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TDx_3DI_Library v2.00 Component Reference
[ TDx_3DI_Library::TD3DDP_PtrStride ]
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class TD3DDP_PtrStride : public TComponent
class PACKAGE TD3DDP_PtrStride : public TComponent
class type : MultiWrapper
[ component ]
- Description
The TD3DDP_PtrStride component wraps multiple DirectX D3DDP_PTRSTRIDE structures, each of which references an array of vertex components and a stride value to the next array element.
This component is used by the TD3DDrawPrimitiveStridedData component.
When used with a composite vertex format like D3DLVERTEX, the Data property references a particular component and the Stride property represents the stride, in bytes, of the composite format.
When Data references a single vertex, the Stride property represents the stride, in bytes, of each element in the array.
- Properties
- Methods
- Events
- SeeAlso
- Top
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