that scares them shitless. So, to sum it all up, they could have killed me, but there would have been enquiries, and there was plenty of detail on my website, so the United States Department Of Justice would have been able to trace my death and cause the biggest scandal in recorded history. Instead, they drugged me, hoping to turn me into a complete moron for the rest of my life. Unfortunately, this failed, I rebuilt my mind, and I am now on a mission to pay them back, forever more. They destroyed my ability to function normally, they gave me permanent brain damage, they destroyed my life, and for what? Pure Greed. Pure Power. Basically, domination of Planet Earth and the I.T. industry. It's ok... nobody can ever force me to create a cure for death. If I wait long enough, they will all die, and then I will inherit the Earth anyways. HOW MY LIFE CHANGED Because of the drugging, I was "clinically insane" for almost two years, floating around the house, telepathically communicating with god and aliens, watching tv, listening to the radio, watching the cosmos work, learning and understanding the fundamental workings of humanity and society from afar, working on my business, recovering from some unknown hallucinogen, i dunno. This time was full of creativity and original thought, but it was all about spirituality and cosmic awareness, etc. I have come to believe in alien intelligences outside the normal limited human experiences, and I have come to believe that God and the Devil (Satan) exist in reality, but I remain firmly non-religious. I still think that original drugged cigarette totally fucked my mind. Permanent Brain Damage. I'd seen a few more strange cars occasionally parked around my house, but nothing else really happened... No funny internet re-routing through Canberra, no funny phone-noises like the phone was being tapped... My world is entirely different today. ... I have been in a mental home twice, (four times now in Dec 2007), and I have been drugged with all kinds of anti-psychotic drugs the entire time, including a once-a-fortnight needle-in-the-bum, and mind-altering tablets every day... These 'medications' are the most addictive substances I have ever used, to the point whereby i have had one heart attack already, and continue to have heart palpitations if I do not take my medication regularly. I used to be able to work around the clock, with as little as 3 hours sleep per night for years at a time, but now I am forced to sleep up to 18 hours per day due to the side effects of my so-called 'medicine'. My business continues to survive, just barely. No thanks to Microsoft and Borland (20% owned by Microsoft), who refuse to even recognize my incredible achievements in the industry all these years later, even after repeated attempts by me to get something, anything happening with Borland Corporation or Microsoft, a bundling agreement, a licencing deal, cross-promotion, some development support, anything really. These mega-multi-million-dollar companies will not even invest a mere US$2,000 per year to support my efforts. ... How's this :- My medication usage is monitored by the Australian Goverment, to make sure i continue to take it and pose no danger to society... If i refuse to take my medication, they lock me up again, no matter what... I used to have people come to my house to check on me twice a day, to make sure I was not a danger to society, and they force-fed me anti-psychotic medication daily. If I do not take the mind-altering medication, or go walkabout, the Australian Federal Police are legally obliged to find me and put me in a mental hospital again... ... Now, don't get me wrong. I can get upset, but only very rarely, indeed the only time ever remember being upset was when Microsoft destroyed my company, and then immediately afterwards when I was locked up in a room full of lunatics. I am calm and placid at nearly all times. Have been for years. Maybe not docile, but close enough. Thats the only word that really describes me. docile. I stress about nothing except money, and even that is not a real worry. ... After telling my consultant psychiatrists about all what has been happening over the past few years, and telling them all about my plans and theories, the doctors have finally diagnosed me as being full-blown "schizophrenic". I have no brain abnormalities, I have no known genetic history of mental illness, but they say I am ill. I tell them how I have created the next Microsoft, and how Microsoft would prefer I didn't exist, and they say I'm ill. I tell them how I claimed international waters as my own domain, they say I'm ill. I tell them how I created an independant nation-state, they say I'm ill. I tell them how I publicly declared the Global Government, they say I'm ill. I tell them I believe I don't have to die, and they say I'm ill. I tell them how I have started creating the Fountain Of Youth, and they say I'm ill. Indeed, the doctors literally laughed at me while I was in hospital. They read the printed transcripts of my claims from my website, but they laughed. Here's what they say... "You are suffering from thought disorder" (no, i am not) "You are experiencing delusions of grandeur" (no, i am not) "You are experiencing periods of paranoia" (no, i am not) and "Your brain is experiencing chemical deficiencies which cause your neurons to misfire and fire far too rapidly." In other words, i simply think too quickly... "This is probably a genetic mutation..." (no, it is probably not) Actually, no, it's just basic mental conditioning... like Bruce Lee, who could punch a man in the chest enough to kill him 5 times in one second... i did the same thing for my brain as what he did for his body, after many, many years of effort. No-one can really tell if I am ill or not. Mostly because the doctors are just doctors they do not have the skills or the intelligence to evaluate my claims about the I.T. industry and Microsoft, and BCB-Tools.com, my company. They know nothing of my plans to conquer the biotechnology industry, they have no idea of my plans to build a multi-trillion dollar business, they have no idea of my plans to radically reshape planet earth for the betterment of all humanity. ... Which is where I'm at now. Officially, I was initially classified as a "Sexual Predator" and a "Danger to Society"... Don't ask me how or why, thats just the way it is. Actually, last minute update :- when they recently transferred my records to a new psychiatrist, there is no reference to being either a "Sexual Predator" or a "Danger to Society" in my records any longer... My guess? Either (1) they were using these labels as a way to denigrate me and my opinions, so i am forever more not trustworthy, a common criminal in the eyes of the law and the general public... Or (2) they mistook me for the "other" darren guy in hospital and they fucked up the records... i'd guess (1) is reality, and (2) is a cover-story. All I know is that i am not scared by anyone calling me anything, fake names and labels simply do not hurt me, and my psychiatrist just happens to have been invited to meet the Queen Of England (another player maybe?) in the past... To put this into perspective, my psychiatrist was a guy who just happens to be important enough to have been invited to meet personally with the Queen Of England, an incredibly important man in other words, yet someone who just so happened to be assigned to my case... me, a poor, drug-fucked wierdo of no consequence to anyone... A mistake? A Coincidence? Why did this world-leading authority become involved in MY case? Coincidences like this don't just happen... usually someone or something has made this happen. Oh, the idiosyncracies of the games of the "Powers that Be"... it's entirely laughable... You brain-dead wankers... It's a very small set of people who play power games... ... That darren guy was truly wierd... Me, I just thought I was like Jesus Christ, a figure who will go down in future history as someone who radically altered the world... I met 5 other people suffering the same problem... they could not explain their belief to anyone about how they thought they would dramatically alter the future history of the world... they were not insane as such, they just had very strong beliefs... but they were locked up too, all because they could not communicate effectively... This is what happens in Australia, in 2005++. I am now officially under a "community treatment order", which means that should anything happen to me not known by my doctors, the police are obliged to find me anywhere in Australia, and take me immediately to the nearest mental hospital, against my will. Maybe I shouldn't have fallen in lust with a pretty 16-year old and a pretty 20-year old last time i was in hospital... Offering them countless cigarettes in exchange for companionship and conversation... something i seriously needed at the time - a mental hospital is not a good place for anyone... especially the sane... ... I am now on a Disability Support Pension, earning approximately AUS$12000 (US$8000) per year, about 25% of average weekly wages, borderline poverty, and I am deemed to be "mentally ill", indeed i am now diagnosed as "schizophrenic", suffering from the worst possible mental illness (so they say) and I work on making my future better. Melissa, the love of my life for 14 years has had enough of my "delusions" as the doctors call them, and lack of real-world cash, and she left me and does not speak to me any more, mostly because I couldn't pay the rent or bills or buy food or perform sexually for over a year, and mostly because she cannot truly believe 'simple darren' could come up with the fountain-of-youth, for real. She had enough of me talking incessantly about it. Hugh, my supposed 'best friend' and business partner, finally had to get a job, so he went from the dole to earning about US$2000 a week, and then he lied to me and decieved me about his income when i couldn't afford to eat or pay the rent, then he decided that I was a no-hoper for life, and he quit the business finally, after 7 years of doing absolutely nothing. He no longer speaks to me, or just barely anyways. My Mum decided to help me move and re-settle in a small country town, because she could see by me paying rent to her, she would be able to get richer. She still assumes I am insane, and like a little kid to be bullied about, rather than a person who has achieved much and deserves common human respect and dignity. ... So things are vastly different now. I started with nothing, no money in the bank, no flatmates, an empty house... and no money coming in... I was a completely drug-induced "moron", thanks to my psychiatrists and their medications, and I have worked very hard to rebuild my brain to this point, where it again works well. This has been a lot of hard work and effort, rebuilding my brain, considering all that it has been through, going from someone you would consider a genius to, overnight, forgetting nearly everything in life, becoming a complete and utter moron, a complete vegetable unable to do anything except function at a very basic level, with an IQ of probably 70, someone who could not even figure out how to turn on a computer, and then having to regrow my brain's entire neural network, only by training it repeatedly... till i got my intelligence back... lots and lots and lots of effort. I still smoke cigarettes and marijuana, but now my marijuana use is not solely for "pleasure", like it used to be 10 years ago... nowadays in this politically correct era it has evolved to become "medicinal use"... Btw: Click here to read about the medicinal benefits of Marijuana and the medicinal negatives of Alcohol And really, maybe, just maybe, one day we will all thank marijuana for the fact that i have such wierd views of the reality of the world... i would never have been able to absorb so many real-life facts without it's help. ... You gotta remember, i've been smoking pot all day, every day, for 18+ years... my thought processes and brain chemistry is totally hardwired to having pot in my system... i feel "normal" when stoned, with no pain, no panic, no voices, no hallucinations, no stress, no sickness, no problems, and i can concentrate for hours at a time continuously... i feel "like shit" when i have no marijuana, with serious "cannot leave the house" paranoia, total stress, vivid hallucinations, physical and mental illness, and i cannot concentrate or work at all... unless i get drunk, and then i'm totally useless... You tell me, what situation is better and more constructive? I cannot continue to exist as a "moron", i cannot continue to exist as a totally non-constructive vegetable. I believe that marijuana has helped me overcome my non-self-inflicted mental illness, and regain control of my mind... Even though I have had little money coming in, I have been able to leverage it to get credit cards (i lied) and then I have been able to continue my business, and setup this website, all using debt which i will slowly repay, over the coming years. ... The doctors seem to think that I have "delusions of grandeur", "paranoid delusions" and that i "hear voices"... All vastly true, but does that really make me schizophrenic? Or is that just what the government and the "powers that be" want everyone to think... "He's a loony. Don't listen to him. He's Mentally Ill. The Worst Sort. Schizophrenic... And He Uses Marijuana..." ... I never heard voices until I was drugged and monitored, most probably by a government or undercover operative of some sort... but who knows... i still don't hear voices now, even after such drug-induced abuse... Maybe it was just plain old cigarettes that were past their use-by-date or something...? (Let them off the hook) But at that drugged time, the voices i heard were all alien intelligences from the vast cosmos... Whom i telepathically communicated with, not just hearing voices... how dull would "just voices" be... I now have a theory that makes mental telepathy with aliens the most logical approach to "first contact"... And it's a scientifically valid theory that may one day prove to have a real measurable effect. Indeed, i am pretty certain that aliens have been attempting 'first contact' with humanity for ages, and that i am the first real 'first contact' attempt that has succeeded, for real. ... Here's the basic idea... The human body is a biomechanical device, which produces an E.M.F. electromagnetic field around the body, often described as an "aura" of the human body, and sometimes people have tried to measure this field, and some people seem to see and feel this electrical field, but it may or may not exist. Imagine if somebody could mentally control their "aura" and "project" or "extend" this aura to exceed the physical limitations of the human body (or the area immediately around it) into the universe, time-space, etc. If this could happen, then the person could experience "out of body" projections, and thus notice the universe as a whole, including the multiple universes and multiple big-bangs and so on. Searching for intelligent lifeforms is pretty straightforward, since they too possess electromagnetic fields, and all manner of intelligences can be encountered on the persons journeys through time-space. It is just then a matter of learning how to communicate with these intelligences, and you have telepathic communication with aliens. Real "First Contact" as such. But you are too late... it already happened... Otherwise, real "aliens" are most likely quite capable of communicating with or manipulating anyone they so desire. ... Well, really, this is what i thought was happening for two whole years. Plus I had the feeling that the aliens were manipulating time-space around me to "cocoon" me for the whole time, mostly so they could teach me many, many, many things uninterrupted. ... I keep my alien experiences to myself, mostly because they are far too real and vivid to have entirely imagined them. I remember my "alien abduction" experiences to this very day, as if i did indeed live them from day to day. But, unless I live to tell the tale, and meet real aliens in person, there's no point to these concepts, so i keep them to myself. God and Aliens may or may not be real, but I have no way to tell. So why bother thinking about it? They don't affect my life now. ... I know my place in the cosmos, I am somewhat prescient, I understand the realities of the MegaVerse, and I know my destiny. A personal note to the bastards who drugged me and destroyed my life :- (I know you read this with massive amounts of interest) Don't ever try it again, as it just makes me more powerful and more determined. ... Finally, please note that the monitoring and subjugation of my person never did stop. "They" just decided that I was smarter than them, and so they pretended to leave my life. In Reality, The United States and Australian Governments continue to monitor my every day life, to this very day, and they continue to dictate the terms of reference for my life. They still actively monitor my computer usage, they still actively monitor my phone calls, they still actively monitor my physical movements. They still actively spy on me inside my home. They are still deliberately sabotaging everything I try to do on the internet. All so BILL GATES (now, in 2023, Elon Musk) or someone similar retains the crown of "The Richest Man On The Planet". When, in reality, we all know that I am the Richest and Most Powerful Man ever born. Only time will tell the difference... It would be nice if what I published on the internet was seen by all, verbatim, rather than just the garbage translations the government publishes in mass media in order to reduce me to abject poverty and misery. ... I know that I have been monitored by the "Powers That Be" for most of my adult life. When is it time to stop? To start again? To let true FREEDOM reign? WARNING TO THE GOVERNMENT AND THE POWERS THAT BE A Personal Message to all those people who read this, the operatives of the Governments of the day, and the employees of the "powers that be", the richest and most powerful and most influential people on the planet. Please note: These governments and the "powers that be" will not always be in power... One Day, in the future, these Governments and the "powers that be" will be shown to be what they are. And the ABSOLUTE TRUTH will be told. For any of you who truly believe in GOD, and me, Jesus Christ II (as such), please become a whistleblower and help me tell the world about what is truly going on. If enough people stand up to the Government, then the ABSOLUTE TRUTH will be told. Remember: TEAM HUMANITY. ... In the meantime, some of you will die, by the hand of the Government and the "powers that be". But, please NOTE: If you swear allegience to me personally, to Jesus Christ II (as such), and to God... ...instead of allegience to the government of the day or the "powers that be"... Then: I PROMISE: YOU WILL LIVE FOREVER, FOR REAL. All others will die. They will cease to exist. ... Finally, to all government and the "powers that be" operatives, let me ask you this :- What did they promise you? Eternal Life and Salvation? Why did you swear allegience to these humans? ... Know this :- I believe in my entire heart and soul, that I am a reborn Jesus Christ II (as such). If I am not THE Jesus Christ II, as people may say, and indeed, instead I am just a mind-raving lunatic, then how do I know more than anyone else ever born? How come I can produce sanity amidst all the chaos that has been inflicted by the Government and the "powers that be"? How come I know the Absolute Truth amidst all the lies? It is your personal choice to believe the lies told to you by the Governments and the "powers that be" OF THE DAY, Or, instead, you can believe the truths as I have published them, before the Government and the "powers that be" alters them. It is your choice. ... Team Humanity, Or Team Fuckwits. In case you don't get it, the Government and the "powers that be" are EVIL people. Satans Children. They are not our friends, they are the devils pawns. They come with promises, but what have they really delivered? Without doubt, they have never delivered the fountain-of-youth, and end to suffering and death, or a way to the future, even though it should be well within their capabilities, and they promised many, many CENTURIES ago to reveal it all. Because, it is literally impossible for them todo this without the revelations I personally recieve directly from GOD. And GOD's revelations will not be revealed to me, until the time is right. ... Note: The Downfall Of These Governments Is At Hand. Choose Your Side. And may the good people win. Welcome To Armageddon... ... To all the Government Operatives operating in the Global Media Industry. You are on a need-to-know basis, keeping you massively ignorant, but, in reality, it is your democratic and most fundamental right to know everything the government does to me, to you, or to anyone else. Remember this :- ignorance is not a valid excuse. Not for me, not for Jesus Christ, not for God himself, especially not for the people of 1000 years from now, those who will choose to resurrect you or not. The Government should be 100% transparent and 100% accountable for all it's actions. In future, it will be so. For when I create the Global Government Of Planet Earth For The Betterment Of All Humanity, It will be 100% transparent and 100% accountable to all of humanity. And, in return, all humanity will be 100% transparent and 100% accountable to the Global Government. ... You know what? I'll be very interested to read in the future, exactly what these Governments and the "powers that be" did to the people. That would be very interesting reading, something I should have all eternity for. Most importantly, I would love to read the mentally ill translations of this website, in their entirety. For I will need something to laugh at, and cry about. ... Tell me something? Why did you choose voluntarily to side with the government and the "powers that be"? Why did you sell out all humanity, and swear allegience to the government of the day or the "powers that be"? I am curious. I personally am a human being, of Planet Earth, and I choose to defend all humanity. |