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TDx_Sound_Library v2.00 Component Reference
[ TDx_Sound_Library::TDx_SoundKsPropertySet ]
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class TDx_SoundKsPropertySet : public TComponent
class PACKAGE TDx_SoundKsPropertySet : public TComponent
class type : Interface
[ component ]
- Description
The TDx_SoundKsPropertySet component wraps the DirectX IKsPropertySet interface which is used to retrieve and utilize extended properties of sound devices.
This component is used to determine if support for non-standard properties of the sound device is available and also to set or retrieve those properties.
It accesses the properties of the sound driver, thus allowing access to any additional features that are unknown to the main body of the TDx_Sound_Library.
- Properties
- Methods
- Events
- SeeAlso
- Top
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