(c) 2008 djd




-= On This Site =-
Welcome to BCB-Tools.com

What's On This Website

All about Darren

All about Marijuana, Alcohol, Cigarettes, Milk, etc.

I was Violated

An Old Huge Open Letter

For True Believers

Message To The Blind

About Oceanica

The Earth

The Universe

The Megaverse


    Last Updated: 15th February 2007
    Date Started: 20th August 2002
    Date Finished (originally): Sometime 2003

    Darren is a strange guy who has a pretty different view of the world,
    and below are some of his ideas on how to build a better world :-

    Strange but rational, optimistic yet realistic.

    And hopefully, without malice or greed or opportunism or ego or
    a 'know-it-all' by-line.

    If stuff is useless because it has been acted upon and
    is now out of date, just ignore it.

    The major reasons for writing this?

    To solve some of the major problems of society, and hence
    accelerate the creation of true world peace, a secure global environment,
    a truly sustainable planetary development environment, a global
    voluntary participatory democracy, and a viable fountain of youth.

    This document was created when I was under duress, drugged beyond belief,
    when my I.Q. was about 70, the I.Q. of a sick man struggling with severe difficulties.

    Please note that some parts of this documented have been outdated due to the
    constant changes in the world.

    I will update it at some time, when the time is right.

    HOW TO BUILD A BETTER WORLD: a Perspective
    © 2002-2007++ Darren John Dwyer, All Rights Reserved.

    Sometimes there comes a person with a different idea from the normal, and who
    decides to write stuff, ideas, and put it somewhere for other people to read,
    and comprehend, and sometimes the stuff written is about the big things in life.

    Below you will find the start of a big document, the views of an unusual person,
    about how we change our minds and go about building a better world for the future.

    This document will change frequently and will become much larger over time.
    Each idea, concept, meme, or chunk of text will be expanded over time into 1 very big picture.

    Note: People always want to know the answer first, so i tell people the solution
    i have reached, and followup later with my reasonings, and later i fine-tune it all.

    "The Beginning"

    It goes something like this :-

    The Earth is a beautiful place, to be enjoyed by all.

    It's like pure magic, a place where people can look around and see colour,
    hear sounds, touch things, and interact in all kinds of ways with each other.

    There's magic everywhere, in the way the wind blows, in the way the waters run,
    in the colours of the mountains, and the forests, and the sky.

    Add to this the wistful times watching a butterfly flap in the breeze,
    listen to the chirping of the birds, the smell of fine roses, and so much more...

    So much beauty that we have still to discover it all.
    Thankfully, it is within our ability as the dominant species to protect this legacy.

    "The Birds and the Bees... and Us"

    We human beings are a wonderous lot, with much to be proud of, and much to achieve in future.

    Together we form one species, one race, one global culture consisting of various
    subcultures mixed in one global melting pot, all living on the same glorious planet, Earth.

    We are very lucky, we have intelligence, both individually and collectively,
    and we can manipulate our environment with ease and with due thought.

    We've built incredible structures and we've build some amazing societies, and at the same
    time we've made plenty of mistakes and learnt our lessons.

    One simple lessen we've learnt is that it is in our common good to make our future
    better than it is today, through all facets of life, with the exception that as a global
    community we need to stop "hiding things under the rug".

    "We have a Problem"

    Actually, we have a few problems.
    The most significant is this :-

    The reality of our collective future is that earth is undergoing rapid destruction at an
    unprecedented pace, with the natural beauty of the world in dramatic decline globally.

    We need oxygen and forests to breathe, simple as that.
    Of course, unless we want to live in environmental bubbles as time goes by...

    "A Resolution"

    It is imperative that our species implement systems to avoid impending global calamity.
    ie. We must solve global warming, endemic starvation and poverty, etc. now, before it is too late.

    "One Possible Solution"

    I think there are simple solutions to many of our problems.

    To this end, the following text will help to alter common global viewpoints with
    the aim of tilting the balance of global thinking towards the fundamental objective
    of creating a global sustainable society and sustainable systems of governance and
    commerce in a better future society, while also protecting hard-won personal freedoms.

    As this page is created, hopefully many of the ideas will be taken onboard by
    a whole bunch of people and things will change accordingly.

    No problems, let's do it together. Team Humanity, with Credit where Credit is due.

    Please note:
    If my views offend you, that's your problem with not accepting different viewpoints.
    Don't blame me for your hang-ups.

    "About Computer Dorks / Geeks / Wierdo's"

    Many people deride computer experts as being a bunch of pathetic dorks.

    Truth be told, the humble computer programmer has a pretty serious job on earth,
    since they create the infrastructure used by nearly every other organisation,
    and they must think incredibly logically and rationally in order to do their job.

    Added to this, programmers must be incredibly accurate, linking together millions and
    millions of individual characters into very complex jigsaw puzzles that must emulate
    many of the things in life such as the physical complexities of the sciences.

    Also, while i'm at it, a computer programmer is like an artist, and they create very
    profitable art, so they should be paid royalties like other leading industries.

    Please listen to the comments below, they have been under comprehension for many years.

    "How to change your viewpoint"

    Everyone thinks "I know it all" and "I'm right", and usually that's the case.

    But, everyone is sometimes wrong too.
    I'm wrong sometimes, you are wrong sometimes, the guy or gal on the street is wrong sometimes too.

    Then, as you get older, your brain becomes used to thinking in particular ways about things.
    And the more you think about these things, it becomes harder to think in different ways.

    To take on a different viewpoint, all you have to do is ask yourself "am i wrong about this",
    then, your brain will automatically try to understand the new logic. Pretty easy really.

    In order to understand the following text, it's best to have a receptive mind.

    Also, try incorporating the following viewpoint :- instead of (a) attempting to
    'ignore' a problem in the hope that it will go away, or that someone else will fix it,
    choose (b) say 'here is a problem, how do i help fix it'.

    Repeat (b) until all the problems go away.

    "A Different Perspective: One Persons Vision"

    You can view the world many different ways, probably the best way of which is the
    "big picture" vision of the world, as one giant globe, composed of many different nations.

    Within this "big picture" vision, the world is made up of many different groups of people
    aiming to do many different things, with various choices common to groups, arranged in groups.

    Continue this vision, and you see these people essentially squabbling over finite resources,
    with various groups subverting the common good in order to satisfy personal or group fetish,
    and we arrange these groups in our society and award various privileges to each group.

    To comprehend a global viewpoint, it helps if you learn how to "zoom" in your mind,
    then you can see the vision easily and clearly.

    To learn how to "zoom" your mind over this "big picture", start by picturing Earth sitting in space,
    then picture an individual nation like on a map, then picture the cities of this nation, then picture
    people moving around in the city, doing their own thing. Then try zooming in reverse, and practice.

    Once you have learnt to "zoom", you can see different things.

    For example, you can see that depending on how groups form, eg. Individuals, Partnerships,
    Corporations, etc., we are relatively free to go about our own ways creating wealth for ourselves.

    These groupings we often call democracy, or socialism, or monarchy, or government of various sorts.

    And there you have the crux of another of our common problems:
    Democracy, etc. is short for "survival of the fittest" and it's core function means there's winners & losers.

    Q: Really, it's the Year 2002... why does there still have to be winners & losers?

    It's easy to comprehend how some people don't want to lose their power positions they enjoy
    over lesser mortals, but the catalyst for change is here right now - it's the internet, and
    in a global democracy, the leaders will need to be the best and brightest and most honest,
    and governments, corporations, and other entities recognized by new international law will
    need to become transparent and fully accountable to the global public at large.

    Those people who have read what i have said will never be the same again.
    Those people who are concerned about change, please don't worry, it's all good.
    Of course, unless you have something to hide...

    "Globalization and the Internet"

    Sure and certain, the internet is the operating system of globalization, and it's here now.

    Globalization is unstoppable, but it is still subject to the major trend of globalization,
    which is "the rich get richer, the poor get poorer".

    This is solvable by implementing better systems of wealth distribution, including removing
    some of the incentives to hoard wealth - imagine if the wealth held in otherwise useless
    reserves were used to help build a better world in developing countries, how quickly they
    would improve their conditions and societies.

    It all comes down to this :- People all over the world want what the rich nations got.

    But the rich nations are so blinded by their lights, they forget to help the poor guys.
    And our leaders forget to help the earth mostly, yet we've only got one, and they dither.

    Seriously, most of the wealth of the world is consumed creating luxury goods for western nations,
    and facilitating wealth-wasting machines of military might, with little thought put towards the
    creation and transportation of desperately required commodity goods, which are often unused by
    western countries, to developing countries.

    All it takes is a bunch of planes and ships to transport unused goods for resale to individuals
    at wholesale prices, with appropriate exportation of knowledge, people, and construction of facilities.

    Individual nations who subscribe to a new volutary democratic government regime could receive
    the cancellation of national debts, plus generous aid donations and trade incentives as their due.

    This cancellation of national debts could allow these nations to build more factories, schools,
    housing, hospitals, shops, etc. instead of simply repaying interest to western societies.

    Almost forgot, there are currently rogue states, and the message to them is :-
    1 - join us, tell us what you need, and we will do our best to help you.
    2 - make war with the rest of the world, and the rest of the world will make war with you.

    Since we know how to overthrow malevolent dictators and regimes quickly and painlessly, and then
    install proper democratic goverments, it should be pretty simple for the rogue leaders to figure it out -
    - enough is enough, as a species we now have bigger things to contemplate than petty border disputes.

    "What? Peace, with War?? Might v's Right?"

    Everywhere I propose a peaceful solution, yet, in the last few paragraphs i'm talking warlike.
    I abhore violence, especially war, but once again, it's a matter of how you view things :-

    There's this thing called the common good, and who is reponsible for creating a better common good.

    ie. Who is currently responsible for looking after the common good of the people of Iraq and Zimbabwe?
    Saddam and Mugabe or the rest of the world?

    My view is that while the rest of the world sits back and waits, millions of people die.

    In these instances, it is in the common good of humanity that coercion and possible covert or military
    action is required to overthrow illegal or inhuman regimes and install decent government.

    Of course, outright warfare should be of last resort, but sometimes this last resort is justified.
    The message to Saddam Hussein and Robert Mugabe is simple :- Decide your fate.

    If war is required, make sure it is an action led by the United Nations,
    subject to a ratified International Criminal Court, and served by the combined forces of
    member nations, most likely elite interception teams, who remove the power figures swiftly
    and without outright warfare.

    What follows is a reasonable solution that could be implemented in the event of probable war.

    Right now, create a standard democratic government template as follows :-

    Setup a round-table (a quorum) of (say) 50-100 leaders from various interest groups including
    U.N. delegates, historic leaders (ie. monarchy), ex-patriot leaders, military, scientists,
    big business, social services, greenies and especially logistics experts (in no real order).

    Then, to replace the regime, do the following :-

    Day 0, tell the people of the country in no uncertain terms by mass real-propaganda bombardment
    that the rest of the world is considering replacing their existing regime with a new democratic
    government, and that the rest of the world will help build a new independent nation state if they wish.

    Day 1, deliver an ultimatum to the regime, endorsed by the U.N.

    Day 2, install the round-table as interim government, subject to U.N. jurisdiction,
    all U.N., allied and volunteer iraqi ex-soldiers begin peace-keeping.

    Day 3, remove sanctions, begin emergency food and medical relief.

    Day 4, begin on-the-ground essential services reconstruction campaign, interim
    government begins to create their ethical framework, subject to U.N. and popular endorsement,
    while the U.N. and allies restore order and begin reconstruction.

    As far as a legal and corporate and government framework goes, there already exists
    a reasonable consensus of information on "best-practice" law within various western

    Finally, sure, rebuilding a nation costs a lot, but it's cheapest in the long run,
    and if the people there are willing and capable of helping, it becomes relatively easy.

    "Is There Another Way? Avoid War Altogether?"

    Yes, I would like to believe so, i don't think so, but you never know...

    Lets use the current situation in Iraq, which applies everywhere else equally.

    The trouble is that we are penalising Saddam Hussein and his people for him being
    what he is, a powerful leading figure in his nation's past.

    Admittedly, he is an entirely vicious and evil leader of his country, and he should
    be brought to justice and put on trial for his very horrible deeds, but he's still
    the leader - for now anyways.

    What we should do is firstly respect his position for what it is, the leader
    of an independant nation-state.

    Once we have accepted this, we let his people know that we are ready to invite his people to
    a round-table of world leaders, and let his people explain in detail what they need in order
    to reconstruct his nation and bring it into a peaceful co-existance with the rest
    of the world.

    Should his people agree to a peaceful outcome, starting on a given date,
    a deadline as such, his people could be invited to participate in a future global democracy,
    without economic sanctions.

    Should he not agree, and continue to pursue or hide weapons of mass destruction, so be it,
    I agree with the honorable President of the United States on this one - war - or regime change -
    is required.

    NOTE that Saddam may simply be trying to bluff people for more time, so he can do more
    nasty things in future, which is most probably the case...
    "while the cat's away, the mice will play..."

    My guess is that chemical weapons, biological weapons and possibly other weapons of
    mass destruction are cached somewhere... but where? Hmmm....

    Ultimately, it depends almost entirely on people's choices :-

    For years, inhuman regimes have "thumbed their noses" at the rest of the world.
    And it is now time for the rest of the world to stand up and say "no more".

    Inhuman Regimes are like a cancer, and while we dilly and dally, the cancer grows.
    And if we wait too long, it might become terminal.

    My guess is also to investigate 'Halabja' and know why Suddam and his henchmen should
    be held accountable for their past and present crimes against humanity.

    How about a U.N. led scientific and medical research team?

    It's like this :-

    * Imagine if Iraq or any other nation decides to supply biological weapons to terrorists.

    * How long do we wait to remove these weapons from the world? 6 months, 1 year, 5 years, 10 years?

    * How long before one goes off? 6 months, 1 year, 5 years, 10 years?

    * do we really want a "12 Monkeys" scenario?

    It's very easy for the rest of the world to say "no", but really, what do we want more?

    Continued tolerance of inhuman regimes and global insecurity?
    Or a better world?

    The longer we tolerate these kind of things, including Iraq's continued "big finger",
    the longer it will take to achieve world peace and prosperity.

    We are very lucky that other countries are responsible with the use of such weapons,
    and it is only through global peace will we begin to use these technologies more constructively.

    Remember that Sometimes, just Sometimes, a regime change such as this is in the world's best interest.

    And, you just never know... maybe Saddam Hussein will give up power voluntarily.

    "Racism/Persecution v's Acceptance"

    We look at each other and immediately recognize that we are different.

    What we need to do is also recognize that the people we are looking at often
    have different viewpoints on life to us, and often contribute differently to us.

    Similarly, you know what you know, i know what i know, and so they should not become confused.

    Once you do this, you can reach different conclusions, such as :-

    Why do we assume they are the enemy, when we can so easily assume they can be our friend.

    This goes equally well for families.
    Imagine if two or more families joined, how big the family becomes...

    Now imagine if two big families, countries, join together in trade and prosperity,
    imagine how big the families become.

    Now imagine if all the countries of the world were one big happy family... :) :) ;)

    "Time for a Global Democracy? Yes. Now!"

    Q: Why don't we use the benefit of the internet to usher in a true global democracy now?
    Q: One that respects the right to individual freedoms, etc.
    Q: Why wait for 5, 10, 25, 50, 100 years?
    Q: Why not begin creating the systems for a better world now?

    ie. Set achievable objectives, immediately create systems to achieve those objectives,
    and over time, refine and recreate the systems as required to order to achieve loftier goals.

    People seem to require ten-point plans.
    Unfortunately, sometimes if you create a plan, and it's too rigid, it breaks down over time.
    So, instead of a rigid ten-point plan, how about a flexible life-plan?

    Please consider the solutions below to many of the obstructions to a better world.

    It's a start on the road to a true global democracy, with transparent and accountable
    government, big business, etc.

    "Cooperation v's Competition"

    Consider this one :-

    The current vision of democracy involves the direct competition of multiple players,
    with one ultimate winner and multiple ultimate losers, adhering to the idea that
    competition will breed the fittest.

    This is true, and it is great for the fittest.
    Unfortunately, this rule does not apply to the global good.

    A more appropriate rule for the global good is probably this one :-

    "The return on cooperation always exceeds the cost of competition."

    For example, imagine the outcome when two or more groups pool their combined resources
    instead of spending incredible amounts often trying to out-gun illusory competition.

    ie. Win:Win outcomes instead of the traditional Win:Lose outcomes.

    To explain this point, sure, place the winners on a podium, because they are the best,
    but also celebrate the other players, because if you placed 10th, you are the 10th best,
    out of however many people who can do exactly what you can do - which only you can do.

    No matter what you do, there's always going to be someone, someday, who is better or
    worse than yourself at something you do.

    Another way of explaining Win:Win is to imagine 2 football teams, and both are competing,
    scoring a few occasional goals against each other.

    Now imagine a different game where both teams are running together in a race towards
    a wide-open goal area, no obstructions in the way, and with all people ultimate scoring a goal.

    If someone falls, someone else helps them over the line, and helps them score a goal too.

    Another analogy is where people are all in the same boat, and we are all rowing different
    strokes and different stroke rates, with the boat going nowhere fast. Instead, we should all
    row together and get there faster.

    The net outcome is significantly positive and of great benefit to humanity as a whole,
    while lessening the requirement for greed and indifference.

    I'm not against traditional sports, they are great fun.

    As another case in point, imagine the difference that industry cooperation would have on this website.

    While our software appears relatively trivial, the truth is that the products on this website
    offer a significant boost to the future of Microsoft's core software development technologies.

    Our concepts have the potential to significantly alter the future of development processes
    for the entire Windows operating system, with massive productivy gains inherent in using our
    tools applicable to the entire Win32 software development kit, or all Windows software development.

    With appropriate industry cooperation we can increase programmer productivity by
    20-40% globally over the next few years, while making life much simpler.

    We have attempted to find industry support, with joint-ventures, joint-development teams,
    joint-promotion, etc. all proposed, but with no response, and it appears we are not being heard,
    or possibly our cries for help are being drowned out and not noticed, or people are waiting
    for us to come to them, or they really don't like us, etc.

    Wait and see what the future holds. (The Unexpected?)
    I've got a little bit more todo (couple / few months) before we're ready again.

    "We are who we are."

    I'm a product of my genetics and experience.
    If i had not gone through life exactly how i have, i would not know what i know now.

    Same for other people.

    I believe we should not let our prejudices decide our actions,
    and we should not judge people by their cover.

    Instead, we should always look at the person for who they are, and what they can
    contribute - mostly because you never really know why someone does something unless you ask them.

    Sometimes people do things just to see the reaction...
    in my case, i've got to help determine if our species is up to the job of "forgive and forget",
    or more appropriately, in 21st century terminology, "ignore and move on" ;)

    I think it's okay if people know it will ultimately prove the point beyond reasonable doubt.

    "A Global Currency"

    We waste so much money gambling on the international currency markets - imagine if
    the economic systems of the world revolved around a single global currency, and all
    that had to be factored into computer systems worldwide was a single accounting standard
    covering the total cost of goods and transportation.

    The benefits of building a better global e-commerce system easily outweighs the cost
    of maintaining incredibly complex existing systems of commerce.

    Finally, the total cost of goods would include the cost of raw resources, production costs,
    distribution costs, profit margins, and finally - cost of disposal - which is the total
    cost of disposing of product byproducts, eg. cost to the environment.

    Also, how's this for a solution to reasonable taxation applied to internet transactions :-
    Credit facility providers collect a minimal tax on all internet transactions on behalf of the U.N.

    "The Cold War"
    "Left v's Right"
    "Democracy v's Communism"

    This is where it all gets tricky, or so it seems.

    In democratic countries there's these people on the extremes of political geek-speek.
    Some are "far left", "left", or pro-free-market,
    Some are "far right", "right", or pro-government-centralism.

    Funny thing that. Political Obfuscation in point...
    How about we just say "pro-market" or "pro-government" in future, makes life easier.

    Anyway, on a bigger scale, the same problem applies :-

    There's these people who live in democracies, pro-free-market.
    And there's these people who live in communist dictatorships, pro-government-centralism.

    So, how are they all these people supposed to live together in harmony?

    Well, it goes like this :-

    For the past 200 years or so, especially the past 50 years, the democracies of the
    world have outperformed their peers in all aspects of industrial and social development,
    with the exception of a few minor points highlighted elsewhere.

    And, all around the globe people are screaming for individual democratic representation.

    Hence, global democracy is most likely the way to go.

    Still, there are a lot of problems in the leading democracies, the least of which is
    the abuse of power by authorities, the rapid decay of urban ghettos, unfair systems of
    wealth distribution and governance, inadequate freedom of choice, limited health care
    provision for all, limited education and wealth creation prospects, and so on.

    So, how about we design a "new" version of democracy, based on existing best-practice?
    We use existing blueprints, improve them to accomodate alternate views, and create the result.

    For example, how about we go about creating a democracy that actively helps people
    achieve the best life they can, rather than a democracy that lets so many people achieve so little.

    How about we mix it all up a bit?
    We harness the freedoms that democracy holds high, while at the same time utilize the
    benevolent side of socialist states, whereby we help people choose their future.

    For example, at the moment we ask "what do you want to be when you grow up?", and leave
    the answers and dreams to the kids to determine what they want.

    Then, at 18, we let them out into the big, wide, extremely complex world, and let them
    "sink or swim".

    How about we actually help these people achieve their dreams, instead of letting
    people out into the wild blue yonder with no help, no instruction, and no tuition,
    such that most people ending up in jobs they are not happy with or not suited to.

    We could easily build better systems to usher people into their preferred career,
    assuming they are suitable, like communist states do with their athletes.


    An open, honest, benevolent monarchy that revolves around the betterment of the people is also a
    good way to go, as in times past, the fastest rate of growth towards global progress has been
    due to the efforts of benevelont Kings and Queens.

    If you think about it, a monarchy is very similar to a democracy, it's just a little different :-

    If the King and Queen do a good job, People let them know.
    If the King and Queen do a bad job, People let them know.
    If the King and Queen want to stay King and Queen, they listen to the People.

    And the People trust the King and Queen to do the best for all People, all the time.

    If that is what works best for all the people of any given country, and the King and Queen
    represent their people best in a global democracy, why not?

    Past and future Kings and Queens are in the round-table, are they not?
    It's only fair to consider their place in society as well.

    "God or Allah?"

    Is there a single god? Or multiple gods? Or none at all?
    Is it GOD? or Allah? or Who?
    Does it really matter?
    >> WHAT << is God?
    (i'll add a theory to this page some time in the future - it's a bit 'far out' for some right now)

    All my life i have wondered "is there a god", and my current contemplation is that
    in the circles of the universe lies many experiences including much we have yet to
    learn as a species, and for me personally, i know my beliefs.

    In plain english, everyone's perception of reality is different.

    To some people, god, or gods, is as real as day, which is true.
    To other people, god, or gods, is a figment of other peoples imaginations, which is also true.

    So, yes, God or Gods exists for some, and God or Gods do not exist for others.

    Later i will explain some reasonings about some of the fundamental workings of the
    universe as i see it, and you can draw your own conclusions.

    For those who find their faith sometimes hard to believe in, there is another
    religion that will help you find more from your current religion :-

    People of the Bahai faith believe in one religion encompassing all religions equally,
    centred on self in cooperation with others, with the ultimate belief being a joining of
    individuals in the common good of community, celebrating all life as we know it and as
    we will make it in future, one planet, one people, all welcome.

    Maybe people would like to learn more about Bahai beliefs, it's a very nice vision
    of the future of our planet from a religious perspective.

    "Corporate and Government Slavery"

    Once upon a time, black people worked for white people.

    Now, 95% of the population works for one or another wealthy corporation or persons.
    And it's all work, work, work, productivity improvements, overtime bonuses, etc.

    Isn't this just slavery all over again, just a more sublime 40+ hour week this time?
    How about some more play time in the garden with the kids instead?

    And, during office hours, how about we make it very easy to work smart.

    Similarly, governments all over the global are introducing legislation to coerce people
    into doing this or doing that, the supposed "mutual obligation" society, which simply
    forces people to do things non-volutarily.

    Um, the future revolves around freedom of choice, and that includes the freedom to
    participate in society at the level of the individuals chosing.

    Remember that everyone eats, therefore everyone contributes to society, because
    people always obtain their food for something in exchange, no matter how small.

    "People v's Profit"

    It all boils down to people v's profit.
    If you put people first, there's little profit.
    If you put profit first, there's trauma for people.

    So, is there a middle ground?
    It depends on your viewpoint again.

    The current premise of business is that you sucker in a lot of people, get them
    to give you money, then you use that money to make more money, then you give the
    compounded returns to a few people.

    ie. Steal from the (generally) poor, and give to the (generally) rich.

    Recently, it's also been in vogue to declare enormous profits, and in the same breath
    declaring the sacking of workers so that the following year yet more profit can be had.

    Really, disrupting untold lives in order to save a few bucks or retain power positions?
    Um... some business and government people... do you notice the rest of us are real people?

    A business's primary source of income is people and it's primary source of operation is people.
    Without people, business just doesn't work, and same for government, which is just another business.

    Indeed, many of the fundamental premises of global business simply don't work for the common good.

    The one that appears to work best is the concept of product being of excellent quality, and
    letting people know about the reasons behind the product being so excellent.

    "No More Violence"

    Our world is full of murders, rapes, child-crimes, and other crimes against humanity.

    How do you stop it?
    How do you stop the people who perpetrate these crimes?

    For example, why does someone murder someone else?
    Is it pure reflex or is it calculated?

    To solve it, you have to show them in no uncertain terms what will happen to them
    if they choose to commit a crime against another person. Plain and simple.

    "In this day and age, society will no longer tolerate these kind of crimes"

    To stop people committing crimes, you first must understand why people commit crimes.

    For calculated crimes, the person either :-
    (a) believes they can get away with it
    (b) wants to see how people react

    To resolve (a) above, make sure people know they will be caught. That's easy enough.

    For example, a murderer or rapist or pedophile often thinks that if they do a good job,
    and hide the evidence, no-one will ever know, and hence they will never be punished.

    Sometimes, the person has a biological instinct which apparently cannot be denied,
    for example, a murderer has an urge to kill someone, or a pedarist feels a sexual urge
    towards a minor.

    Usually, most people have in-built systems of social revulsion that they use to out-balance
    the innate biological urges, but some people decide "you only live once" and try their hand.

    This "biological instinct" also applies to the drug addict who is so addicted to their "hit"
    that they will rob the first relevant person - again, it's either "i'll get away with it",
    or "you only live once".

    To resolve this we need to teach people how to overcome their instinctive urges,
    by teaching people that they will be definately and quickly be caught, and severely punished.

    Severely punished, like life imprisonment for crimes against humanity.

    There's no point letting someone off for murder or rape or child abuse.
    If you say to people "if you do this, you'll get 5-15 years, no more"
    To some people this is akin to "Go For It", because for some people, 15 years is worth the risk.

    This also resolves (b) above :-
    make sure they know exactly what the reaction of society will be.

    For reflex responses, the person either :-
    (a) believes they can get away with it
    (b) wants to punish the victim

    To resolve (a) is the same as previously described.
    To resolve (b) is a whole lot more complex, but solveable :-

    People want to be recognized by other people, simple as that.

    Without any kind of recognition, a person begins to crave recognition, which builds until
    they get angry that no-one listens to their given view of life.

    Over time, the person gets more and more angry until a total lack of communication occurs
    (in their mind), and then that person begins the process where they will do almost anything to
    get their message across, including murder or rape or whatever.

    This is the foundation for the typical "power-play" which is enjoyed by murderers, rapists, etc.

    To stop (b) is difficult but possible :-

    It all boils down to a lack of ability to communicate on the side of the aggressor,
    so we teach people how to communicate effectively and watch crime rates drop accordingly.

    To communicate effectively, follow these simple-enough guidelines :-

    When you are sitting listening to someone talk, actually listen, you'll be amazed what you hear.

    Of course, if they are just rambling... and not listening to your responses,
    tell them so, slowly but surely tell them to listen to you too.

    And be careful of the words you choose when speaking, if you heard the other person
    say what you are saying, how you are saying it, would you like to hear it?

    And when you walk down the street, and you see people all about, remember that they are viewing
    life from an entirely different perspective to you, and their faces reflect their existence,
    not yours, and they are having a different kind of day to you.

    If they are smiling, it's because they are smiling. They might of just had a good cup of coffee,
    or got a pay raise, or just been married, just had a good time, who knows...

    Or if they look sad, they probably have a reason.

    Don't let it spoil your day. Just give them a big smile.

    Also, it's fun to try a guessing game, "what are they thinking", "where have they been",
    "what will they achieve in their future", and so on.


    Money, money, money, money...
    That's all that some people can think about, which is kindof sad.

    Want some more money? How Much?
    We'll use a newfangled printing press, and we'll try printing you some free money :-

    Money. Money. Money. Money. More Money.

    In my view, "Money is not the be-all and end-all of life."
    It's what we do with money that counts.

    Money is simply a figment of our collective imagination, a mutually agreed exchange device,
    and we use money as a means of measuring the flow of goods and services between related parties,
    that's all.

    When we figure out a better method of measuring the flows of commerce, such as the
    proposed "cashless society", money will no longer be required.

    Money put to good, practical and immediate use expands our collective abilities
    while money put to little or poor use constricts our abilities as a species.

    Ultimately, money is the means we use to create a better future for all people,
    but at the moment the use of global wealth is hindered due to the fact that
    so much wealth is hoarded by the most wealthy, who may not necessarily be in the
    business of making other people's lives better.

    With appropriate incentives to increase the overall liquidity of money, we can
    create more results quicker and we all benefit better.

    Over time i'll add more step-by-step concepts to help accelerate our wealth creation.

    Meantime, money is the oil that greases the wheels of our society.
    Make money, spend money, make more money, spend more money, and so on.

    There's no point hanging onto your wealth when you can use it to benefit others.
    Remember that "what goes around comes around". It's the same for money.

    You've got money, you do something with it, you give it to someone else, they do
    something with it, and so on, all creating more wealth which you ultimately benefit from.

    "Research and Development"

    The faster you try to figure it out, the quicker you get a solution.
    Invest more in research and we will all reap the rewards sooner.

    Research centres are generally centres of excellence, and they deserve to be fully funded
    as they are the factories of our future in the making.

    "Prohibition v's Legal"

    I personally was "for prohibition" once, but after many years of thinking realized
    some truth, and am now mostly "against prohibition", like many others, for some drugs anyway.

    We have a problem in society whereby a moral minority are repeatedly able to
    convince power-parties to create rules for society that simply don't work.

    The case in point is the idea of "Zero-Tolerance", an unashamedly useless concept
    which fails completely, simply because the costs to the public of attempting to
    police drug cartels out of existance are hugely greater than the costs incurred
    by the crime gangs, and whilever there is a market for drugs there will be a supply.

    It's as simple as this :-
    If there is a demand, there will be a supply.
    And there will always be a demand for mind-altering substances.

    The "Zero-Tolerance" concept of prohibition also imposes a tragic double standard on
    society, whereby the two most serious drugs, nicotine and alcohol, are readily available
    at your local corner shop, and yet other drugs regularly imbibed by society are a
    criminal offence. Let alone all other "drugs" supplied by the pharmaceutical companies.

    Remember that it was political interference by Dow-Corning that originally
    created the concept of prohibition, all so that DC could profit from plastics,
    which at the time offered inferior strength to a natural alternative - the hemp plant,
    the strongest natural fibre known to mankind, and the best known natural painkiller.

    People get high from breathing, from eating different foods, from drinking tea
    and coffee, from exercising, from sex, and so on, drugs are no different and have
    played an integral part in the evolution of our species.

    What effect does it have for all those people who are otherwise law-abiding to
    to have to commit a crime in order to find their supply of drugs? How many of them
    do you think fight a constant battle, deep-down, committing crimes all the time?

    And you wonder why the police get such a bad rap - people are scared of imposed morality.
    And i personally recall times experimenting with drugs with active police officers.
    And then you begin to think how many "high-society" individuals use the scary drugs.

    So, what do you do?

    No matter how you legislate, no matter how often you attempt to force people
    into compliance, people are still going to take drugs.

    For example, in Australia, 45% of the population have used Marijuana at least once.
    To put this into context, next time you walk down the street, 1 out of every 2
    people have deliberately broken the law.

    In Australia, 20% of the population regularly uses Marijuana.
    Again, to put this into context, when you walk down the street, or address a crowd,
    1 out of every 5 people has partaken in the use of Marijuana in the past month.

    To put this into context, 1 out of 2 or 1 out of 5 people in Australia regularly
    break the law. Fantastic commitment to law and order huh? Time the laws changed
    to reflect the reality of the situation.

    Similar statistics exist for the United States of America, etc.

    Now, you may agree, or you may disagree about the efficacy of using drugs.
    But, seriously, if you have never even used drugs, you have literally no clue of why
    people use drugs. Note that if you have ever smoked a cigarette or drunk alcohol,
    or even eaten an apple, it means you have used drugs. You drug addict.

    People use drugs because they are pleasureable, and you will never, ever, stop people
    doing something they find pleasurable. Simple as That.

    Wake up to yourselves, you self-righteous bastards in positions of power.
    I have studied the effects of Marijuana for many years, both theoretically and practically.
    Do you wish me to write a large chunk about the bullshit surrounding the prohibition of Marijuana?

    Now, for real, how are you going to stop people growing a plant in their back-yards,
    which they can then make useable within minutes by drying in an oven. How are you ever
    going to stop it? It is literally impossible to stop this using Zero-Tolerance strategies.

    So get real you bunch of obnoxious prats, and stop wasting precious monetary resources
    attempting to force your agenda on people who in the whole don't give a damn.

    Realistically, instead of wasting huge amounts of money attempting in vain to police these
    currently illegal activities, we make it easy for governments to earn revenue from
    these activities, and some of the moneys earnt should go to handling potentially
    negative outcomes, such as addiction or self-harm.

    Governments could subsidise manufacture their own drug reserves, and supply them on prescription
    at a cost far below the standard drug dealer street price, undercutting the drug
    dealers. Sure would cost a lot less than attempting to implement Zero-Tolerance,
    even including the (entirely hypothetical) increase in associated health-care costs.

    Indeed, when you think about it, most drug cartels are simply illegal businesses,
    and would lose in the harsh world of government subsidized legal business.

    It boils down to this :-
    We should legislate with the aim being to improve the lot of all people,
    not legislate to limit personal freedoms and impose moralities.

    Imagine what all those police officers could do instead of chasing drug-dealers.


    There are two sides to the TV.
    There's your (politically censored) version, and there's their (uncensored) version.

    Censorship is akin to Prohibition.

    The case in point is that "Media Censorship" restrictions essentially brainwash
    the recipient into believing a sanitized truth, while simultaneously subverting
    the realities of life for most people.

    So what do you do?
    Should we continue to "protect" people from the truth?
    Do you keep the lid on what's really going on, and continue to lie?
    Or, do you open up and let it all hang out?

    Well, interesting.
    The truth will always come out, it's just a matter of time and how future history is viewed.

    Currently, by sanitizing the truth, government and media are not really offering a correct view of
    reality to the populace, it's only offering the viewpoint of those pulling the strings.

    Fortunately, people on the whole want the absolute truth about all matters.

    And this innate desire for the truth cannot and will not be stopped.
    Unfortunately, the lack of "normality" on TV breeds a corrupt populace.

    Ultimately, we need to remove many forms of political and moral interference from the media, and
    let the media do it's job of reporting more of the whole truth as it happens from around the world.

    Then you teach people how to change channels or turn off the tv if it upsets.
    And for kids, well, watching tv all hours of the day doesn't do them any favours.

    "The Church"

    Why are some establishments above all others in the eyes of the law?
    Big Mistake, as we have been seeing with all the expose about child rape.

    The church is an organization that should be treated as all other organizations,
    the only difference between the church and other organizations is that the church
    is supposedly "blessed by god", which may or may not be true, depending on conviction.

    In my mind, there is something indelibly good inherent within the church,
    as with other houses of worship, but the church has been castigated over time into
    something incredibly evil.

    It is time for the church to clean house and remove all the nastiness, so that it
    can become a clean spiritual force for those who require it forever more.

    "The Australian Government"

    The Australian Government.
    Where do i start?

    How about we look at the primary 'achievement' of the current government?
    It's the highest taxing goverment in Australian history.

    Seriously, Where have all the extra taxes gone?
    Obviously not into education, or health, or better social safety nets.

    The goverment has spent more taxes on commercial advertising than any prior government,
    all so that the 'spinmeisters' of the day can brainwash the general populace into
    thinking the government has done a good job.

    I personally do not like your policies, and many of them, such as mandatory detention,
    make me feel quite disgusted to be an Australian.

    Why do you use wedge-politics for your own purposes in order to deem certain people
    'more deserving' than anyone else?

    Why do you assume everyone wants to live the way you want them to live -
    with a 9-5 job, doing 60+ hours a week (including unpaid overtime),
    all the while paying the government 49c in the dollar ( +GST ).

    Sorry government, but the real-world is a hell of a lot different to that world you
    purport to govern, and people should be encouraged to make their life better however
    they so choose, which is not necessarily the way you want them to choose.

    You scare people into believing unlawful behaviour is rife, when it is not,
    all the while surreptitiously creating a 'police-state'.... very scary stuff that.

    F.U.D. :- Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt, the tactics used by the government
    in order to drive a wedge between the various groups of people that make
    up our modern, multi-cultural and multi-religious and tolerant, society.

    I want an Australia that can be down-right Proud of it's situation,
    not an Australia that has to keep saying 'Sorry' to the rest of the world
    for being such obnoxious, small-minded, racist, ego-centric, bigots.

    John Howard seems allright, overall, and seems to want to do the right
    thing by most people, and his cabinet, overall appear similar.

    Philip Ruddock :- Your policies bring shame on Australia.
    Do us a favour? Figure out a more humane approach to policy objectives.

    Richard Alston :- Do us a favour?
    Information Technology (IT) in future will become as ubiquitous as
    electricity, indeed, you can call SOFTWARE the electricity of the future. And at the
    moment you are making sure that Australians of the future have to import all
    their electricity. Ignore Hardware, it's a commodity, whereas Software is a
    significant value-add product.

    Amanda Vanstone :- Do your friends in government a favour.
    How about you all get off your high-horses and go outside into the gutters for awhile
    and have a long hard chat with the people who rely on welfare before you get all uppity
    about dole bludgers, etc... Not everyone on benefits is a dole bludger.

    Come on people in government office, show some far-reaching visionary policies that
    actively help all the people of the country, and the world at large, to come
    together to build a better future, quicker, rather than simply reacting to
    opinion polls.

    You are nice enough people, so why do you always paint yourselves as such monsters?

    Remember: What goes around comes around.
    If you want to stay in office, you need to help the people, not use wedge-politics
    depending on your current political agenda to paint a subset of people as monsters.

    Come on people in Australia, show some far-reaching visionary voting so that
    we actively help all the people of the country, and the world at large, to come
    together to build a better future, quicker.

    How about that plan to build a major circular railroad with spurs to capitals around inland australia?
    How about some desalinisation plants and pipelines to irrigate inland australia?
    How about building some forests and farms in the middle of the simpson desert?
    How about we cultivate population growth in regional communities?
    How about an apology to the australian aboriginal people?
    How about a republic?
    How about medicare?

    "Mandatory Detention"

    I personally disagree with everything that has gone on since the Tampa crisis.
    Please do not judge me as you would judge other Australians.

    What the Australian Government has done by locking asylum seekers up in prisons is a
    shameful abuse of human rights, especially when there have been many more humane
    alternatives suggested, such as releasing people into the community under community protection.

    Detrimentally manipulating people's lives for the reason of political point scoring is not right,
    we should not lock up people who have not shown to have committed any crime.

    Sure, you wanted to stop the asylum seekers, but did you have to be so horrible about it?

    You want to stop people trying to desperately reach our country?
    Go over there and help them build paradise in their home country.

    "Children Learn from their Parents"

    We all know this, yet as a society we choose to breed a generation of murderous thugs,
    thieves, rapists, greedy corporate criminals, government liars, and so on.

    Watch TV, what do you see?

    We should imbibe our knowledge of how to better ourselves into growing children,
    and society at large.

    "Australian Aboriginal Reconciliation"

    I am an Australian of 4 generations or more, of white descent since it seems to matter.

    On About June 5th 2001 i walked from my house to the Sydney Opera House, a distance of 54 kms.
    Well, actually, i kindof got lost along the way, and took the long route :) can't be perfect ;)

    I wore 1 black shoe, 1 white shoe, a sign of reconciliation between black and white people.

    I ran the last long bit, up the steps of the Sydney Opera House, and yelled at the top of my
    lungs for a bit, seriously out of breath and kindof woozy.

    Sorry for anyone who security videotaped the proceedings, i was probably a bit unforseen.

    Anyway, at the time i said something like this :-

    "On behalf of myself, and any other person who joins me, i say 'sorry' to the Australian Aboriginal
    People for the wrongs of my/our ancestors."

    And i'd like to add now :-

    "i look forward to enjoying a better future shared with you equally."

    (i said a whole lot more too, including declaring a global government, and asking
    all nations to join me in helping build a better world - on the internet before i walked)


    Okay, there is a whole lot of work to be done to build a better world.

    So, how do you go about doing it?
    To get things rolling on the ground, how do you prioritize action?

    Well, you work towards building a better world.
    You do the best thing for all people at all times.

    Sit back, relax for a bit, go "how can i help?", and figure a bunch of things you can do.
    And call them goals that you would like to achieve.

    Then choose to do the quickest and easiest thing right now,
    and get it done asap, and then get onto the next easiest thing on your list.

    For example, I could be helping myself and bettering my personal wealth, but instead
    i choose to create this document for no real reward, except that it helps the most people right now.

    As things happen over time, i'll do lots of different things to achieve my goals, which are many.

    Lead by example: Education and Action.
    Ultimately this works.

    "Pro-Active v's Reactive"

    This is where it gets interesting.
    People are inherently good. Give them the opportunity to achieve big and they'll excell at good too.

    Do we as a society have the chutzpah to change our collective path towards a better future?

    If we are pro-active as a society, we look for problems, and implement solutions, asap, at a reasonable cost.
    If we are re-active as a society, we wait for the problems to overwhelm, then try to fix, urgently, at high cost.

    i'd guess society is mostly re-active at the moment, especially due to all the serious threats to world peace.

    What we need todo is create systems to teach people how it can be done, and create systems to help them do it - easily.

    For example, the music recording and movie industries have created good systems of business
    whereby the people who create products get paid a fair share of proceeds for their creative input,
    and people who show potential are helped step-by-step by other people with the appropriate
    'know-how' of their industry.

    Why do other industries not follow this good example?

    While i'm at it, the global recording and movie industries are undergoing a massive extermination
    of their rights due entirely to the subversion of their intellectual property by the IT industry,
    with digital piracy rife.

    Whether or not this is due to good planning or accident... i'd guess good planning, since undermining
    the recording industry simply makes it cheaper to purchase in the long run, ready for the next era of
    online content provision by IT giants.

    The IT industry should not try to monopolize other people's lives and should instead design better systems
    so other industries maintain their rights and grow accordingly.

    If the creative artists do not get paid for their work, who ultimately will choose to sing or act,
    so where will you get your future online content?

    "The IT Industry"

    Where do i start? How about attempting to control the entire planet?
    Or, how about attempting to extort businesses and governments around the globe?

    Or, how about this one? Lets make loads of cash, buy all the content providers,
    then renegotiate the payment system to stop royalty payments to artists, and make sure
    they have no recourse but to accept the pitiful wage structure forced on the IT industry?

    The entire planet requires a solid IT foundation to function, but it is currently
    subjugated by a few at the top of the IT industry.

    Recently the dotcom boom happened, and a lot of people lost good money on the way,
    and now people are hesitent to invest in IT.

    This was a hard lesson in reality for the IT industry, and there's a lot of confidence that
    needs to be rebuilt in order to once again justify such global investment.

    As an industry, IT should realize their responsibility to humanity as a whole, and should
    program computers properly, so they function better for the end-user, not just as a vehicle for
    making money for wanna-be-billionaires.

    "big Business Bastards"

    If there is anything in the world that makes me feel any more sick,
    then it is the little-minded big business person.

    Big Business all around the world have to realize that their core
    obligation is to the people who purchase their products, not greedy shareholders
    who want their share of the buck with no regard for the consequences.

    All around the world, millions of people have helped to create big business.

    Some of these big businesses could be rightly called "Centres of Excellence",
    because they contribute positively to our common good, inventing all sorts of
    creations to better our planet.

    Other big businesses destroy everything in the name of the holy dollar.
    They are places where pure, unadulterated greed reigns supreme.

    To this day, Big Business holds much sway on the globe, unhindered by inneffective
    nation state law, nations which in many cases are smaller than international big-businesses,
    and in many cases these Big Business possess few real ethics.

    How did this occur? What is really going on? How can we stop it?

    Historically, there was a benevolent King John, who helped his people prosper.

    Then, in a greedy mutiny, a bunch of business people forced the king to sign a declaration,
    which curtailed his abilities to create wealth to help his people, while simultaneously
    conferring untold riches on business people who suffered a lack of ethics.

    Ever since, people in business have attempted to force people into corporate slavery,
    paying them a pittance while raking in massive amounts of cash for their already-wealthy investors.

    Similarly, big-business people have attempted to force the law to bend to their greedy
    and small-minded objectives ever since.

    This is what is currently going on.
    Big Business blatantly extorts Governments all over the planet, with the promise being
    "If you give us what we want, we will do this, and that, etc."

    The trouble is that once the concessions are given, often the greedy business decide not
    to pursue the investment criteria because it is no longer commercially viable.

    Yeah, right. Not Commercially Viable. What A Blatant Lie.
    Isn't this just a bit of foresight on behalf of the big-business people?
    Where people can hardly contain their glee: "yippee.... free money from the government"

    Please Note that Big Buiness depends entirely on People.
    You screw people, people will screw you and there goes that business you were working on.

    And if you don't believe me, imagine what will happen if i choose to expose individuals
    or companies who have profitted from and continue to profit from human rights abuses.

    Get your act together, realize that Big Business is subject to global law, and cannot
    be "above it all" as some people pretend.

    How did it start?

    Gordon Gecko. "Greed is Good, Greed Works". - WRONG

    How do we stop it?

    Stop making greedy fashionable.
    "Greed Sux"

    Do right in all your dealings with your clients and customers, and don't attempt to
    interfere in the political process, which is not your right.

    It's like this :-

    Big Business can choose to pay 1 person $1Million, or it can pay 20 people $50,000.

    Pay 1 person $1Million, what happens? That person buys 1x big, pretty house, boat, car, etc.

    Pay 20 people $1Million (split), what happens?
    20 people stop worrying about how to find enough money to pay rent or put food on the table.

    "Just-Noticeable Difference"

    This is one of the things that the marketers behind big conglomerates use in order
    to 'bump up the price' of items over time, in order to make ever bigger profits.

    For example, we've had practically no inflation over the past 10 years, which should
    equate to a (say) 50% price increase over the past 10 years or so.

    Yet prices have risen so much more, indeed most items have doubled or tripled in price,
    and we've been increasing productivity dramatically at the same time.

    Now. How does this work?

    Easy. Imagine a typical grocery item that now costs $1.05.

    Next week, notice how to price has increased to $1.06?
    Next week, notice how to price has increased to $1.08?
    Then $1.12, then $1.14.

    The difference is so small it barely registers in your mind - so much so that you
    forget to notice the "just noticeable difference".

    See how, excluding everything else, the company is now selling the $1.05 item for $1.14 and
    usually pocketing the difference as profits?

    And where do the massively increased profits go?
    To the rich investors.

    And what happens to the poor?
    Over time they find it harder and harder to purchase the same goods.

    "Just Noticeable Difference" is very, very ugly.
    Let's simply get rid of it entirely.

    "Help Yourself Before We Will Help You"

    I love this, it's a great excuse for abrogating responsibility to fellow man.

    ie. "If they can't be bothered helping themselves, I'm not gonna help them".

    Well, really.

    Everyone needs help occasionally.
    People don't get rich by themselves, they get rich because other people give them money.

    Wealthy people should help those who helped them reach the position of affluence they enjoy.

    "Jobs Jobs Jobs"

    You pay people, they work, they create stuff, they buy stuff, we all get richer.
    You don't pay people, there is no-one to buy the stuff coming out of the factories.

    "Minimum Wage"
    "Living Wage",

    Everyone needs a certain amount of money in order to survive.

    Setting a minimum wage that is greater than the "living wage" makes such a significant
    difference for those people for whom $20 is a massive luxury, so much so that they become
    healthier, happier, and hence more productive.

    Big-Business can easily afford to pay more wages, you are simply being greedy.

    "Philanthropy is King"

    Give to those who most need it, and what do you get?
    A warm fuzzy feeling that lets you know that you have done good for others.


    What goes around comes around.
    Give and you shall receive.
    Give nothing and you shall receive nothing.

    To put it into perspective, if you give, other people will notice, and you
    will gain credibility because you are helping others, and credibility is the
    key to creating wealth.

    If you do not give, other people will notice, and you will lose credibility
    because you are not helping others, and you will not gain their help.

    "Computers and Learning"

    Computers dramatically accelerate the learning potential of people.

    Make computers so damn cheap that everyone can afford one, then make the software so cheap
    that people can afford to educate themselves.

    As people learn new knowledge, they become significantly more productive.

    "How To Create Money"

    A job is just one way of making money.
    In reality, once you realize that a job is not they only way of making money, you
    will find that money is fairly easy to make :-

    Go find something, pay $1 for it,
    Go somewhere else, get $2 for it.

    That's just one way of making money, shuffling goods from one place to another.

    Or, go find some cash, learn about the stockmarket, then invest in the stockmarket.

    Low-Risk Stockmarket Tip: Buy established companies with good earnings and management.
    High-Risk Stockmarket Tip: Buy new companies that have huge prospects (such as ours).

    That is another way of making money.

    Now imagine you've got this idea in your head, and you think you could make money doing it,
    but you don't know where to start... this should help :-

    First, ask yourself "Would I Buy This Thing"?

    Then, ask yourself "How Much Would I Pay for This Thing"?

    And "How Much Does it Cost to Make this Thing"?

    Ask yourself "How Many Things Would I Need To Sell To Make A Profit"?

    Finally, "Can I Build That Many Things"?
    or "Can Someone Else Build That Many Things"?

    Then, go outside yourself, ask other people the same questions.
    You should get an answer "it's a good idea" or "it's a bad idea".

    If it's a good idea, learn about Business.
    Learn how to keep your books, for example, CashFlow & Profit/Loss Statements and Balance Sheets.

    If you don't need extra money to startup, go for it.
    If you need money to startup, or later on, to grow your business, go find the money.

    Try personal loans, business loans, investor capital, maybe do it all on net-positive cashflow.

    Good Luck.

    And Persevere, as everyone in business has "good times" and "bad times".

    "Invest in Yourself"

    Other than giving it to someone else more in need, investing your money in yourself,
    by bettering your life, or by purchasing a better education, or by purchasing better
    goods and services has got to be the best thing you can do with your money.

    "Money makes the world go around"
    "Shop to you drop"
    "Spend money to make money"

    If you spend more, and buy more stuff, the world accelerates it's wealth creation capabilities.


    Investors are the people controlling the purse-strings of the planet,
    and they make and enormous contribution to the future destiny of our world.

    For example, investors can choose to invest in bio-technology, and hence live longer.
    And they can choose to invest in infomation-technology, and robotics, and hence accelerate
    the development of enhanced productivity in all aspects of life.

    Would be i ever have enough money, that's where i'd be putting it, in that order.
    First priority of course, to the fountain of youth, including disease prevention and cure.
    As well as massive investment in manufacturing and distribution capacity.
    As well as massive investment in teaching and knowledge dissemination facities.

    Genetic removal, uplifting and re-insemination appears to be a good way to combat ageing too.

    "Is This All Achievable?"

    Q: Can we as a species actually design and create a system that works for all, globally,
    not subverted to any particular country's culture, but one that works for all cultures?

    It depends entirely on your view of the world.
    My viewpoint is that if you start something and do it till it's done, it gets done.

    In essence, yes.

    For example, maybe the following plan can be used to create a unprecedented growth
    and a better future for all humanity, especially if stages 1-5 could occur asap :-

    1 - Global Peace
    2 - Global Law
    3 - Global Government
    4 - Global Democracy
    5 - Global Cooperation

    In detail, these steps could be :-

    1 - Global Peace - Start by offering a way out of the current geopolitical predicaments,
    using the concept embodied in the statement "love thy neighbour", cause we're all neighbours.

    2 - Global Law - Start by utilizing the International Criminal Court, to prosecute all crimes
    against humanity from a given starting date, instead of not ratifying it with indemnity for
    future crimes against humanity.

    3 - Global Government - The United Nations is already a global government of sorts, just
    hindered by lack of financing and thorough political bondage. We could start by making the
    United Nations an interim government, with the premise of ushering in a transparent, voluntary
    global democratic government as soon as possible.

    4 - Global Democracy - We rapidly create new wealth in all member countries by expanding
    existing facilities and building new facilities, all while helping people learn, by investing
    global resources as required. As this is occurring we also roll out volutary global democratic
    voting systems connected via the internet, and secured at point of presence. People could be
    elected from the grassroots, via local community group consulations, to regional, to state,
    to country, to global.

    5 - Global Cooperation - The benefits available from global cooperation are phenomenal,
    the least of which is the end of global warming, poverty and global suffering.

    Realistically, each of these sections could take less than 1 year with concerted global effort.
    Unfortunately, it is probably going to take a lot longer, because people don't believe it yet.

    Similarly, global warming has taken 200 years to chop down all the forests, and they will take
    about 50 or so years to regrow, so we just take one step at a time.

    How about we employ the continuous 24-hour round-table of eminent leaders from all walks
    of life to implement the above global goals, real-time, day-in-day-out, till it's done.

    "Global Warming: Solved"

    Almost forgot. Again ;)
    Here's a simple, down-to-earth, practical, viable solution for global warming :-

    We create a bunch of tractor-like vehicles which are designed to :-
    (1) plant tree seedlings, about 150-200 cms apart, many thousands in a day per vehicle.
    (2) lay a long length of drip-irrigation pipe, nozzles syncronized with seedlings.

    Some trees will die, some won't, and we'll recreate forests very quickly.

    We also create devices and systems to monitor many millions of trees simultaneously.

    We train people to use them, and we start planting millions and millions and millions
    of new trees, starting from water sources, and moving outwards as the forests expand
    and create their own microclimates, and we adjust the drip speed to maximize growth potential.

    Um, guys, reckon i can get a royalty on this idea? It does work...
    if you make sure you are growing more trees faster than you are chopping them down.

    And also, people realize it's in their best interests to have forests, maybe someone such as
    a well-funded United Nations could simply give away mass-produced vehicles and training for free?

    And also, creating a legion of troops who are full-time reforesting the planet will create
    significant financial rewards for many regional and rurual populations who are in desperate need
    of wealth creation prospects.

    Imagine this one :-
    'Mom, Dad, what do you do?'
    (proudly) 'We reforest the planet...'

    "Global Fish Population Crisis: Solved"

    Stocks of fish have plummeted globally, and this is a sure sign our planet is dying a rapid death.

    We urgently need to restrict fishing quotas worldwide and police all fishing vessels worldwide in
    order to save the remaining stocks for breeding back an ocean teaming with an abundance of life.

    Additionally, we should invest large sums of money into fish-breeding facilities (fish-farms).

    "Global Poverty: Solved"

    Global poverty is a tricky one, it has many facets.
    Here's a simple, down-to-earth, practical, viable solution for global poverty :-

    The world is capable of creating enough food to feed everyone,
    and it is also capable of producting enough luxury goods for everyone.

    It's just at the moment, things are not working properly.

    What is required is a system of transporting and distributing aid to people in need,
    one that works better than the one we are currently utilizing.

    To this end, how about we create a system whereby goods can be readily distributed from
    wealthy societies to poorer societies, like some existing aid systems, just bigger and bolder.

    For example, consider this :-

    1 - create a network of hi-profile manned community drop-of-points in donor nations
    where people and companies can donate any kind of goods to go to people in need, including
    pretty well anything and everything.

    2 - collected goods are collated at these drop-of-points and are then transported from
    the drop-of-points to state collection centres, located at a major transport port-of-call.

    3 - sorted goods are shipped directly from the source port-of-call to a desination port-of-call
    for each region in need, prioritized by need.

    4 - goods are then dispursed to (manned) community centres for free handout (foods) or
    very low-cost handout (luxury goods).

    5 - for a little extra, these (manned) dispursal centres could be multi-purpose, building
    over time to offer such things as medical services, internet services, teaching services,
    and commercial and government services of all kinds, forming hubs around which further
    development will grow.

    Actual goods could consist of cash donations, commodities, excess luxury goods, and so on.
    And, hopefully, goods distributed could include many books and other vehicles for learning.

    Initially you could staff these centres with a relatively small contingent of imported
    personnel, with help supplied by the local community, and once established and functioning
    well you could move people to newer centres.

    Oh. Who pays for it? Once again, probably a properly-funded United Nations.

    And merging charitable entities worldwide helps fairly dramatically,
    as it creates global centres of excellence.

    "Global Health: Solved"

    The best way to maximize the health benefits to people is to help people boost their
    own immune systems, through better nutrition mixed with appropriate medicine.

    The idea to deliver food to the needy has been discussed above.

    So, what do you do about providing medicines to the ill?

    There is a way that suits most interests, and the idea here is to ramp up production of
    medicines while reducing the costs of supplying those medicines to people in need.

    The problem really lies in the exploitation of medicines by greedy corporates.

    They invest their money creating solutions, sure, but then they seek 25 years of
    profiteering and exploitation of their intellectual property through patent licencing schemes.

    Surely, with the commercialization processes available nowadays, these corporates can easily
    make a tidy profit from a limit of (say) 5 years of first-mover advantage on their patents,
    especially if the world economy grows faster than anyone's normal expectations.

    Additionally, it's in everyones benefit to get these medicines manufactured quickly.

    Most recently, people have been attempting to monopolize the human genome.

    Come on, seriously, do we want a small group of individuals hoarding and greedily benefiting
    from the core building blocks of our bodies?

    We solve the impasses by increasing the manufacturing capacity of biotech, and remove the
    disincentives to share invaluable medical information, increasing the supply of medicines and
    ultimately reducing costs of delivery.

    "Genetic Modification: Solved"

    We need every invention we can create to make our world better,
    and this includes genetically modified organisms.

    People fear the loss of our existing biodiversity, but genetic modification
    will ultimately confer untold differentiation of species to the universe.

    How can we not pursue such a worthy goal?

    If we can increase our farming productivity by 10% or by 20% or by 1000%,
    by using sustainable genetically modified means, lets do so, and feed the poor.

    In the future, maybe we will grow our GM plants in incredibly vast hydroponic greenhouses.

    If people can be healed by genetic science, let's do it, what have we got to lose.
    Otherwise destroyed embryonic stem cells, adult stem cells, whatever it takes.

    Similarly, why ban human cloning?
    Some people have no other means of reproducing their genes.

    "Bio-Genetic Diversity: Solved"

    Without a doubt it is in our best interest to protect our ecosystem,
    since it is an integrated network of mutual reliance of all species, and we simply
    cannot survive into the future without our support network.

    In future, we should be able to create entirely new species using GM, something
    which we have been doing for centuries cross-breeding and in-breeding of plants and animals.

    It's like this :-
    Someday people might want to grow wings so they can fly like a bird (low-g environments probably).

    "About Kyoto"

    An interesting beast indeed.

    America and Australia want to deliver on the concepts of building a better world,
    and to do that they need to grow their economies strongly, and to grow their economies strongly
    they need to increase production capacity.

    But they believe that the costs of converting the economy from polluting to green
    are greater than the costs to the environment and expansion of production over the same time period,
    and that we can grow our economy fast enough to out-pace global warming in (say) another 50-100 years.

    We can do both things at once...
    ...both protect the planet and build a faster global economy.

    You could spend about 0.5 - 2% of global GDP, scaled in over say 1-5 years, on
    global reforestation efforts, which should do the job cost-effectively.

    The faster global economy is already starting to happen and will continue to grow once
    the systems work just that little bit better, and it will continue to accelerate into the future
    as better systems are implemented.

    Essentially, we are now cleaning house, globally, fairly effortlessly and painlessly.

    I reckon in 25 years we'll look back on the past and go "WOW. Look at what we've just done".
    And we'll all be enjoying the fruits of our labours, and we'll all be smiling a whole lot more.

    Of course, much depends on whether or not Australia and the USA ratify the Kyoto protocol.

    If the protocol is ratified, people have agreed to bite the bullet, and we can go about fixing
    our environmental problems, now, without further delay, and in 25 years we'll see benefits.

    If the protocol is not ratified, we are just delaying the inevitable, we may still be
    struggling with global warming in 25 years, and it will be significantly more expensive to fix.

    Bite the Bullet.
    What have we got to lose... except the Earth?

    All nations should ratify Kyoto, and ask for the concession that we don't leave the
    protocol as a fixed document that cannot adjust to future circumstances.

    For example, currently developing nations are exempt from the targets, which is a completely
    unrealistic objective that will ultimately damage our world rather than help make it better.

    Instead, we should aim to remove all exemptions as soon as possible.

    p.s. It's now mostly ratified by nearly everyone, what a world we live in heh?

    "About the U.N."

    Right now, the United Nations is the main geopolical engine common to humanity, and for now
    it should be funded so that it can fulfill it's mandate for global peace and protection of the

    Would it be too much to ask all member nations to boost their fiscal contributions to the U.N.
    in the short to medium to long term, possibly by organizing a better system of direct contributions
    by individuals.

    An idea might be to morph the U.N. from it's current state of being; to being the biggest
    'thinktank' of humanity, dedicated to resolving known problems, representative of all walks of life,
    in a massive, 24 hour quorum, investigating solutions to new problems as they happen, and
    dedicated to designing a better, voluntary, and truly representative global democracy
    infrastructure for the forseeable future.

    The internet can easily be used to usher in an easy-to-use, common, voluntary,
    feedback loop from the masses of people who use the internet; through local government,
    through to state government, through to federal government, through to geo-regional government,
    through to U.N., with a feed-back of real on-the-ground results going directly to the
    people who provided the input.

    ie. online voting, online knowledge, and idea management pathways that are used
    to traffic relevant ideas from fruition to implementation, defining the feedback loops
    as proposed above, or similar, enhancing and removing ideas by peer review, in order to
    facilitate the rapid implementation of the 'best' ideas, while at the same time saving
    the costs associated with attempting to implement the 'worst' ideas.

    "18th October 2002"
    "Anti-Western Sentiment"

    There's a problem in the world whereby there are places that seemingly dislike
    western society and western culture...

    For example, Iraq.

    [ Supposedly, all the people of Iraq support Suddam as their elected leader.
    Shame about the fact that only 1 person, Saddam, actually ran for election.
    Not 1 contender, no-one, not 1 person other than Saddam.

    It's a bit wierd really. ]

    Imagine this one.

    There's these countries, and all their lives they are taught
    different rules of society to those known in the western world.

    To them, struggling in poverty, they occasionally glimpse what it is like
    in the affluent western countries, and they compare that to what they have todo
    just to survive, and they get jealous and hateful that they don't have it so good.

    Little do they know what they can do to create their own wealth.

    What is needed is to re-balance the future outcome so that as many people as can
    happen get access to global basic standard of living, asap, no more obfuscation.

    This is done by being pro-active in distributing aid such as wealth, health,
    learning, goods, internet to as many people as possible as soon as possible.

    Teaching people about the basic fundamentals of doing business is a good idea too.
    ie. Why business works. How to change their life into doing business. etc.

    So, how about this one...
    Go ahead and give "them" easy access to western media,
    so they can see how they can do things better for themselves.

    "GeoPolitical Obfuscation"
    (or :- "Global Political Bull@#$t" )

    Most people don't seem to realize the extent that people who use the media
    go to in order to manipulate the truth, putting "spin" on bad news so that it
    appears good, or putting "spin" on good news so that it appears bad.

    Most corporate leaders do this regularly.
    Most governments do it all day, every day.
    And most media organizations do it whenever they edit and rearrange interviews or similar.

    Especially in Australia, an up-and-coming police-state by any other name.

    (joke: what is truth in media in Australia?
    A: what the government, media executives and other vested interests say it is.)

    'They' use the media to literally lie to the general public, thinking that
    if the general public don't know everything that goes on behind closed doors,
    the general public won't be able to damage the credibility of those who are doing the lying.

    What is actually played on the TV or radio has had countless people 'editting'
    it to the point where it should offend the least people.

    Remember this one?
    Get a bunch of people to stand in line.
    Say something to the first person, they repeat it to the next person, and so on.

    By the time it gets to the end, the message is usually full of inaccuracies as to
    make it virtually illegible as compared to the original message.

    The only difference between the line and the normal "spin" is that in the line,
    the inaccuracies are accidents, whereas with "spin" the bending of the truth is the main point.

    Most people who watch TV don't realise the blatant untruths, delivered with
    such dross, sometimes glossed-over, sometimes obfuscated (confused) by other information,
    sometimes so bad as to require people to change the channel to avoid having to listen
    to the crap.

    "The Fountain of Youth"

    Sometimes you have to wonder about what will happen in future as we live longer and longer.
    I believe that we will ultimately create a real-world fountain of youth, and one-day in the
    forseeable future we will learn how to grow young instead of growing old.

    I personally believe that creating a true fountain of youth is both eminently achievable,
    indeed it is inevitable, but not necessarily in the form that other people believe.

    The big question is :-

    How do we create the fountain of youth, not in 100 years from now,
    not 50 years from now, but possibly in the next 5-20 years from now.

    Is it possible? Is it achievable? How do we do it?
    Should we do it?

    Well, this is a big and complex topic, and cannot adequately be covered here, not yet.
    It's quite a dangerous thing, this fountain of youth, and it cannot be held to ransom
    by big business.

    It is THE ultimate product, a product which _everyone_ wants, and a product which
    _everyone_ will pay _whatever_ amount of money to get hold of it.

    I don't think it will be a "magic pill" or a "magic elixer", at least not yet.
    Eventually, sure, we'll be able to take a "grow young" pill each day, but not yet.

    Because it is THE ultimate product, it's got a whole bunch of greedy people
    salivating at the prospect of buying into it's accompanying business.

    BUT: imagine if a corporation like (MS) got hold of it...
    Based on it's track record, it would attempt to monopolize the lot, then charge an
    exhorbitant price for it, then bump up the price each year, then charge for upgrades,
    and so on, all of which is simply not appropriate for such a gem for all humanity.

    As a last little bit, imagine this :-

    One day, sometime in the future, we people actually create a viable fountain
    of youth, then we people choose to give it to every person on the planet for FREE,
    or at least sooooo cheap that everyone can afford it easily, without breaking
    the bank - say, instead of 50%+ of people's incomes, how about less than 1% of
    people's incomes?

    Note that Everything I do is working towards this worthy goal.
    Note that Everything in this document is working towards this worthy goal.

    Don't believe I know anything about how to do this, for real?

    I am an expert computer programmer, having over 42 years full-time experience,
    on all sorts of projects, in many programming languages, on all sorts of hardware and software.

    The human body is (to me) nothing more than a complex biological computer,
    and accordingly it has an operating system of sorts, and a programming language, of sorts.

    Indeed, with little extra effort, i feel that I am have the ability to become quite expert in
    understanding and programming the human genome, for real.

    CGAT, a simple biological-computer programming language.

    About May, 2001, I figured out how to create a real-world, viable, fountain-of-youth.
    And I published the fact on the internet, which resulted in a year-long exploitation
    of my person by 'the powers that be', some of whom are listed elsewhere.

    Because of what happened to me during 2001 at the hands of greedy IT cartels,
    the creation of a real-world, viable, fountain-of-youth has been postponed for
    at least 5 years. Read below to find out what happened

    "What is GOD?"

    This is a bit wierd, but possible all the same.
    Remember this one?

    Any advanced enough technology is akin to magic.

    So, imagine this one :-

    Aliens exist, now or in the future.
    Aliens have developed the art of mental telepathy.
    Aliens have developed the concept of societal consensus.
    Aliens have developed the concept of time-travel.
    Aliens have decided to uplift the good parts of the human race.

    And some lucky people can hear the consensus, otherwise attributed to GOD.

    Why can't we find proof of them, using things like the SETI project?

    Because they don't want our race joining them, mostly because we are so primitive
    that we still kill each other, and we continue to destroy our own habitat, and they
    simply don't appreciate that kind of primitive behaviour.

    Watch TV again, what do you see?
    Lots of humans killing lots of aliens.
    Think about it.

    My guess is that once we have true global peace, true respect for other individuals,
    no crime, no xenophobia, etc., we will truly find 'God', or aliens, or ...both...

    ( It's just an 'idea'... ;)


    People like to put other people in categories, such as "He is Black",
    or "She is Hispanic", "They are Lazy", "They are Mentally Ill", and so on.

    Once you have deemed a person fits inside a particular category, it is then
    very easy to make judgements of that person based on their stereotype, which is
    often the worst thing you can do.

    Usually what happens is a person is categorized, then they are judged by others
    based on what their peer group does, rather than judging a person based on what
    they individually can achieve.

    For example, "once a criminal, always a criminal".
    For example, "you are fat, therefore you must be lazy".
    For example, "you are black, therefore you are likely to be a criminal".
    For example, "you are schizophrenic, therefore you are mentally ill".

    This is wrong.
    Judging people because of what their stereotypical group does is wrong.

    We know criminals can be "converted" to good people,
    We know not everyone who is fat is lazy,
    We know black people who aren't criminals,
    We know "mentally ill" people who can still create good ideas,
    and so on.

    In my personal life, I am judged schizophrenic, by others,
    and hence I am categorized as "mentally ill", BUT, and a BIG BUT,
    this does not mean i am incapable of coherent thought, it does not mean
    my ideas are less worthy, it does not mean that i am intellectually incapable
    of distinguishing fact from fiction, and so on.

    In the immortal words of someone who walked the Earth previously :-

    "Judge not lest ye be judged".

    "My Song"

    They say everyone has a song to sing.
    And this is my little ditty that i sing to myself :-

    "Hello world, my name is Darren,
    and this is my song,
    and i have a plan,
    to change the world,
    to change the future,
    to build a world of impossibilities.

    All you moms and you daughters,
    and you fathers and you sons,
    you sisters and brothers,
    come on along,
    let us get it together to change the world,
    let's get together, and build a whole new world.

    A world for all religions,
    a world for all traditions,
    a world of better futures,
    a world where we can laugh,
    while we're rolling in the grass.

    Let's go into space,
    Let's reach for the stars,
    Build a McDonalds on the moon,
    And let's colonize Mars.

    So, all you moms and you daughters,
    and you fathers and you sons,
    you sisters and brothers,
    come on along,
    let us get it together to change the world,
    let's get together,
    and build a whole new Earth."

    "Internal Combustion Engine: Simple Modification for Zero-Emissions"

    The Internal Combustion Engine is one of the most amazing devices ever created
    by the human race. The trouble is, it currently pollutes our environment with toxic

    A fairly reasonable solution to the pollution is to create a system that reduces
    waste output to zero. My idea here is to replace the exhaust manifold with a 'de-combustion'
    chamber that recompresses the engine output gases and pumps them through the exhaust line
    into a 'fuel garbage tank' that replaces the existing muffler, with a 'garbage-level' signal on the dash.

    Service stations worldwide could pump out the waste products and recycle them into
    profitable by-products, creating another income stream for the petrochemical industries.

    It should spawn an entire industry segment retrofitting older cars also.
    It should help stop global warming also.

    End Result :-
    Rapid, cost-effective implementation of zero-emission on all current and future vehicles.

    p.s. Can I please get some royalties on this invention?

    More Later.
    (i'll create a new website for this kind of stuff sometime in the future)
    (over time i'll add step-by-step instructions for "on-the-ground" results)

    Go to the Top of the Page

    What is my definition of insane behaviour?
    Mindlessly pursuing a strategy that is proven to result in failure.

    What is my definition of sane behaviour?
    Reaching the realization that pursuing a strategy that is determined to fail is insane.

    18th September 2006:
    Wow. They actually went to war, and everything happened. Suddam is no longer in power, there are no longer any WOMD,
    things have improved for the people of Iraq, and things will ultimately continue to improve. Good.

    There is no longer institutionalized rape and torture, and 2 million kids are no longer dying needlessly every year.
    Thank God (or whatever you believe in).

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