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TDx_Input_Library v2.00 Component Reference
[ TDIDeviceInstance::DevType ]
[ next: ErrorValue ]
__property dword DevType = { read=FGetDevType, write=FSetDevType, default=0 };
[ component property ]
- Description
The DevType property identifies a device as one of four basic types, those being keyboard, mouse, joystick and unknown.
The three standard types have subtypes that further specify the device type. All devices can also be defined as using HID (Human Interface Device) protocol.
Basic types are defined in the least significant byte, subtypes in the next byte and further definitions such as HID are contained in the high order word.
The possible values are :
Basic Types
DIDEVTYPE_MOUSE - The device is of the mouse/trackball basic type.
DIDEVTYPE_KEYBOARD - The device is of the keyboard basic type.
DIDEVTYPE_JOYSTICK - The device is of the joystick basic type.
DIDEVTYPE_DEVICE - The device does not fall into any of the other categories available.
Mouse Subtypes
DIDEVTYPEMOUSE_UNKNOWN - The device is a mouse, the subtype of which could not be determined.
DIDEVTYPEMOUSE_TRADITIONAL - The device is a mouse of the traditional subtype.
DIDEVTYPEMOUSE_FINGERSTICK - The device is a mouse of the fingerstick subtype.
DIDEVTYPEMOUSE_TOUCHPAD - The device is a mouse of the touchpad subtype.
DIDEVTYPEMOUSE_TRACKBALL - The device is a mouse of the trackball subtype.
Keyboard Subtypes
DIDEVTYPEKEYBOARD_UNKNOWN - The device is a keyboard, the subtype of which could not be determined.
DIDEVTYPEKEYBOARD_PCXT - The device is a keyboard of the IBM PC/XT 83-key subtype.
DIDEVTYPEKEYBOARD_OLIVETTI - The device is a keyboard of the Olivetti 102-key subtytpe.
DIDEVTYPEKEYBOARD_PCAT - The device is a keyboard of the IBM PC/AT 84-key subtype.
DIDEVTYPEKEYBOARD_PCENH - The device is a keyboard of the IBM PC Enhanced 101/102-key or Microsoft Natural subtype.
DIDEVTYPEKEYBOARD_NOKIA1050 - The device is a keyboard of the Nokia 1050 subtype.
DIDEVTYPEKEYBOARD_NOKIA9140 - The device is a keyboard of the Nokia 9140 subtype.
DIDEVTYPEKEYBOARD_NEC98 - The device is a keyboard of the Japanese NEC PC98 subtype.
DIDEVTYPEKEYBOARD_NEC98LAPTOP - The device is a keyboard of the Japanese NEC PC98 laptop subtype.
DIDEVTYPEKEYBOARD_NEC98106 - The device is a keyboard of the Japanese NEC PC98 106-key subtype.
DIDEVTYPEKEYBOARD_JAPAN106 - The device is a keyboard of the Japanese 106-key subtype.
DIDEVTYPEKEYBOARD_JAPANAX - The device is a keyboard of the Japanese AX subtype.
DIDEVTYPEKEYBOARD_J3100 - The device is a keyboard of the Japanese J3100 subtype.
Joystick Subtypes
DIDEVTYPEJOYSTICK_UNKNOWN - The device is a joystick, the subtype of which could not be determined.
DIDEVTYPEJOYSTICK_TRADITIONAL - The device is a joystick of the traditional subtype.
DIDEVTYPEJOYSTICK_FLIGHTSTICK - The device is a joystick of the subtype that is optimized for flight simulation.
DIDEVTYPEJOYSTICK_GAMEPAD - The device is a joystick subtype whose primary purpose is to provide button input.
DIDEVTYPEJOYSTICK_RUDDER - The device is a joystick subtype used for flight simulator style yaw control.
DIDEVTYPEJOYSTICK_WHEEL - The device is a joystick of the steering wheel subtype.
DIDEVTYPEJOYSTICK_HEADTRACKER - The device is a joystick subtype that obtains its input by tracking the movement of the user's head.
DIDEVTYPE_HID - The device uses the Human Interface Device (HID) protocol.
- See Also
- Top
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