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TDx_Input_Library v2.00 Component Reference
[ TDIDevCaps::Flags ]
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__property dword Flags = { read=FGetFlags, write=FSetFlags, default=0 };
[ component property ]
- Description
The Flags property defines flags indicating the force feedback and reporting capabilities the device has available.
The described effect applies when the flag is set.
- Flags
The device duplicates another input device.
An alias device will not be enumerated by TDx_Input::EnumDevices() unless specifically requested.
The device is physically attached to the system.
It is possible to have a device installed but not attached, like if you have a mouse driver installed, but the mouse is not physically plugged in.
Support for deadband on at least one force feedback condition is available.
The device's data is not coming directly from a kernel mode driver.
There may be some performance degradation, depending on the functionality being used.
Support for force feedback attack envelope parameters on at least one effect is available.
TDIEnvelope::AttackLevel and TDIEnvelope::AttackTime will be ignored if attack is not supported for a given effect.
After calling TDx_InputDevice::GetEffectInfo(), an individual effect will set the DIEFT_FFATTACK flag if attack is supported for that effect.
Support for force feedback fade envelope parameters on at least one effect is available.
TDIEnvelope::FadeLevel and TDIEnvelope::FadeTime will be ignored if fade is not supported for a given effect.
After calling TDx_InputDevice::GetEffectInfo(), an individual effect will set the DIEFT_FFFADE flag if fade is supported for that effect.
Support for force feedback effects is available.
The device does not actually exist, instead being a placeholder for a possible future device.
A phantom device will not be enumerated by TDx_Input::EnumDevices() unless specifically requested.
One or more objects in the current data format must be polled rather than being interrupt driven.
TDx_InputDevice::Poll() must be explicitly called in order to obtain data from objects that have to be polled.
One or more parts of the device must be polled rather than being interrupt driven.
TDx_InputDevice::Poll() must be explicitly called in order to obtain data from device objects that have to be polled.
A HID may have both polled and non-polled objects present.
Support for both positive and negative coefficient values for conditions is available for at least one condition.
After calling TDx_InputDevice::GetEffectInfo(), an individual condition will set DIEFT_POSNEGCOEFFICIENTS if separate positive and negative coefficients are supported for that condition.
If this flag isn't set then the positive coefficient is used for both the positive and negative values.
Support for both positive and negative saturation values for conditions is available for at least one condition.
After calling TDx_InputDevice::GetEffectInfo(), an individual condition will set DIEFT_POSNEGSATURATION if separate positive and negative saturations are supported for that condition.
If this flag isn't set then the positive saturation is used for both the positive and negative values.
Support for saturation values on conditions is available for at least one condition.
After calling TDx_InputDevice::GetEffectInfo(), an individual condition will set DIEFT_SATURATION if saturation is supported for that condition.
If the device does not support saturation, then the force generated by a condition is only limited by the maximum force the device can generate.
Support for delaying the playback of an effect by a specified time is available.
If support is not available the TDIEffect::StartDelay property will be ignored.
- See Also
- Top
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