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All about Marijuana, Alcohol, Cigarettes, Milk, etc.

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    Last Updated: December 2019

    I am a curious person, have been all my life...

    I've tried what i've wanted to try, and here's some facts i've picked up along the way...

    Anything and everything in moderation, with certain exceptions...

    It is my personal belief, based on years of personal research and experimentation, that lots of Marijuana
    has a net-positive, ie. beneficial, effect on the human mind and body, including such things as overall health and longevity.

    It is my personal belief, based on years of personal research and experimentation, that a little Cigarettes, or Alcohol,
    has a net-happy, ie. slightly beneficial, effect on the human mind and body, including such things as overall health and longevity.

    It is my personal belief, based on years of research and experimentation, that too much Alcohol and most Hard Drugs
    has a net-negative, ie. non-beneficial, effect on the human mind and body, including such things as overall health and longevity.

    This flies directly in the fact of conservative opinion, but please, instead of listening to raw commercial and political
    propaganda, based on barely researched statistics, please make up your own mind, based on raw scientifically researched facts.

    First, a couple of very simple questions :-

    • Q: How many people have ever died from using Marijuana?
      A: ZERO.

    • Q: How many people have ever died from using Alcohol or (possibly, probably not) Cigarettes?
      A: Millions.

    • Q: How many people have ever died from NATURAL CAUSES? Or Unnatural Causes, such as exhaust fumes from CARS?
      A: Everyone Else.

    Real-World Facts About Marijuana :-

    • Marijuana is non-addictive.

    • Marijuana brings you closer to GOD, and Nature, and Natural Things. (supposedly)

    • Marijuana opens your third eye, the psychic, or sixth sense... to an unprecedented reality of a different kind, vastly good. (supposedly)

    • Marijuana is an ANTI-PSYCHOTIC substance currently being trialed as a treatment for schizophrenia
      (severe mental illness) in Canada.

    • Marijuana is NEURO-PROTECTIVE, meaning that if you have a stroke or similar event while you are
      under the influence of Marijuana, the damage caused to the brain is much less severe.

    • Marijuana is ANTI-INFLAMMATORY, and people who have used marijuana during their lifetime
      at do not suffer from neurological disorders typical of old age.

    • Marijuana is the STRONGEST NATURAL PAINKILLER known to mankind.

    • Marijuana does NOT cause Emphysema.

    • People who eat Marijuana eat about 2-3 times the amount normally smoked, for a "high" that last 6 times as long.

    • People who use Marijuana do not develop aging-related inflammatory brain diseases such as Alzheimers and Parkinsons,
      or other inflammatory diseases such as arthritis.

    • People who use Marijuana can effectively shrink (kill) cancers till they no longer exist.

    • Marijuana has been the PRIMARY TREATMENT for schizophrenia for the past 20,000 years or more, in China and other places.

    • Marijuana is NOT the cause of mental illness. New Scientist magazine published a complete article
      debunking the "supposed" links between Marijuana usage and mental illness. Of all the billions
      of people who have ever used Marijuana, exactly (3) people in a total survey response of approx 670
      people were deemed schizophrenic, ie. mentally ill, and the link between using Marijuana and the
      mental illness was tenuous at best, with no real provable correlation. This equates to HALF the norm.

    • Marijuana has ZERO long term negative effects, proven by the fact that the heaviest users in the world
      (Jamaicans) were surveyed exhaustively at the age of 55-65 and those who had smoked the equivalent
      of 20 incredibly heavy "joints" a day for 40 years showed minimal signs of mental or physical
      impairment compared to the control group who had never used marijuana.

    • Marijuana has been used exhaustively by the human race for well over 200,000 years, as far as we know,
      Meaning that we have symbiotically grown with Marijuana for long enough to be genetically modified by it.

    • Marijuana has been actively cultivated for the past 30,000 years or more.

    • Marijuana was only prohibited in the 1930's, when Plastic was invented, mostly because Hemp was physically
      stronger than the earliest plastics and cotton, and commercial greed conspired to inflict
      "prohibition" on us and rob us of the strongest natural fibre known to mankind.

    • Eating Marijuana causes a dramatic lowering of cholesterol throughout the entire body.

    • Using Marijuana causes an increase in appetite (initally), loss of inhibition (initially),
      reversal of several major medical issues, such as the complete reversal of symptoms of despair,
      depression, anxiety, physical pain, and so on.

    • Using Marijuana relaxes the end user, and they can think clearly.

    • Using Marijuana reduces the phenomenon of "voices" (auditory hallucinations)
      and visual hallucinations experienced by schizophrenics, and also stabilizes mood
      for people who suffer from bi-polar disorder.

    • Using Marijuana causes a significant reduction in blood pressure, and is recommended for glaucoma patients.

    • Using Marijuana significantly reduces symptoms of nausea, lack of wellbeing, etc. and is recommended for cancer patients.

    • It is literally impossible to overdose on Marijuana, unlike all other known intoxicants...
      At worst case, using too much Marijuana causes a deep and restful sleep...

    • It is literally impossible to have withdrawal symptoms from Marijuana, unlike all other known intoxicants...
      At worst case, people still want the 'habit' to continue, but there are no actual physical withdrawal symptoms
      (and I should know, having gone on and off pot for many years)...

    • Marijuana dramatically reduces stress-related illness.

    • Marijuana is a bronchial dilator, a natural anti-asthma treatment.

    • The human brain has specific neural receptors that bind specifically to Marijuana, and only to Marijuana,
      and these neural connectors are fundamental to the correct working of the human brain, and this points to
      the fact that Marijuana and Humankind have been co-evolving for millennia in a symbiotic relationship.

    • The active ingredient in Marijuana, Delta-9 TetraHydroCannabinol, is a fatty acid essential for normal brain function.

    • Zero-Tolerance of Marijuana (ie. Prohibition) is blatently stupid, costing zillions of dollars for no noticable effect,
      and tying up valuable police resources that could be better used targeting "real crime".

    • 1 in 5 people in "western" countries use Marijuana at least once a week.
    • At least 1 in 5 people in "other" countries use Marijuana at least once a day.

    • If a global, legal trade and cultivation in Marijuana and Hemp were established it would dramatically reduce petty crime, worldwide.

    • If a global, legal trade and cultivation in Marijuana and Hemp were established it would dramatically boost government income, and dramatically lower the cost of the "black" economy, worldwide, and provide a massive boost to goods and services worldwide.

    Just thought you might like to be informed of some REAL WORLD FACTS about Marijuana.

    It all goes to show that putting a bunch of monkeys in a small enclosed tank and basically asphyxiating them
    with Marijuana smoke will prove anything to the brain-dead.

    Same for blatently misrepresented statistics.

    To answer the much-posed but usually neglected question asked of Marijuana users :-

    "Why do you do it?"

    The answer: "Because We Enjoy It. Immensely."

    Real-World facts about Cigarettes.

    please note: I am a disabled pensioner who smokes, because i enjoy it immensely.
    I am not affiliated with tobacco companies, or anything similar as promoted by others.

    I am a person who can only barely afford a loaf of bread, or some milk from week to week,
    due to the EXCESSIVE costs of smoking now as compared to the reasonable cost of cigarettes 5 or 10 or 20 years ago.

    I cannot afford to buy decent food, due to my reduced income, approximately $300 a week, compared to people who earn $1000's or millions of dollars a week.

    Note: People who earn an average income simply do not understand the lives of those who earn less than 25% of average earnings, people
    who can barely afford to live, yet must pay exactly the same basic costs of living as those who are wealthy,
    including those people who can afford to buy a new car or a house in their lifetime. I will never be able to buy a new car or a new house,
    and cigarettes are one of those very few luxuries i can barely afford in my life.

    Anyways :- Some FACTS :-

    They say "Smoking Kills".

    But this is BLATANTLY untrue.

    The truth is "You die anyway"

    Smoking (may) only exacerbate your death.

    Cigarettes by themselves do NOT cause cancer, or kill, regardless of what inadequate science and government propaganda says.

    Cigarettes increase your mental I.Q. by at least 30%.

    The active by-product of cigarette consumption, nicotinic acid, is actually required by the body to repair it's dna.
    Smoking Cigarettes reduces dental decay substantially.

    Now, to put something into stark reality terms :-

    Right now, in 2007, some 350+ million chinese people smoke cigarettes.
    Globally, billions of people smoke in some form or other, approximately 40% of the global population.

    Projected deaths from cigarettes? In 2020, they estimate only about 2 million people will die per year from smoking in china.
    That's LESS than 1% of smokers will die of cigarette-related illness.

    My question to you: how many people will die of old age? Or other illness? Such as bad diet or car exhaust fumes?
    A lot more than 1%. In fact, the rest of the people (including non-smokers) will DIE as a consequence of living.

    Remember always - it is not necessarily environment that causes death.

    Instead, you are always genetically predisposed to death, indeed, you are GUARANTEED TO DIE, even NON-SMOKERS!
    And cigarettes >may< only exacerbate it a little.

    Remember, a cigarette smoker is most likely genetically predisposed to smoking, and they require it for normal
    brain function. That's just raw genetics. The environmental harms are incredibly minimal, in comparison to normal death
    rates for these people. My guess is those who die early from supposedly smoking cigarettes would die early
    even if they did not smoke cigarettes. Not everyone is meant to live to 100 or 120 at this point in time.

    It would be nice to have a way to determine people's natural age of death, and then compare that to those
    who smoke and get the environmental benefits of cigarettes factored in.

    To me, cigarettes do not guarantee to CAUSE death, DEATH IS SIMPLY A BY-PRODUCT OF LIFE.
    Otherwise no-one ever would live to be 100 while chain-smoking cigarettes.

    Finally, I probably have cancer and heart disease, as most people do all day every day.
    Was it the cigarettes that caused the cancer and heart disease? Or was I born with it? Or was it from Car Exhaust fumes?

    You know what i'd like to see, a graph showing the correlations between cigarette reduction and
    genetic abnormalities, such as bowel cancer, in the western populations.

    Remember this :- people who smoke pipes or cigars are much LESS likely to develop lung cancer than NON-SMOKERS.
    They don't like to tell you this do they?

    Finally, why do governments like the anti-cigarette lobby so much? Well, cigarettes are big-business,
    which the governments hate, and also, the government likes to dumb down the masses as much as possible.

    In Australia, a clear MINORITY of people in positions of Government power are involved in the DIRECT VILIFICATION of smokers,
    attempting to FORCE cigarette smokers to stop smoking, by use of EXCESSIVE FORCE, including EXCESSIVE TAXES, EXCESSIVE COSTS, etc...
    making the poorest of the poor subsidize the richest of the rich, through increasing demonization of smokers (including disabled pensioners),
    with the aim of raising enough taxes to subsidize the payment of government pensions, all while the government wastes increasing amounts
    of money on esoteric ventures, including policies designed to violate individual rights of the public, promoted by non-smokers,
    all while increasing the wealth of the richest of the rich, simultaneously neglecting the needs of the poor and impoverished.

    This is blatant POLITICAL DISCRIMINATION by the government of Australia, a small elite collective of no-hoper non-smokers,
    each of whom earn a small fortune in Australia, compared to the poor, who can barely afford a CHEAP loaf of bread, let alone artificially inflated CIGARETTE prices.

    Add to this the BLATANT discrimination by other "interested parties" in Australia.

    No matter when you turn on the radio or the television, you are BOMBARDED by anti-smoking advertisements, subsidized in the millions of dollars
    by the australian taxpayer, including those so routinely taxed at ABOVE-AVERAGE rates (smokers).

    When are the non-smoking bullies in Australia going to quit and BUTT-OUT of our lives?

    And when are the non-smoking bullies "nay-sayers" going to introduce laws banning the particulates from CAR-EXHAUST pollution,
    a much more severe threat to "non-smokers" than cigarettes.

    Finally, to answer the much-posed question asked of Cigarette users :-

    "Why do you do it?"

    The answer: "Because We Enjoy It. Immensely."

    Real-World facts about Alcohol.

    I'll start by asking you a much-neglected question 95% of the population should be asked :-

    "Why do you drink alcohol?"

    The answer: "Because we get drunk, lose control of our faculties, throw up all over people, become homosexual,
    because it's totally toxic to the human genome, it causes chromosomal abnormalities and mutations galore,
    and because it causes cancer."

    Alcohol causes permanent brain damage.
    Alcohol is TOXIC to the human body.

    Nothing more.
    Nothing less.

    Alcohol contains 10 times the amount of acetaldehyde found in cigarettes.
    Easily enough to overload a weakened immune system.
    Easily enough to fuck up your mind and make men homosexual.

    Real-World facts about Coffee.

    Coffee increases your mental I.Q. by 10-20%, and raises your metabolism significantly.

    Real-World facts about Milk.

    Milk is the best health supplement available, since it stabilizes your metabolism and promotes weight-loss.
    Milk is the best lung-protectant known to mankind.

    If you drink milk, you eat less.


    Look, cigarettes and marijuana and coffee and even milk probably do cause genetic abnormalities of sorts,
    but nothing incredibly significant like they claim in the published scientific literature.

    Alcohol, on the other hand, definately causes genetic abnormalities galore, and loads of illness and death.

    Why? Because we have evolved for millenia in conjunction with Tobacco and Marijuana, since the birth of fire.

    Yet alcohol (and milk) have only been used for a few thousand years, and we have not yet grown to encompass
    the genetic significance of these products of our natural environment.

    Other Stuff

    Please, if you smoke marijuana, then you probably have a lot of time...

    You might also want to read about the biggest real-world conspiracy in history (not related to marijuana)
    Click :- Denial #101... and Demonisation #101...

    Since i smoke, i know what it's like to sit on a computer for hours after a couple of cones...
    Please, take a read of this entire website at some point in time...

    It's interesting... definately not normal... you know?

    If you get bored, and want to continue reading about marijuana, try this page About the Legalization of Marijuana...

    And, if you want to make some easy money writing software, try www.tdxlibrary.org...

This page is Copyright © 2007 Darren John Dwyer, Australia. All Rights Reserved.