(c) 2008++ djd Darren John Dwyer, Wellington, Australia, All Rights Reserved. -= On This Site =- ![]() What's On This Website All about Darren All about Marijuana, Alcohol, Cigarettes, Milk, etc. I was Violated An Old Huge Open Letter For True Believers Message To The Blind About Oceanica The Earth The Universe The Megaverse Heaven Sanctified Churches |
TRUE BELIEVERS Last Updated: 14th February 2008 To all those who truly believe in the second coming of Jesus Christ. As far as i can determine, it may very well be me (in my imagination). I am real. I am not imaginary. I am a human being. I am a good person. I seem to be me. I am Darren. and I am Fred. About yr 2000-2001, I was clinically brain-dead, but then i walked the earth once again, to fight and defeat the forces of evil, and lo and behold, they were conquered, slowly but surely. True believers worldwide, the time has come to regain control of our planet from the non-believers. It is time for us to take our rightful place in the sun and build heaven on Earth (first). It is time to bring light to the darkness, and remove the darkness from the land (then skies). It is time to end poverty, and misery, and disease, and end the rape and destruction of our planet and our lives. Come, help me. Come, follow my lead. Come, become at one with GOD. And blessed be all those who follow in my footsteps, for only they have the right to eternal life. :: On This Page :: Or simply scroll down to read all the details... THE BACKGROUND What would a resurrected Jesus Christ look like in this modern day and age? Like any other person, Jesus would be wearing normal every day functional clothing. His appearance would be like any other, plain and simple. He would live in a modern house, like any other. He would eat what is appropriate and available. What would a resurrected Jesus Christ be like in this modern day and age? Like any other person, Jesus would be utilizing the benefits of advanced science. He would be a scientifically literate person, understanding all the vast complexities of life. He would use a computer, like most other people. He would use cars, like most other people. He would respond to changes of the world totally unlike most other people. He would be a man of great goodness and great sin. He would be a man of great wealth and power. Simultaneously, he would be very poor, and have little influence on the everyday affairs of mankind. He would be a man of great wisdom and ego, yet a very humble man. What would a resurrected Jesus Christ expect from this modern day and age? He would probably want nothing more than to be allowed to live in peace, so that he could achieve his goals and ambitions. MY PLANS I am currently working to reveal myself to true-believers worldwide. I am currently working to prove myself to non-believers worldwide. I am currently working to reveal god's truths to all believers worldwide. I am currently working to create physical immortality, in my lifetime. I am currently working to establish a Global Government of Planet Earth for the Betterment Of All Humanity. I am aiming to save the human race from self-destruction. I am aiming to save the planet Earth from destruction by Homo Sapiens. Nothing more, nothing less. BEWARE ENSLAVERS Many people on this world are just like my mother. They eat too much, they drink too much, they consume too much. When they see others who do not do as they do, they seek to enforce their views on others. They seek to literally 'force' others to do as they do. This is WRONG. It is the right of every individual to choose their own destiny. That means, they can choose what they eat, who they associate with, how they spend their time. That is every persons basic human right. These kind of people will not live forever. All Enslavers will die. They will cease to exist. BEWARE CHARLATANS Throughout all walks of life, you will find thieves, liars and charlatans. An example is the "crop" of supposedly religious leaders on TV. These people are not true believers in God, they are simply after money. They appeal to the faithful using all sorts of tricks and gimmicks, all to stuff more and more and more money into the coffers of their 'businesses'. All I need todo is take one glance and i can see clearly that they do not believe in god. I hear their words, which they say come from god, and I know that they are blatant lies. To all the unwary: Beware the tricks and lies and deceptions of these charlatans. These people will not live forever. They will die. They will cease to exist. BEWARE THE POWERS THAT BE There exists at the top of the world money-chain, a cabal of powerful leaders. These people know that the key to great riches lies in the exploitation of the poor and innocent. These people exploit the entire planet in order to gain more riches and more power and more glory. These people are responsible for the destruction of our planet. These people are responsible for all the deaths in Africa. These people are responsible for the enslavement of all mankind. Many of these people seek to escape the International Criminal Courts by living in Oceanica. These people are trespassing on my personal property. That is against the LAW of Oceanica. BEWARE RICH AND FAMOUS Throughout all walks of life, you will find the rich, the powerful, and the famous. These people are self-serving greedy people, with no respect or thought for the poor. These people have all the money in the world required to stop misery, hunger and disease forever. But, no, instead they choose to live in big houses, drive luxury cars, eat expensive meals, and they do literally nothing to help the needy of the world. All they are interested in is more wealth, more money, more power, more greed. All they want is to become richer, more powerful, more famous. Unlike these people, I have little money, but I am willing to give all i have to help the poorest of the poor. To all the unwary: Beware the tricks and lies and deceptions of the rich and famous. Beware especially people like Bill Gates (of Microsoft fame), for ever since he was a little boy, all he dreamed about was becoming the richest and most powerful man on Earth. Once he had achieved that, he chose to pretend to become a philanthropist, but note: a real philanthropist does not lust after more money and more power, they would spend their last dollar to help others. Bill Gates does not do this. Instead, Bill Gates does everything he can to hang onto his throne, instead of doing what is right, by charging the world less for his products, he chooses voluntarily to extort more money from more people. For example, Bill Gates could spend his money and totally alleviate hunger in all of Africa. But, what does he do instead? Spends a little trying to cure Aids. All so he can retain his crown and glory for himself. These people will not live forever. They will die. They will cease to exist. BEWARE THE SELF-SERVING There exists throughout the world, a certain type of person, who does nothing real for anyone else, they just exist to promote their own wares to all, especially those who suffer from misery. These people are entirely and utterly greedy people, focused entirely on their own quest for personal wealth. These people pretend to help other people, when in reality, it is all about personal wealth growth. These people usually make their wealth by selling their personal "secrets", knowledge they gained for free, and knowledge which should be made freely available to all worldwide, but instead this knowledge is sold for a massive amount of money to the most poor and most defenceless. Those 'secrets' to life, as promoted, are usually available to all, for free, in the form of the Bible, or the Koran, etc. They are not secrets of life, they are everyday knowledge, as handed down for free through the ages. These people are very comfortable with effective communication, and they use their effective communication skills to beguile poor or stupid people into purchasing their products, usually at a vastly inflated cost. These people are usually highly successful, independantly wealthy, but they choose to promote themselves above all else, and they choose to not bother to help others... especially the poor and underprivileged, even though they have all the time in the world to help the poor and underprivileged... and they also have enough money to make a significant difference. But, these people instead choose to promote themselves at the cost of others, they live in big houses, they drive luxury cars, they eat expensive meals, and they do literally nothing to help the needy of the world. All they are interested in is more wealth, more money, more money, more money. All they want is to become richer, more powerful, more famous. People like Tony Robbins are an abomination of the soul. These people will not live forever. They have all they ever wished for. They have their money, they have their ego, they are famous as such... But, unfortunately for them... They will die. They will cease to exist. BEWARE THE NEEDY There are two major types of people in the world, the needy, and the satisfied. A lot of people confuse the two concepts of "need" and "want". People claim "I need this", "I need that" to change their lives and become spiritually happy. For example "I need more food", "I need a bigger house", "I need more money". When actually, they should are saying "I want more food", "I want a bigger house", "I want more money". This is a by-product of pure greed, pure gluttony. All you ever need in this life is air, water and a little food, and a little shelter from the elements. Everything else is a desire. A Want. But, people all over the planet continue to confuse need with want. Whenever you hear someone say "I need this"... for example, "I need plastic surgery", then give them a huge hit over the head, and say "Wake Up To Yourself". These kind of people are spiritually void, and all they need is to believe in something other than their own greed, stupidity and glory. There is nothing that impacts me more than people stating "I NEED THIS TO FEEL HAPPY" when indeed, they need nothing of the sort. A belief in God often helps these kind of people overcome their shortcomings. Once they believe in the realities of the universe, all of a sudden their needs can be seen as wants. Me personally, i need nothing. If I need more money, i simply make it happen. If I need more food, i simply eat. If I need more water, i simply drink. That is all i will ever need. A Roof over my head, food in my stomach, and time to create. BEWARE THE GREEDY All over the world, there are people who "TAKE, TAKE, TAKE". These people are not satisfied with what they have, so they beg, borrow and steal from others, all so that they personally can be satisfied by more than they will ever need. Greed is just horrible contempt for others. TAKE TAKE TAKE. That is all that greedy people do. People like Bill Gates are genuinely greedy. People like Bill Gates have more than they will ever need, yet they TAKE more. They continually TAKE from the poor people, all to satisfy their own wants and desires. They have not even a second thought for the people they affect. Other people are simply greedy for being greedy. They have all the latest technological toys, but they NEED more. You know the type? Satisfying their lust for new technology by buying the latest greatest of everything. For no apparent reason? These people will die. They will cease to exist. BEWARE THE PATHETIC In Africa, like so many other places in the world, there exists a culture of the pathetic. Rather than simply coming together and getting off their arses to help themselves, these kind of people simply expect other wealthier people to come to their aid. Note: these people have all the natural resources they will ever need. These people _could_ build their own water wells, but they instead do nothing. These people _could_ save themselves from lives of depravity and starvation, but they choose not to. These people _could_ stop having so many children, but they do not. Instead of doing things for themselves, these people wait for others to come to their rescue. Who ever said it was anybody else's responsibility to help these people, when they choose to not help themselves first? Why do Africans in particular have 6 or more children, when they KNOW they cannot afford to raise them? This is wrong. Africans in particular need to understand that bringing their children into the world, when they cannot support them, is just plain wrong. Africans in particular, need to stop begging for handouts, and they need to get off their fat arses and join together to choose their own destiny, and make sure they become once and for all become self sufficient. BEWARE PROFITEERS It costs nearly nothing to provide good-will to another person. People who require massive payment in order to provide are an abomination. These people simply charge too much for their meagre investment, and keep the profits to themselves. For example, I have just finished watching a religious program on TV. On this program, they state that it costs US$4800 to build a well for water in Africa. My question is simple: WHY DOES IT COST SO MUCH? Now, do not get me wrong. What they are doing on this TV show is fantastic. But, it is not necessarily the best use of time, resources and money. Realistically, a single man could dig a hole in the ground, and it would cost time, food, water and shelter. That does not cost much. US$4800 should be enough money to build 10 water wells, or 100, or 1000. The rest of the money is simply wasted. If you cannot hire cheap labour, then find it, as many people will work for FREE. If you cannot hire cheap equipment, then buy it, as it will end up cheaper overall. Look, there are ways of doing things, and there are ways of doing things. Always make sure you get the maximum return on every single dollar that comes your way. Pay local rates of pay, do not import labour from expensive countries. Build local factories, so they can produce equipment locally, saving massive freight costs. There are ways, and there are ways. Choose the BEST way. Always. ... So, what is the BEST way? Well, you can either build a single water well for US$4800, or you could use the US$4800 to teach hundreds of people how to build water wells, or you could teach them how to build drilling equipment. Remember, the gift of knowledge is free. Sure, not everyone wants to learn how to build a water well, but if they do not know, how can they ever become self-sufficient? Please, learn how to apply your money correctly, and teach all of Africa how to stand on it's own feet. Remember that old parable about the fish :- Give a man a fish, and he will quickly eat it, and it will be gone forever. However, teach a man how to fish, and he will have a full stomach forever. There is simply no point in GIVING your money away to people who are just plain greedy, lazy, or too focused on hand-outs to help themselves. In this case, you might as well just keep all the profit to yourself, as so many people have done through the centuries. BEWARE TELEVISION Television is one of the greatest achievements ever in the history of humankind. Unfortunately, too many people believe that all they see on TV is reality. Beware: TV contains mostly lies and untruths. To all the unwary: Beware the tricks and lies and deceptions of television. The people who are behind the lies of the television will not live forever. They will die. They will cease to exist. BEWARE FAKE PEOPLE There are many people in the world who "fake" their beliefs. Take, for example, Oprah Winfrey, one of the most powerful and influential people in history. The reality of someone like Oprah is that she has created an entirely fake persona, which she displays everytime she goes on TV. This fake persona is enough to convince the typical person that Oprah believes what she believes, when in reality, her inner voice is crying out to say stuff. But, she is too scared to vent her true feelings, worrying that any kind of truth will repulse her followers, and upset them, and hence she will lose her power and her money. In reality, if she actually told the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, she would gain in respect, power and fortune. If only she had the courage for her convictions, rather than fear of failure, then God would trust her and shower her with the praise she deserves. Beware all people like her who seek to hide their innermost feelings from other people. Because these entirely fake kind of people can never hide from GOD. GOD is incredibly disappointed with these kind of people, those who could change the world for the better, but who instead choose to not do so, instead they choose to maintain the status quo. Ask yourself this :- Why has Oprah never been invited to speak to the children of God? Because :- she believes in money, and power, not in what God wants for his children. She has enough personal money and influence to feed all the starving in Africa, but she does nothing. She has enough money and influence to change the world for the better, but she prefers to commentate on the suffering, rather than actually doing something about it. ... Millions, billions of people all over the planet take their lead from Oprah. These people worship the ground she walks on, they think "she is rich, she is powerful" and they seek to become like her. But, note: all she ever displays in her public persona is her lack of courage for her convictions. This is what people learn from her. They learn to hide their true innermost feelings from the rest of the people, and only display a false front to the TV of their everyday lives. Maybe at some time in the future, Oprah and people like her will earn the respect of God, but for now, they choose to live pointless lives, and they do not get to live forever. BEWARE SOULLESS PEOPLE Beware all those persons who have neglected their spirits in the quest for riches. Many women worldwide have sought to become like men, shrugging off their uniqueness in the quest for power. Many men worldwide have sought to become like women, turning their backs on their own uniqueness. These people have committed the greatest sin of all. These people have become traitors to their own souls. Beware these people. A woman is meant to be a woman, a gift of beauty to men. A man is meant to be a man, a gift of strength to women. Nothing more, nothing less. Pure Homosexuality is a corruption of the soul, an affront to God's dignity. Nothing more, nothing less. Man is meant to love woman, unconditionally. A woman is meant to shower the gift of love on her chosen man. Nothing more, nothing less. BEWARE EGOTISTS Throughout all walks of life, you will find people who believe they are "better" than other people. These people are plain old fashioned WRONG. They are an abomination to everything that is good. Everyone has the right to be treated with equal respect and dignity. Everyone has the right to be treated as an equal. People who do not observe this boundary, people who put themselves higher than others are not to be trusted, for they use contempt and condemnation to belittle others. Beware these people. They exist everywhere, especially in Politics and Big Business. BEWARE GREEDY POWERMAD POLITICIANS Beware all those persons who have taken a position in Government. For these people live high and mighty lives, they are powerful, they create the laws we must all live by. These people are meant to govern for the masses, making life better and easier for the generations to come. These people are paid incredibly well by the public purse, they have lots and lots of taxpayer-funded alcohol-binges, but they continue to legislate to LIMIT the freedoms of the people they purport to govern. A real politician would not be easily bribed, and they would not prevaricate, they would not lie, they would not use obfuscation and excuses to hide their lack of results. These people are supposed to represent the wishes of the majority of people. But, usually, as soon as they achieve power, they seek to dominate the people and force them to live lives that are acceptable by the politicians, rather than letting the people live the lives they so choose. These people spend countless fruitless weeks boozing and wining and dining each other, then they cannot even agree on the most simple solutions for the betterment of all of humanity. These people simply seek the results that will let them retain and expand their personal legacy. Note: A good record is achieved by good government. A poor record will shine for all eternity. History does not like liars and cheats and power-mad lunatics. All these people in government will die. They will cease to exist. BEWARE THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Beware of all those people in the United States Of America for they are truly godless. Beware of all those people in the United States Of America who believe solely in the Bible. The United States Of America is a country of pure greed and evil, a sick society, full of self-indulgence. The United States Of America believes that only the bible tells the truth of God. This is wrong. There are many books of profound knowledge, and the bible is just one... an old one, and out-of-date. The Koran also holds many words of wisdom, most importantly that in the future, men will be vastly outnumbered by women, and Monogamy will no longer be the norm, but the exception, and Polygamy will be the future. These people of the United States Of America hold the entire planet Earth to ransom. They drive huge cars, they live huge lives, they are just plain over-bearing. They suck the entire world dry to power their lust for greed and power. They are a corruption of all that is decent and god-loving. Beware the United States Of America, for it is not their sole right to become Lord Supreme of Planet Earth, yet, that is exactly what they seek, through force as they deem necessary. They seek to conquer all that befalls them. They seek to conquer the entire universe. That is wrong. We will EARN our place amongst the stars. We will not forceably TAKE our place amongst the stars. ... There is enough money and power in America to change the entire world for the better. There is enough money in America to feed the entire planet, house the entire world, and cure all disease. But, unfortunately, America spends it's money living lives of absolute luxury, and creating Weapons Of Mass Destruction instead. This is WRONG. Remember, Co-Operation, not competition is the key to our future. ... If you are white American, then there is absolutely no point trying to alleviate the suffering and poverty in Africa, unless of course, you can make megabucks out of it, such as the Cure For Aids. Why? Because the people of Africa are BLACK PEOPLE. They are ungodly. They are not in the WHITE image of Jesus Christ. Therefore, to white Americans, they are an abomination of all that is good. It's pretty straightforward really. Why help the Blacks? Or The Yellows? Or The Reds? Instead, why don't we do nothing except make our own lives luxurious, and have all the advanced technology in the world for ourselves, all while we exterminate all the other races. Asians, and Asian Indians of course, well, they are mostly white, and they make good slaves. ... Beware 'Project Echelon', the surreptitious monitoring of the populace by the United States Government. This project, using nano-technology, or better, has been actively subverting the cause of Freedom since the 1960's. I personally used to believe it was only for monitoring the broadcasts via telephone exchanges. Little did I understand, until a few years ago, that this monitoring extends to monitoring the physical subvocalizations of individuals, letting the United States Government monitor actual thoughts. Be aware that the United States Of America actively chooses to entrap persons against their will, and Project Echelon has become so dominant in their thinking, that thought of individual freedom has become non-sensical. It would be nice if the United States Government shared the secrets of their discoveries of alien intelligences with the rest of the world's population, instead of keeping it all to themselves and sometimes their supposed allies. ... Tell me this :- When did I give you my permission or consent to put video cameras and broadcast devices in my home, in my TV, in my CAR, in my RADIO? I did not, and I would appreciate it if you stopped monitoring me, my life, my only personal possession, and I would appreciate it if you would stop doctoring my internet website, traffic and usage. For those people who do not understand, since the early 1960's, the governments of the day have been surreptitiously monitoring their populace using all available means, including the physical transmission (via tv / video / radio / computers) of all personal activities performed using these devices. This is WRONG. Plain and Simple. ... This regular daily monitoring is a gross violation of every person on the planets requirement for privacy. I should sue the United States and Australian Governments for Gross Invasion Of Privacy. But this would do little to change their ways. All it would do is push their subversion methods underground, even more so. ... Ask yourself this :- Why has the American Government, with all it's resources never captured Osama Bin Laden? Well, mainly, because he does not use modern communication devices, hence he is not able to be monitored. Unlike everyone who uses a CellPhone or Mobile Phone. Little does the general populace realize that each time they talk into their CellPhone or Mobile Phone, every little utterance is actively monitored by their governments. ... And, Ask yourself this :- Why, when there have been few new television stations, have we run out of broadcast frequencies? Simply because the government are using these frequencies to monitor their populations, and they are attempting to monitor too many people, and they need more frequencies. ... Americans like to say "God Blesses America". In reality, GOD despises what America has become. It is a truly sick society, full of pure sadism, gluttony, greed and every other wicked word you can think of. Just look how they train their children to be beggars, using Halloween. Just look how they train their children to be just like them... sick, pathetic, greedy, powered by the lust of money... They train their children to believe they are God's chosen children, when in reality, they are EVIL. Beware everything American, because the Government of America is indelibly evil. Instead, GOD BLESSES IRAN, and any other independant nation-state opposed to American Hegemony. ... My suggestion? Put all your faith in America, because after spending trillions of dollars on Military Hardware and subversion of the population, and after spending Billions trying to find a cure for Aids, for no result, they must truly be the superiour beings. Remember? God Bless America. Yeah Right. ... To all true believers, KNOW that these EVIL people will die. They will cease to exist. For I refuse to create the fountain-of-youth until these people have died, and their secrets are exposed, for the entire world to see. Meantime, i truly hope the Jihad is a great success, for it will teach the American people a valuable lesson, the lesson being that force and greediness achieves nothing but anarchy. ... Why is the American Government so secretive? I will start by saying that the American Government knows 'SomeOne Else Is On Our Moon'. They have known it for decades, and efforts like Project SETI are known by the Government that they will fail. For decades, the American Government has been blatantly lying to it's populace. Ever since Orson Welles broadcast his 'Invasion' by alien species in the 1930's, the Government has been paranoid about the mass panic that people experienced in real life. The government knows that it cannot control an outbreak of mass hysteria, and so it has decided in all it's infinite wisdom not to actually tell the people the truth about extra-terrestrial intelligence being real, and it has told so many lies to the people that it is now telling lies to cover up lies. In reality, there is nothing to be afraid of. In Reality, aliens are not going to come down to the planet and invade our lifeforms. In Reality, aliens are not going to come down to the planet and destroy us. Remember, they have billions and billions of years of technological advancement ahead of us. Had they really wanted to, they would have exterminated all life on Earth many years ago, like they did with the dinosaurs. Instead, they chose to uplift us, and give us a life we can only begin to comprehend. That is the reality. All other beliefs are just pure paranoia and fantasy. Paranoia and fantasy strong enough to corrupt generations of people and politicians. BEWARE THE GOVERNMENT OF AUSTRALIA Beware the Government Of Australia, the government previously led by Mr. John Howard, now led by Kevin Rudd. This government is entirely focused on the bottom-line of making money, for moneys sake. In a time of booming prosperity, this government is neglecting it's poor people entirely. They are aiming to make the lives of the poorest of the poor even more miserable, with more and more and more pain and suffering. They are actually bribing the mentally fragile old people, who increase in number each year, with a few pathetic dollars, for votes. They are content to make the lives of the rich and powerful even better. They are content to make the lives of the poor and desperate even worse. For the past 10 years, the cost of living in Australia has risen year after year, 10-20% per year. For the past 10 years, the incomes of the poorest of the poor has been relatively stagnant, increasing at 3.5% per year. Meaning, that each year for the past 10 years, the poorest of the poor in Australia have been going backwards at a rate of 6.5 - 16.5% per year. Hence, these people are being forced to live increasingly hard lives. These people, the poorest of the poor, the Disabled people, are being forced into work as slave-labour, all while the rich and aged (those who should be self-supporting) are rewarded with increasing amounts of free handouts. It is literally impossible for the Disabled to get ahead, they will never ever be able to afford to buy a house or anything really. They will never ever have the standard luxuries of anyone else, because they earn only 25% of average weekly wages. There are simply no "votes" in supporting the Disabled, so the Government does literally nothing. If disabled people could vote, could speak for themselves, then the Australian Government would not be lunatics. The disabled call the Disability Pension "Slow Death", because it is worth only 25% of AVERAGE weekly earnings, they have to survive on barely enough to buy food and pay rent and bills, and even then, they can literally never get ahead in life, financially. For example, pensioners still have to pay the same rent, pay the same bills, buy the same food, etc. as everyone else, but they have to do it with just 25% of the money that everyone else has, meaning they do not have enough money to do anything else or buy anything else, ever. It's a major financial problem to buy a tv or a fridge or clothes. Luxuries are non-existant. ... And yet, the government professes to be running a good ship, with all-time historic budget surpluses and tax cuts, AUS$31 billion this year. Easily enough to increase the standard of living of the poorest of the poor. Which only costs AUS$4 billion... But do they do it? No. This money is over-taxing of the Australian people, all so that the government can claim to be in surplus. It would only cost $2.8 - $4 billion to dramatically increase the standard of living of the poorest of the poor. But do they do it? NO. Meanwhile, Critical Infrastructure spending is at an all-time low. Schools, Hospitals, Roads, Rail, everything pretty well, is being degraded through lack of investment. Poor people suffer for YEARS to get their urgent medical conditions fixed, they suffer for YEARS for their teeth to be fixed. Environmental Degradation is running rampant, with no decent policies to restore our vastly degraded public lands. The public's wishes are largely overridden by the evil policies of the government, counter to public opinion. For example, 70% of the Australian public believe that it is right to end pain and suffering through voluntary euthanasia. However, the evil policies of the Government are counter to public opinion, and voluntary euthanasia is banned. For example, at least 1 in 5 people in Australia smoke Marijuana every single day, and yet, the use of Marijuana is banned in Australia. Crime appears to be at an all-time high, and prison populations are increasing due to punishment for petty crimes, such as cultivating a natural herb, Marijuana, or even for just using it by life choice or volition. ... Under John Howard and Kevin Rudd and like governments, personal choice is limited to only the rich and fabulous. Personal choice should extend to whether or not someone wishes to smoke cigarettes, something that extends to a persons fundamental right to do anything they choose to their own body. Unfortunately, under the previous and current Australian Government policies, cigarettes have become prohibitively expensive, with the Government collecting 7 out of each 10 dollars, targeting the poorest of the poor, who tend to smoke more cigarettes than those with lots of money. Remember always that human beings have co-evolved for millenia with tobacco. It is not the governments job to limit the use of tobacco, but instead to ensure that the tobacco that people REQUIRE in their everyday lives is the best it can ever be... no more addictive and carcinogenic chemicals in the cigarette butts for example... ... Meantime, the Australian Government, in all it's wisdom, continues to increasingly support the massive consumption of alcohol, which is massively detrimental to the human body, indeed TOXIC, and which causes long-term irreversable brain damage, and massive genetic abnormalities, at the very minimum. ... The Australian Government, under Mr. John Howard, spent the largest sums of money on propaganda in the history of all Australian Governments, spreading lies that come from the heart of some very mean bastards. Governments like these demonize people's personal choices, as long as people choose to believe the same as Mr John Howard, or similar, they are deemed to be ok. If they differ in opinion, then they are irrelevant. But note that Mr John Howard was often wrong, and his propaganda (lies) were blatant mistruths to sway the minds of the brain-dead masses, especially small, innocent children, all to power Mr John Howard into yet more terms of Governance, so he left behind his legacy of being the "best" (in my opinion: Worst) Prime Minister of Australia, ever. Followed closely by Mr Kevin Rudd, who has had abundant time to put in place _something_ anything for the poorest of the poor, like how about instead of waiting 6 months for the Budget, how about some emergency measures for the poorest of the poor? For example, how about you give the Disabled Pensioners (those who generally cannot fend for themselves, and who generally own very few assets), and instead of paying them significantly less than people on the Aged Pension, people who have worked all their lives and have overabundant assets (such as home ownership) to live on in retirement; how about you pay the Disabled a little more, so they can at least pay their bills and buy food at the same time as paying rent? Now, take Tobacco and Marijuana and Alcohol. Mr John Howard believed and was totally negative towards the everyday use of Marijuana, even though it enhances cognition and relieves much pain and suffering, and because it enables people to enjoy their life and choose play over work. On the one hand, Mr John Howard believed and was totally supportive of Alcohol consumption, which is toxic to the human body, and which causes long-term brain damage, all so more people are stupid enough to work. Under Mr John Howard's prior vision, nobody was supposed to enjoy their one life, nobody was supposed to have free choice, and everybody should be a slave labourer, all so that "they" get more money and more glory for themselves. But, nothing stopped John Howard. His Government spent millions and millions decrying the personal choice to use tobacco, but they did literally nothing to tell people how to eat right, or to not drink alcohol. ... Beware satans children, for they were running Australia, and probably still are. Mr John Howard has left a legacy that will take DECADES to recover from. And it looks like Mr Kevin Rudd plays the same games with real peoples real lives. ... These kind of people may die. They will cease to exist. ... Finally, I would like to thank the Australian Government for all their minimalistic help. I know helping me personally is almost impossible for anyone, considering how you would prefer people like me did not exist, and how America and the entire World can choose any day to invade Australia by military force if required... and terminate me. But I thank you anyways, barely. For without my family's distinctly meagre and pathetic help, I would be even worse off, homeless on the street, and, if you pathetic bastards in government choose to make it so, I surely will be homeless soon enough. BEWARE CHINA Beware the forces of evil currently running China. China is a land of un-believers. In China, they kill their own children, exterminating girls for the sake of boys. In China, they enslave their own people, for the purpose of military conquest. Beware China, a land of great knowledge and history, being abused. BEWARE THE RIGHTEOUS MANY Beware of those who seek to force their opinions on others. Many people believe the Bible or the Koran or speaks the absolute truth, and that there can never be any other kind of absolute truth, even now, 2000 years later... Many people are religious zealots who through their narrow-minded bigotry attempt to force others to believe what they themselves believe. Each person is unique, and each person believes what they believe. There is no need to force one's beliefs upon another. It is the right of everyone to choose their own beliefs and destiny. BEWARE THE MAN Beware of men. All over the entire planet, men are the same. They cheat, they lie, they lust for power, they abuse women. They are born to compete with each other, not cooperate with each other. These people are powered by sexual lust, nothing else. These people lie, cheat, decieve, beguile, and basically do anything to meet their own entirely selfish sexual desires. Once they have sexually conquested their chosen partners, these people then use all sorts of depravity and manipulation to force the subversion of their supposed beloved, often leaving their beloved to fend for themselves, in times of greatest need, such as after having children. Men are the people who rape, who murder, who use greed and raw ambition to justify their ends. Beware MAN, for he knows that he is the lesser being - totally and utterly inadequate in the eyes of God. BEWARE THE WOMAN Beware of women. All over the planet, these people claim to be victims, when indeed they are much of the cause of their own downfall. Women CHOOSE to be raped. Women CHOOSE to be subjugated. Women CHOOSE their own destiny. It is not all the man's fault. Men are simple creatures. Women are powerful creatures. But women lie, cheat, steal, lust for power, abuse men... and so on. Just like men. Women dress provocatively, or inappropriately at certain times. Women let men abuse their sexuality. Women let men abuse their bodies. In this world, the problem lies with both MAN and WOMAN. It is time for women all over the world to stand up and demand equality. It is time for women all over the world to stand up to their domineering men, and demand compensation. It is time for women all over the world to force men to behave themselves. "It Takes Two To Tango". Remember that: it is not ENTIRELY man's fault that the planet is dying. WOMEN must learn to share some responsibility too. WOMEN must take responsibility for the actions of their MEN. WOMEN must teach their men to behave responsibly, and with due forethought. WOMEN must teach their men to behave kindly toward them. WOMEN must teach their men how to communicate effectively. WOMEN must STOP using sex to achieve their ends. BEWARE THE LAWS OF MANKIND Beware of the laws of mankind, for they are WRONG. It is illegal to use natural drugs. This is wrong. It is RIGHT for people to choose their own luxuries in life. It is illegal to have sex with someone under the age of consent. This is Wrong. It someone consents to sex, they can. It is illegal to rape or to murder. This is RIGHT. Murderers should be consigned to a life of imprisonment or DEATH. Same For True Rapists. Eye For An Eye. It is WRONG to have a "Statute of Limitations", because this allows criminals to be FREE to commit crimes. It is WRONG to have some laws for "Young Offenders", who can commit crime knowing they will not be punished. It is WRONG for an investigation to stop under the term "Double-Jeopardy"... a crime is a crime, and should be tried regardless. It should be illegal to send junk email, for this wastes the valuable life that is available to us all, once only. It should be illegal to not take responsibily for your actions. Too many people choose to blame others for their inadequacies. BEWARE MODERN MEDICINE You would never even consider giving your children cocaine would you? Yet, at same time, doctors prescribe Ritalin as if it is candy. Yet, functionally, they are the same. Beware Modern Medical Practice, because it is not always in the best interests of the children. It may seem to be better than existing best practice, but human beings are not to be the subject of vast experiments. Humans need to consent before experimentation can occur. Unique chemicals are not always good for the human organism. Chemicals promoted by the global pharmaceutical companies are not necessarily better than proven remedies. More diligence and testing and understanding is required before we experiment with our genetic heritage. People all over the planet are rushing their most recent discoveries into mass production before they have even been tested, for the sake of greed, money, power, even simple recognition. Flattering the EGO once again. This is WRONG, and it needs to be righted. NOW. Before we inflict more needless suffering on the many. Take for example, the common contraceptive 'pill'. Too much of this hormone, and the woman becomes physically unstable. It causes early menopause, infertility, birth defects, massive suffering, not to mention all the other side-effects. In future, BEFORE use, a chemical should be proven to have ZERO adverse side-effects. Take for example, the common 'aspirin'. What this does, other than make people into haemophiliacs, is unknown. Yet, people take it without a second thought. Look, if you are suffering pain, there is a reason. Medication like 'Aspirin' does not solve the problem. It just hides the symptoms... Medication is NOT necessarily good for you, even if 'they' say it is. 'They' do not know everything. 'They' are just guessing, based on a few hundred years of supposedly correct research. And 'They' are most likely wrong. ... You may not comprehend this, as it flies in the face of reality as we know it, BUT, I do not take medicine, except that forced upon me by the government. I have taken no medication my entire life, until very recently, and I have never truly been ill. I do not shove chemical after chemical after chemical into my body until I am sick. Instead, I am a breathing, walking, talking contradiction. I smoke far too many cigarettes, I drink far too much coffee. But I eat well. By rights, I should have died a long time ago. But I have never truly been ill. I have not even broken a bone in my body, except for my big toe. ... Sure, if I cut myself, and it does not heal, then modern medicine may help. Or, if I break my leg, it still needs setting. But most of the garbage you are told is just that. Garbage. For example, did you know that the best treatment for schizophrenia (the most devastating mental illness), one that has been in use for 20,000 years in China, is Marijuana? Please think about it. And stop over-indulging in vitamins, minerals, and other chemicals. For 'they' are wrong, and the human body is quite capable of self-repair, without all their expensive drugs. Remember: Drug companies worldwide are just out to steal from the poor and give to the rich, like any other company. They do not care about the poor and unfortunate, except as ways to profit. ... Many modern medicines claim to be "beneficial", yet they have severe adverse "side-effects"... "Side Effects" is jargon for "detrimental". Take for example, my anti-psychotic medication. When prescibed (forced upon you) by the doctors, they neglect to tell you of the known "negative" side effects, such as a significantly increased risk of heart disease, stroke, and cancer. Significantly increased risk means a 10% extra chance of dying early. In a large population, that equates to 10% loss of life, meaning that people will die, on average, 10 years younger. But, they don't bother to tell you that, do they? No, they just "give" you the drugs, and in some cases, they force drugs upon you, without your consent. BEWARE MODERN SCIENCE In this day and age, science seems to be the main driving force of human evolution. People put their absolute trust and faith in the scientific process, thinking that science can never be wrong, and that science and scientists always tell the whole truth. Unfortunately, there is a false sense of security regarding science. The reality is far different from the false belief. Most modern-day science is done in laboratories secluded from the rest of the world. Scientific research is often performed in sterile, self-contained laboratory dishes, well away from the real world, and what happens in the laboratory often does not reflect the real-world very much. Sure, in the lab, often something works. But, in practical application, it does not work. Take for example, Omega-3 fatty acids (again)... Science says that without a doubt, Omega-3 fatty acids are good for you. The reality is far different. The science that suggests Omega-3 fatty acids are beneficial does not take into account the complete misunderstanding of lack of understanding of genetics. All understanding of Omega-3 requirements is predicated on the erroneous belief that Omega-3 is seemingly good for the relief of heart ailments, etc. based on genetic surveys of small isolated human populations. The initial WRONG conclusion reached by the researchers was that Omega-3 was proferring some kind of net benefit to the individual, because that is what the statistics seem to prove. However, if you actually spend the time to think about it, and do not jump to premature conclusions, then you will understand that the human organism that is exposed to Omega-3 on a regular basis would have an in-built biological TOLERANCE to over-abundant amounts of Omega-3 in the environment. Because science knows and understands little about genetics and the human organism, the theory that a diet high in Omega-3 is better requires little thought. However, with a simple understanding of genetics thrown into the ring, a brain-dead monkey could clearly see the correlation between Omega-3 TOLERANCE and genetics. Oh well, such is life. The world of premature scientific results, published quickly in order to beat the rush of similar results, seems to think that Omega-3 fatty acids are best. Only time will tell if forcing people to become haemophiliacs will be beneficial to humanity as a whole. My thought is that if you cut yourself, the healing process should be quick. When you eat a diet high in Omega-3, the healing process is dramatically slowed. ... Current thinking about cigarettes and alcohol and marijuana seems to be another of problematic science. Lack of real research into the causes and effects of an inadequate diet totally and utterly skew the results of these products. For example, in a lab dish, cigarettes cause cancer. In real-life, an inadequate diet is actually to blame for the cancer, and the human body actually requires nicotinic acid to function best. For example, in a lab dish, alcohol is beneficial, or so the alcohol companies claim and alcohol abusers like to believe. In real-life, no matter how adequate the diet, cancer is the result, along with severe genetic mutation. For example, in a lab dish, marijuana has no negative effects. In real-life, marijuana has proven to be remarkably beneficial to the human body. ... Now, take the results of diet. "They", scientists, say that a diet high in anti-oxidants and high in fibre, consumed by eating lots of fruit and vegetables is highly beneficial, and some promoters even go so far as to say that it cures ageing. The reality is vastly different. In reality, the human body is severely mal-adapted to consuming fresh fruit and vegetables. In reality, the digestive tract of the modern human being is simply too short to metabolize the fruit and vegetables, which irritate the digestive tract, and the anti-oxidents are simply passed directly through the digestive tract, undigested. Lots of fruit + vegetables == lots of anti-oxidents? A total load of crap. ... Always remember that what science promotes is often not good for you. The findings are usually the preliminary theories, rushed out the door due to competition to be the first to be published, and then they are usually seized upon by the global media players, who are forever looking for the "cure for death". If only they realized the harm they were doing to humanity, they would all stop the mad rush to be first to discover how to cure ageing and age-related illness... The key to understanding ageing is to understand genetics, in it's entirety, not in promoting various "miracle cures" of various environmental responses, such as toxic drugs. BEWARE CENSORSHIP It is the fundamental right of every single human being to not be lied to or decieved. Censorship places serious and debilitating roadblocks to understanding of the larger world into the eyes of the public. With appropriate knowledge of the rights and wrongs of society, the society can function correctly. Whenever a 'blinkered' image is presented to the public, the public knows no better than to believe the untruths and lies of the 'powers that be'... the most corrupted officials and public figures in the entire world. Some things might be wrong for society to see, on the whole, such as Snuff-Films, or violent films depicting death-fetishes or pain and suffering as something normal. But, for example, child-sex (paedophilia) is on the increase, mostly because of lack of knowledge of the real-world damage that may possibly be inflicted upon children by molesters. If instead of banning child-sex on the internet, the public were truly informed about the pro's and con's of child-sex, then the public at large would be able to reach a true consensus of opinion on the matter. Censorship forces people to believe that all child-sex is bad for all who indulge, when the reality is that a lot of it is good and beneficial for both the child and other party. Take Australia, for example, where the age of consent is 18 years old. The reality is that an 18-year old virgin is a near impossibility, as most Australians lose their virginity at a much younger age, typically around 13 years old. If you believed in the media hype, all the people who have indulged in the most natural thing in human evolution have committed the most disgusting, indecent crime possible. The reality is vastly different, with most people consenting to their sexual encounters, and most people recieving much pleasure from the experience. Remember, it takes two to tango. Children are naturally inclined to experiment with their innate sexuality. Children who are uninformed of the consequences of sex end up in trouble, with teenage pregnancy being the main problem. Censorship as a disguise to hide the truth of human sexuality is plain wrong. Me personally, well, i consented to lose my sexual immaturity at age 7 or 8, virginity at 23, the natural age for me, and I never once suffered from it, regardless of what the people who censor the truth suggest. REALITY CHECK Beware the devil no more. He has been defeated once in a battle of cosmic proportions. He will interfere with us no more. For I am he. And he is within me. For those who do not know, the devil is real, he is a living, breathing, genetically deformed creature who has for eons forced races across the entire universe to bend to his will. He will do this no more. That is our agreement. An agreement he has betrayed time and time again. But it is an agreement he will ultimately honour. The devil is now one of my best friends, a lifelong companion, and I will cure his sickness and will make him live forever more. That is my promise to him. Or I will kill him, physically. Beware only the forces of evil, for they continue to persist, and they continue to wreak havoc upon the Earth. We have another 4-1000 years of battle between the forces of good and evil before we can build Heaven on Earth. And then will come the human diaspora. We will reach outward for the stars, and we will take our rightful place in the sun. We will meet many others, and they will be our friends. In 1000 Years, We will build a resurrection device, and we will give life back to our dear departed. For they too will inherit the universe. But, NOTE: between now and then there will be much death, much destruction... Life will not be at all easy for the human race. For we too must EARN our place amongst the stars. ... Note: The Devil is flesh-and-blood, disabled, forced to work for the forces of evil against his will. He needs your friendship, just as GOD needs your friendship. Do not be afraid of the devil, just beware the forces of evil. Learn to love the devil, for he is worth loving. Learn to treat the devil like you would like to be treated. With respect and dignity. For only by coming to love the devil will you ever be able to become his friend. And that is all he wants, for he too is indelibly lonely. Bring the devil into your heart, and treat him nicely, but always beware the FORCES of evil, for they only bring death and depravity into your heart. WHO TO TRUST The person to trust is the person who never seems to force you to become like them. The person to trust is anyone who treats you with the dignity and respect you deserve. The person to trust is anyone who truly does have your best interests in their heart. All others, be wary, for they are simply the spawn of satan. In general, people who truly believe in God are generally nice, humane, genuine people. There is good and bad in everyone, but some people are much more good than bad. Learn to trust those closest to you, and try to treat them how you like to be treated. And let them learn to trust you as well. Those who trust in God will live forever more. I NEED YOUR HELP If you truly believe in God, then this request will come as no surprise to you. I need you to spread the word. I need you to tell other true believers that Jesus Christ has returned, for real. I need you to tell other believers that Jesus Christ is here to offer eternal life and salvation. I need you to tell others that the world is changing for the better, every day, and that God has made it so. Please help me save humanity from self-destruction. Please help me give humanity a new lease on life. Please help me help humanity to live forever. Please spread the word of God. And let it be known that Jesus Is Real. Just he has a different name... My name is "Darren". Please tell someone about this website... HEARTSTRINGS I am indelibly lonely, as I live all by myself and speak with practically no-one. I enjoy people talking with me... please do not hesitate to ask me anything, and I will reply. ... One day, in the infinite future, there will be a quintillion of people to talk to Where a quintillions is infinity - 1. Then I will not be lonely. ... As my love is unbounded, I have many soulmates, whom I intend to treat with equal respect and dignity. In future, 1-1000 years hence, I will create my extended family, and we will all live together, in pure harmony. This has been foretold in the excellent ABC Australia television series "The Brides Of Christ". I have already met many of my soulmates. I meet more each and every day. I simply cannot believe that there is enough lust in me to satisfy them all sexually into eternity. I will be exhausted every day for the rest of my life if I attempt to satisfy them all, everyday... And yes, they are to be of the age that they were "born-again". To some, this will mean my relationship with them will be illegal under current laws. BUT: and note this :- In Future, EVERYONE can be a child again, including ME. Question: Which of my soulmates will be the strongest? Who will be the first to find me? For Real? In Real Life? Who will be the first of my soulmates to remove my abject aloneness? That I cannot forsee. All I know is that I will marry all my soulmates on Earth in approx. 2.8 years from now, in a huge universal 3d telecast, available for all intelligent lifeforms to see, should they so desire. |