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TDx_Input_Library v2.00 Component Reference
[ TDIEffectInfo::EffectType ]
[ next: ErrorValue ]
[ prev: DynamicParams ]
__property dword EffectType = { read=FGetEffectType, write=FSetEffectType, default=0 };
[ component property ]
- Description
The EffectType property defines flags indicating the type and capabilities of an effect or define what effects are to be enumerated.
The described effect applies when the flag is set.
Type and capability information indicated by the presence of the flag are described first, then any effect the flag has on TDx_InputDevice::EnumEffects() is described.
- Flags
All effects should be enumerated, regardless of type.
This flag is only usable with TDx_InputDevice::EnumEffects() and no other flag may be used when this one is set.
The effect represents a condition or only conditions are to be enumerated.
When you are creating or modifying a condition, the TDIEffect::TypeSpecificParams array must contain one TDICondition component for each axis affected and TDIEffect::TypeSpecificParamsSize must be set to a value equal to TDIEffect::AxesCount multiplied by sizeof(TDICondition).
The effect represents a constant force effect or only constant force effects are to be enumerated.
When you are creating or modifying a constant force, the TDIEffect::TypeSpecificParams array must contain one TDIConstantForce component and TDIEffect::TypeSpecificParamsSize must be set to sizeof(TDIConstanForce).
The effect represents a custom force effect or only custom force effects are to be enumerated.
When you are creating or modifying a custom force, the TDIEffect::TypeSpecificParams array must contain one TDICustomForce component and TDIEffect::TypeSpecificParamsSize must be set to sizeof(TDICustomForce).
Support for TDICondition::DeadBand is available.
Support for TDIEnvelope::AttackLevel and TDIEnvelope::AttackTime is available for this effect..
When both DIEFT_FFATTACK and DIEFT_FFFADE are both not set, then envelopes will be ignored for this effect.
Support for TDIEnvelope::FadeLevel and TDIEnvelope::FadeTime is available for this effect..
When both DIEFT_FFATTACK and DIEFT_FFFADE are both not set, then envelopes will be ignored for this effect.
The effect represents a hardware specific effect or only hardware specific effects are to be enumerated.
The documentation provided by the device manufacturer should provide further information about hardware specific effects.
The effect represents a periodic effect or only periodic effects are to be enumerated.
When you are creating or modifying a periodic force, the TDIEffect::TypeSpecificParams array must contain one TDIPeriodic component and TDIEffect::TypeSpecificParamsSize must be set to sizeof(TDIPeriodic).
Support for both TDICondition::PositiveCoefficient and TDICondition::NegativeCoefficient is available.
If this flag is not set, TDICondition::PositiveCoefficient will be used to represent both coefficients.
Support for both TDICondition::PositiveSaturation and TDICondition::NegativeSaturation is available.
If this flag is not set, TDICondition::PositiveSaturation will be used to represent both saturation values.
The effect represents a ramp force effect or only ramp force effects are to be enumerated.
When you are creating or modifying a ramp force, the TDIEffect::TypeSpecificParams array must contain one TDIRampForce component and TDIEffect::TypeSpecificParamsSize must be set to sizeof(TDIRampForce).
Support for saturation of condition effects is available.
When saturation is not supported, both TDICondition::PositiveSaturation and TDICondition::NegativeSaturation will be ignored and the force generated is only limited by the maximum the device can output.
- See Also
- Top
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