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TDx_3DI_Library v2.00 Component Reference
[ TDx_3DI_Library::TD3DTLVertex ]
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class TD3DTLVertex : public TComponent
class PACKAGE TD3DTLVertex : public TComponent
class type : MultiWrapper
[ component ]
- Description
The TD3DTLVertex component wraps multiple DirectX D3DTLVERTEX structures defining transformed and lit vertices in terms of their screen coordinates and color.
Setting D3DFVF_XYZRHW in the vertex format description will pass the vertices directly to the rasteriser without modification.
Transformed and lit vertices are clipped using the X, Y, Width and Height values of TD3DViewPort and z-coordinates are clipped to [0,1]
Setting D3DDP_DONOTCLIP when rendering can prevent clipping.
- Properties
- Methods
- Events
- SeeAlso
- Top
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